
Carrion's page

111 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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I have a player that wants to have a miniature Mi-Go as a familiar. He has no qualms of basing the stats on another familiar, he just wants the appearance of a Mi-Go. What sort of familiar do you think I should treat it as? Maybe a monkey or a hawk?

My Google-FU must be very weak. I cannot find any pictures of a dragon carrying or clutching a horse! Or even one attack a horse. Can anyone help here?

Just recently saw another viewing of 'The Crow' movie and I got inspired to make a character based on the main character. Wasn't there a prestige class or archetype like the crow character where you could place your soul in a crow and gain abilities or such? Or am I thinking of a kit or prestige class from 3.5 edition of long ago? Other than a beast-bond witch what other ways could you simulate this character?

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I know this is nit picking but shouldn't the Spiny Starfish familiar from the Ultimate Wilderness book have the aquatic subtype? Who ever heard of a starfish that drowns underwater!

Me as well please?

Has anyone made NPC stats for the various folks in Absalom Station? Like Security personnel or Emergency Medics the PCs might have to interact with.

Tali Wah wrote:

Custom Rig

"can be installed as a cybernetic augmentation system in your brain (though it can be combined with a datajack for the same price as installing a datajack normally"

At level 7 it becomes a computer and you can computer modules to it.

How did I miss that? Brianiac 5000 here we come....

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Ryu_Hitome wrote:

It's possible, but complicated.

So basically, you can install your custom rig into your body armor slot, and then upgrade it to be a computer, and interface with it directly.

This is hawt!

Claxon wrote:
Theres the datajack, that allows you to interface with other computers. But not sure if that's what you're wanting.

Know about the Datajack (thank you) but he wants to be like a Deathlok. You know, being able to talk to himself (literally) and access data modules without having to carry a piece of wearable equipment.

Is it possible to have a computer installed into one's brain if it was bought with enough Miniaturization and as an A.I. (to give it commands or orders). Or maybe into one's arm with tiny keys. Rules say that light or no bulk can easily be worn on the wrist or such but I have a player who wants his android to have one in his head or as part of his body. He is a mechanic with an Exocortex but also wants some added computer goodies.


Are there any pieces of equipment that aids a Solarion who chooses the armor option like there are for the weapon options (AKA the weapon crystals)?

I agree. I would love to see the feats section again showing what feats a monster usually has so I can do the math. Also, some of the damage bonuses for the monsters seems off. Do all monsters get weapon specialization at 3HD like a PC does at level 3rd? And if they do, what weapon groups does each monster have weapon specialization with? Also, the monster stats does not included how many HD they have which causes issues with certain spells that affect certain HDs only.

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Jimbles the Mediocre wrote:

A Solarian's Solar Armor isn't armor. (I know, that sounds confusing.)

It's a supernatural effect that compliments light armor. Sure, you could activate solar armor without actually wearing armor, but the intended use is for you to be wearing light armor underneath, and thus already having environmental protection and life support.

So, no, I don't believe that solar armor provides any environmental protection other than the stated AC bonus and energy resistance.

Thank you for the clarification. I figured as much as it is more like an additional layer of protection composed of light. Never hurts to bounce questions off of others! :)

I did not see any feat tree for two-weapon fighting nor any rules for it in the tactics section. Is this no longer a combat option?

Does size no longer affect AC, Stealth, or attack rolls?

Does the Solar Armor from the Solarian ability provide any protection from the Environments? I assume it does not but the base armor rules say all armor provides environmental protection unless stated otherwise.

I imagine being blown out of an airlock and activating my solar armor and being safe, that would be too cool!

Carrion wrote:
For preparation rituals found in spellbooks, how many pages does each ritual take? I could not find an answer anywhere.

Anyone have any ideas with this?

For preparation rituals found in spellbooks, how many pages does each ritual take? I could not find an answer anywhere.

Can you point me into the right direction? I see the construct rules and how to build them, including Homunculus (which can be a familiar with improved feat) but nothing per say where one could be a familiar or such.

I been pouring through numerous books but thought I would ask the boards for some advice. Anyone know of a way for a player to have a broom as a familiar or possibly a bonded object? I know the bonded witch for half-elves allows limited objects for a witch familiar and was going to use that but the player wants someone akin to a witch's broom where it could grow little legs and feet and has an intelligence as he gains higher in character levels.

Any help would be most appreciated, if anyone has any thoughts on this.

