The big hit build


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Grand Lodge

Ah. I had not considered the Magus.

blackbloodtroll wrote:

I had no idea how many mounted builds would be suggested.

Still really not looking for a mounted build.

Because mounted fighting si all about tht one big hit. Whether you hit once and then ride off or hit once and then full attack or hit once, murder opponent, hit next target that's really what it all comes down to.

Grand Lodge

Yeah, I feel silly for not realizing it earlier.

Still, mounts are something I would like to avoid.

I haven't read this whole thread, So hopefully I'm not just repeating ideas here.

Anyway, One of the ways to boost your real damage output is by boosting the accuracy of your attacks. So, while normally feinting is less than optimal, It is actually quite effective if you are going to making use of Vital strike (which it sounds like you will be) in any case.

Now, the obvious choice would seem to entail making use of sneak attack since you're going to be denying your opponent their dex bonus but...

A two-hander paladin actually has surprisingly good synergy with improved feint due to their CHA focus. There is also the fact that the paladin's smite is again synergistic with the "one big hit" concept. Divine bond also contributes to big hits with free flaming enhancements and whatnot. Pick a half-elf for a guilt free skill focus (bluff) and/or find a way to add it as a class skill for reliable feints. Also, the usually kinda sucky Vicious enchantment (which is only +1) actually works really well here because you are only hitting once per round, and the paladin can use lay on hands as a swift action when targeting themselves, Both factors really serve to take the sting out of using a vicious weapon.

So a level 7 (for example) paladin wielding a +1 Vicious greatsword can be hitting (power attacking, smiting) a flat-footed enemy at roughly +11 dealing roughly 6D6+21 damage. An average of 39 damage per hit, with no buffing whatsoever. Under good circumstances of course.

I think that's respectable damage, and you will only rarely miss which as I mentioned above contributes more than most people realize to ones actual DPR over the course of an encounter.

Grand Lodge

Would a Barbarian with the Hurling Rage Powers line and Vital Strike feat line do this?

Maybe I am just remembering the 3.5 Hulking Hurler too fondly.

blackbloodtroll wrote:

Would a Barbarian with the Hurling Rage Powers line and Vital Strike feat line do this?

Maybe I am just remembering the 3.5 Hulking Hurler too fondly.

Sadly the hurling rage powers require a full round action and vital strike specifically calls out a "attack action, witch is a type of standard action" so no you would not be able to do this.

Man I am reading up on that hulking hurler (or at least a post by someone who is trying to break it) It looks epic. The guy is chucking small mountains! Trying to think what would happen if he had muleback cords...

Btw found it here.

Grand Lodge

That class sparked the "how many hit points does the earth have?" question.

That is weak build compared to what can be done.

Of course, back then, there was Pun-Pun.

blackbloodtroll wrote:

Would a Barbarian with the Hurling Rage Powers line and Vital Strike feat line do this?

Maybe I am just remembering the 3.5 Hulking Hurler too fondly.

One of my friends has an Alchemist / Barbarian build focused around Catch Off Guard. The idea is to combine Rage with Mutagens & Elizers for super high strength bonuses and then throw random objects at your enemies. It's basically Hulking out.

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Alright since I forgot to include some statistics for my last few posts (on page 3), here are some numbers on damage. I will include them at different levels and will assume a str of 16 (+2 racial), a con of 14, and when it matters, a cha of 15 (say a 13 upped by a headband). I will go off of WBL but keep the items light.

Human eldritch heritage build.
Lvl 7. 37 average damage.
With Enlarge person, 51 damage.
With enlarge person and lead blades, 60 damage.
Really, just about all classes should be around here, this is just a benchmark.

Math and stuff:
6,485/23,500 gold
100 lead blades, caster level 2
100 enlarge person, caster level 2
2,285 large magic bastard sword (+1)
4,000 belt of giant strength (+2)

BAB +7
str bonus +9 (with rage)
large bastard sword 2d8+1
power attack +6
vital strike +2d8
Total+ 4d8+23
enlarge turns that to 6d8+24 (+1 for size bonus)
lead blades turns that to 8d8+24
average of 37, 51, 60 damage respectively.
Remember this is average damage and kinda light on the equipment, next level wont be as light.

