Jeremy Smith Publisher, Dreamscarred Press |
How much time is left to put down a pre-order? Kinda trying to wait til closer to Friday just in case a random bill comes out of no where.
I uploaded the revised cover and interior to the printer yesterday. Once it's processed, it will be about 1 week until I get the revised proof to make sure everything looks right, after which I place the full print run.
From a timing perspective, I expect it will be about 2-3 more weeks before we start fulfilling orders and it goes "live."
Thedmstrikes |
Just the picture of that book gives the look of a professionally produced product. This is a compliment I found hard to put into words without sounding like I was talking down to you guys, but it just looks beyond what is expected from fledgling third party publishers. I usually do not go for third party stuff so I am hoping this product will really change my mind, at least for Dreamscarred Press...
Jeremy Smith Publisher, Dreamscarred Press |
So to give an update on the project:
The final print proof should arrive today, at which point I put in the order for the full print run (for the color edition), with the B&W edition starting next week (or thereabouts).
I'm also in the process of updating the power cards, including all the updates, changes, clarifications, and overhauls from Ultimate Psionics (over 400 powers in total)
Finally, work is progressing on the Bestiary and I should have another 6-12 monsters ready to go in the next week or two!
Jeremy Smith Publisher, Dreamscarred Press |
Jeremy Smith Publisher, Dreamscarred Press |
On a tangential note for this project - I've got the power cards from A-L finished. Unfortunately, that still leaves over 150 powers left to go.
The good news is this is now mostly just getting them in order, since I've already gone through the different powers like Genesis, Mind Switch, and Astral Seed that had revisions and incorporated those. :)
Jeremy Smith Publisher, Dreamscarred Press |
Jeremy Smith Publisher, Dreamscarred Press |
I've posted a shipping update.
TL;DR: Shipping of the hardcover is now underway.
silverhair2008 |
DungeonmasterCal, if it was shipped using UPS Mail Innovations that usually adds about a week to the normal shipping time.
Any shipments from Paizo by USPS takes about 3 days, but using UPS MI it adds about a week. What happens is UPS ships to the nearest USPS mail sorting center then it has to go through the USPS system. All this supposes you are in the US.
Jeremy Smith Publisher, Dreamscarred Press |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |
Not to be defensive, but I'm not sure what information you'd like to see come out.
With only a few exceptions, all Ultimate Psionics Kickstarter backers at the $50 and $100 tiers have had their books shipped (and those remaining have been contacted because we need their address). Most of the preorders have shipped or will shipped this week.
I was pretty open that they're shipping straight from the printer, as if I got them sent to me and then sent them off myself, it would take even longer. The problem is that with so many posts, threads, and the like, that information seems to get missed by more than actually see it. And by shipping in this fashion, it is costing us money that we did not expect to pay on extra shipping costs, as we had set up our reward levels expecting everything to ship together. Instead, I'm shipping out hardcovers now while the rest of the rewards are still in production, incurring additional shipping charges in the interest of getting people their books as quickly as possible. I had asked our printer about batch order processing to do it all as one big shotgun blast, but they were unwilling to set that up, so I enter each order by hand, a time-consuming and tedious process. (Note, I've been writing this post while waiting for the page to reload while getting more books shipping.)
The situation is that I'm single-handedly handling fulfillment shipping out hundreds of copies of Ultimate Psionics. That's not even factoring in the other portions of the Ultimate Psionics Kickstarter that also have to ship out and that I'll also be handling. And the Miniatures that I'm handling.
This is not to complain - I willingly took on these tasks and have had hundreds of books shipped and have personally packed and shipped dozens of miniatures. But the fact is that for MOST of these orders, our software doesn't have a way to automatically send out updates. Backers of the Miniatures project are the exception, as they're on our new store software that I'm still working to enhance before we fully deploy the new site, so when their order ships, they get an email about it. I wish we had it for everyone, but we didn't have the software capabilities at the time.
If anyone wants information on their order in particular, I am happy to provide it and have done so for several customers and backers. But I can either send out more frequent updates than I already am (the last update for Ultimate Psionics was last week, the last update for Psionic Miniatures was only a few days ago), or I can try to get through the few remaining books that need to be shipped so that I can then move on to wrapping up the Bestiary and getting that to the printer.
I'm not sure if there's a misconception, but Dreamscarred Press has 0 full-time employees. I'm the founder and co-owner and easily put 40 hours a week or more at Dreamscarred, but I have a full-time job outside of publishing that keeps the bills paid, and the time I spend on Dreamscarred has to include responding to customer service emails, order fulfillment, technical support issues like resetting user passwords, setting up our new website, coordinating with freelancers, illustrators, and cartographers, communications with our vendors, getting our products listed at the different store venues, trying to stay engaged with our customers, and develop new content. I've had a few volunteers for helping to pack up rewards when they all get in, and I'll be taking them up on the offer, but for this, it's just me doing it.
