DM Joseph Rauel's Price of Immortality

Game Master Dm Joseph Rauel

Kassen's Tomb Map

Marching Order:

1. Perri Purrun
2. Brandark Ironhame
3. Roya Tani
4. Joras Iggins
5. Miron Belodor
6. Conrad Mendelson

Perri, Brandark
roya, miron
Joras Conrad

Nightly Watch:

20:00 – 22:00: Conrad Mendelson, Miron Belodor
22:00 – 01:00: Brandark Ironhame
01:00 – 04:00: Perri Purrun
04:00 – 07:00: Roya Tani, Joras Iggins

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M Human Cleric/Bard

Rumors are spreading like wildfire among the youth of Kassen that Mayor Jonark Uptal is going to charge a group of young would-be heroes to the tomb of Ekat Kassen, the founder of Kassen’s Hold. This ceremony is a milestone for the youth signifying them becoming an adult in the village of Kassen. A ceremony that is held each year on the anniversary of Ekat Kassen and his men setting off to defend Kassen from a mercenary threat. This year marks the 174th anniversary.

The would-be heroes set off to the crypt with the Eternal Lantern in hopes of bringing back a piece of the Everflame that resides above Kassen’s final resting place. If the Eternal Lanter is returned with a piece of the Everflame, it is held safe in the village of Kassen, where it is preserved all winter, a symbol of the town’s resilience of those first hard years of the town’s history.

4th of Neth – 4709 AR
You find yourself lying in bed, up earlier than normal. You cannot believe it. It has been four years since Mayor Uptal has send youth to Kassen’s tomb, and he has asked you. YOU! This is something that you have looked forward to for as long as you can remember. Older siblings and other villagers have spoken of the daunting task of what is found on the way to Kassen’s tomb, let alone what is found within.

Rolling over in your bed you remember a flash back of two days ago. Mayor Uptal knocking at your door, formally inviting you to take part in this village ceremony. Along with his request for you to arrive at midday today, he also told you to only bring the bare essentials, to travel light. The rest will be provided for you. When you arrive the town square.

The sun rises and beams through the window catching your eye. It’s time to get up.

You have the morning to do whatever it is they would need to do before heading to the town square. What do you find yourself doing this morning?

Be sure to divide your equipment into what you are bringing with you and what is staying at your home. The module is specific that the PCs carry only what they absolutely need (weapons, armor, spellbooks, etc…)

Grand Lodge

M Human Barbarian (1) HP 19/19, AC 16/ T 14/ FF 12/ Saves: Fort +5/ Ref +2/ Will +1 (+3 vs charm and compulsion effects)/ Perception +5/ Ini +2/ Rage 4/7/ HF: 1/1

For one of the most important days of his life, the day Conrad would finally get ready to enter the Crypt of the Everflame started like any other.

Wake up, a little after dawn, with daylight already seeping through the window and into his room.

Pretend to be asleep just a few minutes, in those precious moments before Farrad started to stir and Lilia asked for her food.

Then it was getting up, getting dressed warmly enough to not catch a cold while fetching water from the well. Having to hear Molly complain about having to prepare breakfast for everyone without Darren to help her out anymore on his way back. It had been three months since Darren had first followed Mom and Dad to work, but Zora still hadn't got used to not having him banging pans around, slamming the door behind him when he returned with fresh eggs. Now, there was only Isaac to give her a hand, and she was tired of having to bend down to pass him the dishes.

Making breakfast was part of his chores once, Conrad reminded her while putting the water away to warm up. He didn't mind if they switched places.

She always declined. He could never cook the eggs right.

Keeping a semblance of order at the table took much of his time. Kids weren't allowed to do much else but stay seated and eat quietly when their parents were home, and their absence typically drove them wild. He didn't mind the noise as much as the constant drama. Conflicts around the breakfast table reared their heads like a hydra. While he dealt with one, two more spawned. In rare moments of peace , he wolfed down his food as quickly as he could.

Then, it was piling up the dirty plates for Mom or Dad (more often than not, Mom) to clean up. Send the youngest children to clean up, and check to make sure they were not cheating. Help Lilia get dressed while Isaac washed himself with already lukewarm water.

Which left him with enough time to pack his things for the big day. Two rations. A rope. Three torches- no, five. Flint and steel. Father Prasst had said "nothing unnecessary", but what was unnecessary?

