Deevor |

Black Tom i dont think you have mentioned alignment at all
is there a possibility we would be able to play evil characters?
(here's hoping for an evil cleric or druid)
I have submitted Canvy Mardrain a Neutral Chaotic Cleric, but that's not the way my God Lamashtu works...so more your fighting cleric than your healy, healy cleric. Seems there's a few out here that want some evil channeling....LOL

Black Tom |

Well, it seems we have a party. Broccan and Senstree look OK to me, except that I don't use traits. Wessel, I think that rogue or monk would be better than cleric or druid, since we seem to have one of each. Deevor, Canvy could work in this party, but expect to prepare a lot of cure spells, since you're still going to need healing.
I'm not very fond of evil characters but if you all don't mind, I will run with it as long as you get along. We'll start you too in Wolfstone (Diamond Lake). I'll open a discussion thread here for you to figure out if and how you know each other and finalize your characters.

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OK, cool what fun this might be. I was hoping for fitting a couple levels of fighter for this guy, and I was hoping for negative channeling. Although this guy is classed as a cleric, I kinda thought him a rather strange fighter, but hey. Looks like I'm gonna memorize the cure spells and we'll see how it goes.
I'll start to get a spec going, for the background, Canvy could be a native of Diamond Lake, if they have a city militia or military force.
As for working with a group of adventurers, it will satisfy my need for 'action' and a few drinks along the way.

Black Tom |

OK, cool what fun this might be. I was hoping for fitting a couple levels of fighter for this guy, and I was hoping for negative channeling. Although this guy is classed as a cleric, I kinda thought him a rather strange fighter, but hey. Looks like I'm gonna memorize the cure spells and we'll see how it goes.
I'll start to get a spec going, for the background, Canvy could be a native of Diamond Lake, if they have a city militia or military force.
As for working with a group of adventurers, it will satisfy my need for 'action' and a few drinks along the way.
Nah, with a witch and a druid, maybe we've got the healing covered. Just please don't kill the other party members.
There isn't really a militia, but the governor employs a semi-private force led by a corrupt sheriff. They are basically just a bunch of thugs, so you'd fit right in.

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I don't want to kill the other party members, I think its more like a clerical rage, but rather than rage the guy has 'madness' when fighting. I am grateful that the party members allow me to join them and fight alongside them.
Personally I don't like playing games when the party is more intent on killing one another than killing the opposition.
If I'm not the main healer, then I guess I can take 2 levels in fighter, as this fits in with his background and the madness can become more pronounced if he survives the first couple of levels.
I think the personal bodyguard is good, I was employed despite my recklessness, after a career in a nearby town as per the background. It all fits in quite nicely. I have been dismissed because of bouts of drunkenness and am in need of more fun.
I'm working on either an half-orc build or human build.

Garron Grim |

was hoping for fitting a couple levels of fighter for this guy, and I was hoping for negative channeling. Although this guy is classed as a cleric, I kinda thought him a rather strange fighter, but hey.
this is almost exactly what i was going to do :P i was leaning more toward cleric/barb.
here's my(Wessels) monk.

Kobold Catgirl |

Canvy Mandrain wrote:was hoping for fitting a couple levels of fighter for this guy, and I was hoping for negative channeling. Although this guy is classed as a cleric, I kinda thought him a rather strange fighter, but hey.this is almost exactly what i was going to do :P i was leaning more toward cleric/barb.
here's my(Wessels) monk.
Just thought I'd say, we can tell whose alias it is by hoverng over the avatar, so you needn't identify yourself.

Black Tom |

Is there still room in any of the games? I'd love to play on another adventure of yours BT.
Actually I think there is a spot left in the Citadel adventure, and I'd love to have you there. But I should warn you, they are a pretty weird bunch of people (the characters I mean, the players are cool).
Mechanically they are well-balanced, so you could make about anything. Personality-wise... not so much.