Lvl 8. 66 damage always.
With Enlarge person, 83 damage.
With enlarge person and lead blades, 99 damage.
Now because of raging finish, you take maximum damage instead of average, and your damage just skyrocketed by just under double.

Math and stuff:
12,485/33,000 gold
100 lead blades, caster level 2
100 enlarge person, caster level 2
8,285 large +1 flaming magic bastard sword
4,000 belt of giant strength (+2)

BAB +8
str bonus +10 (with rage, +2 str at lvl 4, 8)
large bastard sword 2d8+1
flaming +1d6
power attack +9
vital strike +2d8
Total+ 1d6+4d8+28
enlarge turns that to 1d6+6d8+29 (+1 for size bonus)
lead blades turns that to 1d6+8d8+29
maximum of 66, 83, 99 damage respectively.
Notice now that this is maximum damage because of furious finnish and a +1 flaming sword.

Lvl 11. 110 damage.
With Enlarge person, 135 damage.
With enlarge person and lead blades, 159 damage.
Improved vital strike and eldritch heritage are the main reasons that I am calculating damage at this level. Note you get 44 extra damage from lvl 8 without size increases.

Math and stuff:
34,485/82,000 gold
100 lead blades, caster level 2
100 enlarge person, caster level 2
8,285 large +2 flaming magic bastard sword
16,000 belt of giant strength (+4)

BAB +11
str bonus +13 (with rage, +2 str at lvl4, 8)
large bastard sword 2d8+2
flaming +1d6
power attack +9
touch of rage +9 (eldritch heritage)
lesser elemental rage +1d6
elemental rage +1d6
vital strike +2d8
improved vital strike +2d8
Total= 3d6+6d8+44
enlarge turns that to 3d6+9d8+45 (+1 for size bonus)
lead blades turns that to 3d6+12d8+45
maximum of 110, 135, 159 damage respectively.
Once you get improved vital strike your damage will spike again. This takes into effect after the turn spent casting touch of rage for 1d4 rounds.

Lvl 17. 175 damage.
With Enlarge person, 209 damage.
With enlarge person and lead blades, 273 damage.
With giant hide armour and lead blades, 342 damage.
175 damage a hit at lvl 17. 342 damage if you actually go with all the size increases witch essentially doubles your damage, but you are huge size. If you just went with lead blades to keep your size down, you would be looking at around 207 damage and stay medium size, but you really get your damage from the size bonuses. I dont expect you to hit this level but it is a good projection of what you can do when taken all the way.

Math and stuff:
209,700/410,000 gold
100 lead blades, caster level 2
100 enlarge person, caster level 2
50,335 Huge +3 Sun Blade
69,165 Giant Hide Armour (Cloud giant)
90,000 belt of physical might (+6str, +6 con)

Just to recap, Str =34, Con =28
16 base, 2 racial, 4 levels, 6 improved rage, 6 belt of physical might, 4 eldritch heritage.
14 base, 6 improved rage, 6 belt of physical might, 2 raging vitality.
enlarge person grants +2 str, +2 con, +1 size increase
Giant hide armour grants +8 str, +6 con, +2 size increase (replaces enlarge person)

BAB +17
str bonus +18
con bonus +10 (via raging brutality, takes a swift so no lesser elemental)
huge sun blade 3d8+3
power attack +15
touch of rage +15 (eldritch heritage)
elemental rage +1d6
reckless abandon +5
vital strike +3d8
improved vital strike +3d8
greater vital strike +3d8
Total= 1d6+12d8+73
enlarge turns that to 1d6+16d8+75 (+2 for str and con size bonus)
lead blades turns that to 1d6+24d8+75
Giant hide turns that to 1d6+32d8+80 (+4 for str, +3 for con size bonus, -enlarge person bonuses)
maximum of 175, 209, 273, 342 damage respectively.
So here is your 17th lvl damage with everything tacked on and only 1/2 of your wealth spent. This includes unique items like sun blade and giant hide armour, but really this is just theory crafting. Still it makes good food for thought 8D

So as you can see, you can get alot of damage with vital strike and furious finish. I will do some comparisons with the other builds to see how it actually stacks up, but that is for the next thread XD

Edit: crap I put this in the wrong post...... Lets see if I can fix that....
Edit: Edit: nm, this is in the right post, those hulking hurler posts threw me off track...

blackbloodtroll wrote:

That class sparked the "how many hit points does the earth have?" question.