Zora screamed at Isaac to hurry up.

He had his armor to put on, of course. He almost managed to do it himself these days, but securing it so it wouldn't shift while he moved still proved tricky.

Then there was his flail, which still felt a bit awkward in his hands even after all that training. His crossbow, though he wasn't that good of a shot. His light shield, with a small crack in the middle from that time Father Prasst went a little hard on him. Say what you will about the man, he knew how to use a mace.

Which left only one thing.

He checked the inside of his backpack. The small, wooden statue of Shelyn was right where he had left it. He heaved a sigh of relief. He was always so scared to find her in pieces, since Farrad had stolen, played with, and broken the last one. Even Darren had wanted to scream at his younger brother, before he noticed how urgently Conrad needed to be talked out of his anger. He had been bought a new statue, and it wasn't quite the same, but at least this one was definitely and unambiguously off-limit for everyone.

He wasn't sure Father Prasst would let him keep it for his journey inside the Crypt. But if the statue wasn't necessary, then nothing was.

He scrubbed himself down roughly with cold and murky water. He struggled to put on his armor, and Zora had to help him, as usual. Lilia, Farrad and Isaac still needed to be dropped off at the Temple for their morning lesson (he could never tell what they were studying). He wasn't sure if Zora would be here to see him go, but she planted a kiss on his cheek all the same, just like the others had done.

Would his parents be there, he wondered.

After dinner, for the first time, they had wished him luck and told him they were proud of him.

Stuff taken: Armor+Weapons+Shield of course.
Other: backpack, a belt pouch, a blanket, a flint and steel, rope, 5 torches, 2 trail rations, waterskin, wooden symbol of Shelyn

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Halfling: HP: 15 | AC:16/T:14/FF:13 | Fort:+1,Ref:+7, Will:+5| CMB:-1, CMD:12| Init:+3, Per:+8

Gameplay 1

The sun's rays fall over a handsome timber-beamed whitewashed farmhouse as the rooster loudly crows his dominion over the area. Joras's eyes open and he as the light hits him he wonders why he has already been awakened then remember this is the day.

He jumps out of bed, quickly washing and dressing. He stretches' his arms toward the towering 5 foot ceiling, falling as far short as ever. He zips down the outer stairs, and starts the most necessary daily chores of feeding the poultry, pigs, and milking the cow. He brings it to the kitchen where a surprise is waiting.

His family is all waiting for him, beaming. Joras set down the milk with a what's up expression on his face. His father brings out a case and sets it in front of Joras. Joras opens it and inside is a Mandolin. "Think we would let you set out on Everflame Day without a instrument of your own, Joras? A day to celebrate, now a hardy dayfest to start off." The family spread is not much more than a normal one but his favorite eggs with crisp bacon is featured.

The general chatter is about the event but Maretta is pouting, with Renetta beginning the mother's warning look when Joras talks to his little sister. "Don't pout, Maretta, in a few years there will be another soon." Maretta, wary with the Mom look on her, slightly whines, "But it's not fair! If Roya is old enough to go, I should be too. She doesn't even come around to play anymore." Joras shakes his head and kindly says, "It is sad she doesn't have as much time for play but see that's a price she paying to be there. Once Erastil showed his favor to her, well she has to work very hard to fulfil his will now. Do you really want to have all your playtime go away in hard work now?" Maretta seems a bit unconvinced by her brother's explanation but attracting frowns from everyone else she decides silence is better right now.

His brother, Jent, leans over to Joras saying, "Playtime is over for you too, after today, unless all you are going to do it Play-time" Joras laughs at that saying, "That's an awkward pun Jent, you'll have to do better than that. Anyway I'd love to make a living from music but this town can barely support one entertainer much less two. I don't know what the future holds for me, oh you heir to the estate but I'll make do somehow, I'm sure. Hey if today goes well maybe I can be a adventurer!" Joras strikes a comically heroic pose, stretches himself to his full height only an inch short of his little sister. His mother snorts her dismissal, and says, Erastil forbid! No such harmful ways and if today the captain lets any harm befall anyone, I'll box his ears even if I need a ladder to do it." Joras quietly says, "That wouldn't help Mom."

The rest of the morning passes with Joras getting ready, playing music, ordinary events. Then the knock at the door. "Come in we're ready in a moment." And it any that wanted to walk with this family on there way to the opening ceremonies is there.

