[Super Genius Games] Warlords of the Apocalypse!

Product Discussion

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Brian E. Harris wrote:

I'd rather have setting material, background stories and story "seeds" than adventures, myself. An adventure path once a sizable setting book is released might be acceptable.

Print is very important to me.

Adventure Paths would be very acceptable, one of the best things I like about Paizo are the Adventure Paths.

Scarab Sages Contributor; Developer, Super Genius Games

Wolfthulhu wrote:
I guess I hope this gets a new cover then

A new cover isn't a done deal yet (and the existence of such a thing might well depend on a successful Kickstarter campaign), but it is something we're working on.

People signed up for our Warlords of the Apocalypse Google Group saw some concept sketches for a new cover we're hoping to commission, and we asked folks on that forum for their feedback.

It's not to late to sign up for the group, look at the recent posts, and tell us what you think!

Hi! I had a suggestion of my own for mental powers, but I realize I am extremely late to this game! Let me say that, NOT being a big fan of DSP psionics (I know, I'm all alone), THANK YOU for not making it the default. :)

WotA will definitely be on my must-buy list!

Scarab Sages Contributor; Developer, Super Genius Games

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Sarak Valainguard wrote:

Hi! I had a suggestion of my own for mental powers, but I realize I am extremely late to this game! Let me say that, NOT being a big fan of DSP psionics (I know, I'm all alone), THANK YOU for not making it the default. :)

WotA will definitely be on my must-buy list!

It's funny, because one of the reasons I'm not depending on DSP psionics is that I [b]am[/i] a big supporter... and I don;t want to import huge sections of their great book.

But, you know, if the end result makes fans happy, then i am happy!

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Sarak Valainguard wrote:

Hi! I had a suggestion of my own for mental powers, but I realize I am extremely late to this game! Let me say that, NOT being a big fan of DSP psionics (I know, I'm all alone), THANK YOU for not making it the default. :)

WotA will definitely be on my must-buy list!

It's funny, because one of the reasons I'm not depending on DSP psionics is that I [b]am[/i] a big supporter... and I don;t want to import huge sections of their great book.

But, you know, if the end result makes fans happy, then i am happy!

The good thing is, since you intend to keep things in line with standard pathfinder, if people want to use DSP's psionics, it wont be much effort to include them in world. Or at least no more effort then including anything else.

Scarab Sages Contributor; Developer, Super Genius Games

Kolokotroni wrote:
The good thing is, since you intend to keep things in line with standard pathfinder, if people want to use DSP's psionics, it wont be much effort to include them in world. Or at least no more effort then including anything else.

True, and I also think they'll get a sidebar.

And a DSP-Psonics-in-WotA pdf isn't impossible for later on.

Dark Archive

You've mentioned an Android player race, but what about something more robotic, similar to Warforged? I have at least two players who would love the opportunity to play such characters.

Scarab Sages Contributor; Developer, Super Genius Games

nightflier wrote:
You've mentioned an Android player race, but what about something more robotic, similar to Warforged? I have at least two players who would love the opportunity to play such characters.

It *ought* to be possible to create something more AI robot with the android race I have in mind, though i cannot say that for certain right now.

Hi Owen,

I'm a big fan of Post Apoc games back to the old Gamma World and was disappointed to hear of Adamants problem with Warlords.

Now I hear that Warlords is back on and you are at the helm. Great news!!

What I have heard so far sounds spot on and I'll be keen to hands on the print copy when it comes out. I'll probably be using it with Fantasycraft but thats just my system prefence.

Anyway,heres a few thoughts about the subject. Please feel free to comment.

I like your idea of separate races for Human, Mutant Human, Mutant Animal, Mutant Plant and Android. Don't know if Pathfinder covers this but would you consider having subraces for the above ? (Eg Morlocks could be a Mutant Human subrace).

What are your ideas about money and currency in Warlords?. Would you be thinking of a Barter economy with players trading salvaged relics, weapons, food etc.

