Action cost to switch magic items

Rules Questions

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Assuming my character has two magical amulets around his neck, an amulet of mighty fists and an amulet of natural armor. Only one of these is "active" and bestows its benefit at a time - but what is the cost to switch which one is the "active" amulet? Can I do it as a standard action? Is it a free action? A move or swift action? Full-round?

thanks :)

It certainly wouldn't be a free action, as that would kinda of miss the point of only having so many bodyslots. Attack with your offensive item on your turn, then turn on your defensive item as a free action.

yea, no.

I honestly don't believe the rules state it, but as activating a magic item is a standard, I'd say the same for switching them (RAI, not RAW)

Sounds like the move action Manipulate an Item to me.

Personally I wouldn't allow someone to wear 2 (or more) at the same time. That being said I would think it to be a move action to take off one, and another move action to draw the other from its storage space ... then another move to put it on.

Sounds harsh but I think it is basicallythe same as manipulating items.

hmmm - I cannot see a way in which a character would not be allowed to wear multiple magical items in a slot. Four amulets! For Vale Gloris! Lord of the Bling! After all, there is no magic or something in place that makes it impossible to wear multiple amulets.

Unfortunately that still doesn't make clear what action is necessary to change their active precedence.

Magic items on the body states:

"It's possible for a creature with a humanoid-shaped body to wear as many as 15 magic items at the same time. However, each of those items must be worn on (or over) a particular part of the body, known as a “slot.”"


"Of course, a character may carry or possess as many items of the same type as he wishes. However, additional items beyond those in the slots listed above have no effect."

This seems, to me, to imply that you can't actually wear multiple magic items in the same slot. "Carry" and "possess" are not the same thing as "wear."

There's also no rule for determining which item would be active, as there is for armor. Even if you could wear multiples, I don't know whether it would be the last one you put on (as some have been ruling here) or whether it would depend on some other criteria, perhaps caster level or item cost, which would be static.

LoreKeeper wrote:

hmmm - I cannot see a way in which a character would not be allowed to wear multiple magical items in a slot. Four amulets! For Vale Gloris! Lord of the Bling! After all, there is no magic or something in place that makes it impossible to wear multiple amulets.

Unfortunately that still doesn't make clear what action is necessary to change their active precedence.

Magic Items on the Body

Many magic items need to be donned by a character who wants to employ them or benefit from their abilities. It's possible for a creature with a humanoid-shaped body to wear as many as 15 magic items at the same time. However, each of those items must be worn on (or over) a particular part of the body, known as a “slot.”

A humanoid-shaped body can be decked out in magic gear consisting of one item from each of the following groups, keyed to which slot on the body the item is worn.

As a side note regarding slots, would a character with extra hands (forwhatever reason) gain extra slots for rings?

Grand Lodge

LoreKeeper wrote:

Assuming my character has two magical amulets around his neck, an amulet of mighty fists and an amulet of natural armor. Only one of these is "active" and bestows its benefit at a time - but what is the cost to switch which one is the "active" amulet? Can I do it as a standard action? Is it a free action? A move or swift action? Full-round?

thanks :)

I think it is from maby second addition but my party still uses a old rule that trying to put 2 magical items in the same slot mixes the magic cancling our eachother so you do not get the benifits of ether.

Mind you they also had rules for affect from nothing to poison to both benifits if you drank 2 poition at the same time.

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threemilechild wrote:

Magic items on the body states:

"It's possible for a creature with a humanoid-shaped body to wear as many as 15 magic items at the same time. However, each of those items must be worn on (or over) a particular part of the body, known as a “slot.”"


"Of course, a character may carry or possess as many items of the same type as he wishes. However, additional items beyond those in the slots listed above have no effect."

This seems, to me, to imply that you can't actually wear multiple magic items in the same slot. "Carry" and "possess" are not the same thing as "wear."

There's also no rule for determining which item would be active, as there is for armor. Even if you could wear multiples, I don't know whether it would be the last one you put on (as some have been ruling here) or whether it would depend on some other criteria, perhaps caster level or item cost, which would be static.

Sure, but just because I wear one amulet in my neck slot, doesn't mean I cannot carry another amulet around my neck. Therefore one of the amulets is in the slot, and the other is not (and thus has no effect). Possessing/carrying an amulet has no restrictions on items, so I could tie a long amulet around as a belt (with no impact on the belt magic slot), wrap two around my wrists, and wear a whole set of amulets around my neck. Still, after all that, only one of them counts as the magical amulet that occupies my neck slot.

