Anyone ever reverse engineered a 4e Warlord for Pf / 3.5?


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Looking to give players a option, get away from the "... so who gets stuck playing the cleric this time...?" conversation w/o going down the road of "wands of healing" and bags full of healing potions, etc...

Thanks for any advice!

May want to check the homebrew forums. Im sure someone has tried.

Some alternate classes able to heal:

Priest - Similar to the cloistered cleric from 3.5, also has a bardic knowledge type ability. Generally gets good reviews.

Warlord Has an area heal that grants temporary hit points. Somewhat similar to the 4e warlord. Gets middling to decent reviews.

Godlings (adept, clever, eldritch, and mighty). Highly customizable. I'm sure you can build a variety of fairly unique classes with healing capabilities.

War Master - No significant healing ability, but they feature a lot of abilities to act as a Leader type character, and hopefully make healing not needed. Reviews fairly highly.

Grand Lodge

There are a number of classes that do healing well.

Oracle, Druid, Witch, and Paladin can all be viable Healers.

Yeah, there's lots of Paizo classes that are well able to heal. Oracles of life are supposed to be pretty good at their thing, and Witches with a healing hex (or other methods) can handle the healing job quite well.

I found the Inquisitor is a sort of Warlord. If you want the Warlordy things up on him then give him a few more teamwork feats that he can use without the partner having them.

Grand Lodge

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Let's forget 4E stuff.

Why don't you simply make a list of things you want to do.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Generally make the party better via some kind of useage of tactics. Instead of the party functioning as "warrior, thief, mage, etc" someone that makes them into a unit. If that makes sense...?

Grand Lodge

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So, you want to play a Cleric?

The Warlord was one of the few things I liked in 4E. (Or at least in early 4E, I didn't look much past the first core books)
I like the idea of a martial support character.

The 3rd party Warlord linked above does look pretty nice. Giving temporary hp, either as an aura or as an action is a nice way around not being able to heal without magic. You can keep your people on their feet in battle, but can't heal them up afterwards.

I would like to see something like the 4E ability to have others make attacks as your action. That really gave a good feel of directing the battle.

Grand Lodge

Have you seen the numerous options, such as archetypes?

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Have you seen the numerous options, such as archetypes?

I know that there are archetypes. I have looked at many of them. There are a lot of them. Is there any one in particular you'd like to suggest?

Grand Lodge

Crusader, or Divine Strategist for Cleric, but what it really sounds like you want to play, is a Bard.

When it comes to making your allies be better at what they do, nothing beats the Bard.

The point of the Warlord isn't so much healing, but using your own actions to make your other party members better. Healing was a sideline effect.

I think the quote is Like "Other party members use weapons and spells to attack your enemies. You use your party members"

Letting other folks attack as your standard action is AWESOME! I played a warlord with a goliath Barbarian as a weapon and she was evil! The amount of damage she could put out with her turn plus mine was astronomical.

Grand Lodge

If you want an actual conversion, you should start a thread here.

Bards fill this roll well. They aren't the best healers but can heal well enough. At high level they can heal quite with with the Song Healer Archetype which on swaps out the highest level performances otherwise the bard is much the same. They can buff really well too. If you want more combat oriented bards go with a Cavalier and the Battle Hearld. I'd only go this way if you had a secondary healer in the group like Paladin.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Cleric with Tactics Inquisition works well
Bard/Cavalier/Battle Herald is a warlord

Here's something that's like them except no healing.

Use wands for healing if you hate being stuck with cleric so much. They work just as well and really force you to think before you act. AKA: they force you to use strategy.

None of those allow you to use your actions to allow other party members to attack :(

Grand Lodge

Bard has the Bladed Dash spell.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Bard has the Bladed Dash spell.

Which lets you move and attack. Not someone else.

Grand Lodge

I forgot.

Bard has Haste.

I put together a Pathfinder version of the warlord and marshal concept called the Commander.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
BltzKrg242 wrote:
None of those allow you to use your actions to allow other party members to attack :(

Actually the Tactics Inquisition allows just that.

blackbloodtroll wrote:

I forgot.

Bard has Haste.

It gives a similar effect, I guess. The flavor is very different.

It's a standard (and very nice) buff. It lasts and doesn't happen on your action, so it doesn't feel the same as "Barbarian! Strike him down!"

Galnörag wrote:
BltzKrg242 wrote:
None of those allow you to use your actions to allow other party members to attack :(
Actually the Tactics Inquisition allows just that.

According to Tactics Inquisition:

Inquisitor’s Direction (Su): At the start of your turn, you can choose to enter a tranquil, reflective state and forgo all actions (standard, move, swift, immediate, and free actions, including attacks of opportunity) for that round; one ally of your choice within 30 feet gains the benefit of haste for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your 3 + Wisdom bonus (minimum 1).

Grant the Initiative (Ex): At 8th level, you and all allies within 30 feet may add your Wisdom bonus to your initiative checks.