So I'm open to hearing what additional information folks would like to hear from me and I'll do my best to provide it.
Final note: it's late and hopefully the tone of this message is not snarky, rude, or angry. I'm none of those. Just curious as to what the expectations are. I can come in and say "yep, more have shipped!" but I'm not sure that's really a worthwhile post unless that would make folks feel better about the state of the books?
Steve Geddes |
Personally, I've been really happy with the updates and the information flow. It would be good if there were some central site and if we got emails when our orders shipped and so forth (so it's great you'll be able to do that going forward). The print-on-demand snippet is an interesting fact I'm glad to know, but it's not a huge deal that I didnt know it until now.
For my part, at least, regular updates are all that's required. It's late, but that's no big deal - it's a massive undertaking and you're doing it well.
FWIW, I didnt take silverhair2008's comment as a gripe - I think he was just providing information. Namely that there will be a delay while the book is printed and that there isnt much warning as to when the book will arrive.
ermak_umk3 |
Not to be defensive, but I'm not sure what information you'd like to see come out.
With only a few exceptions, all Ultimate Psionics Kickstarter backers at the $50 and $100 tiers have had their books shipped (and those remaining have been contacted because we need their address). Most of the preorders have shipped or will shipped this week.
I was pretty open that they're shipping straight from the printer, as if I got them sent to me and then sent them off myself, it would take even longer. The problem is that with so many posts, threads, and the like, that information seems to get missed by more than actually see it. And by shipping in this fashion, it is costing us money that we did not expect to pay on extra shipping costs, as we had set up our reward levels expecting everything to ship together. Instead, I'm shipping out hardcovers now while the rest of the rewards are still in production, incurring additional shipping charges in the interest of getting people their books as quickly as possible. I had asked our printer about batch order processing to do it all as one big shotgun blast, but they were unwilling to set that up, so I enter each order by hand, a time-consuming and tedious process. (Note, I've been writing this post while waiting for the page to reload while getting more books shipping.)
The situation is that I'm single-handedly handling fulfillment shipping out hundreds of copies of Ultimate Psionics. That's not even factoring in the other portions of the Ultimate Psionics Kickstarter that also have to ship out and that I'll also be handling. And the Miniatures that I'm handling.
This is not to complain - I willingly took on these tasks and have had hundreds of books shipped and have personally packed and shipped dozens of miniatures. But the fact is that for MOST of these orders, our software doesn't have a way to automatically send out updates. Backers of the Miniatures project are the exception, as they're on our new store software that I'm still working to enhance...
I for one appreciate all the hard work Jeremy, the quality of the books you have released has been excellent & judging by the free PDF I got with my pre-order Ultimate seems the cream of the crop! The effort & passion your whole group has put into bringing psonics into Pathfinder in a fair & balanced way is nothing short of amazing especially for a small business! I am sure many others feel the same as I do, Thank you.
Jeremy Smith Publisher, Dreamscarred Press |
Personally, I've been really happy with the updates and the information flow. It would be good if there were some central site and if we got emails when our orders shipped and so forth (so it's great you'll be able to do that going forward). The print-on-demand snippet is an interesting fact I'm glad to know, but it's not a huge deal that I didnt know it until now.
For my part, at least, regular updates are all that's required. It's late, but that's no big deal - it's a massive undertaking and you're doing it well.
FWIW, I didnt take silverhair2008's comment as a gripe - I think he was just providing information. Namely that there will be a delay while the book is printed and that there isnt much warning as to when the book will arrive.
Hopefully my next update will simply be that all books have shipped - if I can get a good solid block of time tomorrow, I should be able to power through all the remaining preorders and get them submitted. The problem has been getting that time when I can be at a computer and not at my day job.
And I may have misinterpreted - I'm not offended or upset, but I figured it was worth giving some information on the subject while I processed another batch of preorders.
And given the experience I've had with the printer we're using for these hardcovers - future hardcover books will be through a different printer. We're actively looking into other options and think we've found a good one that comes with lots of recommendations. We were disappointed that our normal softcover printer didn't offer hardcover at an affordable price, and this printer... well, there have been some issues.
Changing Man |
As one of the persons who arrived late to this party (I'm getting mine via the 'Books & Minis' from the PsiMiniKS), I can only sit and watch enviously as others get their goodies ahead of me. But I sure ain't mad about anything; I knew when I signed on I'd have to wait, so wait I shall :D
Oh! And I really appreciate all the updates that come regularly about this whole project. I look forward to the next 'Biggee', and hope I can jump in to show my support yet again :)
Jeremy Smith Publisher, Dreamscarred Press |
Believe me, Jeremy, we do appreciate all you've done and are doing.