The question is, how much effort does a character go through to change which amulet is in the slot?

gourry187 wrote:
As a side note regarding slots, would a character with extra hands (forwhatever reason) gain extra slots for rings?

Typically I think not - though there have been precedents which explicitly called out the ability to carry extra rings and the like.

Core / Ultimate Equipment has items that manipulate the slot rules, such as the hand of glory.

The game assumes you will only put one magic item in that slot, so there is no rule for it, so if you tried to change an item out:

1. remove the 1st item and put it away.

2. take out the 2nd item, and put it on.

I see both of these as move actions, which in this case one would be a standard action. So I would still make you take the same amount of time to get the same affect.

gourry187 wrote:
As a side note regarding slots, would a character with extra hands (forwhatever reason) gain extra slots for rings?


While it may seem logical, for game balance purposes it has always been limited to two regardless of the number of hands.

wraithstrike wrote:

The game assumes you will only put one magic item in that slot, so there is no rule for it, so if you tried to change an item out:

1. remove the 1st item and put it away.

2. take out the 2nd item, and put it on.

For what it's worth from the days of 3.5, a Rules of the Game article states: "[Y]ou always can carry more items than you can wear in a particular slot. If you wear more items in a slot than will fit, only the first one (or the first two, in the case of rings) that you put on functions. As a rule of thumb, it takes two move actions to switch around items that you wear -- one to shed a functioning item and put it away, and one to get out the replacement item and put it on."

So my two move actions was correct.. :)

I see both of these as move actions,..

Thanks Some call me Tim; and wraithstrike. That sounds like the fairest reading. 1 round to adjust a magic slot.

Time to plan a character of bling!

Liberty's Edge

LoreKeeper wrote:

Thanks Some call me Tim; and wraithstrike. That sounds like the fairest reading. 1 round to adjust a magic slot.

Time to plan a character of bling!

If you store it in a easily accessible location were retrieving it count as a free action. There are a few magic items that do that.

And then there is the problem of where you have put the old item. I doubt you wish to go around the battlefield dropping magic items because they aren't useful for this battle.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

If it wasn't amulets but rings, there's an item in the UEG page 212, "Meridian Belt", that lets you wear four rings. Only two at a time are active, but you can switch between them as a swift action. Note that you still have to spend the standard action to activate the ring if it requires activation.

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LoreKeeper wrote:

Sure, but just because I wear one amulet in my neck slot, doesn't mean I cannot carry another amulet around my neck. Therefore one of the amulets is in the slot, and the other is not (and thus has no effect). Possessing/carrying an amulet has no restrictions on items, so I could tie a long amulet around as a belt (with no impact on the belt magic slot), wrap two around my wrists, and wear a whole set of amulets around my neck. Still, after all that, only one of them counts as the magical amulet that occupies my neck slot.

The question is, how much effort does a character go through to change which amulet is in the slot?

The way I've always ruled it is that if two magic itmes occupy the same slot, they cancel each other out and neither works until you remove one or the other.

Grand Lodge

What sort of action would it be to lift, or pull down goggles on my face?

Much like pulling down reading glasses to see something.

blackbloodtroll wrote:

What sort of action would it be to lift, or pull down goggles on my face?

Much like pulling down reading glasses to see something.

A meaningful waggle of the eyebrows could drop them. Getting them up would take a bit longer. ;)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
LoreKeeper wrote:

hmmm - I cannot see a way in which a character would not be allowed to wear multiple magical items in a slot. Four amulets! For Vale Gloris! Lord of the Bling! After all, there is no magic or something in place that makes it impossible to wear multiple amulets.

Unfortunately that still doesn't make clear what action is necessary to change their active precedence.

We have this pesky thing called the rules that say only one item per slot. I generally rule that when people pull things like that, no items function until they're all taken off and the wanted item is put back on.

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LazarX wrote:
LoreKeeper wrote:

hmmm - I cannot see a way in which a character would not be allowed to wear multiple magical items in a slot. Four amulets! For Vale Gloris! Lord of the Bling! After all, there is no magic or something in place that makes it impossible to wear multiple amulets.

Unfortunately that still doesn't make clear what action is necessary to change their active precedence.

We have this pesky thing called the rules that say only one item per slot. I generally rule that when people pull things like that, no items function until they're all taken off and the wanted item is put back on.