That is weak build compared to what can be done.

Of course, back then, there was Pun-Pun.

oh yes... how many hps does the earth have? I had a barbarian focusing on grappling and sundering that often asked the same question. He had the body bludgeon, sundering strike, and spell sunder feats and would grab someone and try and sunder the ground with him... He would also grab a wizard and sunder the spell he just cast with a meaty thud... One time he actually broke through the floor into the room below by grabbing a skeleton and smashing the ground hard enough...

Your second point, if that was weak, what the heck could that class do??? That has me really interested, as last I read I think it was up to 150,000 damage...
And what is pun-pun?

blackbloodtroll wrote:

Are sunder builds really that strong?

I hardly ever see it used, and many monsters have no armor or weapons.

Sundering builds can be quite potent but do have some flaws. Like you noted, if the creature has nothing on it, you cant sunder, but then you just vital strike away. If they have anything at all, a shirt, a pair of trousers, a backpack, a rock in hand, or anything at all, you can sunder that. That one hp shirt means that full damage goes right through to the creature thanks to greater sunder, and if your gm constantly runs 'nude' goblins, ask him to put a little more detail so that you can actually do your sundering a bit more. This is like the improvised weapon user but less so, they require some effort on the gms part to include things that you can use. The second part is that CMD scales higher and will be harder to hit, especially with larger monsters. You should generally be alright if you focus on it and if you take items like giant hide armour help alot. I dont have much experience in the higher levels, so I cant tell you if that stays constant +lvl 12, but you should be fine below that.

Grand Lodge

Pun Pun.

Hulking Hurler.

speakin of 3.5 gobo horde reminded me of one of my favorite characters from 3.5

it was a combat brute with a large sword breaker, weapon master for exotic sunder, and cleaving sunder. man that guy could dish out some massive damage. once he hit frenzied berzerker with shock trooper he was unkillable and could break anything he hit in one strike.

gobo i may steal that character for pathfinder.

Ok looking back, I am attempting to assemble all the builds that have an actual number to see how they compare to each other. I am only taking builds that have some math shown so I dont have to attempt to do it all myself :P I will also assume that everyones math is correct. I will try and use average damage when possible unless they can reliably do said damage (15-20 crit range will be considered reliable for this sake)

hoshi's build on page 1 could inflict an average of 163 damage in a hit from the back of his mount at lvl 12.
Ganny's build at lvl 18 (the earliest you can get time stop) is doing and average of 190 damage after quite a bit of buffing/debuffing and time stop.
Oterisk's build at lvl 8 could do an average of 63.5 damage and to multiple enemies (via cleave)
tifton's build at lvl 16 could do 54 damage. seems really low, I think you forgot some damage.
Edit: I know you forgot some damage, here is my estimate based on what you showed:
average 68 damage, with no items at lvl 16. Guess this would be better as a regular hitter.
Mercurial's build at lvl 13, average 87 damage, no items.
hogarth linked to a post about a druid doing 212 damage once, at lvl 11 with some legality issues
bertious's build does 146 damage average at lvl 18? probably more. minimal items
Mercurial's build at multiple levels :D
lvl 7: 34 average damage a hit
lvl 12: 51 average damage a hit
lvl 18: 92 average damage a hit
lvl 18: 118 average damage a hit
Sadly some more builds by mercurial with no stats, so i cant put those in now :(
Mercurial's 20th lvl smiting palidin, average 258 damage
Prototype00 20th lvl monk/druid, 140 damage plus static, so what? 180? 200?
Javaed, lvl 11? 49 average damage? 42 average damage? dont know if i got that right
AdAstragames, lvl 8 (roughly), 36 damage average, roughly
StreamOfTheSky, 20th lvl druid/barbarian, average 204 damage
StreamOfTheSky, 20th lvl synthist, average 143 damage
StreamOfTheSky, 20th lvl cavalier, average 288 damage. Decent!
Prototype00, 20th lvl hippo druid, average 188 damage
Volkspanzer, 20th lvl visectionist/fighter, average 216 damage plus other modifiers. Nice!
volkspanzer, 20th visectionist/fighter revamped, average 304 damage! Real nice!
Breiti, 7th lvl rouge/alch, average 51 damage
North Star lvl 7 palidin, average 39 damage
Gobo Horde, multiple levels, some items, some buffs
Lvl 7: 37 average damage, 60 with buffs
lvl 8: 66 damage, 99 with buffs
lvl 11: 110 damage, 159 with buffs
lvl 17: 175 damage, 342 with buffs

