Sundering that pesky Wall of Force?

Rules Questions

Is there any way to sunder a wall of force, as the spell? Definitely want to do this with a weapon...not interested in using spells to dispel or negate the wall.

Wall of Force has hardness 30 and around 200 HP.
Magic Adamantine weapon has hardness 20 and around 50 HP.

That's all I've got, but Thog really wants to smash through this shimmery nonsense between him and the squishy wizard. Help Thog Smash!

Liberty's Edge

Is is dispelable?

There's a barbarian rage power that lets you kill magic with an attack.

Spell Sunder (Su)
Prerequisite: Barbarian 6, witch hunter rage power

Benefit: Once per rage, the barbarian can attempt to sunder an ongoing spell effect by succeeding at a combat maneuver check. For any effect other than one on a creature, the barbarian must make her combat maneuver check against a CMD of 15 plus the effect’s caster level. To sunder an effect on a creature, the barbarian must succeed at a normal sunder combat maneuver against the creature’s CMD + 5, ignoring any miss chance caused by a spell or spell-like ability. If successful, the barbarian suppresses the effect for 1 round, or 2 rounds if she exceeded the CMD by 5 to 9. If she exceeds the CMD by 10 or more, the effect is dispelled.

Spell Sunder, the rage power, could suppress it and possibly dispel it, but I want to actually sunder a portion of the wall.
EDIT: I'm trying to do it with a fighter

Seems like you're only choice is to try to do more then 30 points of damage, and nickle and dime it down from 200... would take a long time.

Adamantine won't help you unless the hardness is 19 or lower.

If you were a half-orc with the Smash feat, you ignore the first 5 points of hardness, so now its down to 25... still not enough for the adamantine to kick in, you still need to knock off 6 more points.

Dunno if there's anything else out there that would help.

Martial Artist could ignore the Wall of Force's hardness with a DC 40 Wis+monk level check. For fighter? I got nothing.

Maul of the Titans deals triple damage.

If you don't mind some evil cheese, get a high level caster to Parasitic Soul you into a Treant body ... this gets you double damage to objects, so quadruple with the Maul.

When the object has more hardness than the weapon, can it do any damage? Or does the weapon take damage instead?

I do not know of any thing in the sunder rules that would cause your weapon to be damaged. The Big problem is doing over 30 point of damage to start cutting down that 200hp

A level 9 fighter with Str 23 +2 Great sword, power attack, and vital strike can get though the wall in a little over 4 mins or 40 rounds.
It takes a level 9 wizard to cast wall of force which will last for 9 rounds.

A level 12 half-orc fighter str 24, potion of enlarge person, +3 great sword, power attack and smash could get thourgh the wall in about 4.6 rounds plus one round for taking the potion. So 6 rounds or 36 seconds. Without the potion you are looking at 8 rounds. Without the potion or the smash feat you are looking at 17 rounds, but the spell at this level would only last 12 rounds.

The higher your damage out put per an attack the fast the wall comes down. More attacks also helps as long as they do over 30 damage.

Shadow Lodge

i think oracles get an ability to ignore dr and hardness. also i think that dwarven paladin archetype also gets a similar ability.

Grand Lodge

Yeah, when it comes to smashing things, Barbarian does it best.

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