Wizard - Tired of getting robbed...


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This is my first wizard, and in my climb to level 9 i have been robbed about 12 times give or take... once i was mugged.

Needless to say i have had to sink a TON of gold pieces into replacement gear.

So, what i would like if you would all be so kind. is ways to ward my items so i can retrieve them. Specifically my bonded item and my spell book.

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In-game: Carry around a dozen books and wear four dozen rings. Now thieves can't tell which is the real one.

Out-of-game: That's definitely a more common occurrence than I would think normal. Is there some setting-specific reason you're getting robbed so often, like the campaign taking place in a city of thieves or something? If not, you should talk to your GM. It sounds like there might be some out-of-game problem, and trying to settle that with just in-game actions will only dance around the issue.

Silver Crusade


Multiple Explosive Runes on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd...whatever page of the book.

Lock the book with a mundane lock and then cast arcane lock on it.

Cast Secret Page on all the pages of the book. Now no one can read the pages.

the two i can remember right off the top of my head; I left my spell book in the wagon, we had camped in the tower of a buried dwarven citadel. I went up to retrieve my book, and study spells for the day's excavation when i got ambushed and all of my belongings were taken.

the second time that i can remember was we were traveling to the capitol city and in the night my bag had been taken ( I was only like level 3 or something at that time) by an unseen assailant. I'm thinking were rats or something to that effect.

Yes, poor choices or rolls on my end. But i am getting somewhat better about it.

Arcane mark plus locate object? Or maybe just locate object?

Silver Crusade

Also, Locate Object.

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Two magic items in Ultimate Equipment should be picked up by any and EVERYONE that ever has to carry around a spellbook:

Bookmark of Deception and Bookplate of Recall.

The bookmark disguises whatever book you place into it as any other mundane book you want (have it disguise the book as some kind of wallpaper history book or a book on Tarrasque mating habits or something; I also don't know if the effect of it can be turned on and off without needing to remove it, but if it can, glue the bookmark into the book so you can always hide it without worry of the bookmark slipping out). The bookplate allows you to, once per day, instantly summon whatever book it's glued into back to you.

Sounds like you need to start hunting thieves down. Otherwise they'll tell their friends you're an easy mark...

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Talk to your GM. This isn't really normal, and any measures you take will be overcome.

Who robbed you? If I were you I'd tell whoever is responsible (player or GM) that it isn't fun anymore and could they kindly stop?

Am I correct in assuming that most of the robberies were the stealthy kind?

Fire Trap, Sepia Snake Sigil, Phantom Trap, and perhaps Explosive Runes should make thieves more wary of stealing from you. Magic Mouth, Alarm, or Theft Ward would let you know if someone is touching your stuff.

Edit:Seriously Ninja'd

Silver Crusade

Concurring with talking to the GM. That frequency feels more than a little shady.

Are you being robbed by a simulationist or a narrativist/gamist?
Chances are it's the latter. Only in the case of the former is upping your precautions likely to preduce the results you want. Know your GM.

That's not normal, there's no in-universe reason for it to happen, it's clearly not fun, it's repetitive, and it seems vindictive.

Your only option is to talk to your GM.

Silver Crusade

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Here's the basic thing to remember:

You are a WIZARD. And what is the number one rule about wizards?

"Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger."

Let your wizardly wrath wash upon your enemies like a tidal wave upon the shore and leave nothing left but ashes and broken dreams.

Elamdri wrote:

Here's the basic thing to remember:

You are a WIZARD. And what is the number one rule about wizards?

"Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger."

Let your wizardly wrath wash upon your enemies like a tidal wave upon the shore and leave nothing left but ashes and broken dreams.

I'm sure all of the completely unrelated thieves in completely unrelated places, including motiveless rats, will be very impressed. Maybe you can deter the rats with Explosive Runes too.

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I thought the number one rule was "Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for you are tasty and they can polymorph into a dragon."

Silver Crusade

Cheapy wrote:
I thought the number one rule was "Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for you are tasty and they can polymorph into a dragon."

Well I figured that was covered in "quick to anger" ;)

Contact poison.

Nobody expects a wizard to use poisons, even though they can use magic to apply it safely.

Silver Crusade

Roberta Yang wrote:
Elamdri wrote:

Here's the basic thing to remember:

You are a WIZARD. And what is the number one rule about wizards?

"Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger."

Let your wizardly wrath wash upon your enemies like a tidal wave upon the shore and leave nothing left but ashes and broken dreams.

I'm sure all of the completely unrelated thieves in completely unrelated places, including motiveless rats, will be very impressed. Maybe you can deter the rats with Explosive Runes too.

The thieves will be more impressed when I burn their hideout to the ground after I scry on my book and flay their skin from their bodies to make a map to find their treasure. (God I love that spell btw)

Also, why are rats stealing your book? And how are they stealing your book? No opposable thumbs...

Elamdri wrote:
The thieves will be more impressed when I burn their hideout to the ground after I scry on my book and flay their skin from their bodies to make a map to find their treasure. (God I love that spell btw)

And then completely unrelated thieves who have never heard of the first batch steal it again. Congratulations, you have accomplished nothing.

Elamdri wrote:
Also, why are rats stealing your book? And how are they stealing your book? No opposable thumbs...

Because the GM is a git. You did read the part of the thread where the OP said the book was stolen by rats once, right?

He said wererats, not ordinary rats. They could be members of a thieves' guild.

Anyway, I agree with the "talk to your GM" sentiments.

Silver Crusade

Roberta Yang wrote:
Elamdri wrote:
The thieves will be more impressed when I burn their hideout to the ground after I scry on my book and flay their skin from their bodies to make a map to find their treasure. (God I love that spell btw)
And then completely unrelated thieves who have never heard of the first batch steal it again. Congratulations, you have accomplished nothing.

All I'm saying is that he's got 5th level spells. There are few problems in this world that cannot be solved by 5th level spells. I mean, hell, for starts he can have a Secret Chest up at all times with a spellbook in it, making it nigh impossible to steal his spellbook.

I prefer to handle things in game. That's just my way. If someone is screwing with me in game, I make public examples of them. And I continue to do so until "Theives" learn their lesson. You burn enough thieves guilds to the ground/flood their hideouts with cloudkill and seal off the exists with a wall of stone, and eventually the message will catch on.

Or it won't. But hopefully it does.

Elamdri wrote:
Also, why are rats stealing your book? And how are they stealing your book? No opposable thumbs...
Because the GM is a git. You did read the part of the thread where the OP said the book was stolen by rats once, right?

Sigh, yeah, I saw that, hence the "Why are rats stealing your book/how are they doing it." I hate it when when GMs pull crap like that.

I don't like to directly call people cheaters. It's not very fun and it's too easy. I prefer to lay the foundations of the argument innocuously, and then when I've got an opening, plunge the knife into their heart (figuratively) and drive home my point. They can backpedal if they want, but I've already made my point.

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Few personal problems can't be solved through creative application of high explosives. Or in this case fireballs.

Silver Crusade

^I like how he thinks.

I interpreted the line as "I'm thinking [they] were rats" rather than "I'm thinking were[-]rats [did it]". I suppose the latter is possible too.

Regardless, it's not like a single group of thieves is constantly preying on you, so dramatic vengeance won't dissuade future thieves. Which also means things like poison or explosive runes to guard the items won't help either - kill one thief and another, unaware of the first thief's fate, appears.

As fun as all the "lol just toss more fireballs at their faces" posts are, you really need to understand that that won't change anything at all.

Wow, thank you for your advise, This has been a lot to happen in the span of a dinner plate.

My GM: is not vindictive, as far as i can tell. we are really good friends. his world is kind of brutal and likes to teach you life lessons very quickly. I think this lesson is "Take care of your crap!" but yes, i will speak with him.

The other players: have done nothing to my stuff... yet. let's hope they don't.

I know i may get some Hisses from some of you, but when i was playing 3.5 i think i remember a spell that i seen in passing that could recall an item to you from great distances? I can't remember the name of it >.<

@VRMH What spell would you use

@Elamdri I just hit 9th level last week, i have yet to pick my spells for it, and i am currently brouseing them.

@Roberta Yang yes, i'm sorry my grammar is a bit... wonky at times, i have my suspissions that they were warerats. but the GM did not confirm nor deny this suspission.

Roberta, you obviously don't understand the concept that most communities, unless extremely large are going to have most if not all the thieves know eachother,, even if only by reputation. Also, using a different approach and being proactive is worth a try, your negativity is not.