hoo crap, that took alot more time than I realized... This is in no way, orginized, fair, or even remotly controlled. It is sloppy, biased, and incomplete. some have items, some have buffs, and I am completly trusting that the numbers are correct or at least close and I also tried to average out the damage. For my own, I posted both buffed and unbuffed because most other builds could feasibly buff as well. Based on this, here is my findings.

Level 7
Mercurial, 34
Gobo Horde (unbuffed), 37
North Star, 39
Breiti, 51
Gobo Horde (buffed), 60
Level 8
Astragames, 36
Oterisk, 63.5
Gobo Horde (unbuffed), 66 damage
Level 11
javed, 49
Gobo Horde(unbuffed), 110
Gobo Horde(buffed), 159
hogarth, 212 (one hit, some legality issues)
Level 12
Mercurial, 51
Hoshi, 163
Level 13
Mercurial, 87
Level 16
tifton, 68
Level 17
Gobo Horde (unbuffed), 175
Gobo Horde (buffed), 342
Level 18
Mercurial, 92
Mercurial, 118
bertious, 146
Ganny, 190
Level 20
StreamOfTheSky, 143
Prototype00, 188
Prototype00, 180? 200?
StreamOfTheSky, 204
Volkspanzer, 216
StreamOfTheSky, 288
Mercurial, 258
Volkspanzer, 304


Huh, so it turns out, Breiti's rouge/alchemist seems to be the king of the level 7s, but is quickly outstripped by Oterisk's Scout and Gobo Hordes barbarian (even the unbuffed one). Mid range (11 to 16) is dominated by Gobo Hordes barbarian and hogarth's absurdly high 212 one hit wonder druid. Nothing else compares, even 5 levels higher. Late game (level 17 to 20) sees numbers topping out in the 300s with Gobo Hordes buffed barbarian taking top slot at 342 damage and Volkspanzers half-orc Vissectionist/Two-handed Fighter coming in second place with 304 damage! Honerable mentions go to Mercurials smiting paladin and StreamOfTheSkys Cavalier!


Well thanks for taking the time to read all this, and thanks to blackbloodtroll for getting the thread started, I had Alot of fun doing this and if nothing else, hopefully it will prove a pointer in what direction to look for builds. As always, I look forward to seeing even more builds, See if anyone can top my Barbarian! and as always, any builds I build here, feel free to use, for if they make it to your tabletop, they live to see another day.

Reading up on that pun pun is epic! It was a laugh to see how they went about doing it, thanks for the link!

As for Orc Boyz, steal away! It is in that regard that my characters gain life, and I consider that an honor if it ever happens, so by all means go for it!

im to tired to list all of the particulars, but using this feat Measured Response (Combat) (g!& d!&n i love that feat) a magus who sets up his strike would deal 15d6 max (x2)+(leadblades + enlarge person(great sword)=42) +3d6 (fire,electric,acid)+ all the static damage that would be assoiated with melee hits

you would be looking over 300 points of damage on a single strike. if you could work in one more point of bab you would qualify for greatervital strike adding 28 more damage, im going to have to build it and post it later.

Grand Lodge

I am quite interested.