Maybe it's an unfortunate side effect of making such great stuff, leaving those who don't have theirs yet frustrated.
I know I was on the edge of my seat (figuratively) until ours arrived.
It's also a side effect of over-promising due to stretch goal fever.
Seriously, we buried ourselves in work and are only now emerging from underneath it.
I'll actually be happier once the preorders are done than I was with the Kickstarter books shipping - the Kickstarter backers still have more rewards to ship out, so I get to repeat the whole process. At least for the preorders, once the hardcovers are done, they're done.
Jeremy Smith Publisher, Dreamscarred Press |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
So, I just finished processing the last preorder. It should ship out this week. :)
The Psionics Dragons are nearly complete - 3 of them are fully laid out and ready to go, the other three are halfway done (just need the stat blocks).
Progress, progress, progress!
Now we just need to get Paizo enough copies to not only get off backorder, but STAY off backorder!
Jeremy Smith Publisher, Dreamscarred Press |
Jeremy Smith Publisher, Dreamscarred Press |
Checked in with the printer - the order to get Paizo restocked and off backorder should ship out this week. It's going East Coast to West Coast, so it may not arrive until next week.
We should also be up on Amazon sometime in June. :)
Dragons are nearly done, feedback on the Bestiary is coming in at a steady rate thanks to the awesome work from Anguish.
And lots of little things going on behind the scenes with the other parts of the project (adventure, NPCs, etc)
Insain Dragoon |
Thread titled: Is anyone else thinking of using Psionics in Iron Gods AP
I already weighed in, but thought that maybe you'd be interested in seeing what people have to say about Psionics in a Paizo AP and possibly weigh in.
While I'm here I was wondering if the From the Deep AP is Pathfinder rules or 3.5? (which is pretty easily convertible)
Jeremy Smith Publisher, Dreamscarred Press |
Michael Sayre |
If you guys ever do an intro book to psionics to ease people into the system, can you please consider calling it "Hooked On Psionics"?
I've got an open spot in my Roll20 campaign and I'd be happy to show you how Hooked on Psionics can work for you! It'll also give you a weekly opportunity to find out if I've actually made any progress on [message redacted], our super secret [message redacted].Thread titled: Is anyone else thinking of using Psionics in Iron Gods AP
I already weighed in, but thought that maybe you'd be interested in seeing what people have to say about Psionics in a Paizo AP and possibly weigh in.
While I'm here I was wondering if the From the Deep AP is Pathfinder rules or 3.5? (which is pretty easily convertible)
I'm currently running The Mummy's Mask for a party that includes psionic and akashic characters and so far it's been a blast. I think the players have appreciated that some of the new classes give them an "easy mode" for caster-type characters. My fiancee' is in love with the Dread and she's actually planning to *gasp* multi-class into Soulknife so she can take a *additional, even more amazed gasp* Prestige Class, the Dark Tempest and play a Sith-like character. For someone who typically doesn't want more than 3 moving parts to have to keep track of in a character, this is a pretty big deal.
I'll tell you, I don't have time in my day to actually write up adventures any more, so when I run something it's almost always a Pathfinder AP or module. I let my group use anything from Dreamscarred Press (and a select group of other publishers like Rite Publishing and Kobold Press) as though it's Paizo core and I've never had any issues.
Our next campaign is going to be a steampunk/Lovecraftian adventure and I anticipate that our party of an Alchemist, Cryptic, Brawler, Marksman (Cannoneer), and Oracle are going to be perfect matches for the setting and flavor. Two of those classes are psionic, and I really wouldn't have it any other way.
Insain Dragoon |
Hurrah! My hardcopy of Ult Psionics just came in!
Gotta say that having it in my hand makes it even more impressive than the PDF I fell in love with. Now that I can't rely on PDF word search I am really impressed by the formatting in the book.
Everything is easy to find. When I have a question it's very easy to find an appropriate answer by perusing the ToC. The title "Ultimate Psionics" really applies as just about all the character concepts I could want as a Pdionic can be made from all the Base Classes, Archetypes, and Prestige Classes detailed!
The only downside was that my mailman stuffed it too roughly into my mailbox and it bent in some of the back cover's corner. The damage is pretty minor and impossible to see on my bookshelf, so I'm not getting too down over it.
As my first physical book from DSP I'm very happy with what I got and feel confident in my upcoming Psionic Bestiary and Path of War softcover purchases.
Will try to get most of this post on applicable review sites.
Andreas Rönnqvist |
In case anyone was interested, the softcover B&W edition of Ultimate Psionics is now available at Amazon, and the full-color hardcover is too, albeit it's not been restocked yet.
We appreciate any and all reviews on Amazon (as we do other places) and we'd be superhappy if you shared your thoughts!
Jeremy Smith Publisher, Dreamscarred Press |