Unithralith |
9 people marked this as FAQ candidate. |
Alright, I should lead off by saying that my friends and I are very experienced players. This is the first time we've had to ask a question on these forums.
I seem to have reached an impasse with my soon-to-be Gamemaster when it comes to the combination of the Conductive weapon property and Alchemist bombs.
The Conductive property states:
"A conductive weapon is able to channel the energy of a spell-like or supernatural ability that relies on a melee or ranged touch attack to hit its target (such as from a cleric's domain granted power, sorcerer's bloodline power, oracle's mystery revelation, or wizard's arcane school power). When the wielder makes a successful attack of the appropriate type, he may choose to expend two uses of his magical ability to channel it through the weapon to the struck opponent, which suffers the effects of both the weapon attack and the special ability."
My argument is as follows:
- Bombs are a Supernatural ability, as specified in the Alchemist ability description
- Bombs rely on a ranged touch attack to hit a target
- Therefore, you can expend bombs using the Conductive property
My GM's argument is as follows:
- The creation of the bomb is the supernatural ability. Throwing a bomb uses the Throw Splash Weapon special attack, and the bomb is in all ways considered a thrown splash weapon after it's creation.
- The bomb ability specifies "Bombs are considered weapons and can be selected using feats such as Point-Blank Shot and Weapon Focus."
- Therefore, if they are a weapon, they are not a Supernatural ability, and the Conductive property does not function for them.
He may be right, but the rules are unclear. I think the sticking point is in the usage of the word "relies" in the Conductive weapon property. I would certainly say that splash weapons rely on ranged touch attacks seeing as you're required to make one in order to hit, and splash weapon or not, the ability specifies that it's Supernatural. Conductive doesn't specifically prohibit splash weapons.
I am interested to hear others weigh in on this. I freely admit that I am probably biased, since this is my character concept we're talking about.

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I would allow it.
In comparison, I would look at Hand of the Apprentice (Universal School) where you throw your melee weapon at range.
So in both SU abilities you are 'throwing' something. If it should work for Hand of the Apprentice, then I would say it should work for Bombs.
I would rule that you would not get any splash damage by using it this way.
Btw, I disagree with your GM, the bombs SU includes creating and throwing, it is a Standard Action to do both... it isn't seperated by creating is a XX Action, and throwing is a XX Action equalling a Standard Action.
Just my 2 cents.

Adam Moorhouse 759 |

- The creation of the bomb is the supernatural ability. Throwing a bomb uses the Throw Splash Weapon special attack, and the bomb is in all ways considered a thrown splash weapon after it's creation.
- The bomb ability specifies "Bombs are considered weapons and can be selected using feats such as Point-Blank Shot and Weapon Focus."
- Therefore, if they are a weapon, they are not a Supernatural ability, and the Conductive property does not function for them.
Do rays count as weapons for the purpose of spells and effects that affect weapons?
For example, a bard's inspire courage ability says it affects "weapon damage rolls," which is worded that way so <you> don't try to add the bonus to a spell like fireball. However, rays are treated as weapons, whether they're from spells, a monster ability, a class ability, or some other source, so the inspire courage bonus applies to ray attack rolls and ray damage rolls.
I'd be hard pressed to argue that since a ray is treated as a weapon, it can't be conductive. The same argument could be made for bombs. They just call them weapons because then they don't have to repeat a bunch of rules.
I'd also point out, that even though bombs use the splash weapon mechanic, you can't hand them off for someone else to throw and if you don't throw them immediately they stop working. I don't think bombs last long enough for the "supernatural" part to wear off.
Since your conductive weapon (probably) doesn't use the splash weapon attack option, there won't be any splash. Unless you were using a shotgun-like firearm, because how fun is that.
Ultimately I'd allow it because I cannot think of a way to abuse it. If you've thought of a way to abuse it, I suggest you disclose that information to your GM up-front.
What I don't know for sure is how damage from conductive reacts to critical hits. I'm pretty sure only the weapon multiplies its damage because at this point all of your bomb is considered "extra dice" of damage.

