g0atsticks |

so i'm a level 3 human cleric. i have taken 3/4 channeling feats
- selective channel
- improved channel
- versatile channeler
the last i take will be extra channel.
my concern is this. what do i do after i have the last one? What am i suppose to do then? I just wanted to be a decent channler/support class. not a melee fighter.
here are my stats.
str - 14
dex - 9 (i'm short and fat, this number represents that)
con - 15
int - 13
wis - 17
cha - 17
yeah i rolled those on 3d6. my friends were like WHAAATTT!!!
anyways. suggestion appreciated. thanks in advance.

Slacker2010 |

Any Archetypes?
Willing to take Prestige classes?
Being a support class can get you into combat. One option I was currently messing around with was Holy Vindicator. A four level dip would only cost you 1 level of spell casting and would NOT hurt your channeling. You would gain some Vindicators shield and few other tidbits. The shield would help you be that support guy in combat. You can be right there next to the fighter healing/buffing, standing in front of the wizard, ect, ect...

AerynTahlro |

Human - 1 feat
Level 1 - 1 feat
Level 3 - 1 feat
You only have 3 feats, not 4.
That said, if you're not looking at melee at all, I'd see about swapping your str/dex scores, that way you can bump your AC/reflex up a bit and have a higher chance of hitting with ranged attacks. You're not going to be casting spells every single round, so you'll want something to do (then again, you do have decent charisma, you could walk around Intimidating/Demoralizing everything). Short and fat doesn't mean non-dextrous, but it might mean that you don't like to work out ;-)
Also, keep in mind that channeling does requires that you be within 30', which often tosses you right into melee anyway.
If you are focusing on spells, you'll want to look into metamagics to give you better bang for your buck. Extending the duration of a buff could be quite handy.

g0atsticks |

Human - 1 feat
Level 1 - 1 feat
Level 3 - 1 featYou only have 3 feats, not 4.
That said, if you're not looking at melee at all, I'd see about swapping your str/dex scores, that way you can bump your AC/reflex up a bit and have a higher chance of hitting with ranged attacks. You're not going to be casting spells every single round, so you'll want something to do (then again, you do have decent charisma, you could walk around Intimidating/Demoralizing everything). Short and fat doesn't mean non-dextrous, but it might mean that you don't like to work out ;-)
Also, keep in mind that channeling does requires that you be within 30', which often tosses you right into melee anyway.
If you are focusing on spells, you'll want to look into metamagics to give you better bang for your buck. Extending the duration of a buff could be quite handy.
I should have said.
I already have 3 of the 4 feats I knew I was going to take when I started the game. After I take that 4th one, I dunno where I'm going.
Switching the dex & str is good start. i'll see if i can make that happen.

g0atsticks |

What is you god's weapon?
Channel Smite/Guided hand might be a good one.
And scribe Scroll. You can prepare all your utility spells (like Blood Biography) on scrolls and save your slots for stuff that truly matters.
My god uses the crowbar, much like in LFD2.
I actually like the idea scribe scroll. That is a really really good idea. research time. I think i'll actually skip extra channel for scribe scroll.

Marshall Jansen |

I'd consider going defensive.
Armor Proficiency, Heavy
Tower Shield Proficiency
Shield Focus
Iron Will/Improved Iron Will
Great Fortitude/Improved Great Fortitude
Lightning Reflexes/Improved Lightning Reflexes
Defensive Combat Training
I think standing in full plate, behind a tower shield, popping channels seems like it might fit your PC.

![]() |

Suggest swapping Improve Channel for Quick Channel. Unless your making a anti-undead Cleric, there is no real need for a higher DC on your channels.
Quick channel - allows you to heal and cast a spell in one round! Could be a life saver. For example, you can heal a downed party member and skill pull off that Obscuring Mist, to stop more arrows from targeting your party.
After that try:
Toughness - More Hp is always good for the party's healer. After all, if you go down, the party goes down.
Improve Initiative - Its always better to start first in combat. Starting first means you can get a buff on your allies before they start fighting.
Combat Casting - Always useful for a spellcaster. And you did say you want to be a channler/support Cleric.
Scribe Scroll - Is good if you can afford the gold to make the most of it.
Armor Proficiency, Heavy - Is an option if you think you are fine with being slowed down...
Any of the Feats that improve saves, could be a good choice. BUT! Remember that some saves, like your Reflex is already... bad... a feat may not help that much, grab more hp via toughness and tank that damage. After all you can heal yourself via spells and channel.
Lots of choices for you. Pick what you think is best!

Slacker2010 |

As Brambleman and I have stated Holy Vindicator (HV) would add alot to your character. Its in the APG. HV would also give you Heavy armor proficiency along with full BAB and d10 Hitdice. This saves you from having to pick up Heavy Armor proficiency feat, Toughness, and Defensive combat training. The Vindicator's shield will be a nice boost to your ac now, and huge boost to your AC later on.
I agree with Secane on the Quicken Channel thing, and on the Combat casting feat.
You have good saves already so while the feats that increase saves are nice, there are better choices. Normally I am a huge advocate of Improved Initiative but I found that without the battlefield control spells of an arcane caster its not really needed. As a support cleric you will be helping by responding to what they enemy does anyway.