AinvarG |

There seeems to be a spot open in the Citadel game. If anyone is interested, just post a character in the discussion thread. Any class (except paladin) will do. Note that it is not an Age of Worms adventure and it is a lot zanier than the main campaign (but equally deadly).
Seriously considering it -- my other games have largely gone quiet due to RL. Any particular class you see lacking? Or have I cursed too many of your games already?

Black Tom |

Black Tom wrote:There seeems to be a spot open in the Citadel game. If anyone is interested, just post a character in the discussion thread. Any class (except paladin) will do. Note that it is not an Age of Worms adventure and it is a lot zanier than the main campaign (but equally deadly).Seriously considering it -- my other games have largely gone quiet due to RL. Any particular class you see lacking? Or have I cursed too many of your games already?
Heh, on the contrary, I'd be delighted to have you aboard, and I think you'll appreciate the level of zaniness. I guess they could use some more healing, so a cleric would be nice, but any class would do (except Paladin for RP reasons).

AinvarG |

AinvarG wrote:Heh, on the contrary, I'd be delighted to have you aboard, and I think you'll appreciate the level of zaniness. I guess they could use some more healing, so a cleric would be nice, but any class would do (except Paladin for RP reasons).Black Tom wrote:There seeems to be a spot open in the Citadel game. If anyone is interested, just post a character in the discussion thread. Any class (except paladin) will do. Note that it is not an Age of Worms adventure and it is a lot zanier than the main campaign (but equally deadly).Seriously considering it -- my other games have largely gone quiet due to RL. Any particular class you see lacking? Or have I cursed too many of your games already?
I've been following along... it's an interesting crew, for certain. I'm working up a CN Half-orc Cleric of Gorum.
I was wondering about using the unwanted greataxe they just found as a hook for the half-orc. Perhaps he lost his preferred weapon in a wager - or more likely a mugging - and lacks the funds to replace it, so he offers to wield the weapon on the party's behalf as payment. Of course, then I realized as a cleric, he would be proficient with the greatsword (deity's preferred) but not the greataxe...

Black Tom |

Let's see if this works... a spot just opened in the Age of Worms game (we're just starting Three Faces of Evil). As is my wont, I will give precedence to anyone that has gamed with me and liked it, but I need a replacement as soon as possible, preferably in the next few days.
You will be starting at 2nd level, 20 point buy, Core+APG allowed, preferably good alignment, looking for a tank but any battle-oriented character will do. Standard starting gold.
It's a fast-paced game and I expect players to post at least daily on weekdays. If that's too much, please don't apply. I can't promise anything, but feel free to post a character if you're interested.

Black Tom |

Let's see if this works... a spot just opened in the Age of Worms game (we're just starting Three Faces of Evil). As is my wont, I will give precedence to anyone that has gamed with me and liked it, but I need a replacement as soon as possible, preferably in the next few days.
You will be starting at 2nd level, 20 point buy, Core+APG allowed, preferably good alignment, looking for a tank but any battle-oriented character will do. Standard starting gold.
It's a fast-paced game and I expect players to post at least daily on weekdays. If that's too much, please don't apply. I can't promise anything, but feel free to post a character if you're interested.
We have our player.

Black Tom |

Again, I am afraid we lost a player in the Age of Worms game. This is a very long-running game and the characters are pushing level 15. So for now I'm looking for someone to run our cleric Friar Feres.
If you'd enjoy a traditionally built (in more than one sense) cleric of Sarenrae and think you'd fit in with the gang please let me know. It's a game and a character that I care a lot about, so I'd prefer someone I know (from the boards or previous games). If the original player reappears you are welcome to make any kind of character you like (as long as they are good-aligned) and jump in.
Also, we're approaching a point where there is going to be a huge party (if you know the Age of Worms AP you know which one) with all sorts of adventurers invited. Anyone who has a character from any of my Wilderlands game is welcome to make a cameo appearance, just to celebrate the great characters of yore. It will be mostly a role-playing event, but you are welcome to take part, and you can advance your character to level 13 if you like (but with half WBL, since I'm such a a stingy DM).