Ishpumalibu wrote:
Roberta, you obviously don't understand the concept that most communities, unless extremely large are going to have most if not all the thieves know eachother,, even if only by reputation.

Unless "all the thieves in the world, even of different races and in completely different places" are considered one "community", that's not going to help. Remember, this isn't one giant thieves' guild in one town; this is a bunch of completely separate instances of unrelated looters, often in locations with no community at all like outside dungeons.

Ishpumalibu wrote:
Also, using a different approach and being proactive is worth a try, your negativity is not.

You know what's more worth a try than murdering random pickpockets and hoping that the GM decides not to steal your spellbook a thirteenth time is? Talking to your GM. Don't spend weeks trying to find an in-game solution to what seems to be an out-of-game grudge.

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Cast magic mouth on your spellbooks and spell component pouch, set to yell "Thief!" really loudly if anyone else touches them.

It's not even him possibly holding a grudge against you. It's just far above normal :)

Ishpumalibu wrote:
Roberta, you obviously don't understand the concept that most communities, unless extremely large are going to have most if not all the thieves know eachother,, even if only by reputation. Also, using a different approach and being proactive is worth a try, your negativity is not.

No, I think she gets that. She's saying the issue is the GM being vindictive, You can flay alive every thief you see, but the GM will still have unrelated thieves attempt it again.

Liberty's Edge

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Take the Spell Mastery feat a few times.

But seriously, yeah, talk to your GM. He's being a dick.

Silver Crusade

The GM doesn't necessarily have to be holding a grudge. I've seen a few too many GMs engage in that sort of thing simply because they found it amusing, or even thought the group as a whole found it amusing. He might not even be aware that he's killing the game for the OP.

Or he might be an intentional griefer. We don't know.

Does he hold up a cardboard cutout of "trollface" attached to a stick, in front of his face whenever he does it.

If so he might be having a go with it....

sigh... if only things in life were that clear.

Silver Crusade

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TheRonin wrote:
Ishpumalibu wrote:
Roberta, you obviously don't understand the concept that most communities, unless extremely large are going to have most if not all the thieves know eachother,, even if only by reputation. Also, using a different approach and being proactive is worth a try, your negativity is not.
No, I think she gets that. She's saying the issue is the GM being vindictive, You can flay alive every thief you see, but the GM will still have unrelated thieves attempt it again.

But..but...but...what if you LIKE flaying thieves alive?

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Elamdri wrote:
TheRonin wrote:
Ishpumalibu wrote:
Roberta, you obviously don't understand the concept that most communities, unless extremely large are going to have most if not all the thieves know eachother,, even if only by reputation. Also, using a different approach and being proactive is worth a try, your negativity is not.
No, I think she gets that. She's saying the issue is the GM being vindictive, You can flay alive every thief you see, but the GM will still have unrelated thieves attempt it again.
But..but...but...what if you LIKE flaying thieves alive?

Then keep it in the bedroom where it belongs.

Mikaze wrote:

The GM doesn't necessarily have to be holding a grudge. I've seen a few too many GMs engage in that sort of thing simply because they found it amusing, or even thought the group as a whole found it amusing. He might not even be aware that he's killing the game for the OP.

Or he might be an intentional griefer. We don't know.

It might also be like the paladin thing. You know how some people read the paladin, see there's a falling mechanic, and think, "Welp, clearly I need to do whatever it takes to make some falling happen"? Some people look at the wizard, see the stuff about spellbooks and arcane bonds, and think "I'd better steal that stuff every single session, that's what those rules exist for, right?"

We don't know what the GM's mindset is, but the thefts are common and disconnected enough that the source clearly isn't simulationist. Which means that talking to the GM is the answer.

Silver Crusade

Puggeh wrote:
@Elamdri I just hit 9th level last week, i have yet to pick my spells for it, and i am currently brouseing them.

If you are having problems with stuff getting stolen: Secret Chest.

You only have to recast it every 60 days and you can store your most precious valuables in it.

Wall of Stone is helpful to cut off escape and trap foes

Teleport is helpful to pop right in on top of your enemies.

Magic Jar is nice because once you find their hideout, you can have your party members guard you outside while you start possessing thieves inside and cause them to start murdering each other

If they're low level, Cloudkill will be your best friend

Or if you just like hurling your enemies around the room, Telekinesis is always fun.

