Skill Ranks, Prestige Ranks, and Prestige Classes


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Sovereign Court

So I just downloaded Paths of Prestige and it looks pretty awesome on first read through. But now I have a burning question I must ask. Is there any way to get additional skill ranks in a particular skill above what your HD would normally allow?

I know that you are limited to a number or ranks in a skill no greater than your HD, but I want to try to enter the Mammoth (Not actually limited to Mammoths) Rider Prestige class earlier than level 10. I would be fine with any Paizo or 3PP material.

Also I am willing to answer any questions people may have about the book, which was totally worth the purchase.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Please Don't Kill Me wrote:

So I just downloaded Paths of Prestige and it looks pretty awesome on first read through. But now I have a burning question I must ask. Is there any way to get additional skill ranks in a particular skill above what your HD would normally allow?

I know that you are limited to a number or ranks in a skill no greater than your HD, but I want to try to enter the Mammoth (Not actually limited to Mammoths) Rider Prestige class earlier than level 10. I would be fine with any Paizo or 3PP material.

Also I am willing to answer any questions people may have about the book, which was totally worth the purchase.

Can you list the PrCs in the book and do a mini-description of each one???? :-D

Short answer - No.

The skill ranks limit is there as an explicit and unveiled "You must be this tall, er, leveled up to be this prestige class". The rules state "You can never have more ranks in a skill than your total number of Hit Dice."


And while there may be 3PP material that allows such a thing, it would be going directly against core rules.

Just ask your GM to lower the restriction to a more reasonable level (like 7 ranks).


I don't believe there's anything in official PFRPG rules that lets you do that, it's a hard limit coded into the rules (partly because we don't want people to be able to qualify for prestige classes too early).

3PP, who knows? There's a lot of stuff out there. :)

Sovereign Court

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There are 30, so I wont be able to do them all right now but I will post some as I have time. :) But what I will do is give you a class from each category right now (there are four: Arcana, Brawn, Guile, Piety).

Brawn: Mammoth Rider:
You know that mount that was so so? Well, once you get to lvl 10 (maybe earlier depending the answers I get here) it is now Huge... oh yeah and it can be a tiger/lion, dinosaur, rhino, and several others. Oh yeah, there is also a stipulation that if your DM is nice he can expand that list even more. He also grows stronger and tougher (with regular Str and Con bumps as well as some other cool abilities.

Guile: Daggermark Poisoner:
Crafting Poisons... It is just not worth it. Well that is until Paizo introduced the Daggermark Poisoner! Any rouge or vivisectionist that is even curious about poisons will take this class. With the ability to craft them faster then ever before, using the gp value instead of the sp value when determining progress at lvl 3. Better yet an ability that lets you craft any poison as a full round action for 1/10th the cost with the stipulation that you use it before the end of your next turn... just think of all the poisons... just.. so... many...

Piety: Storm Kindler:

Want to be the master of Sky and Sea? Well you probably came to the wrong place... But if you came to turn into a whirlwind and use extreme weather to your advantage you are in the correct place! With the ability to change into a Whirlwind (which gets stronger as you level) and some other cool abilities like a good swim speed and water breathing this is a great class for a number of campaigns.

Arcana: Razmiran Priest:
Ever heard of the Sorcerer archetype of the same name? Well the work well together but they don't stack in terms of ability use and bloodline progression (I was disappointed by this but it is still a very cool class). But you do pick up a domain and several cleric spells as well as the ability to channel energy like a cleric. However, there is a catch, until higher levels this only grants temporary hitpoints. This gives you time to come into town fake heal everyone and before anyone else is the wiser make off with all of the money! Or I guess you could buff your party with temp hitpoints but who wants to do that right?

I will give you some more latter but these are some of my favorites from the book so far.

Edit: Added some stuff to the Mammoth Rider description.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Please Don't Kill Me wrote:

There are 30, so I wont be able to do them all right now but I will post some as I have time. :) But what I will do is give you a class from each category right now (there are four: Arcana, Brawn, Guile, Piety).

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Those sound AWESOME! I can't wait to get my hands on it!

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Here is a couple more:

Piety: Hellknight Signifer:

Have you ever looked at that hulking piece of armor that we call a Hellknight and say, "that can't be even more awesome?" Well now they have a spell casting arm to their order, and they all wear feature less masks that scare the hell out of their opponents. Now, bringing Law to the world and smoking out chaos is no longer for the brawny, the spell casters get a chance to join now!