Yes, 1 item active in a slot. Doesn't mean I cannot wear additional things around my neck that do not occupy my magical neck slot. I'm pretty sure that you've got no problem with characters wearing 4 mundane necklaces around their neck; there is nothing intrinsically preventing a character from carrying his/her items in whatever way they please. The only restriction is that a particular body slot can only benefit from one magical item.

Its not about pulling a fast one on the GM or the game. It's not about swapping to bonus-to-hit at the start of a round, and back to defensive AC at the end of the round. I'm perfectly fine with taking a whole round to rearrange my active magic neck slot. The question, which I think has been most objectively answered by Tim and wraithstrike, is how much effort should it take exactly? Two move-actions (or effectively a full-round) seems to be adequate. In other words, the fairest answer, is that the action cost is the same as taking off an item and putting on a different item.

Relevant rule:

Of course, a character may carry or possess as many items of the same type as he wishes. However, additional items beyond those in the slots listed above have no effect.

In other words I may carry (around the neck if I so wish) as many magical amulets as I want. Only the one that I assigned to the neck slot has any effect.

My gut tells me once you put a amulet around your neck you are no longer carrying it ... you are wearing it. Possessing and carrying would be if the item is in a pouch or backpackers.

Or in my hand. You agree I could be carrying my amulet in my hand?

I'd rule that the "active" amulet would be the first one you put on. You could put as many on afterward as you wanted, but they'd all remain inactive. At that point, you'd have to take all of them off except one, which would then become the new "active" amulet.

I'd rule taking off an amulet as a move action you'd need a free hand for, that would provoke an AoO.

I do not believe there are any rules pertaining specifically to this situation, as the RAW presumes you will only be wearing one magic item per slot.

move action to manipulate the items

you would be provoking A00 as well.

see actions in combat table

As SlimGauge mentioned, the Meridian Belt is useful as a comparator. The belt costs money (1,000 gp), occupies the belt slot, and requires a swift action to activate.

Regarding the original question, the rules don't explicitly answer the question. I would rule that the activity requires two move actions: one to remove the first amulet, and one to apply the second amulet.


I'll be honest, I didn't read through the entire posting so if this has already been stated I apologize.

Multiple magic items can be worn in a single slot, but doing so causes them to negate each other and you do not gain the benefit of either. If you want to switch out amulets, it would require two move actions as Axl stated.

Shadow Lodge

This appears to be one of those interminable rules quandaries in which Paizo remains steadfastly aloof to making a declarative ruling, thereby leaving it up to GMs on a situational basis. (I.e., "Wearing ten rings and necklaces is blingy; use a standard action to activate different ones. -- But the same trick won't work with two hats because only one of them is actually touching your head! For them, I'll impose action costs similar to drawing and stowing weapons", etc.)

Note that no rules text explicitly stats that you physically can't wear a dozen rings or necklaces, or that doing so has a deleterious effect upon any first, activated item. Some[/i[ items, in their own accompanying text, spell out limitations (e.g., [i]Bracers of Armor winking out if better armor is donned), but the vast majority do not.

Designer, RPG Superstar Judge

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 5 people marked this as a favorite.
Sir Thugsalot wrote:
Note that no rules text explicitly stats that you physically can't wear a dozen rings or necklaces

Core Rulebook:

It's possible for a creature with a humanoid-shaped body to wear as many as 15 magic items at the same time. However, each of those items must be worn on (or over) a particular part of the body, known as a “slot.”

Player: I have an amulet worn on my neck slot.
GM: Then you can't wear another item in your neck slot, any more than you can wear two helmets or two suits of armor.

Also, look to the section on Rings:
A character can only effectively wear two magic rings. A third magic ring doesn't work if the wearer is already wearing two magic rings.

The limit for rings is "up to two." The limit for amulets (and any other slot) is "one." If putting on a third ring doesn't work, why do you think putting on a second amulet should work?

Yeah, you can wear a second amulet, but it has no effect if you're wearing any other amulets. So if you want amulet #2 to work, you have to at least spend a move action to remove amulet #1, and if you put #1 back on (a move action), #2 is the one that's active (because it was on solo first), so if you want #1 to be active you'd have to remove #2 (so #1 would be on solo), then you could put #2 back on to be in your earlier state (#1 active, #2 inactive).