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I suppose the question of if you are being singled out unfairly could be answered with: Are your fellow party members also being constantly robbed?

If just you....DM talk/complaint time.

If all of you: DM style.

Silver Crusade

Sin'ayd Ohkan'rr wrote:
Elamdri wrote:
TheRonin wrote:
Ishpumalibu wrote:
Roberta, you obviously don't understand the concept that most communities, unless extremely large are going to have most if not all the thieves know eachother,, even if only by reputation. Also, using a different approach and being proactive is worth a try, your negativity is not.
No, I think she gets that. She's saying the issue is the GM being vindictive, You can flay alive every thief you see, but the GM will still have unrelated thieves attempt it again.
But..but...but...what if you LIKE flaying thieves alive?
Then keep it in the bedroom where it belongs.

Mrs. Wizard always complains I get too much blood on the carpet, and then I'm stuck all night prestidigitating it out while she nags.

VRMH wrote:
Nobody expects a wizard to use poisons, even though they can use magic to apply it safely.
Puggeh wrote:
@VRMH What spell would you use

Unseen Servant.

sounds like the OP is just rather un-careful with his spellbook.
i have never seen anybody else, nor would i ever consider, leaving a spellbook in a wagon outside while i camp inside some tower. seriously.
the other case wasn't very clear (seriously dude, work on spelling things correctly and using normal grammar, perfection isn't necessary but make an effort) but i would guess that it was getting something stolen while his character was sleeping.
solution - keep guards while sleeping, and pretty much sleep with your spellbook locked to you on a chain, hidden under your pillow or under your clothes. secret chest, shrink item, and other such spells are a good resource to make the spellbook not a target of theft, alarm and magic mouth are also good... advice to apply runes and such to your spellbook won't do much to prevent it from being stolen (unless the thief just can't wait to read the book), they are just good at getting 'revenge' on the thieves, which doesn't do you much good. the bookplate is basically insurance, but if you take good precautions you shouldn't need it as much.
i haven't heard any evidence that the spellbook has been specifically targetted, by either NPCs or the GM, all the evidence to me says that the player has just been recklessly un-cautious about guarding his spellbook.

Silver Crusade

VRMH wrote:
VRMH wrote:
Nobody expects a wizard to use poisons, even though they can use magic to apply it safely.
Puggeh wrote:
@VRMH What spell would you use
Unseen Servant.

Mage Hand could also get it done I suspect.

Xuttah wrote:

Take the Spell Mastery feat a few times.

But seriously, yeah, talk to your GM. He's being a dick.

I second this.. DM sounds like a dick.

I don' think the DM is being a dick merely just sounds like one. A drill sergeant for all purposes would sound like a dick but he IS trying to TEACH you something. I think the DM here is doing the same. I promise you the next wizard this guy makes will have his s*$* locked down tighter than Fort Knox from lvl 1.

Another interesting item I would suggest is Bell Net. 2g for a net to cover your stuff while sleeping. Its a low power, easy access idea. Not meant to stop thieving on its own but more back ups is more back ups. Remember it next time you start out on the low levels.

I think it's a GM issue as well, but I have to say that as a player who predominately plays casters, that spellbook is my life. No way does it ever leave my person. I've even told a former GM that my book was in a hip pouch with the shoulder strap around me and my hands clasped over it while I slept. Not to mention the magical protections cast on it if anyone managed to get it away from me. Even at first level "Alarm" can be used to good effect.

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Once is a lesson, Twice is a point, Three times is suspicious, four times is malicious. Five times is just trolling.

typically once rats start stealing the spellbook you are just trolling...

TheRonin wrote:
Once is a lesson, Twice is a point, Three times is suspicious, four times is malicious. Five times is just trolling.

"Fool me once shame on you, fool me twelve bloody times i should start paying attention more."

The OP said the GM is his friend and not vindictive and I'm pretty sure the OP is not oblivious to trolling. We lack a lot of context and I personally think that if the OP hasn't realized half of these tricks people have suggested by now he really isn't learning his lesson and now he will.

IF the OP had been doing all this stuff from day 1 and the DM still magically kept stealing his stuff yes foul ball. Low blow. If he starts to uses the tactics he is being taught on the boards and the GM counters with fiat then again YES he is a a$#+#*&.

I don't know... 12 times in 9 levels.... im thinkin' hes wearin' the trollface mask.

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