Open invitation to any and all

I don't know how long a trip its suppose to be so food for a halfling for the expected time away, some at least. Wearing his best i.e. explorer's outfit. If it is not cold then he leaves the others home. If no overnight is expected then leaves the bedroll, it's not like he carries a lot anyway. Armor and weapons go of course even though he knows its not really dangerous. I mean they would have heard if kids are routinely killed or hurt on these days, this town couldn't keep that secret or any other for long.

HP: 19/19 | AC: 12 / T: 12 / FF: 10 | Channel 5/8 1d6| Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: +6 | CMB: -1, CMD: 11 | Init: +2(+2 if acting in surprise round), Perception: +10

Roya woke up as the first beams of morning light shone through the window.
Unfamiliar ceiling.
It took her a moment to realize she was not in her small chamber in Father Prasts home but in her own Father's house. He was lightly snoring in his bed, across the room.
Roya sat up and glanced out the window. It was still very early in the day. Her father, like most other adults, would not work today, instead sending the town's youth on their pilgrimage to the tomb.
Roya had no intent to wake him even earlier today than usual. Slipping out of her nightgown and into her leathers, she snuck out the front door and headed straight for the woods.
After a few minutes, she arrived at her destination - a small natural pool of a nearby brook. Roya set aside her clothes on a rock, then jumped into the cold water. She even brought some soap and a comb to wash her slightly disheveled hair.
When she felt refreshed and clean, she sat down on a large rock like a lizard, enjoying the sunrise for a few minutes to dry, then put on her clothes again and headed back towards Kassen, fetching some eggs from a neighbor's hens(she did have permission to do so, of course-) and headed back home.
It was still early, and her father had slept during her absence. She stoked the fire and added another log, then put a pan on the cooking spot, adding the eggs and some fatty ham. The smell was delicious and woke her father.
While Roya finished cooking and set the table, he fetched warm bread from the baker and some fresh water, then they sat down for breakfast.
"So it really is happening. You are on the brink of becoming an adult. But you will always be my little girl. As a father, I can't help it.", the burly man smiled at the petite girl opposite him.
"Ah, dad. I'm proud I get that chance. But I'm also a bit scared. I don't feel like an adult.", Roya replied.
With a grin, her father answered:"Oh butterfly, neither do I. Honestly, I think most of us just wing it."
They both laughed, then continued their meal.
Most of the time before midday was spent talking, cuddling, and her father one more time telling her how his own voyage went, all those years back.
Eventually, it was time to prepare, and Roya had a hard time deciding what would qualify as 'necessary'.
Taken: Longbow, 1x blunt arrows, 1x common arrows, leather armor, backpack, bedroll, wooden holy symbol, waterskin, trail rations(3 days), Component Pouch
Left: Buckler, 2xDagger, 2xArrows common, 1x Arrows blunt, Grooming Kit, Tent, rest of Clerics Kit).
Roya felt mighty insecure when she headed towards the town square with her backpack.
It had been 4 years since the last group of youth were sent. So if she had been passed up, she would be around 16 next time...which was around the age most of the others going with her were.
Maybe it was because with her studies going so well, they meant for her to be able to take on responsibility as a cleric of Erastil, rather than wait a few more years? That they would have preferred to wait a year or two before sending her, but figured it was better to send her early rather than wait too long. She knew girls were also often sent there a bit younger - after all, she would soon be of marriable age - and needed to be considered an adult before marriage was proper. Or maybe they believed it would be untoward if she remained in the household of Father Prasst now that her body had begun to transition into womanhood - and they wanted for her to have her own household instead? But she LIKED Father Prasst. She didn't WANT to leave him. But after they brought back the Flame, she would also be eligible to marry him. If he wanted. But...
Her thoughts were restless, and she was quite in her own world when they arrived at the town square.

M Human (Varisian) | HP:11/11 | AC15, T11, FF14 CMD15 | F+3, R+1, W+0 | Speed 20' | Init: +1 | Perc+1, SM+1 Fighter (Base) 1

Every family does things a little differently. Varisian heritage includes great celebrations of significant life events, even if those events are based in non-Varisian traditions. Some of those traditions hold hidden purpose to better serve kith and kin in ways youth rarely recognize.