Will there be any rules for survival in the wilderness or for generating/exporing ancient ruins ?

Sgt Steel

Scarab Sages Contributor; Developer, Super Genius Games

Sgt Steel wrote:
Now I hear that Warlords is back on and you are at the helm. Great news!!


Sgt Steel wrote:
I like your idea of separate races for Human, Mutant Human, Mutant Animal, Mutant Plant and Android. Don't know if Pathfinder covers this but would you consider having subraces for the above ? (Eg Morlocks could be a Mutant Human subrace).

There are going to be a few overlapping systems. The Augmentations rules will let you gain innate abilities that might be from mutation, cybernetics, or Ancient Tech.

Some races will have access to one or two minor augmentations at back of their racial makeup. Mutant animals would be able to select one or two mutations, and androids one or two implants, and so on.

But there will also be options (including at least feats and archetypes) that allow characters to gain more mutations, even at first level.

So while I don't plan to present mutant morlocks as a sub-race, anyone who wanted to could play a morlock and gain mutations, creating a mutant morlock character.

Sgt Steel wrote:
What are your ideas about money and currency in Warlords?. Would you be thinking of a Barter economy with players trading salvaged relics, weapons, food etc.

The current plan is to discuss barter economy and rate things in General Product values (or gp for short). The simplest rules will tell you how to figure the gp of things like engine parts and animal hides, and you can do a 1-1 exchange. Planned optional rules will talk about the bartering part of the barter system.

Sgt Steel wrote:
Will there be any rules for survival in the wilderness or for generating/exporing ancient ruins ?

Some, though I don't yet know how extensive they'll be.

Dark Archive

1) Do you plan on having new Sorcerer Bloodlines that are tied to the game world, such as Mutant or Nanite Bloodlines, perhaps?

2) Do you plan on having lightsabers in the game?

3) What about aliens?

Scarab Sages Contributor; Developer, Super Genius Games

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nightflier wrote:
1) Do you plan on having new Sorcerer Bloodlines that are tied to the game world, such as Mutant or Nanite Bloodlines, perhaps?

I hadn't specifically planned to do that, despite planning a set of rules for Cyborgs vs Sorcery, or You Got Your paladin in My Apocalypse.

But it's a COOL idea, so if there's spare room, maybe.

nightflier wrote:
2) Do you plan on having lightsabers in the game?

Absolutely not. Lightsabers are trademark and copyright Lucasfilms, and thus now Disney. I'd never dream of infringing on their intellectual property.

Psi-swords, plasma-lances, and Starblades are, however, different matters entirely.

nightflier wrote:
3) What about aliens?

As the guy who put Spanthi in d20 Apocalypse, they are on my list of things to talk about If There's Room.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:

Psi-swords, plasma-lances, and Starblades are, however, different matters entirely.

Starblades? Lords of light!!

Ran a Plague World game a while back and my Players thought the Spanthi were fantastic. Their PCs fought a deadly battle with 2 Spanhi Reavers in the wreck of an ancient hypersonic airliner.

In fact my plan is to merge my Plague World campaign with the Warlords setting and rules and see what happens.

I was thinking as well that this is a good time to release a Post-Apoc book, with TV series like Revolution and Defiance and films like After Earth, Oblivion, World War Z for inspiration.

On the rules front, I was wondering if it will be possible to take a standard fantasy PC race from Pathfinder (say Catfolk) and give them access to Mutations so they could function in a Warlords campaign?

Any news on this project Owen?

In the interim both Pathfinder Amethyst and NeuroSpasta by Dias Ex Machina are worth a look for adding a sci-fi element. I haven't nabbed Spasta yet but it is on my list to take a look over the robot rules. The gun and cool armor rules seem clean and well balanced for Pathfinder. I am hoping to take it out on a full test run in an adventure path.

Thanks for the heads up Darksyde. I just started checking out Amethyst. It looks pretty promising.

