Razor Coast

Product Discussion

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I'd be happy if they actually make it out in May, but with all the add ons not sure it is possible.

Be nice if we could get the pdfs soon as they were done.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Is it May yet?
Is it May yet?
Is it May yet?
Is it May yet?
Is it May yet?
Is it May yet?
Is it May yet?
Is it May yet?
Is it May yet?
Is it May yet?
Is it May yet?

brvheart wrote:
I'd be happy if they actually make it out in May, but with all the add ons not sure it is possible.

That really depends on how much was done prior to the Kickstarter. Since they were able to show off some page samples, they can't be too far off, I think.

Pathfinder Lead Developer, Frog God Games

Depending on the actual printing time, I don't think May is unrealistic. It has been written already. It's just in the develop/layout stage, and we continued working on it throughout the KS. So May is our intention.

All of the stretch books are written also? That would be great if it does make it in May.

May would be great!

Kraken hug!

brvheart wrote:
All of the stretch books are written also? That would be great if it does make it in May.

It was mentioned more than once during the Kickstarter how awesome the Heart of the Razor material is so yeah, it's certainly been under way for some time now, as I understand it.

Sovereign Court

Fire As She Bears was already written too.

Pathfinder Lead Developer, Frog God Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Everything associated with the project has already been written. There's a little adjustment and tweaking going on here and there but the actual writing for all if it is done. Even Frank Mentzer's bonus adventure has been turned for development. If May is the timeline thought we would be able to get it out, then that is probably accurate barring printer delays or something like that.

We don't want to drag this thing out a long time. Folks have been waiting long enough for this, and we want to get it into their hands as fast as we possibly can.

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

Dark Sasha wrote:
~with a very terrible reputation. The term Nuée Ardente originally came from that mountain. It means glowing cloud - a frightengly fast cloud of pyroclastic debris and gas racing down the mountain to engulf everything in its path and vaporize all life.

Actually, it means Intensely Burning Cloud. Just as described.

I am already experimenting with pirated and looking at the gunpowder rules in preparation! Do we have an idea what period we are looking at for guns? I am guessing no modern weapons or am I wrong?

Sovereign Court Contributor

No modern weaponry. Think late 1600s to early Napoleonic. Flintlocks and Long 9s on ships. We're in Master and Commander territory.

Of course you could swap it all out for ballistae and clockwork crossbows.

Um master and commander is 1800s/Napoleonic

Sovereign Court Contributor

15 years into the 1800s. The nature of naval firearms technology (cannon) across the period from 1680/90 to 1815 is cross-pollinated enough to allow for liberal inspiration. What I mean is ships built along very late 1600s to early 1700s lines were still sailing when the the newest ships were rolling off the 1801 shipyard docks.

Personal firearms changed more in the same timeframe, of course, but Razor Coast sticks firmly with the flintlock.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yeah that was my point in that, a brown bess musket was a LARGE step up from a flint lock!

Louis Agresta wrote:

No modern weaponry. Think late 1600s to early Napoleonic. Flintlocks and Long 9s on ships. We're in Master and Commander territory.

Of course you could swap it all out for ballistae and clockwork crossbows.

That is what I guessed and I can handle that. Sounds like it is going to be a lot of fun! I cannot see using the equivalent of my Single Action pistols and Lever Action rifles in a D&D type setting. That is mixing my hobbies too much!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well, I'm a little late, but congrats on this one. I've been actively avoiding Kickstarter due to not really having funds, and it sucks to have missed this, but glad to see it got funded anyway.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Really looking forward to seeing this bad boy when it comes out!

I'm looking forward to everything. I also just got a new laptop so I am looking forward to whenever I get the downloads from my pledge.

Sovereign Court

Yo, ho, ho ! When is that Rum shipment coming to town ?

Realm Works just put on Razor Coast for their next stretch goal at 165,000 which means another 20grand in the next 12 hours. They already have the stretch goal for Pett's stuff. I haven't pledged yet as I swore I wouldn't do another Kickstarter for awhile. That said .. I will probably breakdown though the question is if I do it tonight or get up early in the morning and give in at the last moment. :) Razor Coast would be great implemented in this!

Shadow Lodge

Greg A. Vaughan wrote:

Everything associated with the project has already been written. There's a little adjustment and tweaking going on here and there but the actual writing for all if it is done. Even Frank Mentzer's bonus adventure has been turned for development. If May is the timeline thought we would be able to get it out, then that is probably accurate barring printer delays or something like that.

We don't want to drag this thing out a long time. Folks have been waiting long enough for this, and we want to get it into their hands as fast as we possibly can.

Has the S&W conversion for everything been done as well?

Well for the Realm Works kickstarter there is 4 hours to go and 8.2k until Razor Coast, it is going to be close!

Lone Wolf Development

mach1.9pants wrote:
Well for the Realm Works kickstarter there is 4 hours to go and 8.2k until Razor Coast, it is going to be close!