After Mayor Uptal's visit, Simza, Perri's mom, started doting on him like a small child. Trying to keep him engaged, close, pleased, and compliant. Gudada just smiled at Perri as his wife worked so hard at comforting herself, but he was thinking and making plans.

Many of 'Dada's plans required that Perri do hard manual labor on the day between the Mayor's visit and the ceremony. A lot of manual labor. While Gudada negotiated with a neighbor for a fat pig for the celebration of their return, Perri had to prepare a new pit for the underground roasting of said pig. Alone. Once the pit was large enough and deep enough, then Perri had to gather more firewood to use specifically for the roasting, and then bring things for people to sit on out to the back of the house, and so on.

While the manual labor gave him plenty of time to think, Perri never had much time to worry or obsess over the next day's activities. Gudada kept him working until well after dark. Then Simza made him take a good bath before she would let him collapse for the night.

Perri really didn't wake up as early as the others. Oh, yes, he's as excited as anyone else, but his father intentionally wore him out, and the family put effort into letting him sleep in.

Simza even went so far as to make him a special breakfast, a large roasted tomato stuffed with spicy sausage, scrambled eggs, and peppers. Only after he had eaten, done his morning chores, and cleaned up was he allowed to begin gathering his things before the send-off. He didn't have much time to quibble or think about what he should or shouldn't take with him.

He grabbed the pack and stuffed his things into it, slowing as he looked at the mess kit (and the soap), wondering if he would really have a use for them or not, before Simza tsked at him and pushed them down into the pack. "Not like you have much in there to begin with. You'll appreciate having them more than you'll be mad about carrying them!"

And so, with his mother's urgings, Perri ends up taking everything with him instead of selectively leaving anything behind. Are we really going to need the rope? And we're not going to be gone long enough to need baths, are we? Do I really need 5 days worth of dried meat, fruit, and cheese?" But his thoughts mean nothing as his mother makes it clear she won't accept him leaving a bit of it behind.

And so the Purrun family makes their way to the send-off, barely reaching the site before things were supposed to start. Perri gives his older sister a real hug, roughing the hair of his younger brother and giving the younger sister a BIG SQUEEZE. Then he and Gudada exchange nods before he lets Simza fuss over him one last time before he moves into position.

Well, before he towards the Mayor and a step or so further away from his family while he has the chance.

Yep. I have no idea on duration, either. Not like Perri has much listed on the character sheet to leave behind. 5 days worth of food could be too much. I don't know. The mess kit won't be of any value unless we get and cook some real food, or try to use a pot to make the dried meat more palatable. 2 waterskins is ACTUALLY the amount of water an adult is supposed to ingest every day. Meh. I had already tried to keep his purchased items to the basics. Armor's EXPENSIVE.

Male N Human Sorcerer 2 | HP: 12/12 (normal max 14) | AC: 16 Touch: 12 FF: 14 | CMB: 3 CMD: 15 | Fort: -0 Ref: 2 Will: 2 | Init: +6 | Perc: -1 SM: -1 | Speed 30ft | Cold Steel: 5/5; 1st Spells: 3/5; Wand of Magic Missile (2 charges) | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, -2 CON

The trumpeting call of the rooster greeting dawn breaks through Miron's dreams and stirs him to wakefulness. He lies, shivering slightly, still half asleep for a minute, then suddenly remembers the day. The Everflame Ceremony. He pushes the mass of blankets aside, and quickly washes and dresses - pulling several layers on over his undershirt. It barely eases the cold that was his perpetual companion, but barely isn't nothing - and despite what old man Vargidan says, Miron keeps hoping that one day the cold will fade properly like it's supposed to.

He eats his breakfast, sitting close to the morning fire (but not too close - he learned quickly after his change that a fire can still burn even if it doesn't feel very hot). The family discussion is, of course, about the ceremony. His mother, having done it herself many years ago doesn't seem too worried; his father tries to portray confidence, but a look of worry occasionally flashes over his face when he thinks nobody is watching.

As he does his morning chores, Miron thinks things over - he is still not sure how he feels himself. When the mayor visited before, he had mostly felt worried. The previous ceremony had been before his change - he remembers feeling envious of those going at the time, and wishing it was him setting out to explore. Now, he has a reminder of the dangers that exist outside the safety of the town.
But still, there will be a group of them going, and he has magic now. He concentrates, and feels the brief tingle of warmth as he focuses the cold into a point that fires off at a nearby fencepost.
And there is still something to be said for exploring. It's not easy to be the different one when you're in a small town. And one of the other things the old man goes on about is that you have to use the magic properly to grow it. And he supposes on a farm there's not much use for the magic he has. Magic will be more useful out there in the world. And if the magic grows enough, maybe one day he can be rid of it?

