Can you have an evil god, but a neutral alignment?

Pathfinder Society

So i want to make an Inquisitor with access to the fire domain, But i dont like Seranrah. But the only other god with access to that Domain is Asmodeus. Now it says that i have to be within one step of his alignment. Which means the only available one is LN.
So can i have an evil god, But with a non evil alignment?

Dark Archive 2/5

Yep. I hear Cheliax is nice this time of year.


In my experience, MOST Pathfinders revere evil gods.

Offhand - among Atlanta players, at least - there's worship of Asmodeus (many), Lamashtu, Urgathoa (those last two are clerics, incidentally), and Norberger (my own half-orc rogue, admittedly!)

Grand Lodge 4/5

Another one where the actual usage varies by region. My Cleric of Zon-Kuthon, because of a forced rebuild, does not know even what class he is going to be, much less which god, if any, he will worship. Undead Lord for the win!

On a more serious note, ad mentioned, your PC can wrship an Evil god, but has to be within one step of the god's alignment, so you have a very lmited palette of alignment choices.
LE god, LN PC
NE god, NN PC
CE god, CN PC

Also note that, if your PC who worships an evil deity can channel energy or spontaneously cast spells of the "Wounds" variety, it usually means that the PC will channel negative energy, and spontaneously cast the "Inflict Wounds" spells.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Northwestern Indiana

David Haller wrote:

In my experience, MOST Pathfinders revere evil gods.

Offhand - among Atlanta players, at least - there's worship of Asmodeus (many), Lamashtu, Urgathoa (those last two are clerics, incidentally), and Norberger (my own half-orc rogue, admittedly!)

My experiences are different, but here I have seen a few inquisitors of Asmodeus and a bone oracle/separatist cleric of Urgothoa. Cayden Cailen, Iomedae, Gorum, Desna, and Torag seem pretty popular.

However, it is possible to run a LN inquisitor of Asmodeus, a CN follower of Urgothoa and a few others.

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

William, could you walk me through how you can get a CN inquisitor of a NE goddess?

Did you mean true neutral?

(Also, it's worth remberimg that a cleric detects as evil -- or law, etc. -- according to her deity, rather than her own alignment.

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/55/5

If you want deities with the fire domain, here's a few.

Illeist wrote:
If you want deities with the fire domain, here's a few.

With the caveat that if you play a deity not listed in the CRB, you need to own/bring the book/pdf it's in.

The Chracter is made, Fire Domain, Yay Range Touch attacks.
I just hope this character isnt to underpowered.
Thanks for the help.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Northwestern Indiana

Chris Mortika wrote:

William, could you walk me through how you can get a CN inquisitor of a NE goddess?

Did you mean true neutral?

(Also, it's worth remberimg that a cleric detects as evil -- or law, etc. -- according to her deity, rather than her own alignment.

I believe that was the case as I have only seen someone use the character once. Mind you, the player said he usually presents the character as just a bone oracle, which he has a few levels in. It avoids some misunderstandings. As no one detected evil on the character, that issue was avoided.

Mind you, I do think that one of the draw backs of known followers of evil deities is that some will get different reactions. Asmodeans are probably not too bad off, as they may just be seen as typical Cheliaxians -- perhaps to be watched a bit, but not seen as an immediate threat. I would argue that a neutral follower of Rovagug would have a much harder time of it, as pretty much all the major deities in the Golarion pantheon are opposed to the Rough Beast. (Let's say that I would not see an inquisitor devoted to Asmodeus and a cleric of Sarenrae getting along well with any follower of Rovagug.)

Hmm, Im making this character to play with my friend who made a Cleric of Serenrae.
Maybe I will switch to Rovagug.
Also I decided, the Chracter Name will Be "Redacted" because no one knows who he is.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

hotsauceman wrote:
Also I decided, the Chracter Name will Be "Redacted" because no one knows who he is.