Aro |
So it seems to me that for this to work, two conditions need to be met:
1) Attacking with, not just creating, bombs is Supernatural.
2) Splash weapons 'rely on a ranged touch attack to hit the target' in the manner that Conductive Weapon specifies.
There seems to be a general consensus that #1 is satisfied, but there hasn't been much discussion of #2. For reference, the relevant text from splash weapons:
A splash weapon is a ranged weapon that breaks on impact, splashing or scattering its contents over its target and nearby creatures or objects. To attack with a splash weapon, make a ranged touch attack against the target. Thrown splash weapons require no weapon proficiency, so you don't take the –4 nonproficiency penalty. A hit deals direct hit damage to the target, and splash damage to all creatures within 5 feet of the target. If the target is Large or larger, you choose one of its squares and the splash damage affects creatures within 5 feet of that square. Splash weapons cannot deal precision-based damage (such as the damage from the rogue's sneak attack class feature).
You can instead target a specific grid intersection. Treat this as a ranged attack against AC 5. However, if you target a grid intersection, creatures in all adjacent squares are dealt the splash damage, and the direct hit damage is not dealt to any creature. You can't target a grid intersection occupied by a creature, such as a Large or larger creature; in this case, you're aiming at the creature.
It is ambiguous to me how conductive fits in to that; there seem to be a number of plausible interpretations.

Rynjin |

I'm with the "Bombs only count as weapons for the purposes of Feats, much like Ray spells are considered weapons for the purposes of Feats such as Weapon Focus and Point Blank Shot" camp.
Splash weapons require a ranged touch attack to use. Regardless of splash damage, you must A.) Pick a single target to throw at (be it a creature or a grid intersection) and B.) Hit its touch AC (which is all grid intersections have, they don't very well have armor and such bonuses).
I say it should work just fine, both RAW and otherwise.

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I would allow it, but I'd ask the player why he would want to do it.
You can channel only one bomb per round, it only works on ranged weapons and uses up two bombs instead of one.
The explosive missile discovery from UC allows you to shoot bomb arrows as a standard action but only uses one bomb per attack.
And if you really want an alchemist with a bow as his main weapon, a vivisectionist is probably better than a bomber.

Unithralith |
Thanks for the responses everyone. I expected a lively discussion on this, and it seems that's exactly what we have.
While this post was about the rules interaction between these two abilities rather than its viability in combat, I will briefly segway into why this strategy is very effective when wielding a bow, for the sake of ye naysayers.
As I'm sure we're all aware, the archery feat tree is a very strong one. This build focusing on Conductive weapons has two big things going for it: action economy, and feat economy. One of the big problems with bomb Alchemists is that they are even further from a "go all day" class than any of the full spellcasting classes. Let's look at why:
Most of the current bomb Alchemist builds touted as the golden standard involve either Rapid Shot and the Fast Bombs discovery, or Two Weapon Fighting and the Fast Bombs discovery. This type of Alchemist can indeed completely blow enemies away (quite literally), but they're likely only going to be able to do it for 4 or 5 rounds in a day at most.
Let's look at level 8 as an example, with a Rapid Shot bomb alchemist (the less bomb-intensive of the two builds). Let's assume he's hasted and using Rapid Shot. He's throwing four bombs per round, likely at a reasonable attack bonus thanks to Heroism, a Dex Mutagen (if not using a Cognatogen), and other buffs. He's probably going to hit with everything, but at that level he has a total of 11 bombs per day assuming he has 24 Intelligence (which is an extremely generous figure) if he's not a Gnome. That's a grand total of... just under THREE ROUNDS of full attacks! ...And then what? Your most important resource is gone. You took a pile of feats and discoveries to make them better. You drank a Dex mutagen (or worse, a Cognatogen) so your melee damage is sub-par at best. You could throw Acids or Alchemist's Fires at 1d6 +7, but that's a long ways from competitive at level 8. Even if we look at a Gnome who took the Favored Class Bonus for extra bombs and took the Extra Bombs feat twice, that's a grand total of just under five rounds of hasted full attacks.
The solution of a Conductive weapon is a sneaky one. You are essentially "wasting" one bomb every time you use it, but you're also getting a full ranged attack with your bow at the same time. In this way, a Conductive weapon could be thought of as a way to "quicken" your bombs in order to fire one per round (albeit against normal AC). This lets you take feats to focus on your archery, such as Manyshot, Clustered Shots, and Improved Critical Longbow. Comparatively, you're using TWO bombs per round instead of four, which is twice as efficient on a round-per-round basis than throwing bombs is. The disparity in efficiency increases with level as well, as you become able to throw more bombs per round. You will be doing somewhat less damage and have more difficulty hitting, but far more reliably and sustainably.
As for a Vivisectionist Jadeite, as any rogue will tell you, getting Sneak Attack on a ranged weapon is a challenging prospect at best (though admittedly, at higher levels Alchemists would have an easier time of it thanks to buffs). Plus I kind of like the flavour of this; he's sort of like Hawkeye from the Avengers. ;)
Hopefully that clarifies the purpose of the Conductive weapon Alchemist archer.

