Playable Inner Sea Bestiary Races

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The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Oh, stop that. You knew somebody was going to raise the topic. I figure it ought to be in a spirit of open inquiry, right away, rather than a whining post about how some jerk of a GM at a convention wouldn't let the poster play his android gunslinger.

So, the Inner Sea Bestiary has a few CR 0 races that gain hit dice through class levels: androids, the delicious ghoran, the lashunta from Castrovel, and the lofty Syrinx.

Anybody want to make a case that any of these would be super cool as player characters and should be made available with a convention boon?

4/5 ****

I would be up for anything to replace the current Nagaji/Wayang/Kitsune judging boon that is starting to become ubiquitous.


Chris Mortika wrote:
...the lofty Syrinx.

Can I play a priest of the Temples of Syrinx?

Grand Lodge 4/5

ANDROIDS?!!? >:o

Grand Lodge 4/5

Not till I get my Kitsune or Oread boon please. I'm going to two cons in the new year so after the spring you get your new tangled androids then.

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Thomas, do you want a Kitsune? I have seven.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32


Shadow Lodge

Not knowing what these races are, I'd rather see playable Kobolds, they are after all getting a splat book.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Chris Mortika wrote:
Thomas, do you want a Kitsune? I have seven.

PazioCon and GenCon the great Nagaji/Wayang/Kitsune give away.

Grand Lodge 4/5

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I am cool with this, but only if we get a new level 1 'Detect Android' spell, called Voight-Kampff for short.


I would adore the chance to play an Android but frankly I can hear people foaming at the mouth already. If it happens, it probably won't happen until a Numeria book is published, and then legality for PFS is decided, so all the whining can happen at once.

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

I will let Andrew know that you offered him a Kitsune. His head may implode though :D He may offer you a kidney Chris!!

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I would love nothing more than to get a chance to play a Sorceror Kobold! hehehehe

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.

They were photo copying the boons at Gen-Con. Alot of boons were given away, but all the players I saw were glad to have them. The Tien/Orential flavored ones like the kitsune were very popular. I wish the Strix were playable.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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James Apostolou wrote:
I will let Andrew know that you offered him a Kitsune. His head may implode though :D He may offer you a kidney Chris!!

Dunno about a kidney, but yeah I'd trade if I had anything to offer. Only been playing since June in PFS. So got little to trade.

I could offer you one wicked little VC though... He won't play his Gobbo in my games.

Shadow Lodge

James Apostolou wrote:
I would love nothing more than to get a chance to play a Sorceror Kobold! hehehehe

Maybe more along the lines of a Kobold Sorcerer(Kobold Bloodline) 4/Rogue 1/Sleepless Detective 1/Arcane Trickster 10

+2 DC and sneak attack damage against flat footed enemies with your spells, so very tempting, of course so difficult to actually get to level 16, especially on a race with a total of a -4 race bonus.

Scarab Sages 5/5 **

Thomas Graham wrote:
James Apostolou wrote:
I will let Andrew know that you offered him a Kitsune. His head may implode though :D He may offer you a kidney Chris!!

Dunno about a kidney, but yeah I'd trade if I had anything to offer. Only been playing since June in PFS. So got little to trade.

I could offer you one wicked little VC though... He won't play his Gobbo in my games.

I'd be willing to send my Kitsune boon as well with nothing in return. I've got the Kitsune/Nagaji/Wayang boon and I doubt I'll play a Wayang.

Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

I'd love a Kitsune, but have nothing to trade.

Ahem, back on topic...

I'd like to see them be scenario boons. A scenario that takes you to the techno-dungeons of Numeria opens the android boon, raiding hte temples of Syrnix gives you the race boon, etc.

(And Mike I beat you to the 2112 joke on another thread. Though a Syrnix bard that plays the guitar calls to me.)

Sovereign Court 3/5

I would just like to see the recent kitsune/nagaji/wayang boon cycled out, even if it is just for some of the older race boons.

Grand Lodge 4/5

noswald wrote:
Thomas Graham wrote:
James Apostolou wrote:
I will let Andrew know that you offered him a Kitsune. His head may implode though :D He may offer you a kidney Chris!!

Dunno about a kidney, but yeah I'd trade if I had anything to offer. Only been playing since June in PFS. So got little to trade.

I could offer you one wicked little VC though... He won't play his Gobbo in my games.