Except for the Decemvirate, the Masters of Blades/Scrolls/Spells who admitted him into the Society, every single (in-world) venture captain, and every instructor and classmate he had during his three years of training before becoming a full-fledged Pathfinder.

But aside from them, sure, no one knows who he is. ;)

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Northwestern Indiana

Jiggy wrote:
hotsauceman wrote:
Also I decided, the Chracter Name will Be "Redacted" because no one knows who he is.

Except for the Decemvirate, the Masters of Blades/Scrolls/Spells who admitted him into the Society, every single (in-world) venture captain, and every instructor and classmate he had during his three years of training before becoming a full-fledged Pathfinder.

But aside from them, sure, no one knows who he is. ;)

The Decemvirate would want to know about who joins the society, and I suspect that the Venture Captains are not going to go along with the gag and are likely to use his name or act like they do know it and not tell the other PCs. It might be more appropriate to pick a name (use a real world language) that means redacted. Possibly the character has a weird take on Rovagug, but I suspect that this is one character that will benefit from the PvP rule. (Let's say that one of the few things that most of the gods of Golarion and their worshippers agree on is stopping Rovagug and his worshippers.)

Liberty's Edge 2/5 *

I have a Lawful Neutral Cleric of Mephistopheles. He dosnt get played much (as hes a gm credit character really). I play him as a bit Standoffish and stilted. I still havnt wrapped my head around how exactly I want to play him but he loves Secrets and the acquiring or ferreting out of them.

Just keep in mind if you are playing a neutral cleric of an evil god, you are channel the negative energy. So when the fighter is down, the paladin is looking decidely like he might drop any round and people look at you as if waiting for you to channel the healing goodness, just shake your head. Ive yet to be in a space where Ive been able to actually channel without hurting fellow party members/killing

.... i just dont get this.... worship the demon lord of death and goo, but maintain a neutral out look.

"OH lord of darkness and despair I beseech thee, give me power to do thy evil will" Now Im going to bake some cookies with grandma ma.....

Neutral Clerics of Urgathoa make sense to me at least. They just mind their own business for the most part, being gluttonous hedonists and scholars of necromancy (or just one of those two) instead of the disease-spreading maniacs that are usually of the more Evil branches of the religion, or the insane zealots of the Whispering Way.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Pendagast wrote:

.... i just dont get this.... worship the demon lord of death and goo, but maintain a neutral out look.

"OH lord of darkness and despair I beseech thee, give me power to do thy evil will" Now Im going to bake some cookies with grandma ma.....

Now is that you are grandma are going to collaborate to bake cookies or.....looks at the list of ingredients for a pair of dentures

I have this sudden urge to recreate Mayor Wilikins from Buffy.


Sovereign Court 1/5

Just going to tack on a fact some may have missed. To take the Evil Domain, or one of it's subdomains (Demon, Devil, etc.), your character has to be Evil. Maybe everyone knows this, but I had missed it until making an Asmodean Cleric build.

In Asmodeus lore, forgot of it is in Princes of Darkness or in some other deity book, it is written that Asmo is mostly Lawful and that He is such a pinnacle of lawfulness, that He has been rumored to attract Lawful Good paladins. He then carefully stipulates the purpose of the agreement with the paladin so the paladin can remain good.

The paladins should be much more lawful than good, mind you. And mostly in areas where chaos is most present.

I can look it up if someone cares enough :-)

Sovereign Court 1/5

One book may have said that, but plenty of others speak of Slavery and Human sacrifice. You'd have to ignore a lot of stuff to be an Asmodean Paladin.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Yeah, worshipers of Asmodeus are pretty easy to do as LN. I have a friend with such an inquisitor.

I have a hard time wrapping my head around the story reason for a neutral worshiper of most other evil deities, though. I suppose Urgothoa may work, as mentioned above, but Rovagug???

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
henkslaaf wrote:

In Asmodeus lore, forgot of it is in Princes of Darkness or in some other deity book, it is written that Asmo is mostly Lawful and that He is such a pinnacle of lawfulness, that He has been rumored to attract Lawful Good paladins. He then carefully stipulates the purpose of the agreement with the paladin so the paladin can remain good.