Haven't read every page but thought I would throw this out there for consideration.

The Horizon Walker has a class feature called Terrain Dominance, in lets you use your favoured terrain bonus as a Ranger's favoured enemy bonus against creatures native to that terrain.

The "Mountain" terrain is home to a very large number of critters from the Bestiary.

With 10 levels of Horizon Walker (which is a full BAB class) you can stack your favoured terrain (Mountain) bonus to a respectable +16 (+14 Favoured Terrain, +2 Master of all Lands).

That's +16 to attack & damage against creatures from that Terrain.

This would be in addition to any Favoured Terrain bonuses gained from other sources (such as Ranger or Rogue).

A Ranger "Guide" would also be able to stack on his Ranger's Focus to this amount. So a Guide 10/HW 10 would have a +26 to attack and damage rolls.

In the ARG there is a Half-Orc racial trait (Shaman's Apprentice) that gives Endurance as a bonus feat - so a half-orc Barbarian or Fighter can qualify for this prestige class with only investing 6 ranks in Kn (Geography) and giving up the Intimidating racial trait.

It may be worth playing with the numbers on one of those Barbarian or Fighter builds to see if the +16 to attack & damage from Horizon Walker pays off or not.

So I just found something that had me scared. Real scared.
Combining the barbarian that I built with a lance and spirited charge. Lance triples the damage dealt and furious finish does 2 times to 4 times an attack as one hit. lance would triple that to 6 to 12 TIMES your damage on a hit. I will have to look into this...

Edit: well I found out that the lance only triples it on a charge and thankfully you cannot vital strike and charge at the same time. Phew. on the other hand, if I ever play with a group that houserules vital strike working with a charge, I will look at this again. and subsequently get it banned again XD

@ Orc Boyz, how is measured response good and why do you like it so much? I never understood the concept of the feat, sure, it keeps you from rolling abysmally but it also keeps you from rolling well or ever getting a crit. Comparing it to furious finish, witch does max damage (but has more restrictions), I cannot understand the draw. A single level dip in barbarian is all you need to qualify for FF, but a 4 level investment truly makes it shine (2 bar, 2 HW). Could you work that into the magus build?

@Krodjin a 10 level horizon walker/X level rouge (and I think there was some shadow dancer in there) can abuse the heck out of terrain dominance to get quite ridiculous bonuses to hit and damage. I think that they were able to get closer to +30 bonuses but I cannot remember. Also since it is a static bonus it is only applied once (since we are trying to build the one hit wonder) and gets ridiculous once you start full attacking. I will look into it but it will take some time (as I posted in it before, but I have 250+ posts to look through). Will post it when I can!

Grand Lodge

Looks like mounted is really not an option to be avoided.

I do wish it could be.

I haven't seen it yet, but I'm going to throw out my favorite high level single hit monstrosity (only works at levels 19-20, but still!).

Level 20, two handed fighter 19/barbarian 1, halfling. Hear me out now!

-the only relavant stat is a 14 base in strength, so that you can get power attack (since TH fighter gets better payout). Then take risky striker, both weapon focuses, both weapon spec, pump strength (double bonus to damage) and get yourself a two handed weapon. My personal favorite is the halberd since it gives you reach and a good critical, but for this example I will use a scythe since it's stereotypically the best.

Final Strength of 34 ( 14+5 levels +5 tome + 6 item + 4 rage). Assuming vanilla +5 furious halberd, gloves of dueling, and nothing else gear wise you're looking at an auto confirmed crit with your scythe.

To hit +36 = BAB 20 + Strength 12 + size 1 + weap enhancement 7 + WF 2 + WT 6 -6 PA-5 DB)
Damage 1d8+ 71(24 strength + 12 risky striker + 7 enhancement + 4 WS + 24 power attack)

Simple as cake! Move next to opponent, rage, devastating blow as a standard attack at -5. +35 hits most everything and that's without any sorts of buffs. Since you have weapon mastery you auto confirm a x5 crit with your scythe. this does 5d8+ 355 damage, for an average of 377.5 damage.