Unithralith |
He is using a bow to deliver the bomb energy.Question: are you expecting to get the splash damage from the arrow?
That I am uncertain of. Presumably yes, if the ability is taking effect exactly as it usually does. I will defer to my DM on that (if he even allows me to do this).

Snapshot |

Snapshot wrote:That I am uncertain of. Presumably yes, if the ability is taking effect exactly as it usually does. I will defer to my DM on that (if he even allows me to do this).Nicos:
He is using a bow to deliver the bomb energy.Question: are you expecting to get the splash damage from the arrow?
Not really, Conductive only affects the creature struck.
I must admit this is a tough one no other (SU) ability I can think of has a material and somantic components.
A bomb is just a vial with stuff in it until mixed and infused with power and thrown.
You might argue that making special arrows to deliver the bomb, but then why conductive if you are just firing the bomb
in and arrow shaft? Also as per conductive it has to be the same type of weapon(Melee or Ranged) Bombs are (Thrown, Splash, Ranged Touch) will it even work?
I would allow it, because I don't see how changing a Ranged Touch to a Ranged attack with no splash using up two bombs is better.
AURA moderate necromancy CL 8th WEIGHT —
A conductive weapon is able to channel the energy of a spelllike
or supernatural ability that relies on a melee or ranged
touch attack to hit its target (such as from a cleric’s domain
granted power, sorcerer’s bloodline power, oracle’s mystery
revelation, or wizard’s arcane school power). When the
wielder makes a successful attack of the appropriate type,
he may choose to expend two uses of his magical ability
to channel it through the weapon to the struck opponent,
which suffers the effects of both the weapon attack and the
special ability. (If the wielder has unlimited uses of a special
ability, she may channel through the weapon every round.)
For example, a paladin who strikes an undead opponent with
her conductive greatsword can expend two uses of her lay
on hands ability (a supernatural melee touch attack) to deal
both greatsword damage and damage from one use of lay on
hands. This weapon special ability can only be used once per
round, and only works with magical abilities of the same type
as the weapon (melee or ranged).
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, spectral hand
I am currently playing an Alchemist(Grenadier)/Fighter. The Alchemist is
an unusual class to play.

Unithralith |
I don't see anything that indicates the splash damage would not apply.
"When the wielder makes a successful attack of the appropriate type,
he may choose to expend two uses of his magical ability
to channel it through the weapon to the struck opponent,
which suffers the effects of both the weapon attack and the
special ability."
The effect of the special ability also includes splash damage. It doesn't say anything to indicate that if the special ability has secondary effects on other targets besides the initial one, they don't apply. It is exactly as if you had struck the enemy with the special ability.
As to your point about how it is not better, refer to my previous post explaining why this approach can be effective. Though again, to reiterate, that really isn't the matter at hand.

