Bublaka |
32798 gp
Scroll of Resurrection – 12,27520,523 gp
3x Scroll of Death Ward - 50019,023 gp
Work in progress...
TWTW, when Bublaka leveled up to 17th, he had the option of swapping out a spell but I couldn't decide on one to grab, so I did not take that option. Would I be able to do that retroactively, by chance?
OK, starting over with the Ring of Evasion as the big ticket item.
'32798 gp
-25000 gp Ring of Evasion
' 7798 gp
- 2100 gp Scroll of Death Ward (3x)
' 5698 gp
Bublaka |
Crazy question: If I cast Shadow Evocation to emulate a fireball using a metamagic rod, does the metamagic apply to the shadow evocation or to the fireball?
Bublaka |
Not sure why it wouldn't apply to both/all. For example empower would apply to all variable numeric effects. Was there a specific metamagic effect that was causing you a headache?
Not a headache so much as trying to determine if it's worth the price. If you were going to rule that it only applied to the base spell, the rod would not really be worth it. Thanks!
Bublaka |
Bublaka wrote:32798 gp
Scroll of Resurrection – 12,27520,523 gp
3x Scroll of Death Ward - 50019,023 gp
Work in progress...
TWTW, when Bublaka leveled up to 17th, he had the option of swapping out a spell but I couldn't decide on one to grab, so I did not take that option. Would I be able to do that retroactively, by chance?
OK, starting over with the Ring of Evasion as the big ticket item.
'32798 gp
-25000 gp Ring of Evasion
' 7798 gp
- 2100 gp Scroll of Death Ward (3x)
' 5698 gp
OK, one final change:
Reduce the Scrolls of Death Ward to two.
New balance: 6298 gp
- 3000 Lesser Rod of Intensified Spell
- 3000 Lesser Rod of Lingering Spell
Final balance: 298 gp
Sorry the shopping has been so torturous. I just don't have as much time as I would like to look at the options, especially with the holidays and then being under the weather.
Valgrim Twin-Axe |
Comment, GM:
I know we're following an AP and not your own personally created adventure, though I appreciate your flavor and I've loved every moment. But logically, it doesn't make sense. I don't know if there have been general comments on the boards (been too lazy to search), but I see a huge flaw in the rationale behind the last adventure. The module before we visit this mystical island, battle these legendary beasts, pass these Tests, all to get to this secret knowledge hidden away for over a thousand years ....just so it can then be released to the world and into the hands/talons of the one creature who has been searching for it for 1400 years?! Seriously?! What was the point then? Get xp? Isn't that a big "F-you!" from the writer of these adventures?!
What are your thoughts? Like I said, I will keep on trekking to save the world and I can't wait to take on giants (obviously with class levels since normal ones are CR 9-10) and whatever else there may be, but it just struck me.
Bublaka |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
We were warned that if we followed the path we pursued, all of the information would be released into the world.
Metagame, I figure if I'm willing to suspend disbelief for the whole scenario being possible, I can certainly accept that it has limitations that I'm not familiar with - such as the Order of the Storm's magic having an "all or nothing" clause - they could capture and hide the information from the world, but when they released it, they had to release all of it back where it was originally.
I guess I don't see why I would stop my suspension of disbelief all of a sudden now.
The Worm That Walks |
So, it works like this, the druids kept all the info secret for as long as it would hold Kyuss and his minions in check (1,500 years isn't a bad run) but the bad guys have slowly been building back up in power since then. Now the Age of Worms is again nigh and you once again need the info the druids hid away. It was a stop gap measure to take Dragotha out of the fight but Kyuss is coming back with or without his direct assistance now. You just need to make sure that Dragotha does not come back to lead Kyuss' armies or your chances of stopping all this went from slim to none...
Trust me, Valgrim, I thought the same thing and it is a little bit of a jab to the gut but you still have the initiative. Yep, they wrote it this way. Personally, I think I would have went a little bit different direction but hey it's all still good. Oh, and questioning things to maintain a certain level of verisimilitude in the world is always welcome in my games :)
Vug Vang |
Comment, GM:
I know we're following an AP and not your own personally created adventure, though I appreciate your flavor and I've loved every moment. But logically, it doesn't make sense.
The adventure that didn't make sense to me was Three Faces of Evil. There's a dangerous cult underneath a mine, but apparently nobody cares enough to fight them but us; I guess Allustan and Smenk's men couldn't be bothered. So we destroy the temples one at a time while the remaining temples sit there and do nothing. Well, at least Smenk paid us for doing his dirty work, right? Nope, in fact he was kind of rude to us.