I believe that should put out the highest single hit so far, and it does it without a mount or any buffs. That's also only using 6 feats for a 20th level fighter, and around 200k in gear, so a pretty good return on investment!


ashern wrote:
My personal favorite is the halberd since it gives you reach and a good critical, but for this example I will use a scythe since it's stereotypically the best.

I don't think the Halberd has had reach since 2nd Ed ;)

But thanks for the ideas - I've been considering ways to build a halfling to take advantage of risky striker ever since I got the ARG. I'm toying with a mounted version...

Krodjin wrote:
ashern wrote:
My personal favorite is the halberd since it gives you reach and a good critical, but for this example I will use a scythe since it's stereotypically the best.

I don't think the Halberd has had reach since 2nd Ed ;)

But thanks for the ideas - I've been considering ways to build a halfling to take advantage of risky striker ever since I got the ARG. I'm toying with a mounted version...

My bad! I was thinking glaive guisarme. Same damage die and critical, but with reach instead of trip.

ashern wrote:
Krodjin wrote:
ashern wrote:
My personal favorite is the halberd since it gives you reach and a good critical, but for this example I will use a scythe since it's stereotypically the best.

I don't think the Halberd has had reach since 2nd Ed ;)

But thanks for the ideas - I've been considering ways to build a halfling to take advantage of risky striker ever since I got the ARG. I'm toying with a mounted version...

My bad! I was thinking glaive guisarme. Same damage die and critical, but with reach instead of trip.

i've heard people singing praises to the fauchard as well.

Grand Lodge

I cannot pronounce Fauchard, without it sounding very inappropriate.

Name your weapon Jean Luc.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
sunbeam wrote:
Name your weapon Jean Luc.

Jean Luc Fauchard?

Sounds like a porn name.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

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That derailed rather quickly!

Half giant psychic warrior w/ large great sword (3d6 base) , vital strike and expansion.

I didn't think expansion was still around, do those shenanigans work in pathfinder?

Grand Lodge

Psionics is 3rd party, and I'd rather not walk that path, even if allowed.

If it's in that small group of 3.5 Pathfinder(there's a little) then it should be fine, but otherwise, no 3.5 either.

Remember, any Pathfinder race, outside of those in the race builder sectionof the ARG(so no Centaur) is allowed.


sunbeam wrote:

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Pure Awesome. A Jean Luc Picard face palm...

BBT: I think it's pronounced "foe shard"... I could be wrong - your way sounds funnier!

Dualcursed (wolfscarred face, deaf) samsaran (gets strong jaw) dark tapestry (or whatever gives you a huge size for most of the time) with an amulet of mighty fists with Impact property. Then take improved natural attack, improved flyby attack and vital strike line feat as feats.


On pronunciation, Krodjin is correct in assuming a soft "ch" as in "sh". The 'd' at the end is typically silent. As far as I can tell, the origin of the word itself is French, though in this I may be wrong.

foh-shahr; Fr. foh-shar


Click me then click on the play button to hear a French Man say the word.

Fauchard is also a French surname, most notably associated by Pierre Fauchard, "The Father of Modern Dentistry"

Also: a big +1 to the ASCII JLP Facepalm. ^_^


Grand Lodge

Yes, Fauchard and long.
Sorry, it may be 24 years since I lived in Mississippi, but the accent still creeps up on me.
I manage to pronounce German, Gaelic, and Tagalog words well enough, but my French sounds strangely southern.

Anyways, outside of mounted, which I hope to avoid, there seems to be the Caster/Morph/Pump build, like Druid and Oracle.
Certainly viable, and strong, but lacks a bit of the simplicity I hoped to attain.

Grand Lodge

I was curious to see if new material has altered the possibilities of this particular build.

Druid Vital strike is pretty good with a 4d8 slam attack using improved natural attack 6d8 and strong jaw 12d8 and a level barbarian furious finish you can end up with 24d8 + strength damage. Which increases to 36d8 + strength at level 14.

I was just talking about reviving this thread and you went and did it for me 8D
Ya new material will deffently up the damage as I can think of impact property off the top of my head. I will put together some builds and see what I can come up with.

