What would you do with infinite rope?


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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

If you were an adventurer with a magical spool that produced an infinite amount of rope or twine*, what would you do with it? This is a thread of cool and useful ideas.

I'll start:

  • Make a hammock to sleep in at night
  • Tie up an A-frame shelter
  • Scale an infinite cliff
  • Tie together a decoy rope mannequin
  • Make small twine dolls for children
  • Hemp rope makes a good chew toy for a pet
  • Clothesline
  • Towing device
  • Rescue line (to save someone who's drowning or sinking in quicksand)
  • Used as a travel aid (sending the best climber/swimmer/navigator out first to tie off the line for use as a crutch)
  • Use marked twine as a measuring device
  • Create tar-covered balls of flammable rope for use in siege warfare

What other ideas do you have?

There is just such an item in Ultimate Equipment. :D

Silver Crusade

Tie one end to the entrance to a dungeon. Never get lost again.

If the rope is permanent I would sell rope to adventurers, townsfolk, and craftsmen. It isn't a get rich quick scheme since rope isn't worth much but it could easily pay my Inn and Tavern bills.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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<<Insert obligatory Paracountess Zarta Dralneen joke here.>>

Scarab Sages

Tie one end to a tree and go for a very long journey.

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  • Create a lasso with infinite reach.
  • Create the first intercontinental "two cans and a string" communication device.
  • Feed it into a loom - create infinite cloth.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It is permanent. It can be resold. You can get 10 feet of rope or 30 feet of twine per round without limit. (You could get more faster, but then you break your magic item.)

Jiggy wrote:
<<Insert obligatory Paracountess Zarta Dralneen joke here.>>

8O <-- shocked expression

Use it to mark off the boundaries for a kingdom.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Some more ideas:

  • Make a rope ladder
  • Set up some rope fencing
  • Create a rope bridge
  • Tie up a trip line
  • Prepare an alarm line (twine and bells)
  • Tie rope to a log to make a buoy
  • Tie rope to a boulder to create an anchor
  • Use anchor as an improvised flail
  • prep a fishing rod (twine and stick)

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Go from town to town and extort money out of the rope-makers by threatening to run them out of business by giving rope away.

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  • Assuming the weight increases as the length does I am sure there are some clever uses as a simple weight. As a simple example, the best climber or one with access to flying gets to the needed area throws one end of the rope to anything desired to be there and create enough rope to use as counter weight and you have an elevator.
  • Block entrances, either with trip wires/snares or just anchor the rope to sides of the passage criss--crossing for the whole leght of up and down and on multiple layers.
  • Make a bridge. Heck with enough time and skill you could make a tree-house city.
  • Invest in some bells and you can have a nice mundane alarming system when combined with twine.
  • Make a raft since most ropes float.

    But basically start thinking it like it's duct tape and go crazy with it.

  • Train a dog to run circles around someone.
    Tie this spool to the dog, and hold the end of the rope.
    Set the dog on someone you do not like much.
    Wait a few minutes, then pull.

    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    Sorry Bigger Club, I edited my above post and we ended up with some duplicate answers more or less simultaneously. Great minds think a like, I guess.

    Carpet. Carpet everywhere.


    Teach giants to knit.

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    Load the spool in a siege engine and throw it over the enemy castle. Repeat a lot of times, until there's a whole web of rope covering the place.
    Either crawl over that web to invade, or just set it on fire.

    if I could increase the spoil admit, I'd have it tied to an arrow, and then sure to the local tower or whatever. best grappling hook ever.

    Sovereign Court

    turn the entire world into one, big ball of twine, somewhat soggy in some places, a bit charred in others and all sorts of squirmy from all the people and critters trapped within my cosmic cat plaything ...

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    Avoid leash laws on a technicality. "But your honor, just because my dog was 5 miles from my house doesn't mean he wasn't tied up!"

    Weave a citadel of rope.
    Shame ropers everywhere
    Measure the abyss. Yes, I know it's infinite, so is my measuring rope!
    Rope bridge over the Inner sea.
    Make a pot of infinite glue and invent duct tape.
    Cast animate rope on the spool

    I'd rappel the Infinite Stair.

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    Tie the rope to a Boulder.

    Cast Reverse Gravity on Boulder
    Cast Permanency on Reverse Gravity

    You now have a Rope to space.

    Am i the only one wondering if there will be piles of rope just laying everywhere when I go on my next campaign? With this new item, where does all the rope go after some exuberant kids get there hands on it? just piles and piles everywhere..... :P

    Tie one end to a tree or some such at the top of a cliff, hold onto the other end, and jump off the cliff.

    If the rope would unravel at ten feet per round, I would think I could descend just slowly enough to avoid injury (notwithstanding getting bumped against the cliff itself as the rope gets longer).

    Also: use it to illustrate principles of calculus as x --> infinity.

    Antimony wrote:

    Tie one end to a tree or some such at the top of a cliff, hold onto the other end, and jump off the cliff.

    If the rope would unravel at ten feet per round, I would think I could descend just slowly enough to avoid injury (notwithstanding getting bumped against the cliff itself as the rope gets longer).

    Also: use it to illustrate principles of calculus as x --> infinity.

    Ten feet per round is considerably slower than "just slowly enough to avoid injury" - it's a pretty casual walking pace.

    Scarab Sages

    Free rope = free kindling for a fire.

    Free twine + wrist crossbow = medieval web shooter, im Spiderman.

    Sovereign Court

    create an ever growing rope golem ...

    Scarab Sages

    Rope Golems bring forth terrifying visions of Japanese Hentai and tentacle ape-ray. Bad stuff, dude.

    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
    Benly wrote:
    Antimony wrote:

    Tie one end to a tree or some such at the top of a cliff, hold onto the other end, and jump off the cliff.