Returning to the house midmorning, he gathers up his spear, dagger, crossbow and a small pouch of bolts. Only the basics, the mayor said, and although he didn't need anything for the magic, his parents aren't about to let him go without something to defend himself. He only has the most basic training that Captain Wisslo inflicted on most of the youngsters at some point, but he at least knows how to use them, and working on a farm does mean that he's not completely ineffective with them.

With the minimal preparations finished, he is ready, and sets off with his parents towards the town square for the start of the ceremony.

Other Stuff:
Favored Enemy (Orc); Perception 6 +2 vs Stonework - even if not actively looking; ; Init 0;
Dwarf Ranger 2
General Stats:
HP 26/26; CMD 14 +4 vs Trip/Reposition, AC 15, T10, FF 15; Save F5, R3, W1 +4 vs Spell and SLA, +2 vs Poisons;

Brandark wakes in the morning and loads the forge with coal. he then grabs himself a bucket of water which he places on the forge to heat.

Finally, the date i can officially be free of him

He strips down to his waist, he then scrubs clean.

I would ask my uncle what i should take, but according to him, i am a lost cause.

he then fries himself up some basic food as he thinks about what is ahead. He eats and then washes up.

he fries some more food up and leaves it on a trencher beside the forge and then washes up.
Well time to see what this day brings

He takes a few minutes to slip into his armour.
after that he settles is weapons, few as they were, and makes his way to the grounds where they would be setting off from.

He pushes through, and joins the others in the line, and remains quiet to hear the instructions

M Human Cleric/Bard

Morning recap:

Conrad – Heading to Temple to drop off Lilia, Farrad and Isaac off for their lessons.
Joras – Enjoying the morning with his family, receiving an hairloom of a gift. A mandolin.
Roya – A morning dip and sunbathe before cooking up breakfast for her and her father. Dreaming of “what if’s” after she returns a woman.
Perri – After a exhausting night, Perri is one of the few to sleep in. One last morning for a mother to love on her son.
Miron – A contemplative morning. What will he face beyond the safety of the village? What would it take to be rid of it?
Brandark – Eagerly prepares to leave and start a new life. One where he can be his own man.

4th of Neth – 4709AR
As your morning duties, relaxation, bonding times are over, each of you set off from your home or the temple alone to the town square. Your parents might of given you a We’ll meet you there. As you remember it is tradition for the chosen youth to arrive at the square alone.

The stories of Ekat Kassen leaving to fend off mercenaries fills your head. Even the thought of the mortal wound that took his life just three days later might cause you to shift your meager belongings; Did I bring enough?

The cool breeze flows the Fangwood, through the streets, and whirls in the town square as you each arrive one by one. Silence, unless one of you speaks.

After a few moments, the bells atop the Temple of Erastil toll their midday song, echoing throughout the quiet town of Kassen. As the peals begin to fade, the first townsfolk make their way into the square, dressed in black, as if attending a funeral. They slowly fill the square, moving quietly across the cold, hard ground, their eyes downcast and mournful. After a few. Moments, a murmur passes through the crowd as it slowly parts to let Mayor Uptal through. He leads the way with a tarnished silver lantern. Behind him, an old pony drags a cart laden with backpacks and supplies.

Once he reaches the center of the crowd, Mayor Uptal stops and calls out to the assembled townsfolk. “Once again the winter winds blow through the Fangwood, marking the end of another harvest. There are wolves in the woods, howling at our walls, and serpents in our shadows, waiting to strike. Just as it was one hundred and seventy-four years ago, when Kassen himself left these walls to protect us, so it is today.”

Pausing to look over the villagers that have gathered here; “Where are the heroes? Where are the brave folk that will venture out to Kassen’s tomb and retrive the Everflame to keep this community safe for another winter?”

Pausing again, he waits for the six of you to step forward. Or maybe not? Is this your year?

