False factoids

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GoatToucher was once known as GoatSatisfier, but that one doe complained.

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GM_Beernorg is the patron saint of Oktoberfest

Those aren't wings on Uncle Teddy;s helmet, but his ears.

KahnyaGnorc is a ghost inside of a VHS tape, only able to access the internet through very complicated magnetic communication.

Scarab Sages

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rashly5 has a rare ocular malady that causes him to view the whole world as though it was drawn by Phil Foglio.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

IHIYC was Phil Folio's monster in the closet.

CS is a Xenophile-ophile.

GT is a filofaxophile and is forbidden from going within 500ft of the Last of the Yuppie-cans.

Pulg is a FAXophile, or a reasonable FAXsimile thereof.

Sovereign Court

KahnyaGnorc is an anonymophile, the thought of people revealing their secret identities offends him greatly!

Avatar of Zon-Kuthon was originally chosen to be the voice of Meg on Family Guy.

...before Uncle Teddy got the role.

KahnyaGnorc was the stunt double.

Krevon has the world's largest collection of bubble wrap.

Trigger Loaded was stuck with the packing peanuts.

KahnyaGnorc was running down the road trying to loosen his load before the police stopped him.

Some forumites want to own me, others want to stone me, but Pulg says he's a friend of mine.

Welcome to the Hotel GoatToucher.

KahnyaGnorc has allot of pretty pretty boys, that he calls friend.

GM_B needs to make somebody love him before it's too late.

One of these nights, one of these crazy old nights, We're gonna find, GoatToucher, what turns on your lights. (I'm guessing you have The Clapper)

Scarab Sages

KahnyaGnorc is into superstition, black cats, and voodoo dolls.

IHIYC used to be known as I'm Stealing Your Mail, but changed his name after time served.

GM_B is in ur kompooter, stealin' ur bites.

KahnyaGnorc has a horde of tiny ducklings ready to be unleashed upon their command.

Sovereign Court

The face rashly5 is making is his 'but I don't understand' face because hozen wisdom baffles him.

Avatar of Zon-Kuthon is smiling because he is watching an enjoyable episode of the Teletubbies.

KahnyaGnorc knows what's in Tinky Winky's handbag

Scarab Sages

Pulg was originally slated to be the 5th Teletubby, but was eliminated from the show on the grounds of, in the studio head's words, "Jesus f!#+in' Christ, are you serious?"

IHIYC is also hiding in Tinky Winky's handbag.

Scarab Sages

KahnyaGnorc knows how to make a mean plate of Tubby Toast.

IHIYC disposes of his victims by grinding them up and serving them as "tubby custard" to a race of simpleminded homunculi.

GT touches goat because that is the only cure for his desease.

Dr G House MD, DDS, DVM is actually a giant humming bird in disguise, though that plague doctor mask isn't fooling anyone.

Dr G House MD, DDS, DVM is the doctor on NTSF:SD:SUV::.

Uncle Tedds be part time nanny to Jo Frost.

"THE" Poog of Zarongel used to be know was the Pog of Zargon, but tiny cardboard chips and the name of the BBEG from Hero Quest were trademarked, thus the change.

Scarab Sages

GM_Beernorg has been eating 1 entire can of Play-Doh a week every week since he was 6 years old. He remains convinced that this will someday give him superpowers.

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IHIYC, as a side effect of his transformation into the malign mystical creature he has become, has no anus. How he evacuates solid waste is an as yet unsolved mystery.

GoatToucher and his goat recently got kicked out of Wrigley Field for trying to reapply the curse.

Snow White's Mother has a similar fruit fixation to her husband's new wife, only she focuses on kiwi fruit.

GoatToucher has a swede fixation. This could mean Scandinavians or root vegetables, or both. His restraining order is thankfully light on details.

Pulg is in fact the results of the unnatural love between a pig and a cat, don't ask...

GMB runs his own breeding farm for man-cat-pig-bears. Unfortunately, demand has fallen off lately.

MD met the love of his life at one of those man-cat-pig-bear farms, and they are now happily married with three children that can only be described as abominations to the natural order.

Not only did GoatToucher officiate at Molten Dragon's wedding he was the one who introduced Molten Dragon to his future wife.

Grandpa Wonderbra is the honorary god father of MD's abominations, err..kids.

GMB performed the bris on all my little monsters....

Molten Dragon is just his adopted name. His birth name was Solid Kobold.

KahnyaGnorc lives in a castle he built himself out of calcified Brussels sprouts.

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