Golems and Lantern Archons

Rules Questions

Are golems immune to the light ray attacks of Lantern Archons?

Golems are immune to spells and spell-like abilities except for a few that are listed for each specific golem.

The lantern archons light rays are EX abilities, state they bypass damage reduction. There is no notion that they are magic-based attacks.

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golems are immune to everything that allows Spellresistence (Except as noted)
thus EX and even SU abilities can target them in general.

As an EX ability, it strikes me as something that almost simulates a real-life laser (not on a Star Wars scale though). Being an EX ability, it is a non-magical effect, so it should affect stone, even if that stone is resistant to magic.

Would it affect incorporeal creatures?

Liberty's Edge

Of course lantern archons can affect incorporeal creatures. They're the katanas of summoned monsters; they can do anything.

...okay, now that I've gotten that out of my system, no, I don't think lantern archons can affect incorporeal creatures. Their light ray is an Exceptional ability, and thus non-magical.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
DeathSpot wrote:

Of course lantern archons can affect incorporeal creatures. They're the katanas of summoned monsters; they can do anything.

...okay, now that I've gotten that out of my system, no, I don't think lantern archons can affect incorporeal creatures. Their light ray is an Exceptional ability, and thus non-magical.

The balancing aspect of the archons is that with their low BAB, they really don't do much against creatures with high touch AC, and their damage potential isn't that stellar.

Indeed. It's just a couple d6 worth of power.

But they are awfully cool to have around. :D

Sovereign Court

Did you notice they don't have melee weapons? Does that mean they don't make attacks of opportunity?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ascalaphus wrote:

Did you notice they don't have melee weapons? Does that mean they don't make attacks of opportunity?

That's correct. Archons have no feats or qualities that allow them ranged AOO. They also can suffer AOO's if they use their light rays in a threatened square.

Ah the mobile beam weapon platforms again, yes they can kill *insert CR30 monster* or lesser no problem ;)

As an extraordinary ability, can the lantern archons light rays benefit from a bard's inspire courage?

Marius Castille wrote:
As an extraordinary ability, can the lantern archons light rays benefit from a bard's inspire courage?

"An affected ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls."

So they get +1 to their attack roll, but not to the damage.

Would the archon vanish if it moved outside the Summon Monster's spell range?

Liberty's Edge

Unless things have changed and I missed it, you only need to summon the monster within the spell's range. After that, it's free to roam until the duration expires. Otherwise, it would make summoning flying creatures kind of pointless when you're in a battle with other flying monsters.

Sovereign Court

In the description of the Conjuration school, it says: "The creature or object must appear within the spell's range, but it does not have to remain within the range."

You rang?

Cool. Thanks for the responses; I'm still getting handle on the summoning schtick.

Do the lantern archon's light rays provoke attacks of opportunity when firing into an adjacent square?

Is the archon restricted to a 5 foot step when firing both rays?

Liberty's Edge

Extraordinary abilities don't provoke AoO so the Lantern Archon is safe to use its rays even when adjacent to a foe.

As far as I can tell, Lanterns follow the same rules as everything else in regard to movement and attacks, meaning they only get a 5FS if they fire both rays.

Marius Castille wrote:

Cool. Thanks for the responses; I'm still getting handle on the summoning schtick.

Do the lantern archon's light rays provoke attacks of opportunity when firing into an adjacent square?

Is the archon restricted to a 5 foot step when firing both rays?

Yes (although it's frequently irrelevant) and yes.

@Velcro - they don't provoke because they're extraordinary, but they still provoke because they're a ranged attack. A ranged touch spell provokes twice (once for casting it, once for using it).

Your archons should be flying at least 10'away from the enemy...

Hmmm... an emerald ring with a maximized summon monster V 1/day: Summon 5 Green Lantern Archons...

Bobson wrote:
Marius Castille wrote:

Cool. Thanks for the responses; I'm still getting handle on the summoning schtick.

Do the lantern archon's light rays provoke attacks of opportunity when firing into an adjacent square?

Is the archon restricted to a 5 foot step when firing both rays?

Yes (although it's frequently irrelevant) and yes.

@Velcro - they don't provoke because they're extraordinary, but they still provoke because they're a ranged attack. A ranged touch spell provokes twice (once for casting it, once for using it).

That's what I figured. I'll have to remember shooting into melee and soft cover penalties as well.

@darkwarriorkarg: usually yes, but i thinking that an archon could deliberately provoke so an enemy (or two) would expend its attack of opportunity on it. This might allow a PCs to move into more advantageous position without suffering an AoO from the same enemy.

Liberty's Edge

@Bobson - I totally see where you're coming from. I've always ruled aiming and firing a spell as one complete action and therefore only provokes one AoO. Similarly, using an extraordinary ability to fire a light ray is one complete action and does not provoke because of the perk of it being extraordinary. Loading and firing a bow only provokes one AoO because loading the bow is considered a non-action, but loading and firing a light crossbow provokes two because it is two separate actions (a move and a standard.) Casting a spell and firing it as a ranged weapon would be two standard actions and that isn't usually allowed, but I'm not going to make spellcasters wait an extra round to shoot fire out of their hands. I'm basically saying the Actions are what draw the AoO and not the effect of the actions. Does that make sense? Either way, I'm also using this text from the rules on Attacks of Opportunity:

"Remember that even actions that normally provoke attacks of opportunity may have exceptions to this rule."

to allow little things like a Lantern Archon's light ray to bypass the usual clause for ranged attacks because it is extraordinary and so provokes no AoOs.

Like I said though, it could be argued either way.

Sovereign Court

Anyway, against low-Will mooks, you should have the archon do a fly-by, see how many enemies you can debuff with the Aura of Menace.

would an lantarn's beam bypass the DR from a myhtic creature ?

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This attack overcomes damage reduction of any type.

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