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![]() How about oracles have focus points like normal? Accept Curse (action, metamagic): If the next action you take is to use a focus power, you increase the effects of your oracle curse by one stage instead of spending a focus point. Refocus (activity, 10 minutes): When an oracle uses the refocus activity with a curse at a stage greater than minor, they reduce the stage to minor instead of regaining focus points. ![]()
![]() I'm starting a new game, and every player missed the fact they get +2 to four ability scores during character generation. I suggest you put "Ability Boost" on the table for each class at first level, like it is for 5th, 10th, etc.
The class description has a reminder for all the first level character options except this, and new players are missing it. ![]()
![]() Shield Block (p309) wrote: Your shield prevents you from taking an amount of damage up to its Hardness — the shield takes this damage instead, possibly becoming dented or broken. Item Damage (p175) wrote: An item reduces any damage dealt to it by its Hardness. If an item takes damage equal to or exceeding the item’s Hardness, the item takes a Dent. I would read that as: Your shield has 3 hardness.
If you use Shield Block, you take 7 damage and your shield takes 3.
"Possibly becoming dented or broken" then becomes extraneous, unless you're hit by something that has an extra effect against objects. I suggest that the amount of damage the shield soaks be doubled when you're critically hit. That would mean the shield probably takes enough damage to gain a dent, but the dent means something. ![]()
![]() I know Paizo prefers new classes and class archetypes to prestige classes, but it really seems like better fit for what they want to do here. The power balance of vigilante feels like "take any other class and splash three levels of expert", so an easy-entry couple-a-level prestige class that grants secret identity shenanigans might give the same effect with a quarter the page count. Likewise they could use the variant multiclassing rules and come up with 5 feats that add the same flavor to any existing class. ![]()
![]() Vigilante (Feat)
This feat functions as Leadership, but your cohort is your own character's secret identity. Changing between identities takes one minute, and can be included in the time it takes to change outfits and/or armor. You may choose if any given follower is aware of either or both of your identities. You may not take this feat and Leadership. If you gain Leadership as a bonus feat, you may take this feat instead. This feat counts as Leadership for meeting prerequisites. ![]()
![]() A player is asking about the following scenario: 1) He's "holding a charge" from a touch spell previously cast.
Does the spell discharge on the target? My guess is No. The target's touch AC only matters if you are specifically making a touch attack. He's not arguing, but I do like to make sure I'm correct. ![]()
![]() I'm glad that you're looking at the class abilities. My first read through of the class was "this is perfect for building up to a spellcasting p-class". By that I mean "there are no class abilities that I would miss." Ideas: * Prepared caster, with 1 extra spell slot per level that can be used to spontaneously cast one of your other prepared spells. These extra slots are a class ability, and lost when you p-class. * Prepared caster with a magus arcane pool, and spell recall. (as well as other less martial arcane pool things). You stop gaining more arcane pool when you p-class. Possibly flavor it like bloodmage. * Prepared caster, but any spell slots you leave 'open' can either be used to prepare a spell later (as normal), or can be used to spontaneously cast amongst your already prepared spells. * Spontaneous caster, but you can "burn" one of your spell slots in order to add a spell known of that level for the day. May require having a spellbook with that spell. * Prepared caster, but you can use blood as ink when adding spells to your spellbook. The spell takes on characteristics for the appropriate bloodline based on the blood used. Of course the above are tame enough to just be archetypes or a new type of wizard school. The intent is to dial down the 'spells' part so that this isn't p-class fodder anymore, and you can feel better about adding cool class abilities. As it stands, if you leave the spellcasting alone , you'd have to do some amazing things to tempt me away from just using it to get to bloodmage. ![]()
![]() ciretose wrote:
I think I'd like this better if they could cast when not raging, and raging simply made their offensive spellcasting stronger. Am I reading this right? They can only cast when raging? They have to burn rage rounds for morning buffs? ![]()
![]() I agree with the OP that these classes don't have a "feel" of being new material, and don't give me any sense of anticipation for the book. That being said, I'm expecting that the rest of the book isn't going to read like last night's leftovers mixed with tonight's leftovers and served up tomorrow with a bit of fresh garnish. There's probably going to be a lot of cool stuff in there (has been every time so far) even if what Paizo is trying with their new classes isn't to my taste. ![]()
![]() let me bold something, then.
