[Dreamscarred Press] First Dreamscarred Kickstarter Coming Soon

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Wow! Only 14 hours to go until the Ultimate Psionics Kickstarter is over!

They made all their stretch goals, as well!

I'm looking forward to it! :D

In the home stretch guys, let's finish strong!

MaverickWolf wrote:
On a vaguely related side note, there is still one more available slot for a custom designed character illustration inside the book.

Speaking of which...

I've pledged myself at the $125 level to design one of the Psionic Prestige Class Iconics, and the Prestige Class I'd like to help design is the Metaforge (the Soulknife and Aegis are so-far my two favorite psionic classes). Is there a way for me to "claim" that prestige class as the one I want to help design?

Dreamscarred Press

Harrison wrote:
MaverickWolf wrote:
On a vaguely related side note, there is still one more available slot for a custom designed character illustration inside the book.

Speaking of which...

I've pledged myself at the $125 level to design one of the Psionic Prestige Class Iconics, and the Prestige Class I'd like to help design is the Metaforge (the Soulknife and Aegis are so-far my two favorite psionic classes). Is there a way for me to "claim" that prestige class as the one I want to help design?

That's a good question and one I'd meant to put in the FAQ and an update. I'll go post on that now.

Jeremy Smith wrote:

That's a good question and one I'd meant to put in the FAQ and an update. I'll go post on that now.

Just read the update and, while I would still really love to be the one to design the Metaforge, I'm willing to be flexible if there's a conflict.

Is there some place I could refer to that has a list of all the psionic prestige classes with a short description of it to see what I like? I, unfortunately, don't have all the books to refer to, and d20pfsrd.com hasn't updated its psionics section in a while.

Dreamscarred Press

List of PrCs:

Adaptive Warrior (PsiEx) - studies and uses his enemy's own tactics against them
Body Snatcher (PsiEx) - master of mind switch
Metaforge (PsiEx) - aegis / soulknife hybrid
Metamorph (PsiEx) - shapechanger extraordinaire
Mystic Archer (PsiEx) - can make ranged attacks blindfolded (blind sense, tremor sense, etc)
Phrenic Slayer
Psicrystal Imprinter (PsiEx) - gains special abilities with the psicrystal
Psion Uncarnate
Psionic Fist
Sighted Seeker (PsiEx) - uses precognition to hunt down marks
Soul Archer (PsiEx) - ranged soulknife
Telekinetic Weaponmaster (PsiEx) - wields melee weapons using telekinesis

So, I preordered Psionics Expanded early this year. I'd like my $5, if I'm understanding correctly, to go to the poster. How do I do that?

Dreamscarred Press

Jackissocool wrote:
So, I preordered Psionics Expanded early this year. I'd like my $5, if I'm understanding correctly, to go to the poster. How do I do that?

All the add-in selections will be done in the post-project survey, which will include the ability to specify you were a preorder customer and what that add-in credit goes to. Preorder status will require validation (Dreamscarred username if preorder there, or a screenshot of the product in your downloads if elsewhere)

Sounds good.

Yay! I finally got to donate. Just the $100 level, though. I really wanted the $200 level but the finances just wouldn't cover it.

The fender-bender on our way to Florida for our vacation took the funds for anything more.

I may never get a chance to use it, but the excitement was too much to ignore and you guys do good work, so here I am, jumping in at the 11th hour with a little something.

Congratulations on such a wildly successful Kickstarter to the guys at Dreamscarred Press!

When you mean "preorder", does that include getting the Psionics Expanded-Work in Progress pdf on the Paizo site?

Well, I did that. You can check the dates on these posts:

Mind Over Body

Unlimited Possibilities

Weren Wu Jen (on Paizo)

WerenWuJen (on Dreamscarred)

Don't know if that's good enough though...

Dreamscarred Press

Weren Wu Jen wrote:

When you mean "preorder", does that include getting the Psionics Expanded-Work in Progress pdf on the Paizo site?

Yep! That counts.

Huh - I did that, too. What's the relevance here?


479 backers pledging a total of $56,870!!

Jeremy Smith wrote:
Weren Wu Jen wrote:

When you mean "preorder", does that include getting the Psionics Expanded-Work in Progress pdf on the Paizo site?

Yep! That counts.


AinvarG wrote:
Huh - I did that, too. What's the relevance here?

If you preordered either Psionics Unleashed or Psionics Expanded, you get $5 credit toward one of the add ins for the Kickstarter.

