>>Ask *Ross Byers* all your questions here!<<

Off-Topic Discussions

I only have one, what is your first thought when you see that there is a new monk thread?

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No questions at this time.

Just wanna say we appreciate you guys' work here on the forums. =)

Ross what types of questions do you prefer to be asked? IIRC you have done work as an RPG designer/developer. Are you better at writing stories or rules?

Why don't you use the awesome goblins in the server whenever it goes down, instead of only for schedualed downtime?

Grand Lodge

What should I be studying/working on in order to come get a job working for you or Gary?

Sup dood?

The Exchange

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What's it like having people you've never met drill you with questions?

Grand Lodge

I think it's like Boromir's last stand.

Why must you always remove my posts, Ross? I really try to remain calm and cool headed. Why do my posts get removed when it's everyone else who causes trouble? I don't even leap to conclusions; I stand stock still, and the conclusions leap to me!

Why don't you give rulings more often?

Is it fun to swing the Banhammer?

Can I borrow the banhammer?

Does your office smells of Gary and Chris?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You're not going to lock this thread, too, are you?

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Why are you so awesome?

have you ever think "Ha, this post is funny... but i have to erase it anyway"

The Exchange

Do you enjoy playing games other than Pathfinder, such as on the Computer or a console?

Shadow Lodge

The most important question of all...

Are you ever going to have the time to answer these questions anyway?

Silver Crusade

If you're buying all that Ross, who's selling?

Who put the bop in the bop-shi-bop?

Have you heard the word is love?

What's he building in there?

What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?

Tirq wrote:
What's it like having people you've never met drill you with questions?

Tell me Ross! I HAVE TO KNOW!

In all seriousness, how are things going in your no-longer-new job at somewhere other that Paizo?

Liberty's Edge

Ah memories . . .

Who's your favorite forumite?

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Haladir wrote:
In all seriousness, how are things going in your no-longer-new job at somewhere other that Paizo?

He's doing juuuuuuust fiiiiiiiine.

What is your favorite videogame?

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Asked James and Adam this, thought I'd get your input too...

Curse of the Crimson Throne is kicked off by each PC receiving a Harrow card that corresponds to both their highest ability score and their alignment. A CN ranger with a high Dexterity gets The Rabbit Prince, for example, while the NG wizard with high Intelligence gets The Wanderer card.

What happens if the PC is Multi-Ability-Dependent, and they have no single attribute that's dominant? For example, if a paladin's highest scores are an equal Strength and Charisma that are both 16, which card does he/she get? The Paladin (LG STR) or The Empty Throne (LG CHA)? How do you, either in your capacity as a developer or a GM, decide how the Harrowing affects PCs with two or more equal high scores, and thus no dominant Harrow suit?

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:

Asked James and Adam this, thought I'd get your input too...

Curse of the Crimson Throne is kicked off by each PC receiving a Harrow card that corresponds to both their highest ability score and their alignment. A CN ranger with a high Dexterity gets The Rabbit Prince, for example, while the NG wizard with high Intelligence gets The Wanderer card.

What happens if the PC is Multi-Ability-Dependent, and they have no single attribute that's dominant? For example, if a paladin's highest scores are an equal Strength and Charisma that are both 16, which card does he/she get? The Paladin (LG STR) or The Empty Throne (LG CHA)? How do you, either in your capacity as a developer or a GM, decide how the Harrowing affects PCs with two or more equal high scores, and thus no dominant Harrow suit?

Ross has never posted on this thread, and I don't think he will any time soon, so he probably won't get mad at me for responding...

Honestly, I think that you're over-thinking it. Based on how the PC is played, pick the one that's most appropriate for the character. Does the paladin regularly make lots of Diplomacy or Intimidate checks? Does he like to make public speeches or preach to a congregation? Does he turn undead frequently? If so, use the Charisma effect. Does he regularly pound on bad guys, break down doors, and arm-wrestle strangers in bars? Then go for Strength.

Or assign one that you think fits best. Even if it's not his higest score, if the character is always doling out practical sage advice, maybe you should go for Wisdom.

Or hold out two cards face down and have the player pick one. (If I were the GM, I'd do this.)

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

He actually PMed me with an answer, Haladir, but thanks for your insight on the matter too.

Over-thinking Pathfinder stuff is what I do, though.

Can I borrow a quarter?

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:

Over-thinking Pathfinder stuff is what I do, though.

I've noticed.


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