Arcana: Blackfire Adept:

Do you like to summon creatures from other planes to assist in your combat? Well how about being a complete badass about it. You may not be more powerful a summoner but you do boast a host of abilities that would make any Ediolon toting individual quake in his boots. Also, do you hate when a creature you summon has the ability to summon other creatures but you are not allowed to use it because summoned creatures cant summon another creature? Well you guessed it, this class says goodbye to that rule... congratulations, you have a crap ton of summons now.

Brawn: Brother of the Seal:

Ever seen a monk that was beating the hell out of something and say, I wish he could have some minor spell like abilities as well as the ability to send opponents flying with a single punch? Thats right, Monks get some loving and I'm sure you will be seeing a monk lover near you sporting one of these!

Guile: Aspis Agent:

Ever think that a rouge doesn't quite fit in with the Pathfinder Society? Don't want to work for a bunch for do gooders with a silly mission? Perfect! The Aspis Consortium is looking for a person like you. You are going to be picking up a lot of rouge like abilities here (with some new stuff of course) but what else would you expect?

I'll give you some more soon.

I totally thought brother of the sea was about the Pinniped.

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

And as I promised four more!

Brawn: Aldori Swordlord:

Do you like dueling? Do you like to fight in one on one matches against arrogant opponents? Best yet, do you like to apply Dex to melee attacks without needing the agile enchantment? Well congragts because we have a winner. While you become limited on weapon choices you gain the most desired attribute of dex fighters, applying damage to damage. While this class uses some rules from UC it is a class that has a lot of potential and seems extremely promising.

Piety: Champion of Irori:

Do you like being Lawful? Do you like being Lawful Good? Well then what would be better for you then a monk/paladin, because that is what this class is brining you. With a mix of Paladin and Monk goodies you are in the right place if you think Law and Order is the way to go.

Piety: Dawnflower Dissident:

If you like to be a Cleric but don't want people knowing you have a prestige class tailor made for you. You can get the ability to make it seem as though you are not casting spells which gives you the potential to avoid AoO if you manage to beat some opposed checks. In all this is an interesting class, oh yeah I forgot to mention you get buff up your scimitar fighting skills with this class.

Brawn: Golden Legionnaire:

Ever wish you could get some sort of bonus for following the commands of a tactical teammate? Well if that teammate happens to be at Golden Legionnaire you will. Granting allies bonuses for following your commands is cool, tack on some abilities that act like challenge or the ability to use aid other for to hits and AC... that seems pretty sweet to me.

So I have now covered 12/30, more to come soon.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Also, just someone give me a response after I post so I know that at least someone is reading these. I don't want to continue if no one is reading them.

I refuse to post a response.



How'd you download it? I thought it wasn't available until the 16th?

Sovereign Court

Globetrotter wrote:
How'd you download it? I thought it wasn't available until the 16th?

I"m a Subscriber, essentially I pre-order it and when they ship my hard copy the let me download a free PDF even if it is before the release date. That is the benefit of subscribing, you get the material about a week early.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Glutton wrote:

I refuse to post a response.



At least I know this all is not for naught.

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

And as a bonus you get five this time! Thats right not four but five!

Arcana: Veiled Illusionist:

This one was interesting, it struck me as something good for both NPCs and PCs. I could picture the BBEG of a campaign using this class to stalk the Heroes their entire adventure until the end where he reveals that he has used them as pawns. Anyways back to what it can do. It makes your Illusions a bit more interesting, such as forcing people to save twice against them, as well as giving you the ability to use disguise self quite a bit. And it progresses to include your how your voice sounds as well as how you feel. Eventually you can take on specific races to gain cool benefits.

Arcana: Winter Witch:

Ment to build off of the Witch Archetype of the same name this Prestige Class will make you the Queen of the North! The real reason to take this class is you get almost full class progression for your base Witch class with some additional free Hexes. Thats right everything; spells, hexes, spells per day, and even your familiar. You get some other abilities but they are some of the most situational in the book. Still a good class if you love Hexes as much as I do.

Guile: Gray Gardener:

Now for one of the more grim Prestige Classes, the Gray Gardener. What would the offspring of an Inquisitor and a Rouge be? Well I assume that it wold look like a Gray Gardener. These ruthless executioners hide in plain sight until it is time to pass judgment upon others like an Inquisitor and add some sneak attack onto that and poof! You are one nasty fellow, while this isn't an evil only archetype those that take it are going to probably be treading that Neutral/Evil line.