Valgrim Twin-Axe |
Thanks for the explanation, GM.
Yeah, Vug, I hate that too, when DMs play dungeons as static. The enemies hear the cries of slaughter from the room next door but don't leave their marked locations on the map. I prefer more fluid/intelligent delves, even if it means fighting 10-15 bad guys in one room instead of 3 guys per room.
The Worm That Walks |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I am a slave to good art and your planetar was defined by some of the coolest art I could find. Here are a couple of pics of her:
Exousia again
Hope you like her. Yeah, I know...no green skin, but hey sacrifices must be made...
Valgrim Twin-Axe |
Vug, here is the information we have on Dragotha from the thread:
The dragon, an ancient red, is none other than the fabled Dragotha, later to become a dracolich.
The ancient undead dragon Dragotha is the herald of Kyuss. He was granted his unlife by the Wormgod well over 15 centuries ago, after he found the monolith in Kuluth-Mar and brought it to his lair in Rift Canyon. When Dragotha was slain by Tiamat, Kyuss repaid him with the gift of undeath, and in so doing bound him eternally to his will.
If you're looking for game terms, I believe a 40 Knowledge check would tell us everything about the lich template: negative energy attacks, DR 15/bludgeoning and magic, immune cold and electricity; spellcaster. Add red dragon and all the dragon attacks (bite, claws, wings, and tail) and breath weapon (fire or negative energy?) and you get the picture.
The Worm That Walks |
I just put a full scale map of Kongen-Thulnir as the current map link. I'm not sure how useful it will be because it is so huge. I absolutely DO NOT plan to use it for any tactical combats. I was thinking its purpose might be to give you a true scale of the place, moving the markers to indicate places you have questions about, place some markers of my own to indicate places I am describing, and possibly using it to indicate current position of the party. I could probably do most of this on a smaller scale version if it proves to cumbersome. There are 4 colored markers at the top of the map that you should be able to move around and a party marker also.
EDIT: I renewed the smaller map of KT under the Kongen-Thulnir link if you want to look at a smaller version.
The Worm That Walks |
I will roleplay her from time to time but it will be up to Friar Ferez to run her in combat. She tends to prefer to hit things with her greatsword over casting spells. Her True Seeing ability is always on. I don't see any long term prep spells for her to cast but I could be missing something. If you are within 20' feet of her you get the benefits of her protective aura.
Protective Aura (Su) Against attacks made or effects created by evil creatures, this ability provides a +4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws to anyone within 20 feet of the angel. Otherwise, it functions as a magic circle against evil effect and a lesser globe of invulnerability, both with a radius of 20 feet (caster level equals angel's HD). The defensive benefits from the circle are not included in an angel's statistics block.
EDIT: She'll probably be running around invisible most of the time since that is at will.
Valgrim Twin-Axe |
Makes sense. She needs help on that Reflex save though. Guess with her lesser globe of invulnerability, she has not had to dodge that much. :)
You know, reading your intro, I realized something. KT is in the Rift Canyon. And Dragotha's lair is in the Rift Canyon (from what I quoted from the thread above). So the druids put his phylactery under his nose all these years?! True, the canyon is miles long, I imagine. But still...too funny!
EDIT: Ready to rock when you are. I want to see the angel in action.
The Worm That Walks |
Remember that those saves are +4 better against anything evil. Combined with her globe, her immunity/resistances to all elements, and her regeneration of 10...well she is pretty tough.
Yep...those wacky druids, you would have thought they would have put it on an island in the middle of a storm that no one could get to....but that would have been to obvious...
Of course, maybe they could only take it so far before Dragotha would have noticed, so they needed to have it warded/hidden real quick and their little island paradise had not been set up yet.
Valgrim Twin-Axe |
No, she is hardcore. When she power attacks, she does 5d6+30 damage against evil! And with haste and Bubba's IC +4, she's going to be knocking heads!
The Worm That Walks |
Hey...dragons seem like the bigger threat right now. But don't worry, I won't make it easy.
LOL, yeah, I expect your wise enough (18 Wis!) to know when to keep quiet for the most part...but damn if some dwarvish insults don't just fly out all on their own.
Or however you see that charisma manifesting itself :) You have to, after all, keep that Bard doing an honest days work...