    If the rope would unravel at ten feet per round, I would think I could descend just slowly enough to avoid injury (notwithstanding getting bumped against the cliff itself as the rope gets longer).

    Also: use it to illustrate principles of calculus as x --> infinity.

    Ten feet per round is considerably slower than "just slowly enough to avoid injury" - it's a pretty casual walking pace.

    60 feet per round is considered a safe falling speed, per feather fall.

    At 10 feet a round, you might even drop an egg without cracking it's shell.

    Run a single length of rope through my entire lair (you know as a safety feature) and them use Posses Object on it so that I can be aware of every thing that happens in my lair. (Okay I'm not 100% sure this would actauly work).

    Alternative pay for a festival in a city, decorate the city with one really long piece of bunting and posses that - and get to know the secrets of the city.

    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    Nice one VoodooHoodoo.

    Sympathy and Antipathy also effect 'one object' so you could run a rope around the city and prevent the invading horde (well till those that passed the save worked out it was being caused my the rope, but hey, that's what archers are for.) 95% of an invasion stalled.

    Grease also effects one object, but I cant quite think of a use for a really long slippery rope - perhaps a zip line?

    For all those "use the rope to climb an infinite cliff" or "make a rope to space" suggestions, if actual real-world effects have any bearing at all, rope is actually not very good for very long height functions. The length rapidly causes the weight to exceed it's tensile strength and the weight of the rope alone will break the rope, even not taking into account the thing it is supposed to be hauling or climbing it.

    As far as what any character of mine would do with such a magic item? Probably sell it and buy something else.

    In conjunction with some dimensional anchor spells-or not, if I'm a charming enough guy-summon a lot of succubi. The rest I leave to your imaginations :)

    Another idea: give it to a powerful thieves' guild. Whatever ideas I come up with, they'll come up with something even more nefarious or sneaky. Never hurts to earn some good will with the local crime syndicate either.

    To take Voodoo's idea further, grease+infinite rope=a really long fuse.

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    You could probably collapse many buildings by simply unspooling more and more twine onto the roof, especially if it's raining.

    @Lathiira: all I can say is Giggity... and the thieves guild is brilliant.

    Me Personally:
    -Sell rope/twine/various goods made from said materials for cheap)
    -Use resulting money to:
    -Buy a mansion/keep/dungeon/lair.
    -Build traps (most of which deal with rope/twine)
    -Relax and enjoy life

    Weep that PF doesn't have a cheep "launch item" equivalent.


    -Make several spools of 200-300 feet each, and keep them on hand to give away whenever I need to make a Diplomacy check with someone.

    -Tie one end to a secure anchor point, then grapple the dragon.

    -Use several castings of Animate Rope and Permanency to make an army of rope minions. (Note: Animate Objects is probably better for this purpose.)

    -Build a suspension bridge... and then a suspension city for the bridge to lead to.

    -Take Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Rope Gauntlets

    -Build and string the world's largest harp.

    Drain lakes or moats by spooling the wet rope on the opposite side of the water feature -- infinite dry rope goes in, infinite wet rope comes out.

    You basically have the makings of a settlement -- (just like NASA is entertaining making structures out of long empty plastic bags spooled up into igloos (they'll fill them with dust or debris they find where they're building the structures to save the cost of shipping the structure's weight) -- so basically just spool a bunch of igloo-shaped coils of rope, cover them with wet clay or mud daubing and you have houses that will resist the elements and will actually be quite comfortable and sturdy.

    Put layers of rope inside of walls you are afraid pesky casters will stone to mud -- they'll mud the outer layer of stone but then they'll have to clear a layer of rope to get the stone behind it. Considering the materials cost nothing, working this into your standard building construction might save you money on stone, and actually help against folks undermining/bypassing your defenses with an old trick.

    Landfill -- Constantly spill rope off the coast of a shallow area, and debris and sand will pile up on it. Even as the rope breaks down (which may take a while) it WILL effect the topography of the shallow area -- build an island or network of islands like those engineers in Dubai. The real estate value of your property will become massive as your tiny beachfront and swath of open water becomes a long naval promontory. Might take months, but a lot of that time wouldn't require heaps of attention. Weather control spells would speed the process nicely.

    Perform yoyo tricks from the surface into Orv.

    Sovereign Court

    Use Plane Shift or Gate and run a single rope through all the known planes ...

    Sovereign Court

    Figure out how to move been planets and tie all the planets in the system together.


    Tie a rope to the moon then threaten to pull it down unless the nations of the world pay 1 MILLION gold pieces ... mwah ... mwahaha

    zylphryx wrote:

    Figure out how to move been planets and tie all the planets in the system together.

    And then pull...

    Put a boulder in geosynchronous orbit and pull it down on my enemies!

    Sovereign Court

    Bomanz wrote:
    Rope Golems bring forth terrifying visions of Japanese Hentai and tentacle ape-ray. Bad stuff, dude.

    Well only if you go there ... I mean, granted, grappling would be a given for it, but that doesn't automatically make it hentai ... I mean it's not even demonic or alien or anything.

    Set up a rope-centered navigational network around the Astral Plane.

    Crochet a blanket large enough to cover a city.

    If the material is not specified, insist that the magic item allows you to create a rope of pearls. Sell the pearls. :D

    zylphryx wrote:

    Tie a rope to the moon then threaten to pull it down unless the nations of the world pay 1 MILLION gold pieces ... mwah ... mwahaha

    Absolutely brilliant...

    And the rope golem is still freaky enough for that crap.

    Ask, and Tome of Horrors shall provide:
    Rope Golem

    Brambleman wrote:

    Ask, and Tome of Horrors shall provide:

    Rope Golem

    Oh the horror... my players are gonna be in for }:]>

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