Guile:Noble Scion:

I for one can never have money and will try my hardest to squeeze as much from my local shop like any good adventurer. Now that being said, what if you where given a stipend every level that increases as you level? Well, you are royalty after all so why not? On top of the stipend you get to pick up some cool bonuses and feats that really vary depending on what your background is. In all this is a good level for a generalist but the more narrow focused players will probably never touch this class... Kind of a shame as the idea is so nice.

Brawn: Pit Fighter:

Do you like the idea of being a Gladiator? What about a raging Gladiator? Welcome to the Pit Fighter where the best of performance combat meets the sure power of Barbarians. You get cool bonuses if you can get a crowd of spectators that are watching you to be on your side through a series of skill checks, the catch? There doesn't have to be a crowd. Throw that on top of the fact you can use broken items as if they where not broken... I would say I'm intrigued.

Keep 'em coming! I may have to invest in this <.<

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Again you get a bonus of five yes that right I am once agin going to give you five new prestige classes... mostly so I only have to do four per post after this but that is beside the point. But without further ado I give you:

Brawn: Shieldmarshal:

If I where to take a poll I think I would find that the two most hated classes in this game are the Synthesis Summoner and the Gunslinger (I personally love gunslingers but that is besides the point). Well now people have a prestige class to hate! I give you the Shieldmarshal the most gun-toting prestige class ever released! But everything else aside I think this is a very well balanced class that can be a great addition to any game. The Shieldmarshal gains the ability to pass Legal Judgments because he is the law... he can get cool things like fast healing, dodge bonuses to AC, and many other interesting features. He also gets to add deeds, albeit more slowly than a gunslinger. He is also a master of hunting in urban areas and picks up some cool abilities when in one.

Guile: Bellflower Tiler:

Do you hate slavery? Well then devote your life to stamping it out! The Bellflower Tiller is a real team player. He can give bonuses to movement outside of combat, making everyone use his base land speed (making sure those damn dwarves don't hold you back with their beards and whatnot) as well as giving extra bonuses on the aid other action. You also hate when people threaten your friends, you gain a bonus on attack and damage against those that threaten your allies. Throw in some Sneak Attack and Teamwork Feats and you have yourself a solid class. This is a for sure pick for any Chaotic Evil class... oh wait I mean good not evil.

Guile: Sleepless Detective:

I present to you the last of the Guile Prestige Classes. Now, I was really disappointed that the SLEEPLESS Detective never actually gets the ability to be... well you know sleepless. Any how if you want to be the most badass tracker and interrogator then this your class. You basically get all the abilities to make you a magical Gill Grisom, tracking people down that are long gone as well as basically always knowing the truth. I mean if you are running a CSI like campaign you got to have one of these in your party.

Arclord of Nex:

So, if you don't know what the Eye of the Arclord Feat is then you will be baffled by this class... just as I am. You get some cool abilities that let you use that feat more often as well as well as some cool abilities that let you craft constructs faster, call a bonded creature to you, and pick up some more Arcane school powers. I wish I could give you a little more but I have no idea what that feat does and the class uses it quite a bit.

Piety: Umbral Court Agent:

This is a LE only class, so it will most likely be reserved for evil campaigns and NPCs. He gains the Darkness Domain and can do quite a bit with shadows as well as his one of his Domain powers.. This class is all about darkness, you even gain darkvision. One thing I liked is that he gets the ability to use a Gaze attack for a limited number of rounds a day. Its not super powerful but it has potential to make a nice bad guy like I said earlier

Okay, so I have covered 22/30 meaning I only have two more posts for you guys. In my next three posts I will be covering the Magaambyan Arcanist, Riftwarden, Tattooed Mystic, Knight of Ozem, Lantern Bearer, Skyseeker, Green Faith Acolyte, and Prophet of Kalistrade. I hope you are enjoying these brief descriptions!

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

I'm really enjoying reading your brief descriptions (especially of the ones I wrote!)

Sovereign Court

Benchak the Nightstalker wrote:
I'm really enjoying reading your brief descriptions (especially of the ones I wrote!)

Just out of curiosity, which did you write?

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

Please Don't Kill Me wrote:
Benchak the Nightstalker wrote:
I'm really enjoying reading your brief descriptions (especially of the ones I wrote!)
Just out of curiosity, which ones did you write?

I wrote the:

Storm Kindler
Veiled Illusionist
Pit Fighter
Bellflower Tiller
Sleepless Detective
Umbral Court Agent
Tattooed Mystic
and Prophet of Kalistrade

Of them, I think the Veiled Illusionist was my favorite. I'm excited to see how the finished product turned out.