Holding out the Eternal Lantern The Mayor Uptal speaks up again; “Who of you will hold the honor of carrying the Eternal Lantern, and bring back a piece of the Everflame?” Once one of you step forward to claim the Eternal Lantern, he continues; “With the Eternal Lanter, and and this map, you will find Kassen’s tomb through the Broken Glade, across the Gray Lake, down the Serpent Gorge, and finally within the Serpent Hills.”

Walking up to each of you, the mayor hands you a backpack.

Conrad’s backpack:

5 days’ worth of rations, a small tent, a winter blanket, a full waterskin and 50 feet of hempen rope.

Joras’ backpack:

5 days’ worth of rations, a small tent, a winter blanket, a full waterskin and a box containing tinder and 3 tindertwigs.

Roya’s backpack:

5 days’ worth of rations, a small tent, a winter blanket, a full waterskin and a Potion of Cure Light Wounds.

Perri’s backpack:

5 days’ worth of rations, a small tent, a winter blanket, a full waterskin and three torches

Milron’s backpack:

5 days’ worth of rations, a small tent, a winter blanket, a full waterskin and a grappling hook.

Brandark’s backpack:

5 days’ worth of rations, a small tent, a winter blanket, a full waterskin and a bottle of local brandy.

The mayor once again speeks to the townsfolk. [b]“I present to you the brave heroes who will follow in Kassen’s footsteps to retrieve the Everflame! Some of them may not return, but I say to you that their sacrifice shall not be forgotten. Go, brave heroes, and do not return until you have the eternal fire.” With that, the mayor points to the south, the direction of Kassen’s tomb. The townsfolk begin waving goodbye with cold, solemn looks on most of their faces as they turn away and return down the streets that arrived on.

The mayor is the only one remaining in the town square, still pointing to the south. Looking towards what might be facing you.

Add the above items to your character sheet.
What does your character do?

Grand Lodge

M Human Barbarian (1) HP 19/19, AC 16/ T 14/ FF 12/ Saves: Fort +5/ Ref +2/ Will +1 (+3 vs charm and compulsion effects)/ Perception +5/ Ini +2/ Rage 4/7/ HF: 1/1

As the ceremony takes place, Conrad shifts awkwardly from foot to foot. He hadn't expected such a solemn atmosphere. This was supposed to be their grand journey towards adulthood, after all. Why was everyone so mournful and dead silent?

He almost starts to envy his younger siblings, sitting quietly for their morning class at the Temple. He had thought bringing back the Everflame would be a piece of cake, and here was the Mayor talking about serpents and possible death. Serpents. The only serpents he'd seen had been the occasional grass snake.

He empties the contents of the gifted backpack into his own. Straightens up. Looks around. Then raises his hand- timidly, at first, then higher.

The Mayor doesn't turn around.

So, he clears his throat.

"Excuse me," he points at Roya. "Is she allowed here? Are you... Are you actually going to let her through the serpent... thing?"

DM, are we playing with Encumbrance rules for this adventure? Just the small tent alone weighs a ton.

M Human (Varisian) | HP:11/11 | AC15, T11, FF14 CMD15 | F+3, R+1, W+0 | Speed 20' | Init: +1 | Perc+1, SM+1 Fighter (Base) 1

Peri looks confused as the apparent mourners show up to send them off.

As the mayor goes over the ugliness of the historic details, Perri starts chewing his lip, trying not to laugh at how silly this ceremony seems. He knows things will go poorly if he can't keep a straight face right now.

On cue, Perry takes one exaggerated step forward, unable to contain that slight instant of highlighting the inherent silliness of this much somber . . ..

As the mayor asks who will take the lantern, Perri glances up and down the line before stepping forward again, this time simply stepping forward. "I will carry the lantern." He takes it, and the map, but offers the map to the dwarf immediately.

As the Mayor hands them each a pack, Perri accepts the new pack, removes his current one, and compares the contents. He moves his coil of rope and second waterskin to the new pack, setting the old one on the ground behind him. He can't help looking at his mom, with a slight frown on his face, knowing she knew this was going to happen when she told him to just fill his pack.

Conrad Mendelson wrote:
"Excuse me," he points at Roya. "Is she allowed here? Are you... Are you actually going to let her through the serpent... thing?"

Perri just turns and looks at Conrad, though he doesn't keep chewing on his lip. Perri seems to think Conrad just asked to be excused from the trip himself.