I think we are making this far to complicated. The rules use very specific words for a reason. It states you can wear 1 item in each slot and that slot takes up a location on the body part. In short, you can only wear 1 amulet,if you want to swap amulets you spend a movement to un-equip, and another movement to re-equip.
If the rules don't say clearly you can wear multiple amulets than you can't. Just like Ray of Frost the cantrip cannot freeze objects. The spell does not say it can, therefore it cannot.


The Exchange

I actually thing a single move to remove and store, and a second move to retrieve and equip is probably too generous. as stated manipulating an item is a move action, so I'd call it a move action to remove the item, either a free action to drop the item or a move action to store it. a move action to retrieve the next item, and a move action to equip the new item. I could see an argument that retrieving an item takes the same actions (going to a bag, opening the bag...) that are integral to retrieving an item. So you could logically combine the two into a single move action to both store one and retrieve the next. Which results in 3 move actions, so you would spend 1.5 rounds or about 12 seconds to swap out two amulets. To me that's reasonable from an action cost as well as a practical time cost.

The Exchange

Isadork wrote:

I think we are making this far to complicated. The rules use very specific words for a reason. It states you can wear 1 item in each slot and that slot takes up a location on the body part. In short, you can only wear 1 amulet,if you want to swap amulets you spend a movement to un-equip, and another movement to re-equip.

If the rules don't say clearly you can wear multiple amulets than you can't. Just like Ray of Frost the cantrip cannot freeze objects. The spell does not say it can, therefore it cannot.


I agree, IF you have the replacement in hand already. if not you need to add another move action to retrieve the new item. So 3 move actions if the second item is stowed.

Silver Crusade

Personally, as a GM, if I had a person try arguing this with me, I'ld offer two choices. Choice One: the enemy is allowed to wear 15 different amulets as well, and they've all been created to only function for CE people, so he gets them for cheaper and you have to UMD to get them to work for you. Choice Two: conflicting magical energies make your head explode. Choose.

There are already item stacking rules that would cover this. Just pay the 1.5x cost and have as many effects as you want simultaneously.

LoreKeeper wrote:

Assuming my character has two magical amulets around his neck, an amulet of mighty fists and an amulet of natural armor. Only one of these is "active" and bestows its benefit at a time - but what is the cost to switch which one is the "active" amulet? Can I do it as a standard action? Is it a free action? A move or swift action? Full-round?

thanks :)

You wear them both... neither works. Given that both are use activated, if you've made this mistake, you can get rid of one of them, i.e. take it off and drop it as a move action. Or get it off and put it away as a standard.

Sir Thugsalot wrote:

This appears to be one of those interminable rules quandaries in which Paizo remains steadfastly aloof to making a declarative ruling, thereby leaving it up to GMs on a situational basis. (I.e., "Wearing ten rings and necklaces is blingy; use a standard action to activate different ones. -- But the same trick won't work with two hats because only one of them is actually touching your head! For them, I'll impose action costs similar to drawing and stowing weapons", etc.)

Note that no rules text explicitly stats that you physically can't wear a dozen rings or necklaces, or that doing so has a deleterious effect upon any first, activated item. Some[/i[ items, in their own accompanying text, spell out limitations (e.g., [i]Bracers of Armor winking out if better armor is donned), but the vast majority do not.

Rules are never structured around "you can't do this". They are structured about what you can do, and in this case it's wear ONE magic item per slot. Items that break this rule come at a cost. The Meridian Belt for example takes up the space used for stat belts and while it allows you to wear four rings instead of two, only two can be active at once.

Liberty's Edge

I have seen three ways to handle this;

1: If more than one item in a slot then none function. Ergo, you need 3 move actions to remove one, retrieve another, and put on the new item (plus eventually a 4th move to store the original item).

2: If more than one item in a slot then only the last added functions. Ergo, to switch to a particular item you just need to take it off and put it back on. 2 move actions.

3: If more than one item in a slot then only the first added functions. Ergo, to switch to a particular item you need to take off and then put back on each item OTHER than that one ([Items - 1] * 2 move actions to switch). This isn't cost effective past two items worn, and thus most characters with 3+ items for a slot would wear only one at a time and follow the procedures for option 1 above instead.

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Didn't Sean K Reynold's answer this question like 3 years ago? ;-)

Gilfalas wrote:
Didn't Sean K Reynold's answer this question like 3 years ago? ;-)

When has a question already being answered ever stopped anyone from arguing about it?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Yeah, I remember one thread where characters would grow tails....

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