Sovereign Court

I have to admit, I really liked the Storm Kindler and the Veiled Illusionist was another top for me. While I don't see myself playing a Veiled Illusionist, if I ever get around to running a home game you better believe there will be one lurking around. On another note, am I hitting on the major notes you where going for or did I just miss the mark completely?

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Please Don't Kill Me wrote:
Also, just someone give me a response after I post so I know that at least someone is reading these. I don't want to continue if no one is reading them.

Thank you so much for posting those prestige class summaries! I am looking forward to seeing the rest of the descriptions.

One question about the Blackfire Adept -- Does that class have any synergy with any Summoner class abilities other than spell casting?

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

Well I haven't seen the finished product yet (I haven't gotten my contributor copy yet), so I don't know what/if anything was changed in development.

But it all sounds pretty close to what I wrote so far. Keep it up!

Sovereign Court

David knott 242 wrote:
Please Don't Kill Me wrote:
Also, just someone give me a response after I post so I know that at least someone is reading these. I don't want to continue if no one is reading them.

Thank you so much for posting those prestige class summaries! I am looking forward to seeing the rest of the descriptions.

One question about the Blackfire Adept -- Does that class have any synergy with any Summoner class abilities other than spell casting?

The class does not explicitly state that it has any Synergy (such as with the Winter Witch Prestige Class) but that is not to say that it wouldn't work well with one. I looked it over again right now with a Summoner in mind and it would work really well for the Master Summoner Archetype in my opinion. Other then that you would lose out on your Eidolon so if you are a normal Summoner the relies heavily on your Eidolon this is not the way to go.

Wow these sound great

Sovereign Court

Benchak the Nightstalker wrote:

Well I haven't seen the finished product yet (I haven't gotten my contributor copy yet), so I don't know what/if anything was changed in development.

But it all sounds pretty close to what I wrote so far. Keep it up!

I looked over the list of ones you wrote and it looks like I have three more to cover. I hope that I do them justice.

Other then that to those that are reading these I will finish the next eight tomorrow and once I have finished I will answer any GENERAL questions that people have. Even though I haven't finished my class overview yet this is an amazing product with a good deal of great content. Also just to quell some fears, from what I can see they are all pretty balanced and none of them are going to be abused by power gammers that much... with the exception of Mammoth Rider, anyone with a mount has to take at least a one level dip of Mammoth Rider. I mean you get a huge mount! Not only that but you can ride a huge lion, or triceratops, or rhino!

I have one question, that will let me know if I need to drool over this more or just go to bed, the Aldori Swordlord does it gain Dex to Damage on just the Aldori dueling sword?

Grand Lodge

Alexandrina wrote:
I have one question, that will let me know if I need to drool over this more or just go to bed, the Aldori Swordlord does it gain Dex to Damage on just the Aldori dueling sword?

The Agile enchantment will do this.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Alexandrina wrote:
I have one question, that will let me know if I need to drool over this more or just go to bed, the Aldori Swordlord does it gain Dex to Damage on just the Aldori dueling sword?
The Agile enchantment will do this.

I am aware of this.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Ah, thanks. So I get the impression that the Blackfire Adept advances spell casting and the Summon Monster SLA but not the eidolon, is that correct?

If so, it looks as though Paizo is keeping their promise about having a presetige class for every core/base class in the game -- just don't expect there to be one for every archetype (or lack thereof).

Grand Lodge

I believe I misunderstood your question. Could you please clarify?

Sovereign Court

David knott 242 wrote:

Ah, thanks. So I get the impression that the Blackfire Adept advances spell casting and the Summon Monster SLA but not the eidolon, is that correct?

If so, it looks as though Paizo is keeping their promise about having a presetige class for every core/base class in the game -- just don't expect there to be one for every archetype (or lack thereof).

Sorry, it doesn't increase its SLA either. It just fits well with that archetype because of the focus on summoning and the bonus feat. Also letting you free up lower level spells for anything that your SLA covers is a bonus.

Sovereign Court

Alexandrina wrote:
I have one question, that will let me know if I need to drool over this more or just go to bed, the Aldori Swordlord does it gain Dex to Damage on just the Aldori dueling sword?

Only the Aldori Dueling swords and only if you have one. I know that is probably a bit disappointing but it is at least a step in the right direction for Dex fighters.

Edit: But it still has a lot of cool features that make it a very interesting class. So don't discount it quite yet, its still has a lot of potential with the proper build.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
I believe I misunderstood your question. Could you please clarify?