The paladins should be much more lawful than good, mind you. And mostly in areas where chaos is most present.

I can look it up if someone cares enough :-)

This is from an AP, and the Paladin Info was a mistake that made it past editing.

Consider the Idea of Paladins of Asmodeus ripped from the Lore and there are none.

Lawful Neutral Clerics of Zon-Kuthon would use more time to hurt themselves than to hurt others.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

henkslaaf wrote:
paladins should be much more lawful than good, mind you

Is this a general statement or specifically in respect to paladins of Asmodeus? (Which as Dragnmoon said, was a mistake and has been stricken from cannon)

If the former, I am in complete disagreement. There is every reason to accept paladins that focus more heavily on the "good" than the "lawful" as vice versa. If you meant the latter, nevermind. :-)

The latter :-)

Does anyone have a link to the retraction of that lore?

Shadow Lodge

William Ronald wrote:

Cayden Cailen, Iomedae, Gorum, Desna, and Torag seem pretty popular.

Well, Cayden Cailean IS the best diety, in any setting, EVER.

There's a certain level of awesome in accidentally becoming a god off of a drunken bar bet.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
henkslaaf wrote:
Does anyone have a link to the retraction of that lore?

There are a few, but here is one.

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

My head squinches to one side, like a dog hearing something odd that humans can't hear.

Is it possible to play a LG character who is a Paladin of Iomedae and also a Cleric of Erastil?

Silver Crusade 4/5

Chris Mortika wrote:

My head squinches to one side, like a dog hearing something odd that humans can't hear.

Is it possible to play a LG character who is a Paladin of Iomedae and also a Cleric of Erastil?

I'm pretty sure you can only be an official worshiper (in the sense of gaining any mechanical benefit) of one deity. The wording in the Guide to Organized Play keeps talking about worshiping "a deity", never in the plural. That's probably the best evidence you're going to find.

Fromper wrote:
Chris Mortika wrote:

My head squinches to one side, like a dog hearing something odd that humans can't hear.

Is it possible to play a LG character who is a Paladin of Iomedae and also a Cleric of Erastil?

I'm pretty sure you can only be an official worshiper (in the sense of gaining any mechanical benefit) of one deity. The wording in the Guide to Organized Play keeps talking about worshiping "a deity", never in the plural. That's probably the best evidence you're going to find.

So.. three issues.

1) I doubt you can play a character who worships an evil god, because you will eventually have to start doing evil things.. I suppose it's /possible/ but I imagine you'll have lots of issues in an organized play campaign.

PRD Ex-cleric

A cleric who grossly violates the code of conduct required by her god loses all spells and class features, except for armor and shield proficiencies and proficiency with simple weapons. She cannot thereafter gain levels as a cleric of that god until she atones for her deeds (see the atonement spell description).

PRD Ex-paladin

A paladin who ceases to be lawful good, who willfully commits an evil act, or who violates the code of conduct loses all paladin spells and class features (including the service of the paladin's mount, but not weapon, armor, and shield proficiencies). She may not progress any further in levels as a paladin. She regains her abilities and advancement potential if she atones for her violations (see the atonement spell description in Spell Lists), as appropriate

No conflict yet, provided the deity is totally alike..


Erastil teaches his followers to embrace traditional and simpler ways of life, free of the constraints of modern civilization, a trait that often results in disagreements with more progressive deities such as Abadar; this difference in opinion leads to increasing conflict between these deities' respective clergies.

Iomedae views Abadar, Cayden Cailean, Erastil, Sarenrae, Shelyn, and Torag as the equivalent of allies.[...]The Church of Iomedae is assertive and vigilant in rooting out evil. Many of its followers are actively involved in the Mendevian Crusades.

I would say that the possibility of conflicts exists in the deities themselves.. I would strongly advise against it.