That right there is a rule that allows you to attack with more than two hands. This feat doesn't grant you additional attacks, but it does reduce the penalties of the additional attacks you already have. ![]()
![]() Typically they would word it "plants are immune to charms, compulsions, morale effects, and phantasms" if they meant for it to only apply to that subset of mind-affecting effects. (a, b, c, d, etc.) vs (a,b,c,d) The etc. is optional. The parenthesis generally mean that that what they contain is extra explanatory information, and not the important bit of the sentence. Plants are immune to mind-affecting fear effects. Not all fear effects are mind-affecting, however. ![]()
![]() You would have a masterwork staff (or club), which you could enchant as a weapon when you qualified for Craft Arms and Armor. You could enchant it as a staff when you qualified for Craft Staff. If you make it both a magic weapon and a staff, however, you are looking at cost multipliers for stacking different effects. ![]()
![]() Buri wrote: Keep in mind that just because you identify the creature you don't know everything about them. You get a single piece of info about them plus 1 for every 5 you exceed the check. But you also learn everything they do while you are standing there watching them. Like howl in a frightening manner. ![]()
![]() Legato Piece wrote: Unlike with planar ally, the creature is not necessarily associated with your deity, and has an initial attitude of “indifferent” toward you. Because it is intrigued by your performance, it remains for up to 1 minute to hear the service you are requesting and the payment you are offering. If you succeed at an opposed Charisma check against the creature (with a +0 to +6 bonus on your roll based on the nature of the service and the offered reward), it agrees to perform the service. I think "Unlike with planar ally," applies only to the sentence it prefaces. I don't think it blankets the entire paragraph. It only applies to the part of planar ally that discusses what sort of outsiders will answer. It doesn't re-write the rest of the spell. Saying that you don't have to pay because it doesn't say you still have to would be like saying you cannot call specific outsiders by name, because it doesn't say you still can. ![]()
![]() Sean K Reynolds wrote:
I thought it also does not apply to ability score checks. What about caster level checks, and their derivatives (concentration, dispel, spell resistance)? What about skill checks used "in place of" a combat maneuver, like using Escape Artist to escape a grapple? ![]()
![]() Jacob W. Michaels wrote:
I see this ability as being rather metagame. As a player, I understand how it works, no problem. My character, however, not so much. Picture a merchant explaining to your character how this thing works, without breaking the fourth wall. ![]()
![]() Atarlost wrote:
An NPC with a PC class and NPC wealth has a CR equal to his level-1. You don't add 1 CR if you quadruple the count. You add 4.Thus a 4-person party of 10th level NPCs with PC classes and PC wealth would be EL 14. Not to be argumentative, I just don't want you accidentally murdering your party with overpowered NPCs. ![]()
![]() Khrysaor wrote: It turns it into raw 'natural' material. Magic is not natural, it's magic. It would be reduced to the raw natural material of the item broken down. A mundane item is always made of 1/3 it's market value in materials. So the battle axe is being reduced to 1/3 x 310gp = 103gold and 33 silver worth of iron. I'd agree that a +4 battleaxe is 16000 gp worth of "magic", 16000 gp worth of "crafting materials", 103.33 worth of "axe parts", and 206.67 worth of "hammering". I paid money in exchange for the "axe parts" and the "crafting materials". I put them in my pocket. I have a receipt. What are crafting materials made of, that makes them inherently unnatural? ![]()
![]() Ilja wrote: When an oracle of nature uses undo artifice, she reduces the item to it's _natural_ components, and there's no physical natural form of magic (at least not in this context); basically, if she takes a +4 battleaxe, the item gets a save with +6 due to it's GP value, and if the save fails, the battleaxe is reduced to a piece of raw iron (or whatever it was made of) and a wooden stick (or whatever the handle was made of). That's how I understand the ability at least. What is the raw material cost of magic items, then? To make a +4 battleaxe, I take 100 and change gold worth of stuff to get a masterwork battleaxe, and 16000 gp worth of what to enchant it? What am I spending my money on, if not stuff that somehow becomes part of the axe? ![]()
![]() johnlocke90 wrote: Individuals don't have the right to declare ownership of someone else's property. They do in the River Kingdoms. And the Hold of Belkzen. And there are a lot of places where there's no State to speak of on Golarion. I imagine that D&D settings have rather loose laws compared to Earth, because earth doesn't need adventurers. If a kingdom in Golarion declared that adventurers had to turn in all their phat lootz, then they would be overrun by monsters within a month. ![]()
![]() One I get from my munchkin player, is "Can I make ability score enhancing items with odd bonuses?" Like a +1 belt of strength. I'd like to see feats in that book that allows you to use magic item creation rules for traps, poisons, and other obnoxiously expensive mundane items. I'm looking at you, Adamantine Full Plate. "If an oracle of Nature uses Undo Artifice on a magic item, does she essentially end up with its creation cost worth of raw materials for further magic item creation?" If so, I'd like to see more chipper-shredder like abilities. Weird that a nature oracle can do that, but an artificer wizard can't. ![]()
![]() I only dislike wands of CLW because wands of infernal healing are so much more cost effective for out-of-combat healing. As a DM, I don't care if they have a cheap way to heal up between fights. Half the time I'll give them an out-of-combat healing thing. As long as I'm doing enough damage that they need in-combat healing, I'm happy. ![]()
![]() I'd probably want to post my original submission as-written.
That way y'all can recognize the entry as-written, but can also easily see what mistakes have already been mentioned. I should be able to edit the second post with updates based on commentary, further saving your time. Like a before/after photo. Edit: hmm. no. I guess eventually you get locked out of editing a given post. bummer. ![]()
![]() The Explosive Missiles discovery does what you want, except without a full attack. So there is precedent that want you want is within the realms of reasonable. Have you asked your DM if the Explosive Missiles discovery and the Fast Bombs discovery would work together? Conductive Weapon: One arrow bomb during a full attack, costs two bombs. Explosive Missiles: One arrow bomb as a standard action, costs one bomb. Explosive Missiles + Fast Bomb: full attack with arrow bombs, costs one bomb each. Explosive Missiles + Conductive: One arrow bomb with x2 bomb damage, costs three bombs. Hello True Strike. Explosive Missiles + Conductive + Fast Bombs: Full attack with arrow bombs, one arrow does bomb damage twice. Costs one bomb each plus two.