You understood it properly. I want to know if the Swordlord Prestige class grants its class bonuses to other finesse-able weapons. Such as the Rapier. Or if it only affects the Aldori Dueling Sword. Especially the Dex to Damage class feature.

And I ask this even though I am well aware that Agile weapon enchants exist.

Please Don't Kill Me wrote:
Alexandrina wrote:
I have one question, that will let me know if I need to drool over this more or just go to bed, the Aldori Swordlord does it gain Dex to Damage on just the Aldori dueling sword?
Only the Aldori Dueling swords and only if you have one. I know that is probably a bit disappointing but it is at least a step in the right direction for Dex fighters.

Ah I understand. Thank you for your response =)

Please Don't Kill Me wrote:
Globetrotter wrote:
How'd you download it? I thought it wasn't available until the 16th?
I"m a Subscriber, essentially I pre-order it and when they ship my hard copy the let me download a free PDF even if it is before the release date. That is the benefit of subscribing, you get the material about a week early.

Thanks for that... I had thought about subscribing. What a great benefit :)

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Please Don't Kill Me wrote:
Alexandrina wrote:
I have one question, that will let me know if I need to drool over this more or just go to bed, the Aldori Swordlord does it gain Dex to Damage on just the Aldori dueling sword?

Only the Aldori Dueling swords and only if you have one. I know that is probably a bit disappointing but it is at least a step in the right direction for Dex fighters.

Edit: But it still has a lot of cool features that make it a very interesting class. So don't discount it quite yet, its still has a lot of potential with the proper build.

I'm eagerly awaiting the description for those last eight PrCs, and even MORE eagerly awaiting my copy!!!!!

These sound pretty sweet. Thanks a lot for posting them!

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

I want to hear about the Paladin of Irori (thought it was supposed to be in this book). A little curious how a Monkadin would look :P

Grand Lodge

A Tiefling Paladin of Irori, with the Nightmare Fist feat.

Really enjoying your posts. Can't wait for the last 8.

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Sorry for the delay but here you go, I give you the next four Prestige Classes!

Brawn: Lanteren Bearer:

The Lantern Bearer brings us an Elf (or Half-Elf sponsored by an Elf) only prestige class. With that being said I'm sure you already realized that this is a class about range. Well that would only be partially true. While the class uses bows a bit the most impressive aspect of this class is the SLA that you get to pick up. Every couple of levels you get a new set of SLA and each SLA in that set is useable once a day. What can be better then that? Well whenever you gain a new set of SLA you can use the previously gained SLA an additional time a day. On top of that these guys can turn any metal weapon they hold into Cold Iron for as long as they hold the item +1 round after they let it go. Finally, they get a cool ability to hide in plain sight like the shadow dancer and the shadow bloodline Sorcerer. Its a fun looking class.

Brawn: Skyseeker:

With the Elves getting their own prestige class I bet those of you that love your short bearded friends are in the corner saying, "Why can't Dwarves get some loving?" Well calm down because we have the Skyseeker, while not exclusively Dwarven it has some limitations that prevent a lot of people from taking it barring being a Dwarf or having the Adopted trait. The Skyseekers are essentially looking to return to the glory days of old and take back their Sky Citadels and in order to do this they are given a whole host of fun abilities ontop of Divine spell casting progression. These Dwarves get to deal extra damage to Giants, Goblins, and Orcs (or creatures with these subtypes). On top of this these guys get to pick up some spell resistances through armor training and they have one of the most awsome capstones I've seen: You get to summon yourself summon Dwarven Spirits to fight for you! What could be better then one Dwarf? One Dwarf with 1d4+1 ghost Dwarfs!

Piety: Green Faith Acolyte:

This is for the perfect class for Druids, or Druid wannabes. This class gets some nice features like full spell casting progression, treating her level as a Druid for the purpose of Animal companions, Wild Empathy, and I think the kicker is a semi complete progression in her Wild Shape ability. What is even better about this ability is that it if you don't have the Wild Shape ability you eventually get it from this class. You also get some cool abilities like getting to select out animals from AoO spells and finnaly getting to pick ups some Druid tittles. All in all my Oracle of Nature may be taking some level in this class then a couple of levels in Mammoth Rider... A lion Oracle riding a huge Lion mount into BATTLE!