From the latest Kickstarter Update:

We also have a new add-in, the Art of Psionics book. Our long-time early adopters (those who preordered both Psionics Unleashed and Psionics Expanded) get this for free (PDF if $20 and up, color print if $50 and up), while anyone else can add it to your reward ($8 for PDF, $15 for print). Those of our backers who preordered only one of the two books get a $5 add-in credit (which could go toward partially offsetting this add-in if you choose). But if you preordered both, you get the book AND the $5 credit.

Dark Archive

Darn, I bought Psionics Expanded over the summer using a prepaid credit card on my account on drive through RPG. I love the weekly news letter they do and my gift card fromAmerican express was not accepted on Paizo so I spent it at DTRPG. Since I do not want a regular credit card of my own, I just threw some cash at a friend who was willing to sign up with kickstarter and do the backing for me on his card. I suspect nothing can be worked out to transfer credit anyway. If I am wrong, let me know.

Thanks for keeping the power point system alive and kicking.

Look forward to the final product!

Well, I have both of those, but I don't know if they were considered preorders... Might be too late since it's funded now...

Grand Lodge

Whelp, there goes my money.

Dreamscarred Press

Raymond Lambert wrote:
Darn, I bought Psionics Expanded over the summer using a prepaid credit card on my account on drive through RPG.

If it was the Psionics Expanded Subscription at DriveThru, that counts, too.

Dark Archive


Dreamscarred Press

AinvarG wrote:
Well, I have both of those, but I don't know if they were considered preorders... Might be too late since it's funded now...

If you bought: Psionics Expanded Subscription (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow), Psionics Expanded Work-In-Progress (Paizo), or Psionics Expanded Preorder (Dreamscarred), that's the Psionics Expanded preorder.

The Psionics Unleashed preorder was exclusively available at the Dreamscarred site back in 2009-2010.

Now that the project is funded, when can we expect the survey emails to be sent out? About a week or so?

Sovereign Court

Congrats! Congrats!!

Dreamscarred Press

Harrison wrote:
Now that the project is funded, when can we expect the survey emails to be sent out? About a week or so?

That's what I'm aiming for, yes.

We'll also be doing similar to Frog God's Rappan Athuk survey and using a custom survey instead of the Kickstarter survey due to the limited nature of the Kickstarter survey.

Dreamscarred Press

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Time Bandit wrote:
Congrats! Congrats!!

Thank you, thank you!

That goes to everybody who was involved - our backers, folks who helped spread the word, the other publishers who got on board, the other publishers who shared contact information, the many freelance folks who will be participating (writing, artwork, graphic design, cartography, etc.)

This has been an absolutely amazing experience and an overwhelming final 72 hours.

We're going to be hard at work for the months to come, but we're going to have a ton (probably literally) of books to show for it that are all about psionic support for Pathfinder!

Jeremy Smith wrote:
AinvarG wrote:
Well, I have both of those, but I don't know if they were considered preorders... Might be too late since it's funded now...

If you bought: Psionics Expanded Subscription (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow), Psionics Expanded Work-In-Progress (Paizo), or Psionics Expanded Preorder (Dreamscarred), that's the Psionics Expanded preorder.

The Psionics Unleashed preorder was exclusively available at the Dreamscarred site back in 2009-2010.

Ah - I ordered the Work-In-Progress through Paizo.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Is this where we say, "Where there's a Will, there's a Way"? :-)

Matthew Morris wrote:
Is this where we say, "Where there's a Will, there's a Way"? :-)

Every time someone says that, a Sorcerer-King eats a baby.

Dreamscarred Press

A few people have asked about getting in on the project after finding out too late, or making some pledge changes.

We are working allowing this to a limited extent. The $200 and up reward options will not be available, but we will allow people to join at the other tiers in case you missed the cut-off, and we will allow our backers to select additional add-ins if you overlooked or calculated incorrectly.

Pledge changes will be done via the post-project survey, which I am currently working on.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

That's good news for me. I'd misread some of the details about the Art Book until it was too late for me to adjust my pledge. I was figuring on missing out on the dice to make up for it.

Dreamscarred Press

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So the surveys are just about ready to go out, pending some final confirmations on some things. That's going to be the big thing to spur project activity - once we have a count of tokens / dice / etc, those orders will go in, and once we have the details for the custom graphics, we'll start sending out orders for the artists.

Our fans are amazing and there is already a thread going on the Dreamscarred forums about what new feats to include in the book - before we had even thought to make one!

It's a mountain of work, but we're scaling it one step at a time. :)

Dreamscarred Press

Alright, we've made available a way for folks who missed out on the Kickstarter to get in. Join the fun!

This is only going to be available until the end of this month, and offers the $20-$100 pledge levels only.

Starting November, you'll just have to wait until the books are done - and all the bonus goodies will be a la carte.

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