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41 posts. Alias of TheRonin.

Full Name

Revered Bartholomew, Lord of Bridgeborne




Cleric 9 / Rogue 1







Special Abilities

Telepathic bond with other party members.


Neutral Good


Trion, the Light Brother




Common, Cyrillian, Auragan, Celestial, Abyssal, Infernal


Priest of Trion

Strength 16
Dexterity 11
Constitution 14
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 19
Charisma 20

About Revered Bartholomew

Saves and Stats:

Rogue 1/Cleric 9

Initiative: +2

Armor Class: 22 (+6 Armor, +6 Shield)
Flat-Footed AC: 22 (+6 Armor, +6 Shield)
Touch AC: 10

CMB: +9
CMD: +19
Flat-Footed CMD: +19

Hit Points: 82 (10[d8 +2])

Saving Throws
Fortitude: +8
Reflex: +5
Will: +10

Spell Resistance
Exalted Resistance: SR 15 (5 + Level) vs. Evil Spells [From Paladin Pyre]


Acrobatics: +0
Appraise: +8 (1 Rank, 4 Int, 3 Class)
Bluff: +22 (10 Rank, 5 Cha, 3 Class, 4 Feat)
Climb: +3 (3 Str)
Diplomacy: +22 (10 Rank, 5 Cha, 3 Class, 4 Feat)
Disguise: +11 (1 Rank, 5 Cha, 3 Class, 2 Feat)
Escape Artist: +0
Fly: +0
Heal: +14 (7 Rank, 4 Wis, 3 Class)
Intimidate: +12 (2 Ranks, 5 Cha, 3 Class, 2 Feat)
Knowledge-Arcana: +8 (1 Rank, 4 Int, 3 Class)
Knowledge-History: +8 (1 Rank, 4 Int, 3 Class)
Knowledge-Local: +17 (10 4 Int, 3 Class)
Knowledge-Nobility: +18 (10 Rank, 4 Int, 3 Class, 1 Trait)
Knowledge-Religion: +18 (10 Rank, 4 Int, 3 Class, 1 Trait)
Knowledge-The Planes: +8 (1 Rank, 4 Int, 3 Class)
Linguistics: +8 (1 Rank, 4 Int, 3 Class)
Perception: +12 (5 Rank, 4 Wis, 3 Class)
Perform-Oratory: +11 (3 Rank, 5 Cha, 3 Class)
Ride: +0
Sense Motive: +17 (10 Rank, 4 Wis, 3 Class)
Spellcraft: +8 (1 Rank, 4 Int, 3 Class)
Stealth: +4 (1 Rank, 3 Class)
Survival: +4 (4 Wis)
Swim: +3 (3 Str)

Feats and Traits:

Armor Proficiency (Light)(Medium)(Shields)
Weapon Proficiency (All Simple)
Deceitful (+2 on Bluff and Disguise checks, bonus improves to +4 if 10 ranks in skill)
Selective Channeling (May choose to exclude up to 5 targets when channeling energy)
Persuasive (+2 on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks, bonus improves to +4 if 10 ranks in skill)
Saving Shield (+2AC to adjacent ally, once per round)
Leadership (Score = 210 [Bonus Feat]
Extra Channel (Channel energy 2 extra times per day)
Rhetorical Flourish (Bluff check to gain +4 on next Diplomacy check [-2 if Bluff check fails by 5 or more] -OR- Retry a failed Diplomacy check by making a Bluff check at -4)

Reactionary (+2 on Initiative checks)
Child of Temple (+1 on Know:Religion and Know:Nobility checks)

Clerical Abilities and Spells:

Channel Positive Energy Heal Living -or- Damage Undead for 5d6 , 10/day (DC 19 Will save to resist)

Domain Powers

Dazing Touch: Melee touch attack to Daze target (of cleric level or less) for 1 round. [7 times per day]
Charming Smile: Cast Charm Person as a swift action. (DC 18 Will save to resist) Each attempt consumes 1 round of the daily duration, as does each round target is charmed. [9 rounds maximum per day]
Sudden Shift: As an immediate action, after missed by a melee attack, teleport up to 10 feet to a space that can be seen. This space must be inside the reach of the creature that attacked. [7 times per day]
Master's Illusion: Create an illusion that hides the appearance of cleric and any number of allies within 30 feet for 1 round per cleric level. This ability functions like the spell "Veil". (DC18 Will save to disbelieve the illusion) [9 rounds maximum per day]

Level 0 [DC:14] 4
Level 1 [DC:15] 5 + 1 (Charm Person -or- Disguise Self)
Level 2 [DC:16] 5 + 1 (Calm Emotions -or- Mirror Image)
Level 3 [DC:17] 4 + 1 (Suggestion -or- Nondetection)
Level 4 [DC:18] 3 + 1 (Heroism -or- Confusion)
Level 5 [DC:19] 1 + 1 (Charm Monster -or- False Vision)

Magical Equipment:

Risley: +4 Brilliant Energy, Grayflame Heavy Mace (+13/+8 to hit, 1d8+7 damage, 20 crit[x2], +1d6 sneak attack damage if flanking)
Special Abilities
Telepathy: Wielder only
Languages: Common, Celestial
Detect Evil: 60' range, at will
Cure Light Wounds: 3 times per day
Lesser Restoration: 1 time per day
[A brilliant energy weapon has its significant portion transformed into light, although this does not modify the item's weight. It always gives off light as a torch (20-foot radius). A brilliant energy weapon ignores nonliving matter. Armor and shield bonuses to AC (including any enhancement bonuses to that armor) do not count against it because the weapon passes through armor. (Dexterity, deflection, dodge, natural armor, and other such bonuses still apply.) A brilliant energy weapon cannot harm undead, constructs, or objects.]
[A grayflame weapon responds to channeled positive energy. When the wielder spends a swift action to channel energy through the weapon, it ignites with a strange gray flame that sheds light as a torch, increases the weapon's enhancement bonus by +1, and deals +1d6 damage (as the divine power from flame strike) to creatures struck by the weapon. This flame lasts for 1 round for every d6 of damage or healing the channeling normally provides. When charged with positive energy, the flame is a silvery gray, good creatures are immune to the weapon's extra damage, and the weapon counts as a good and silver weapon for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction.]

+2 Mithril Chain Shirt
+5 Light Steel Shield

Potion of Cure Light Wounds (1d8+1)