So Kind of I guess. They get an extra attack IF they have a full attack capability...

unless you are thinking something else?

thejeff wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:

I forgot.

Bard has Haste.

It gives a similar effect, I guess. The flavor is very different.

It's a standard (and very nice) buff. It lasts and doesn't happen on your action, so it doesn't feel the same as "Barbarian! Strike him down!!


using your friends AS YOUR ATTACK is just plain fun.
I don't think my 4E Warlord used his own, in hand, weapons more than a handful of times over 16 levels...

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Pathfinder Chronicler

Inspire Action (Su): As a special use of bardic music, a 6th-level Pathfinder chronicler can exhort any one ally within hearing to a sudden surge of action, allowing her ally to immediately take an extra move action. This does not count against the ally's number of actions on his own turn.

At 9th level, she can enable an ally to immediately take a standard action instead.

So at character level 15 you can do it (level 5 to get access to prestige class)

That's a lot of build time til you get what is a 1st level power for an actual Warlord :(

So let's just say that there is really nothing that compares in Pathfinder.

That's because attacks are different in the two games.

Is that really worthy of a 15th level power?

Would it be completely unbalancing to have at 1st level?

Especially if it was only an attack, not a standard action. Thus, no casting spells, no moving to set up for a full attack, etc.

It depends.

Grand Lodge

The systems are far too different to compare them on power level.

My advice is this:
If you want to play a class that is like the Warlord, but suited for Pathfinder, then there are way to accommodate. If you want to play a 4E Warlord, then play 4E.

blackbloodtroll wrote:

The systems are far too different to compare them on power level.

My advice is this:
If you want to play a class that is like the Warlord, but suited for Pathfinder, then there are way to accommodate. If you want to play a 4E Warlord, then play 4E.

Yes.. this thread was started to find out HOW to accommodate. So suggestions please.

Cavalier, Order of the Dragon, with a few levels in Cleric (if you are good or neutral aligned) for Channel Energy.

When I converted a warlord from 4th to Pathfinder, I also did the Battle Herald route. I think it fits the warlord pretty well thematically, though I don't know of any way to grant out-of-turn actions to your allies. Maybe do some sort of Greater Bull Rush build and just have enemies provoke AoO from your allies?

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Another possibility to consider is a Bard with the Savage Skald and Songhealer archetypes. That combination gives you a lot of what a 4E warlord can do.

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I only played 4th ed for a single campaign that lasted all of 3 or 4 game sessions... but isn't the warlord similar to the Marshal from 3.5?

Dragonamedrake wrote:
I only played 4th ed for a single campaign that lasted all of 3 or 4 game sessions... but isn't the warlord similar to the Marshal from 3.5?

Yep, same character concept. An inspiration-based character with martial skill and no magic.

I am actually working on a class called Battle Marshall... it is no where near done though...

EDIT: you might check out some people were working on archetypes that would allow things like what the warlord can do.

So... Warmaster from SGG?

Ah, here we go. A link to it.

Cheapy wrote:
Ah, here we go. A link to it.

Thank you kind sir! I'll be getting this ASAP.

Cheapy wrote:
So... Warmaster from SGG?

I downloaded the PDF. Overall I think that this class feels a little underwhelming and focus to much the Leadership feat for my taste. Also, some abilities look really annoying to use, since they require you to make a skill check every round (a single skill check to activate the ability would have been enough IMHO). However, there's a lot of good ideas to be found in this document. For example, I really liked the ability that let you and your allies use the Aid Another action with a ranged weapon: sounds like a great way to include supressing fire into Pathfinder mechanics.

To the OP: There's also the Dragon Shaman. It's an aura-based class from the D&D 3.5 era. One of his aura gives fast healing to you and your allies, while most of them give you various combat-oriented bonus that stack with Inspire Courage and the like. If you don't mind the dragon-themed fluff of the class, I think it would be great for you. There's a lot of Pathfinder conversions to be found around the internets. The class had a 3/4 BAB progression, but I would give it a 1/1 BAB progression to make it more on par with official Pathfinder classes.

thejeff wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:

I forgot.

Bard has Haste.

It gives a similar effect, I guess. The flavor is very different.

It's a standard (and very nice) buff. It lasts and doesn't happen on your action, so it doesn't feel the same as "Barbarian! Strike him down!"

My fighter tactician uses trip maneuvers to give out AOO, as a Dwarf he has sliding axe throw to do that at a distance, but a bola would work. Other maneuvers grant aoo's that give that controller feel too

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Well, it's the War Master, not the Small Scale Squad Master :)

I wrote this for a smaller scale squad leader type. It's from this book, if anyone wants to give me money :p

Adamant Entertainment has their Warlord, from their somewhat maligned Tome of Secrets. You can find it here (and there's a link to buy it if you love it).

Of course, these don't have healing. Well, the inspiring commander has temporary hitpoints. That's kind of like healing, but honestly makes more sense than actual healing, especially for a non-magical type.

Cheapy wrote:
Well, it's the War Master, not the Small Scale Squad Master :)

Point taken. ;)

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