I'd be willing to send my Kitsune boon as well with nothing in return. I've got the Kitsune/Nagaji/Wayang boon and I doubt I'll play a Wayang.

You sure you don't want a (slightly) abused VC? One known as James 'I promise I'll play Mince in a game you GM Andrew (but don't!)' Apostolou.

Though he does have some redeeming qualities. He once bought me TWO pints of Newcastles. And he does GREAT goblin impressions.

Grand Lodge

i would love to play a kitsune if someone would be willing to send one my way. :D

Liberty's Edge 3/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
KestlerGunner wrote:
I am cool with this, but only if we get a new level 1 'Detect Android' spell, called Voight-Kampff for short.

"My mother? Let me tell you about my mother ..."

And it's 'Detect Replicants'. ;-)

Can I play as an annihilator?

Sovereign Court 3/5

Cheapy wrote:
Can I play as an annihilator?

I'd rather have a miniature one as an Improved Familiar. (What do you mean that's not in the book?!? It should be!)

Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I hope the first Numerian PFS scenario involves the Pathfinders needing to pick up a job as Golarion Blade Runners on the Numerian border. There's so much awesome potential for a bunch of Pathfinders equipped with a weird detection device, trying to locate and hunt down three ultra-powerful androids that look just like humans.

Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

talbanus wrote:
KestlerGunner wrote:
I am cool with this, but only if we get a new level 1 'Detect Android' spell, called Voight-Kampff for short.

"My mother? Let me tell you about my mother ..."

And it's 'Detect Replicants'. ;-)

I thought it was detect skinjobs.


In before a sorcerer android with a black mask that breathes with a "hooooo-puhhhhhr" gets made. His midichlo---I mean nanites make him better!

Silver Crusade 5/5 wouldn't fit...he'd have to be half android!


I would love a Kitsune too, but have nothing to trade :( . As a dad of 3 kids it's not so easy to get to the big Cons.....
Would pay for postage :)

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/55/5

At long, long, last... We have a +2 Str/+2 Int race! Male Lashunta, we love you, yet we scarcely know you.

Scarab Sages 5/5 **

I've not looked at the races from this book yet, so I'm not familiar with any races from it. Once I have time to look at these new books, I might voice my opinion.

Silver Crusade

I thinks its Awesome that some of you are giving away those Race boons. I personally live in an area where just getting to a game costs 25 bucks round trip. The Ability to go to a Con? Not gonna happen. I truly do hope one day There will be a way for me to play a Wayang in PFS. Its really awesome of you guys to help fellow gamers. Sucks to be poor sometimes.

I searched the forums looking for a way to earn the boon,and found nothing but groups of people that CAN get to cons fighting against groups of people who simply are unable. Its good to see that some people out there honestly are helping others :)

Thanks for the unintended pick me up :)

Shadow Lodge

Chris Mortika wrote:
Thomas, do you want a Kitsune? I have seven.

Oh, if only I had something to bribe you with... >.>

Silver Crusade

LoL the only thing I could offer anyone would be the Postage. Its still just flat out nice to have found one place that did not leave me feeling down in the dumps.

Mabye we will get lucky and they will offer those classes some other way sometime soon.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

Here's hoping for getting a ratfolk boon. Ratfolk are cool.

Or an android witch with a sheep familiar.

Silver Crusade


Silver Crusade

FanaticRat wrote:

Here's hoping for getting a ratfolk boon. Ratfolk are cool.

Or an android witch with a sheep familiar.

hmmmm so then do Androids really dream of electric sheep?


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Londar Cleaver wrote:
FanaticRat wrote:

Here's hoping for getting a ratfolk boon. Ratfolk are cool.

Or an android witch with a sheep familiar.

hmmmm so then do Androids really dream of electric sheep?

(that's the joke)

Londar Cleaver wrote:
FanaticRat wrote:

Here's hoping for getting a ratfolk boon. Ratfolk are cool.

Or an android witch with a sheep familiar.

hmmmm so then do Androids really dream of electric sheep?

That depends on whether they sleep or not, they are immune to sleep effects. An android witch can't put herself to sleep! I don't think they feel strongly one way or the other though, they're emotionless!

Thread necro though, I'm sure the world's moved on a bit since 2012.

Silver Crusade

pathar wrote:
Londar Cleaver wrote:
FanaticRat wrote:

Here's hoping for getting a ratfolk boon. Ratfolk are cool.