Bublaka |
TWTW: My intent is to retcon the negotiation with Darl. Obviously, it can't be something that would have direct bearing on the battle to come since I wasn't able to come up with something before the story moved on.
The Worm That Walks |
Ok, after some research it seems it is totally a judgement call on the effects of Freedom of Movement on wind, water currents, etc...
After some thought I think Freedom of Movement would NOT stop the wind or current from having and effect on you (it's kind of like a bull rush) and they don't stop you from moving normally anyway (they just move you, again, like someone who bull rushed you would.) This also keeps me happy with your ability to use the wind or current to enhance your speed or carry you along should you choose not to fight it AND it avoids that age old problem of you not being able to swim and sinking to the bottom of the ocean. Thoughts are welcome...
Bublaka |
It's going to have to be some give-and-take or I'm going to be relying on your lead. I'm so busy with RL that my head's really not in this. But I don't want to leave it forever, no.
Do you want to do it here to avoid confusing the epic battle or perhaps do it offline by PM?
The Worm That Walks |
Yeah, PM me when you get the chance and I'll post it in the story thread once we wrap it up. I totally understand your RL is full, I am flexible. It just didn't seem worth stalling the whole game over and I thought mistakenly that it might be wrapped up as the prep for entering the Rift was happening. No big deal though, just didn't want to leave it too long, we still have some time. Near future events shouldn't effect it at all.
The Worm That Walks |
Also what's the current season/climate
Just realized I forgot to answer this, but let's just assume you can do what you want to with the weather since I don't think it has been defined yet in game (at least not that I am aware of). That and your REALLY good at bringing around storms :)
Vug Vang |
By the way, the reason that I came up with such a specific set of rules for using Magic Jar is because I didn't want my familiar to Magic Jar one of the PCs!
As far as I can see, you can't tell enemies from allies while you're in a Magic Jar -- just "strong" life forces vs. "weak" life forces and undead vs. living. So I figured that I'd reserve Magic Jar for the situations where the party is fighting one or two monsters with at least 4 HD more than the PCs or against undead.
The Worm That Walks |
Lol, I did think of that also but you are all protected as long as you stay around the angel. Her Protection from Evil goes out to 20' feet. So I was applying the "weak" lifeforces to the orcs and the "strong" ones to the giants. I also kind of figured this would be a trial run to work out the kinks since it is a relatively harmless encounter for you guys. I have no problem with the Magic Jar being focused on MORE powerful auras than you guys. That makes it a lot simpler for me. So I'll just go forward with it holding off on trying to possess things until it meets the "one or two monsters with at least 4 HD more than the PCs or against undead". The "PC" part of that was what was missing, so thanks for clarifying.
Valgrim Twin-Axe |
I can see Vug's post about drinking a potion of greater invisibility and moving away from the crowd through the preview cursor but I don't see the post in the thread. Curious, huh?
Valgrim Twin-Axe |
Actually, this is from the FAQ posted March 2013, that specifically mentions the ice storm spell:
Damage Reduction: How does DR interact with magical effects that deal bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage?
Although the Bestiary definition of Damage Reduction (page 299) says "The creature takes normal damage from energy attacks (even nonmagical ones), spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities," that's actually just referring to damage that isn't specifically called out as being of a particular type, such as fire damage or piercing damage. In other words, DR doesn't protect against "typeless damage" from magical attacks.
However, if a magical attack specifically mentions that it deals bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, DR affects that damage normally, as if it were from a physical weapon. (Otherwise the magical attack might as well not have a damage type, as it would only interface with B/P/S damage in a very few corner cases, such as whether or not an ooze splits from that attack.)
For example, the ice storm spell deals 3d6 points of bludgeoning damage and 2d6 points of cold damage. If you cast ice storm at a group of zombies, the zombie's DR 5/slashing protects them against 5 points of the spell's bludgeoning damage. Their DR doesn't help them against the spell's cold damage because DR doesn't apply to energy attacks.
posted March 2013
Valgrim Twin-Axe |
How about the amulet off Necrozyte DM?
Leather armor +5
+3 defending short sword
+1 light cross bow with 20 bolts
helm of teleportation
ring of chameleon power
Belt of Dexterity +4
potion of fly (2)
wand of invisibility (42 charges)
scented oils worth 500 gp
That helm is awesome. I'm tempted to take off the veil, which protects against gaze attacks. Anyone else interested in the helm?