Male N Human Sorcerer 2 | HP: 12/12 (normal max 14) | AC: 16 Touch: 12 FF: 14 | CMB: 3 CMD: 15 | Fort: -0 Ref: 2 Will: 2 | Init: +6 | Perc: -1 SM: -1 | Speed 30ft | Cold Steel: 5/5; 1st Spells: 3/5; Wand of Magic Missile (2 charges) | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, -2 CON

Miron steps forward at the appropriate time, settling into the security of ritual, although he is slightly distracted by the black clothes. 'Probably something to do with Kassen's own journey' he wonders, as he looks through the backpack, before forcing it over his thick coat. 'Or maybe because we're going to his tomb? I should have paid more attention when they were telling us about him.'

His thoughts are interrupted by Conrad's remarks. He looks over at the girl, recognising her after a second - Roya - a couple of years younger than him, but he'd seen her with some of the people examining his condition. The healers? Or the priests? There's a vague memory of her attempting to cast some sort of healing spell - She probably knows it now, we wouldn't be sent out if we couldn't take care of ourselves.

Hesitating to further interrupt the ceremony by speaking out of place, Miron waits to see how the Mayor and Roya respond.

Male Halfling: HP: 15 | AC:16/T:14/FF:13 | Fort:+1,Ref:+7, Will:+5| CMB:-1, CMD:12| Init:+3, Per:+8

As the hour approaches, Maretta is told to stay home, her complaints swiftly stifled. When his parents and brother change to black mourning clothes, Joras begins to get a bit nervous. Still he straightens out everything, then at first goes out the door with the adults. After a short walk he stops as instructed says goodbye and lets them go into town, he then walks forward alone into the area lining up with the others.

As the funeral ceremony proceeds, Joras is conflicted. Okay, they are doing a good job with the solemn theatre but really seems more than required, no really dies anymore, if anyone ever did after Kassen's sacrifice. But it is beautifully done so Shelyn should be pleased. After his self-appointed critical review, Joras is curious as to what is being given out. When the lantern is presented, Joras slightly shakes his head, That thing weighs a ton, no way I'm taking that. That paper looks to be interesting. Perri takes the offered items and gives the map to Brandark.

As Conrad questions Roya's presence, Joras barely controls an appalled look. As though Roya's not under enough pressure! Joras shifts from foot to foot wanted to defend her but thinking he would only make things worse, for once, letting her decide what to do. So to cover he become very interested in trying to figure out how to carry all this cr- stuff the mayor shoved into his hands.

(Later after the situation resolves)
After much fiddling Joras puts the tent into the town's gifted backpack and takes the rest in his possession. He asks the air, "Could someone generously carry this other backpack, it throws off my balance." If no one does he will carry it for now.

HP: 19/19 | AC: 12 / T: 12 / FF: 10 | Channel 5/8 1d6| Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: +6 | CMB: -1, CMD: 11 | Init: +2(+2 if acting in surprise round), Perception: +10

A tent. I left mine behind because it's so heavy. Oh my.
She swiftly adds the few things she brought along to the backpack provided.
I suppose the mayor would know best. If he thinks we'll need it, I'll bring it with me.
She attempts to lift the backpack, and is taken aback by the weight, but puts it on regardless.

Just then, Conrad asks his question to the mayor.
He is teasing me. Bastard.
They had been training together under Father Prasst. He KNEW she received an invitation. They had talked about it.

Not waiting for the Mayors response, she moves towards Perri, who was busy redistributing his backpack, then turns to Conrad: "If a young girl tagging along makes you uncomfortable, I'm sure you can wait for next time. You'll be what, 22 then?"
With that, she picks up the lantern Perri set down and starts marching. It was obvious she struggled with the weight of her pack, but her determination was clear.

At least for the first couple steps, then she slowed down:"Bran, will you take the lead? I think you are better at reading maps..."

M Human Cleric/Bard

The party adjust their belongings with what they have been giving for the rite of passage.
--Conrad questions Roya’s involvement in the ceremony.
--Perri accepts the Eternal Lantern. The lantern bearer is a critical role in the community. It is easily attached to a strap on his backpack or a hook on his belt pouch.
--Miron thinks through what is before him, questioning the words from one of his party members.
--Joras takes in the beauty of the theatrics. Is it theatrics?
--Roya shifts her belongins before firing back at Conrad

4th of Neth – 4709AR

The mayor, who is still pointing south to the tomb, breaks concentration with Conrad’s question. But, he quickly returns to form when Roya stands up for herself. Small but fierce.