Or an android witch with a sheep familiar.

hmmmm so then do Androids really dream of electric sheep?
(that's the joke)


Silver Crusade

MrSin wrote:
Londar Cleaver wrote:
FanaticRat wrote:

Here's hoping for getting a ratfolk boon. Ratfolk are cool.

Or an android witch with a sheep familiar.

hmmmm so then do Androids really dream of electric sheep?

That depends on whether they sleep or not, they are immune to sleep effects. An android witch can't put herself to sleep! I don't think they feel strongly one way or the other though, they're emotionless!

Thread necro though, I'm sure the world's moved on a bit since 2012.

I know an awful lot of necromancers running around *shrugs*

Sczarni 2/5

pathar wrote:
Londar Cleaver wrote:
FanaticRat wrote:

Here's hoping for getting a ratfolk boon. Ratfolk are cool.

Or an android witch with a sheep familiar.

hmmmm so then do Androids really dream of electric sheep?
(that's the joke)

But how would you make it electric?

But, as far as race boons, I happen to know of a couple folks that would love to see Androids as a playable race in PFS. Me, I'm fairly indifferent.

I already have 3 boon race characters, one of which no longer requires a boon to create, and there's really only one race boon I'm interested in right now and that's just because of a hilarious character concept I've had.

If I don't manage to get that boon, however, the character will likely end up a Human or Half-Elf.

Silver Crusade

Honestly I would Love to have any of the boons, Simply for the roleplay value behind it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jack-of-Blades wrote:
But how would you make it electric?

Clockwork Familiar would work! Its even got a little electric bite attack.

Personally, I'm cool with opening new options to players, but no so cool with reserving them.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Chris Mortika wrote:
Thomas, do you want a Kitsune? I have seven.

Need a painted mini?

Silver Crusade

I understand the need to draw players to cons, I just hope they open more races to those of us who would LOVE to go to a con, but simply cant manage it. They did allow some, so hopefully Brock will allow the use of some of the current boon ones soon. Or I can get my Hands on one of the Wanyang boons one way or another.

Londar Cleaver wrote:
I understand the need to draw players to cons, I just hope they open more races to those of us who would LOVE to go to a con, but simply cant manage it.

I wouldn't put my money on it. Pleas like that are normally ignored and responded with "Well you can just get one from someone else!" or the like. Not a fan of that either.

Anyways, hopefully you can get your hand on a boon you need. I'd give you one if I could, but I haven't gotten many boons of my own and what I did get wasn't race boons.

Silver Crusade

I appreciate the thought :) Who knows, Maybe i'll dig one up somewhere, or when i'm done with the last book I could try to trade off the full Pathfinder Books one with the Permanent boon.

Sczarni 2/5

Londar Cleaver wrote:
I appreciate the thought :) Who knows, Maybe i'll dig one up somewhere, or when i'm done with the last book I could try to trade off the full Pathfinder Books one with the Permanent boon.

It has been my experience, in the area that I game and the circles I associate with, that if someone you know gets a boon that they don't intend to use, if you can give a good pitch, many people will actually hand off a boon just to let you do your thing.

I see kitsune boons getting handed out like candy at <insert any given corporate driven holiday>.

If you have something to offer, be it boons, services such as painting miniatures or drawing characters, or even just eternal gratitude, I suggest heading over to the Boon Trading thread.

Semi-related Tangent:
The other option, which I'm sure I'll catch flack for merely mentioning, is to try to find a home game where you can play what you want.

I've wanted to play a Kobold since the dawn of my gaming career, and I have NEVER been allowed to do so for varying reasons. It'll never happen in PFS, and I recognize that, so I've just kept the idea in the back of my head for when the opportunity presents itself. And, lo and behold, a friend of mine is about to start GMing one of the AP's and gave me the thumbs up on playing one! Woo!

If you have an awesome character concept that won't work with the current rules set of PFSOP, you can present a case as to why you think you should be allowed to do so, but don't whine if you don't get your way.

Save the character idea for a home game, or adapt it in a way that you can actually play.

Jack-of-Blades wrote:
I see kitsune boons getting handed out like candy at <insert any given corporate driven holiday>.

What's that sound like anyway? Anything like it is in my head? "Hey, you look foxxy! Have a kitsune boon!"

Playing in a homegame is the best way to get what you want sometimes, not the worst suggestion so long as you don't force it and say it like it excuses anything in PFS ever.

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