It's down to only $3500 with 2.5 hours to go. It's definitely doable!

Ah someone just dropped out it is now 3650!

Lone Wolf Development

And now it's back down to only $2100.

All... most... there...


Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

Kthulhu wrote:
Greg A. Vaughan wrote:

Everything associated with the project has already been written. There's a little adjustment and tweaking going on here and there but the actual writing for all if it is done. Even Frank Mentzer's bonus adventure has been turned for development. If May is the timeline thought we would be able to get it out, then that is probably accurate barring printer delays or something like that.

We don't want to drag this thing out a long time. Folks have been waiting long enough for this, and we want to get it into their hands as fast as we possibly can.

Has the S&W conversion for everything been done as well?

Fine tuning the completed portions as we speak.


And funded WITH Razor Coast, sweet!

And the Academmy Award for Best Understatement goes to...

Greg A. Vaughan wrote:
Folks have been waiting long enough for this...

Seriously, though: really looking forward to this, and really appreciate that everyone involved took the time to do it up right so as to avoid any possible let-down after the long haitus.

Grand Lodge

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Any of the forum regulars knows how hard it is to render me speechless, but all I can say to this is "Thank you."



This is one email that I am super happy to send you. Frog God Games will be sending you the Old Salt PF Razor Coast Kickstarter Pledge for free (see full list below). A very generous donor contacted us asking if they could pledge on your behalf. He was prompted by this post and then continued to tell us the following about you: "He’s one of those rare cool kids: both witty AND charming. Be really good to give him something back for the last few years of entertainment!"

If you could let me know which boats you would like from the 2nd set of boats that would be fantastic. Also, if you have a D20Pro account and could send your username over that would be great too. If you have any questions about this arrangement, feel free to ask. We hope this has really made your day!

Art Bonanza
Mind of the Man
Genuine Leather Book of Razor Coast Signed & Numbered
Signed & Low Numbered Hardcover Copy of Razor Coast w/ PDF
4 Hardcover Player's Guides w/ PDF
4 Pads of Character Sheets
EXCLUSIVE bonus module by Casey Christofferson
Reaper Bethany Miniature
Print Copy of Nick's Notes
Cloth Map
Skeleton Keys
10 Authentic Pieces of 8
Medium Authentic Wood Pirate Chest
15" Spyglass
Choice of two 15" custom handmade Razor Coast wooden ships
PDF of Dead Man's Chest
Hardcover Heart of the Razor
Player's Map Folio PDF
Pdfs of Northland Saga 1 - 3
3PP Treasure Trove from $150 level
Hero Lab and D20Pro Adventure Path files

~Blonde Frog
VP of Sales & Marketing
Frog God Games

O_O This is awesome! My heart-felt congratulations, ToZ!

Your benefactor is a rare specimen of human indeed. Whoever it was, I salute your act of kindness towards a valuable member of the community!

Shadow Lodge

Wow, congrats!


Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

TriOmegaZero wrote:

Any of the forum regulars knows how hard it is to render me speechless, but all I can say to this is "Thank you."

Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.


Sovereign Court Contributor

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I've been DYING for this to be announced. Congrats TriOmegaZero! Enjoy.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I actually got double whammied by that email. First by the gift, and second when I realized what level the Old Salt pledge was. Generous is an understatement.

And then I asked 'who the hell has that much money to waste?!' ;)

I now pledge to run the greatest Razor Coast campaign I am able to for whatever brave crew of adventurers sign on. Hopefully by the time it ships I will have a new home group ready to roll. Or perhaps I will be in a place where I can finally commit to a play by post campaign.

Dare I say it?:
...Kirthfinder Razor Coast?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Totally cool for Tri, and to the benefactor - big time kudos! It always gladdens my heart to see good honest human interaction out in the world.

TriOmegaZero wrote:

Or perhaps I will be in a place where I can finally commit to a play by post campaign.

** spoiler omitted **

If you go this route, count me in!

^ Me too! Congrats and great stuff to read - does my old heart good to know there are still some benevolent folks out there.

Sovereign Court

Kirthfinder? Doooood...

Whoever spotted you this is officially a stand-up guy/gall.

Consider my heart warmed.

That is so cool. Congrats man! Someone out there rocks mightily!

Paizo Employee Developer

That's great, TriOmegaZero, congrats!

And thanks to the donor. This community is awesome.

Silver Crusade

Holy crap, that's a lot of awesome sauce!

Yes, I would say someone was very generous indeed!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So cooool

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Someone or someones; I could see a mob of people doing something like that. (OTOH, every one of them keeping their mouths shut about it after the fact? That'd be an accomplishment.)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm not worth the logistics of that effort. ;) I'm barely worth the effort of one man.

New downloads are out! They are way cool, but a couple of them are corrupted on the server it seems. 101 Pirate and Privateer traits pdf and Book of Magic Pirate spells pdf. Not sure if the hero labs files are ok, they loaded but have not tried them out.

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