Grand Lodge

Well, my friend is crazy interested in this "one hit build", especially after seeing the Measured Response feat.

With Red Hand of Doom coming to an end, and he not having to DM, I am looking to help him along.

By the way, the desire to be mountless, is much more powerful with this one.

Shadow Lodge

nothing hits harder then a rage prophit using a large sized earth breaker, well without a mount anyway.

im playing a rage prophit right now, he heals for a ton, gets adamantine full plate with full mobility i think with rightous might hes hitting for 6d6(x4) + (15x1.5) + magic + anarchic + bane (evil outsider) he crushes devils and demons in one hit... my gm stopped having us fight them.

but yeah nothing new has came out to change your options for big hit characters. maybe if they release a new source book like mythics.

Grand Lodge

How exactly is that built?

Shadow Lodge

lame curse and rage cycling. large sized earth breaker is a 3d6 weapon base. then cast righteous might (+4 strength +large>huge sized damage makes 3d6 into 4d6 or 6d6 i cant remember how damage scales at that level.

furious finish + misc modifiers let you hit for, at 9th level, 4d6 (or 6d6) + vital strike chain. rage prophet lets you gain guided spell every time you activate rage, and you can do it every round. so basically you gain a free +1 to hit until your 5th level of rage prophet, then it bumps up to 1/2 rage prophet level + reckless abandon means you wont miss.

im sorry im at work so i cant fully post the build, but it is a very powerful character and i will post a build when i wake up in the morning.

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So let's give this a try.

Mind you, this one will be focused on max level damage and thus include a few items.

Fighter - Archetype: Two-Handed Fighter

Stats - Human - 20pt buy:
Str - 48 (= 18 + racial (2) + character level (5) + "Belt of +6" (6) + Orc Bloodline SotB (6) + Orc Bloodline PoG (6) + Manual (5) )
Con - 14
Dex - 14
Int - 7
Wis - 7
Cha - 17 (= 11 + Headband of +6 (6) )

Opportunistic Gambler

1 - Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Tetsubo), Power Attack, Skill Focus: Survival
2 - Weapon Focus: Tetsubo
3 - Furious Focus
4 - Weapon Specialization: Tetsubo
5 - Eldritch Heritage (Orc Bloodline - Touch of Rage)
6 - Vital Strike
7 - Combat Reflexes
8 - Greater Weapon Focus: Tetsubo
9 - Devastating Strike
10 - 
11 - Improved Vital Strike
12 - Improved Eldritch Heritage (Orc Bloodline - Strength of the Beast)
13 - Greater Weapon Specialization: Tetsubo
14 - Improved Devastating Strike
15 - Improved Devastating Strike
16 - Greater Vital Strike
17 - Greater Eldritch Heritage (Orc Bloodline - Power of Giants)
18 - Penetrating Strikes
19 - Greater Penetrating Strikes
20 - 

Now, to round out your magic items:

Some kind of ring/amulet/whatever fits to give you Lead Blades. Or just spending your limited skill points in UMD so that you can wand it onto yourself.

Something to give you the Deadly Juggernaut Spell. Perhaps another wand or maybe just the Juggernaut's Pauldrons?

Gloves of Dueling, of course.

A +5 Impact Courageous Thundering Tetsubo.

Now, these will be the relevant class features:

3 - Overhand Chop (Double Strength Damage Bonus to 2h-weapons when making a single attack with the attack action)
- - -
5,9,13,17 - Weapon Training +4 (+6 with them gloves)
- - -
15 - Greater Power Attack (+100% damage from Power Attack when using a two-handed weapon instead of +50%)
- - -
19 - Devastating Blow (standard action which, by suffering a -5 penalty to hit, allows you to make an attack that automatically critical threats on hit)
- - -
20 - Weapon Mastery: Tetsubo (Oh come to papa, auto confirming critical threats and also increasing the critical multiplier by 1)

There will be a few big points in the development of this character where your damage receives a spike.

The first will probably come when you get Impact on your Tetsubo.

The second will likely be when you can reliably get Enlarge Person and Lead Blades on yourself.