I'm anxiously waiting to buy this rules set.
I also am pleading for a setting. :D

I'm just hoping for some news since it has been a lil while on the updates.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

So just curious, any chance we will see this book before the end of 2013? I have been looking forward to this for awhile now. :)

Scarab Sages Contributor; Developer, Super Genius Games

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey folks, sorry for the long silence.

This game continues to move forward. I got crushed by sliding deadlines and mutating projects, and let my updates slip. That was a mistake, I apologize, and I'm going to fix it.

(And when this thread started hopping again a week ago, I was very, very busy prepping for appearances at a Con and missed it, and then very, very sick for way too long afterward.)

The reason we haven't announced a specific timeline remains the same -- we're not 100% sure when we can have this done yet. It is a BIG undertaking, and we're determined to get it right, rather than get it soon.

While I feel I can safely say there is still a chance this book will be out sometime in 2013, I certainly can't guarantee it. We're wrestling with cover art. We don't have a finished draft. Heck there are still open questions about just how big we can make it, which will in part decide what goes into it.

In the normal course of development, I'd never have mentioned we were planning to put out a book this size when it was in the condition it was when we acquired it. And worse, and I am sure this is no surprise, there were things about the original design choices we wanted to change, so it wasn't even as far along as a wordcount would suggest.

It is only because of the history of this project we felt we had to let everyone know we had it, that we were going to honor preorders, and that we were working to make it as awesome as possible.

Of course I also said I'd be in touch weekly on the Google group... and in fact I haven't been.

But this is a project very near and dear to my heart, and we continue to move forward, and I'll be more vocal from here out.

Glad to hear that this project is still moving forward.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

No worries, just as long as it see's the light of day some day. Though the sooner the better. :)

I never had a doubt.

Scarab Sages Contributor; Developer, Super Genius Games

In keeping with the desire to bring back regular updates, I uploaded a sneak peak at our cover treatment at our Google Group. (You can sign up here).

This is NOT the final art (though I like this art, and we may well use it for something, it's not exactly what we are looking for as the WotC main book art -- we're still working on that). There may be other changes before we are done -- Is the tagline too cheesy? Is the art too big? too small? -- but I like the direction its going and wanted to share it with you.

Liberty's Edge

Heh ... I think you meant WotA :)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Very cool art in the preview, though I am still partial to stop sign chick. Add her to the cover and I am sold. :)

The Exchange

the tag line isn't cheesy, but it is a little redundant. Roleplaying Beyond Civilization's Fall is probably enough.

The cover art is amazing. I agree with the post in the google group, i'd buy it just based on that.

+1 on the tagline being redundant. Awesome cover though.

Looking forward to this!

Scarab Sages Contributor; Developer, Super Genius Games

Marc Radle wrote:
Heh ... I think you meant WotA :)

This is what I get for posting at 3:35 AM. :P

Still interested in this and look in from time to time. Sounds good

Scarab Sages Contributor; Developer, Super Genius Games

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Very cool art in the preview, though I am still partial to stop sign chick. Add her to the cover and I am sold. :)

To be clear, we haven't given up on the stop sign. This is placeholder art although, as I mentioned, we may well use it as the cover art for something, because I really like this art!

But I am amazingly dedicated to having a strong female with a stop-sign shield on the cover. That image has a long history with me and PA roleplaying, and I want to honor that tradition if at all possible.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Dark_Mistress wrote:
Very cool art in the preview, though I am still partial to stop sign chick. Add her to the cover and I am sold. :)

To be clear, we haven't given up on the stop sign. This is placeholder art although, as I mentioned, we may well use it as the cover art for something, because I really like this art!

But I am amazingly dedicated to having a strong female with a stop-sign shield on the cover. That image has a long history with me and PA roleplaying, and I want to honor that tradition if at all possible.