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Fromper wrote:

I'm pretty sure you can only be an official worshiper (in the sense of gaining any mechanical benefit) of one deity. The wording in the Guide to Organized Play keeps talking about worshiping "a deity", never in the plural. That's probably the best evidence you're going to find.

That's a good reply. Having said that, we've seen published characters who worship the EMpyreal Lords as a group, or the Four Horsemen as a group.

There's also an entire order of hellknights who worship a collective of five deities.

Sovereign Court 1/5

Chris Mortika wrote:
Fromper wrote:

I'm pretty sure you can only be an official worshiper (in the sense of gaining any mechanical benefit) of one deity. The wording in the Guide to Organized Play keeps talking about worshiping "a deity", never in the plural. That's probably the best evidence you're going to find.

That's a good reply. Having said that, we've seen published characters who worship the EMpyreal Lords as a group, or the Four Horsemen as a group.

There's also an entire order of hellknights who worship a collective of five deities.

Ya but Josh Frost clarified that you have to choose one of the five as the source of your divine power, even if you revere the entire Godclaw.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Northwestern Indiana

Robert Duncan wrote:
Fromper wrote:
Chris Mortika wrote:

My head squinches to one side, like a dog hearing something odd that humans can't hear.

Is it possible to play a LG character who is a Paladin of Iomedae and also a Cleric of Erastil?

I'm pretty sure you can only be an official worshiper (in the sense of gaining any mechanical benefit) of one deity. The wording in the Guide to Organized Play keeps talking about worshiping "a deity", never in the plural. That's probably the best evidence you're going to find.

So.. three issues.

1) I doubt you can play a character who worships an evil god, because you will eventually have to start doing evil things.. I suppose it's /possible/ but I imagine you'll have lots of issues in an organized play campaign.

PRD Ex-cleric

A cleric who grossly violates the code of conduct required by her god loses all spells and class features, except for armor and shield proficiencies and proficiency with simple weapons. She cannot thereafter gain levels as a cleric of that god until she atones for her deeds (see the atonement spell description).

PRD Ex-paladin

A paladin who ceases to be lawful good, who willfully commits an evil act, or who violates the code of conduct loses all paladin spells and class features (including the service of the paladin's mount, but not weapon, armor, and shield proficiencies). She may not progress any further in levels as a paladin. She regains her abilities and advancement potential if she atones for her violations (see the atonement spell description in Spell Lists), as appropriate

No conflict yet, provided the deity is totally alike..


Erastil teaches his followers to embrace traditional and simpler ways of life, free of the constraints of modern civilization, a trait that often results in disagreements with more progressive deities such as Abadar; this difference in opinion leads to increasing conflict between these deities' respective clergies.

Iomedae views Abadar, Cayden Cailean, Erastil, Sarenrae,...

As I recall, while people can honor different deities for different aspects of life, a character in PFS can only have one deity that he or she is considered to worship. I think that this has several aspects in game play. It leaves the multiple sources of divine power to oracles. Thus a character cannot, as I understand it, be both a cleric of Erastil and a paladin of Iomedae. As stated above, even the Godclaw members of the Hell Knights must select a single patron as a source of their divine power.

Also, characters most strongly identify with a deity. In the case of those following evil deities, they may be identifying with a certain aspect of their deity such as law or fire. While the worship of an evil god may lead to some characters shifting to evil alignment, in organized play I have seen characters who follow an evil deity sometimes doing a good act. However, I think that the temptation to fall into evil is there for any character, and followers of evil gods may find it challenging not to slip into evil. (It is possible to walk a narrow path, and I have seen some characters manage it.)

Well I tested it out.
My chracter Is all about contracts and if you break them, you deserve Rightous judgment.
Know he attacks people who break the "Social Contract" of how to act. As in attacking people without just cause.
Although he will point an arrow at your throat if you are acting suspicious.(No one thought my intimidate check would do something, it was the turning point of the game)

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