Fayteri |

The Explosive Missiles discovery does what you want, except without a full attack. So there is precedent that want you want is within the realms of reasonable.
Have you asked your DM if the Explosive Missiles discovery and the Fast Bombs discovery would work together?
Conductive Weapon: One arrow bomb during a full attack, costs two bombs.
Explosive Missiles: One arrow bomb as a standard action, costs one bomb.
Explosive Missiles + Fast Bomb: full attack with arrow bombs, costs one bomb each.
Explosive Missiles + Conductive: One arrow bomb with x2 bomb damage, costs three bombs. Hello True Strike.
Explosive Missiles + Conductive + Fast Bombs: Full attack with arrow bombs, one arrow does bomb damage twice. Costs one bomb each plus two.

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Just thinking about this but would the following work?
Assume a Grenadier with an +1 Agile Conductive dagger with an Alchemist's Fire. He applies the Alchemist's Fire to the weapon, throws the dagger, hits the enemy, and then uses the conductive property. Will he get (1d4+Dex)+(1d6+Int)+(xd6+Int) for a total of 1d4+(x+1)d6+Dex+2Int? Thats not bad for a high Dex/Int character.

Unithralith |
Does anyone know if the Fast Bombs discovery must be used to throw only bombs, or does it also allow you to throw bombs in addition to other weapons during a full attack?
Explosive Missile is explicitly referred to as being a Standard Action, and thus, cannot be combined with Fast Bombs. Fast Bombs also specifically affects THROWING bombs, in its description. If they could be combined, that would entirely solve my dilemma and I wouldn't use a Conductive weapon at all. The wording also seems to suggest that you couldn't combine bomb attacks with other types of attacks.
Explosive Missile is quite nice combined with Conductive though (assuming it works). As you pointed out, you could spend three uses of Bomb to shoot one arrow as a standard action dealing two times your bomb damage + arrow damage.
It is a nice thought though, Fayteri. I appreciate the input.

Unithralith |
Just thinking about this but would the following work?
Assume a Grenadier with an +1 Agile Conductive dagger with an Alchemist's Fire. He applies the Alchemist's Fire to the weapon, throws the dagger, hits the enemy, and then uses the conductive property. Will he get (1d4+Dex)+(1d6+Int)+(xd6+Int) for a total of 1d4+(x+1)d6+Dex+2Int? Thats not bad for a high Dex/Int character.
Yes PDKM, that is along the lines of what I would want to do on this build, only using a composite bow with a strength bonus. Note that using the Conductive property doesn't require an action, only a hit, so you could do the following:
- Bow damage
- Bomb damage
- Alchemist's Fire + Int mod damage (Grenadier)
- Unstable Accelerant damage (fun to sneak in there if you've got the cash)
If you can only take a standard, you could throw another bomb in there with explosive missile, another unstable accelerant, and watch the sparks fly!

Unithralith |
Ok this is going to have to be a DM ruling.
I have just one more question
What are the characters stats, you are talking like you have a high STR, high DEX, high INT. All three? or are you using buffs, mutagens ect?
We're using a 32 pointbuy from the old school 3.5 rules (we prefer that pointbuy to the PF one). I think that translates to close to "high fantasy". He's a Tiefling, so +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Cha.
Str: 14 (6 pts)
Dex: 18 (10 pts)
Con: 12 (4 pts)
Int: 18 (10 pts)
Wis: 10 (2 pts)
Cha: 6 (0 pts)
I would love to see an official ruling on this rules interaction. Hopefully someone gets around to it at some point.

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Here's what I see:
Bombs: In addition to magical extracts, alchemists are adept at swiftly mixing various volatile chemicals and infusing them with their magical reserves to create powerful bombs that they can hurl at their enemies.
The ability seems to clearly spell out that your magical powers are infused into the bomb which you then throw. The fact that you treat is as a thrown splash weapons in most ways is consistent with this.
I'm not sure it matters though, channeling your energy through a melee weapon? It's kind of neat, but isn't that what the vivisectionist already got? I would pull the bonus damage from INT because that is tied to Throw Anything and you aren't throwing it.