Same, just like giant mutant chickens in a PA should only have one eye. :)

Scarab Sages Contributor; Developer, Super Genius Games

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Dark_Mistress wrote:
Very cool art in the preview, though I am still partial to stop sign chick. Add her to the cover and I am sold. :)

To be clear, we haven't given up on the stop sign. This is placeholder art although, as I mentioned, we may well use it as the cover art for something, because I really like this art!

But I am amazingly dedicated to having a strong female with a stop-sign shield on the cover. That image has a long history with me and PA roleplaying, and I want to honor that tradition if at all possible.

Same, just like giant mutant chickens in a PA should only have one eye. :)

With a weird double pupil!

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Dark_Mistress wrote:
Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Dark_Mistress wrote:
Very cool art in the preview, though I am still partial to stop sign chick. Add her to the cover and I am sold. :)
But I am amazingly dedicated to having a strong female with a stop-sign shield on the cover. That image has a long history with me and PA roleplaying, and I want to honor that tradition if at all possible.
Same, just like giant mutant chickens in a PA should only have one eye. :)
With a weird double pupil!

Not to mention green skinned mutant humans with parking meter maces, mohawked barbarians with tricked out bikes (and wrist crossbows),two headed giants (and snakes) and plants that hurl wooden spikes at people they don't like !!.

Welcome back, Owen. I can't speak for everyone but I guess we know that you're working overtime to make this project something special and true to the post-apoc roleplaying of past eras. Relax and don't overdo it.

On the subject of the artwork, I think spot on for the genre. Not the art for the WOTA cover but maybe appearing alongside the Scavenger\Ruin Rat\Rogue equivalent class in WOTA ??

At the same time, I'm thinking of the stop-sign wielder as being an Enforcer\Fighter maybe ??

And maybe have a Mutant Animal on the cover (like a Cat Person or whatever ?)

Scarab Sages Contributor; Developer, Super Genius Games

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Time for an update and teaser!

Characters in Warlords of the Apocalypse are built much as Pathfinder characters are, with its own list of races and classes, and an additional element “character paradigms,” (which can be selected by characters of any race/class combination).
We’ve teased races a bit already, and will give a view on paradigms next week. But for this week, here’s a quick rundown of the classes we expect to be using and what kinds of roles they are good at.

A daredevil is a risk-taker, who leaps into the jaws of death… and survives. The daredevil is good with tasks that require physical agility, and with beating bad odds. Daredevils are ruin raiders, bloodsport athletes, and explorers into lands others call “cursed.” Or “radioactive.”

The enforcer is a trained, professional dealer of pain and death. The enforcer is good at keeping his calm while consistently putting the hurt on his foes. Enforcers are the guards at bunkers, bartertown bounty hunters, and the soldiers most likely to carve an empire out of the ruins to become true warlords of the apocalypse.

The investigator is a thinker, who can accomplish more with forethought than with fists. The investigator is good at knowing things, figuring things out, and mastering complex technoliges and professions. Investigators are the apocalyptic alchemists who make fuel from potatoes and pig waste, archivists of lost lore, and determined seekers for the truth behind any mystery.

The luminary is a leader, advisor, and master of interpersonal skills. The luminary is good at figuring out what people want, getting along with folks, and manipulating emotions and desires. Luminaries are traveling entertainers, smiling town tyrants, cycle-viking leaders, and public speakers who know how to keep a group going when all hope seems lost.

The sensitive is someone alert to all the subtle changes in their environment, and the people around them. The sensitive is good at noticing things other people miss, and using gut instincts to make the right call even when there’s no real way to know what that is. Sensitives are keen-eyed creepers into ancient vaults, quiet science-seers that decide what relics are too dangerous to bring into a village, and uncompromising road marshals sniffing out the guilty.

The tough is someone who just gets more dangerous the harder they get hit. The tough is good at taking damage, shrugging off conditions that incapacitate others, and winning even if they break their own arm to do it. Toughs are rampaging rioters, cyber-sword swinging barbarians of the wastelands, and unstoppable juggernauts of science gone wrong.