A few others will be the Greater Power Attack, Greater Vital Strike, and so on.

But the largest one will be at 20:

Enter Devastating Blow + Weapon Mastery: Tetsubo

This should hit for:
4d8 + 5 (Tetsubo) + 38 (doubled Str bonus) + 5 (a continous Deadly Juggernaut) + 7.5 (Touch of Rage) + 2.5 (Courageous) + 6 (Weapon Training) + 4 (Greater and normal Weapon Specialization) + 20 (Greater Power Attack) = 4d8 + 78 = 96 points of damage per average normal hit.

If we want to we can simply add 12d8 + 6 to represent a Greater Vital Strike which would make a Greater Vital Strike hit land at about... 156 on average. Not bad, but we can do better.

For this was a crit with a Tetsubo and we happen to be Tetsubo Weapon Masters.

Thus Crit Multiplier = 5
An average hit would strike at 480 damage. With an additional 5d8 from Thundering so... 502.5 points of damage.

And if we happen to have someone nice in our party whom built Butterfly Strikes...


502.5 + 6x5 + 12d8 = 568.5 points of damage.

Huh, that's enough damage to instantly knock the Tarrasque unconscious, and prevent it from regenerating in its second round...

So a lvl 20 AVERAGE of 502.5 per hit and round on his/her lonesome, an average of 568.5 per hit and round if helped by a teammate with Butterfly Strikes.

Is this sufficient?

The open feat-spots were to be filled by the feat line that prevents opponents from withdrawing and all that, assuming 3-4 spots is enough for that?

preventing withdraws would be something like step up, following step, step up and strike, and maybe stand still (which goes great with combat reflexes). i only see two open slots listed on that though.

or the no escape rage power, iirc.

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Oh, but there were 5 feat slots, 4 if you don't count Combat Reflexes as being part of the Pin Down feat chain, which it is.

Here is the revised feat-list:

1 - Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Tetsubo), Power Attack, Skill Focus: Survival
2 - Weapon Focus: Tetsubo
3 - Furious Focus
4 - Weapon Specialization: Tetsubo
5 - Eldritch Heritage (Orc Bloodline - Touch of Rage)
6 - Vital Strike
7 - Combat Reflexes
8 - Greater Weapon Focus: Tetsubo
9 - Devastating Strike
10 - Stand Still
11 - Improved Vital Strike
12 - Improved Eldritch Heritage (Orc Bloodline - Strength of the Beast)
13 - Pin Down
14 - Improved Devastating Strike
15 - Iron Will
16 - Greater Vital Strike
17 - Greater Eldritch Heritage (Orc Bloodline - Power of Giants)
18 - Penetrating Strikes
19 - Improved Iron Will
20 - Replace Improved Devastating Strikes with Greater Penetrating Strikes, Greater Weapon Specialization: Tetsubo.

Pin Down allows AoO even on 5-foot steps and Withdraw actions, Stand Still locks them in place. Now, if by some odd reason, I was facing a sufficiently strong creature that is also immune to crits I'd just keep hitting it wih my Greater Vital Strike.

Grand Lodge

Sneaking in Measured Response is always something I look for in the Big Hit builds.

The mass of dice.

Switching out any feat in the Iron Will chain should be enough to sneak that in, admittedly at the expense of worse opportunities to save with Will.

getting iron will at 15th is kinda late as it is.

Cavalier 1 Druid 4 Cavalier 15

1: power attack
5: shaping focus
7: vital strike
9: improved natural attack bite
10b: devastating strike
11: flyby attack
17: greater vital strike

With the behemoth hippopotamus you can swing 24d8+1.5x strength+34+enhancement at level 20 with challenge and power attack.

For fliers I think the best you can do with the bestiaries is 12d6+1.5x strength+28+enhancement off of a pteranodon or giant vulture depending on whether you value average flight or 10' reach more highly. Quetzalcuatlus can swing 12d8+strength+30+enhancement with slightly higher strength than the large fliers, but is in the Serpent's Skull AP, not a hardcover bestiary. Perhaps in Bestiary 4.

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