Other than the Theologian archetype are there any feats or traits that allow you to increased you effective level for your clerical domain powers (or the first level power)?

I was thinking on the lines of curing in battle for emergencies. Infernal Healing would work out of battle but then you dread into the 'darkside' so to speak with the taint of evil if you have a paladin in the group casting his detection gaze at you.

Also, the Samsaran could work but then you have to contend with the blue skin which most town folk might give you an odd look or otherwise treat you as some 'undesirable' if they are less tolerant to normal looking folk.

Puppetmaster might work but then you give up the kewl offensive magus spell combat as you can only use enchantment or illusion spells with it.

Thank you for all the advice!

Other than multi-classing, is there a way for a Magus to have access to the Cure Light Wounds spell?

Is there a feat that provides a wizard with more 'free' spells per level (other than 2 per level) or at level 1 (besides 3 + Int Mod)? I know one could buy scrolls at level 1 with starting cash or thereafter but the cost to scribe them in a spellbook is expensive and you need to make skill rolls.

Are there any specific lands on Golarion where arenas and gladiator combat are prominent?

Other than the hand magic item and the meridian belt is there a feat that allows a character to wear more than one magical ring on each finger and gain the benefits of each ring? Perhaps a prestige class?

Is there a feat or trait that allows a character to start with a powerful patron? Such as a king, dragon, demon, or such?

What are the differences between the printed softcover and hardcover (premium) editions? Any difference between the PDF and do either of the books have additional content? I am deciding if I want to purchase soft or hard printed versions of this most awesome product!

Are there any Wookie-like races in Pathfinder? Generally a race that is completely fur-covered.

Has anyone created any mythic versions of the zombie? What sort of special mythic ability do you think they should get?

Is there a feat that allows a PC to gain money at certain game time intervals? To account for an allowance, investment, or trust fund per day?

What would one do with a wizard with the Spirit Whisperer archetype who selects arcane enlightenment as part of their life spirit's ability?

They already have access to all the Sor/Wiz spells.

Thank you! Other than undetectable alignment potions, what about items to mask alignment?

Are there any magic items that provide bonuses to Spellcraft and/or Use Magic Device?

Shouldn't the tidepool dragon know 3 second level spells as a 4th-level sorcerer?

Any recomendation for an aquatic spell?

Understandable, but I am confused with the blurb where it states that unused clones do not rot. Meaning to me, RAW, it appears the Alchemist could have prepared unused clones in stock?

Hence why I asked how long after activate an inert clone that an unused one could become inert and ready to be a soul receptacle.

Why else then would the rules say unused clones to not rot?


Thank you. I was getting myself confused.

Damn Umber Hulks gazing at me in my work cube!

Do creatures summoned with the augment summoning feat gain the augmented subtype?

Indeed I was looking at the giant crab spider. Any ideas what it gets for this ability?

Has anyone seen a write-up for the camouflage ability that some monstes posess? I have looked in all 3 beastiaries to no avail.

Has anyone seen a write-up for the camouflage ability that some monstes posess? I have looked in all 3 beastiaries to no avail.

<personal bump>

What about the spellbook?

Would a soul forger magus with bonded witch levels be allowed to memorize spells from his bonded item as long as they were also on the magus spell list?

'How you fixed for blades? You'd better look!'

Well this is for a bonded object not for a familair. Familiars gain benefits as they level up. Bonded objects do not get anything no matter what level you are so there are no rules that I can see of what to do when you have bonded objects from multiple sources.

For familairs, there are tons of rules that show that the typical norm is to combine all the levels that grant a familair to determine its added abilities.

Actually now that I think of it, perhaps add the levels together to determine what level equivalent you are in regards to improving it with the quasi item creation feats you can apply to your bonded object only?

Would a soul forger magus with bonded witch levels be allowed to memorize spells from his bonded item as long as they were also on the magus spell list?

Example, burning hands is a witch and magus spell and the bonded item functions as a spell book for the witch.

Would they get the arcane bond benefit of both classes you think? Magus and Witch's 1 spell per day?

What about for a spellbook. Would the magus be able to memorize stored spells from the bonded item if they where on the Magus list?

What do you do if a character wants to be a magus/witch with the soul forger and bonded witch archetypes?

Do they get two arcane bonds? One bond that can cast any one magus spell per day and one limited witch spell from a list once a day?

The rules are not clear on multiple arcane bonds from different sources.

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