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

speaking as an experienced GM, this doesn't look unbalancing to me and i would allow it. it wouldn't do any splash damage, since that enchantment states "expend two uses of his magical ability to channel it through the weapon to the struck opponent" and bombs only add your Int mod. because they're splash weapons (see the alchemist's "throw anything" ability), which a conductive arrow wouldn't be, so you'd lose that too.
however, ultimately your GM is the sovereign god of his campaign- if he says it doesn't work, it doesn't... if he says all melee attacks are charisma based, they are- that's the silver-lining to being responsible for running everything instead of just enjoying playing.

Joesi |
Interesting question, but I['d] agree with the GM.
Bombs are weapons, and Making the bomb is the supernatural ability, which wouldn't work with conductive property.
Sure it's rather gray especially at first glance, and I would hardly call it rule-breaking if it was allowed to be used with bomb, but it seems rather unrealistic, and maybe even too strong (does more than a discovery —Explosive Missile— does) although it would cost 2 bombs (so maybe not).
For some reason this seems like an issue that there shouldn't bother to be a rules clarification on. It's not particularly impactful on the game (or balance) either way, and RAW seems more or less clear that it wouldn't apply.

HaraldKlak |

I am inclined to agree with your GMs ruling.
If I were your GM, I would add the following comments:
1) Why don't you just take Explosive Missiles, which seem to do, what you are trying to achieve?
2) In generel, since you have the option of a class feature doing what you want, I prefer that your character does not rely on specific magic items to do, what you want the to.

Azaelas Fayth |

Conductive is a Single Bomb infused Attack in a Full-Attack With a Ranged Weapon.
Explosive Missile is a Single Attack as a Standard Action and Costs a Discovery which you might want to use for something else.
If you actually figure they lose quite a bit for this tactic and gain a little bit.
And the Bombs Power is Supernatural. The Weapon is the Vessel holding the Power.

Ramarren |

I'd not only allow this, I *do* allow this in my current game, based on the player logic involved. Creating and throwing the bomb is a single action. You can't 'pre-create' bombs in order to get around the need for the Fast Bombs discovery, nor can you hand off bombs to others by default, so I don't see creating/throwing them as separated actions.
Note that the biggest advantage of Conductive over the Explosive Missile discovery is that Conductive only applies to a *successful* attack.
As shooting a bow is not a touch attack, you're likely to use up fewer bombs with Conductive Weapon (note that the Alchemist in my game is mostly concerned about the very limited range of bombs).

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Alright, I should lead off by saying that my friends and I are very experienced players. This is the first time we've had to ask a question on these forums.
I seem to have reached an impasse with my soon-to-be Gamemaster when it comes to the combination of the Conductive weapon property and Alchemist bombs.
The Conductive property states:
"A conductive weapon is able to channel the energy of a spell-like or supernatural ability that relies on a melee or ranged touch attack to hit its target (such as from a cleric's domain granted power, sorcerer's bloodline power, oracle's mystery revelation, or wizard's arcane school power). When the wielder makes a successful attack of the appropriate type, he may choose to expend two uses of his magical ability to channel it through the weapon to the struck opponent, which suffers the effects of both the weapon attack and the special ability."
My argument is as follows:
- Bombs are a Supernatural ability, as specified in the Alchemist ability description
- Bombs rely on a ranged touch attack to hit a target
- Therefore, you can expend bombs using the Conductive propertyMy GM's argument is as follows:
- The creation of the bomb is the supernatural ability. Throwing a bomb uses the Throw Splash Weapon special attack, and the bomb is in all ways considered a thrown splash weapon after it's creation.
- The bomb ability specifies "Bombs are considered weapons and can be selected using feats such as Point-Blank Shot and Weapon Focus."
- Therefore, if they are a weapon, they are not a Supernatural ability, and the Conductive property does not function for them.
I would be with the GM. The substance created and put in the bomb vial is the supernatural part.