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I guess I should go ahead and buy the one or two I don't already have. :D

Is it 2014 yet? I'm looking to buy this. :D

I also like that this will allow for people from pre-apocalypse times to be seamlessly inserted (after waking from cryo-freeze, etc.) into the WotA setting using the anachronistic adventurers and their archetypes.

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
nightflier wrote:
You've mentioned an Android player race, but what about something more robotic, similar to Warforged? I have at least two players who would love the opportunity to play such characters.
It *ought* to be possible to create something more AI robot with the android race I have in mind, though i cannot say that for certain right now.

I'm working on something for Crossing The Black (my budding sci-fi space setting)to make "droid" characters as a race/races closer to SW characters rather than "replicants" that the "android" type from Inner Seas Bestiary (as seen on d20pfsrd.com) gives. Still working on augmentation system for them...

Crap. After many long hours of work, creating 5 "races" of droids with a total of 12 distinct variations, I just had the flash of inspiration (as I sat here writing this reply!!) which I suspect experienced designers know well and dread - not only did I made it overly complex and limiting, but it can be reduced! And in so doing, it eviscerates and invalidates almost every bit of work I've done up to this point.

On the bright side, it makes certain tasks I was dreading tackling a *LOT* easier! It'll give players far more options for building "shellheads" exactly the way they want!

(Of course, this means Owen is almost finished with his system that will not only do exactly what I just envisioned, but will do it with that spark of "WOW!!" super-genius and he'll have it listed for sale in about a week...)

Classes look spot on, Owen.

Good to see a Bloodsport champion in there too. It's not PA without a gladiatorial combat in a ruined Sports Stadium. "Two men enter, one man leaves".

Any new word?

Scarab Sages Contributor; Developer, Super Genius Games

No new word. I am still working on it. I've run into some unexpected snags, which is one of the reasons I haven't given any dates on when it'll be ready - the history of this project taught me to expect something unexpected, even if I had no idea what it would be.

I don't want to constantly tease lack-of-updates, but I will give plenty of warning when I see we're past the current delays.

Happy Birthday Owen!

Any status on WotA?

Liberty's Edge

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Happy birthday indeed!!!

Hey Brandon, how did you know today was Owen's birthday? That's top secret info!

Liberty's Edge

Happy Birthday man!

Happy Birthday, Owen!

Happy birthday, Grandmaster Crunch! :D

Scarab Sages Contributor; Developer, Super Genius Games

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Thanks folks! The most recent update went out to the Google Group today! I copied it below.

"Heya Folks,

I didn't post last week, because an airport flu had me down. So even though I might normally beg off for my birthday, I wanted to make sure I sent an update today.

While the writing slowly chuggs along, as a company we're still wrestling with exactly how we want to proceed with this book. A Kickstarter is a possible choice, but not necessarily the right one. And before we could even say for sure that was what we were going to do, we'd have to know how many different ways we could produce a book we'd be happy with. Do we offer a B&W interior first, and then color as a stretch goal? Do we want to have 2-3 supplements ready for support, or do we want to include everything we have in the first product if we can?

On top of that, there are issue I'm still not 100% satisfied with on the game mechanics. Options for characters with no magic and no magic items matching Pathfinder fantasy characters of the same level in power level and utility are tricky to balance, especially since I want to be able to do it both with high tech and mutations, and without. Healing alone is proving to require hours and hours of playtesting, and most systems have been scrapped or rewritten from scratch a few times. I think I am on to something... but more playtesting is called for.

I *will*, however, do a better job of updating folks here. :)"

Thanks for the update, now go enjoy your Birthday!

Oh, and Mr. Radle, Facebook told me it is his birthday.

Happy birthday! Go enjoy yourself, and scarf much birthday cake. We shall await your apocalyptic opus with patience!

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