Piety: Prophet of Kailstade:

When I read this class I was surprised because it doesn't expand spell progression it grants spell casting. With no spell casting requirement to enter this class it grants its own spells per day and spells know (which are drawn from divination and enchantment schools off of the Sorrcer/Wizard spell list). Are you interested? Well I was, and it gets better. Have you ever been in a situation where you are out of spells but have absurd amounts of gold in your pocket? Well now you can turn that gold into spells by sacrificing it to mysterious forces to cast any spell that you know! Thats right you can use gold to cast spells if you need to. On top of that they are good at fining magical items to buy in settlements as well as getting spell casting services for half cost every so often. I would say an interesting class overall.

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.

And last but not least I give you the final for new Prestige Classes!

Arcana: Magaamban Arcanist:

One of the more interesting classes the Magaambyan Arcanist can become one hell of a spell caster. Given full spell casting progression as well as the ability to add Druid spells to her spell list (with stipulations of course). She gets to ability to change spells that she has mastered through spell mastery a couple days worth of study and latter on she can use one of these spells spontaneously every day. Eventually she adds quite a few bonus spells to her spell list from several different sources but this is not the best part of the class. Early on if you purposefuly leave a spell slot open you can fill the slot with 1 minute of studying your spell book but this gets better! At higher levels you can use this ability as a full round action. That is pretty awesome I think.

Arcana: Riftwarden:

This lady hates inter-planner travel and does her best to rid the world of outsiders and summoned creatures. With decent spell casting progression she can use summon monster spells and SLA for counter spelling as well as picking up some Ranger like abilities (Favored x) against outsiders and for other planes. Eventually picking up the ability to channel like a cleric, but only to harm outsiders. One of my favorite abilities from this class is eventually gains resistant to any magical or extraordinary abilities outsiders throw at her. Did I mention that she is the mortal enemy of Blackfire Adepts? I would like to see those two in a party togheter.

Brawn: Knight of Ozem:

Do you want to do your duty to Iomedae and eradicate undead everywhere, but you don't have the divine power to do so? Well fear not! Because the Knight of Ozem will kill the hell out of those undead. This is a good fighter Prestige Class with full BAB progression and all the bonus feats that you could ever want, although you are limited on your choice of feats. Other then getting bonuses against undead you pick up an awesome Capstone ability that transforms your gear into the most badass gear around. It turns your armor to adamantine, your shield blinds people, your sword becomes holy, and if you wear a cloak (why wouldn't you) it turns into a cloak of resistance! The only down fall is that it is a very limited amount of use of this ability. But hey, its awesome still.

Arcana: Tattooed Mystic:

I love this class, mostly because I love the Tattooed Sorcerer Archetype and this Prestige Class takes it to the next level, my only issue is I wish this could have been a base class. Other then that issue you get good spell progression as well as the ability to inscribe yourself with a bunch of cool tattoos that give you abilities like damaging people that end their turn next to you, summoning monsters faster, concealment while concentrating on an illusion, and much more! You also get Inscribe Magical Tattoo and Tattoo Familiar as well as the ability to make Spell Tattoos you scribe to use your Feats and ability modifiers for save DCs and what not. This is probably my favorite class thematically and can make a damn good Prestige Class for a lot of base classes

Well that concludes my summaries of the classes and as I promised I will now answer general questions that you guys have about these classes.

I figure you can't share too much, but can you give some insight to the pre-reqs of Aldori Swordlord? Like does it require Aldori Dueling Mastery feat or simply exotic weapon proficiency + weapon finesse?

It requires all the feat pre-reqs of Dervish Dance (for the aldori, of course), super proficiency with the weapon, and dazzling display.

Sovereign Court

Protoman wrote:
I figure you can't share too much, but can you give some insight to the pre-reqs of Aldori Swordlord? Like does it require Aldori Dueling Mastery feat or simply exotic weapon proficiency + weapon finesse?

Cheapy hit it on the head. The prereqs are not that bad for this class, especially if you start out as a dex fighter. Fighters will easily qualify while humans and half-elves (using the alt racial trait for exotic weapon proficiency) can get to it on time without having to be a for their first few levels.

Interesting. And not too harsh. My upcoming fighter might be able to pull it off. Thanks!

Tattooed Mystic sounds great. Can't wait to read through all of these.

Sovereign Court

Alexandrina wrote:
Tattooed Mystic sounds great. Can't wait to read through all of these.

Its a good class that really separates you from other classes. A very good way to make a very unique character.

Sovereign Court

Protoman wrote:
Interesting. And not too harsh. My upcoming fighter might be able to pull it off. Thanks!

No problem. Just wanted to give people of an idea of what they have to look forward to from this book.

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