HaraldKlak |

I'd not only allow this, I *do* allow this in my current game, based on the player logic involved. Creating and throwing the bomb is a single action. You can't 'pre-create' bombs in order to get around the need for the Fast Bombs discovery, nor can you hand off bombs to others by default, so I don't see creating/throwing them as separated actions.
Note that the biggest advantage of Conductive over the Explosive Missile discovery is that Conductive only applies to a *successful* attack.
As shooting a bow is not a touch attack, you're likely to use up fewer bombs with Conductive Weapon (note that the Alchemist in my game is mostly concerned about the very limited range of bombs).
Actually the part of conductive only taking effect on a hit, is what flavorwise makes no sense to me. Suddenly it is not a matter of the alchemist being limited in the number of bombs he can create per day, but a matter of how many hit their target.

Unithralith |
To the "just take Explosive Missile" Camp; what Azaelas said. Harald, I see your point, but the same could be said of any other character using a ranged Conductive weapon. He charges it with his ranged touch attack power, fires it, and when it misses, it all of a sudden doesn't take up a usage? Strange.

Joesi |
If someone was to allow this, it only makes sense to still require the fast bombs discovery for it to be usable in full-round attacking.
As shooting a bow is not a touch attack, you're likely to use up fewer bombs with Conductive Weapon (note that the Alchemist in my game is mostly concerned about the very limited range of bombs).
I don't understand your reasoning here.
So what I do see that I think you're talking about, is how a bomb use won't apply if you miss the target (which is bizzare; in my opinion another reason not to have it apply to bombs)
What you aren't also considering is two other important things:
- the fact that bombs ignore the opponent's armor, natural armor, and shield AC, making many targets far easier to hit with a ranged touch attack, even if you're spending some penalties for extra range increments (-4 for range 60, or -2 with a feat like splash weapon mastery or far shot)
- the fact that you need to use 2 bombs for 1 conductive attack (meaning you'd need to have quite poor accuracy for it to be worth the double-use penalty)

Ramarren |

If someone was to allow this, it only makes sense to still require the fast bombs discovery for it to be usable in full-round attacking.
Per Conductive: "This weapon property can only be used once per round". So Fast Bombs or not, you can only have one conductive shot per round (all the rest would be normal shots)
Ramarren wrote:As shooting a bow is not a touch attack, you're likely to use up fewer bombs with Conductive Weapon (note that the Alchemist in my game is mostly concerned about the very limited range of bombs).I don't understand your reasoning here...
- the fact that you need to use 2 bombs for 1 conductive attack (meaning you'd need to have quite poor accuracy for it to be worth the double-use penalty)
Or unless you are trying to attack a foe at over 100', which is flat impossible with bombs (20' increment). Any time bombs are remotely feasible, that's the way to go, but sometimes they aren't.
As far as 'sensible', Conductive is what it is. If it works for one class's ranged Supernatural ability, then I see no reason to restrict it for the alchemist.

Joesi |
Joesi wrote:If someone was to allow this, it only makes sense to still require the fast bombs discovery for it to be usable in full-round attacking.Per Conductive: "This weapon property can only be used once per round". So Fast Bombs or not, you can only have one conductive shot per round (all the rest would be normal shots)
Sure, but a bomb is normally a standard action, so it makes sense that fast bombs would be needed in order to perform multiple attacks while still using the bomb ability.

Unithralith |
Ramarren wrote:Sure, but a bomb is normally a standard action, so it makes sense that fast bombs would be needed in order to perform multiple attacks while still using the bomb ability.Joesi wrote:If someone was to allow this, it only makes sense to still require the fast bombs discovery for it to be usable in full-round attacking.Per Conductive: "This weapon property can only be used once per round". So Fast Bombs or not, you can only have one conductive shot per round (all the rest would be normal shots)
I'm not sure where you're getting this from. The purpose of the Conductive weapon property in ALL cases is to allow you to use an ability that normally requires a standard action as part of a weapon attack. The examples they give (cleric domain powers, sorcerer bloodline powers, oracle mystery revelations, etc) all require standard actions to use. If the Conductive property works for bombs, there is absolutely no reason why you would need Fast Bombs to make use of it.

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When the wielder makes a successful attack of the appropriate type...
You only apply the conductive properly after you successfully hit. Along with the verbiage about only being able to do it once per round, you're not getting a full attack with infused conductive bombs. You can still full attack, but you would only get the bombs once.