This brand new “Adventuring Party” of would-be heroes, begins to set off south.
Would someone give me a Survival role.

You set off south out of town following a well-traveled path. As you make your waay on this cool late fall day, bright beams of sunlight cuts through the leafless branch canopy above. The natural warmth from the sun is welcomed on this trek. The path narrows through the trees with the crunching of leaves underfoot.

Within these first couple hours of travel, you have seen some small game in the region. Squirrels and rabbits putting a few final touches on their homes for the winter to come, and even a few birds soaring above.

What does your character do?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Halfling: HP: 15 | AC:16/T:14/FF:13 | Fort:+1,Ref:+7, Will:+5| CMB:-1, CMD:12| Init:+3, Per:+8

Joras waits till they are just out of the gate and unlimbers his mandolin, takes out his pick and plays a somber tune to open as the day goes on he performs a number of song along the way, but largely saving his voice for his questions or the future.

Somber songs in this style to open.
You tube music link

Lighter fare to keep sprits up.

Between the songs he look out for anything interesting especially how the forest trained do what they do so he can start applying what he has heard to the real world.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10 Check surroundings and watch the woodwise.

After a couple of hours he says to all "Looks like a good place to break for lunch, isn't it? Wouldn't mind taking a load off." He seems cheery and actually not that tired.

If Joras is carrying both backpacks then he is slowed to 15' speed, if not then 20'.

Grand Lodge

M Human Barbarian (1) HP 19/19, AC 16/ T 14/ FF 12/ Saves: Fort +5/ Ref +2/ Will +1 (+3 vs charm and compulsion effects)/ Perception +5/ Ini +2/ Rage 4/7/ HF: 1/1

"But-" Conrad starts to protest, but Roya's determination coupled with the others's disapproving stare and the Mayor's lack of reaction finally intimidate him into silence. He gives up. "Fine, just- don't wander off on your own just yet!"

He lifts his backpack, grimaces, and puts it down. He separates the items that the Mayor gifted him from his personal effects, leaving these ones in the backpack he brought.

He tries to lift the backpack carrying the Mayor's items, and still finds him to be too heavy.

It takes more than one attempt at shifting items from one backpack to the other before he realizes that there's no way he'll find an arrangement that won't break his back after a day's walk, unless he wants to leave the rope behind.

He considers it seriously for a while.

Finally, as a last-minute decision, he takes the rope. Supposedly, there was going to be a gorge and some hills ahead, which meant possible climbing.

Inventory Update: taking my armor and weapons, as well as:

1. Mayor's items: the small tent, the full waterskin, the five days' worth of trail rations, the winter blanket, the hempen rope.
2. Conrad's own items: the wooden symbol of Shelyn, the flint and steel, three torches, and of course the backpack.
Result weight: 83, 5

He stays clear of answering Joras's question at first but seeing the halfling already struggle to move within less than an hour of walking eventually stirs his pity.

"I can carry your tent if you want," he offers reluctantly.

If Joras accepts, weight bumped to 88,5. Thankfully, he's got a huge margin before reaching Heavy Load. Speed reduced to 30 ft, I think?


Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

To distract himself from his blossoming back pain, Conrad silently enjoys Joras's mandolin (for a mandolin, it's a pretty nice mandolin), and pays attention to his surroundings as he walks.

M Human (Varisian) | HP:11/11 | AC15, T11, FF14 CMD15 | F+3, R+1, W+0 | Speed 20' | Init: +1 | Perc+1, SM+1 Fighter (Base) 1

Once the group gets out of sight of the village, Perri will turn to the others. "Do we want to take a few minutes to rearrange items and weight? Even the little things, like securing the lantern to a pack instead of carrying it by hand for the next 4 days?" It sounds like he's just asking. No aggression in his tone, and he asks while still walking.

My goal would be to get everyone into a medium load at worst. If we can get the halfling to a light load, it will keep the group moving faster, but that's a bonus.

Other Stuff:
Favored Enemy (Orc); Perception 6 +2 vs Stonework - even if not actively looking; ; Init 0;
Dwarf Ranger 2
General Stats:
HP 26/26; CMD 14 +4 vs Trip/Reposition, AC 15, T10, FF 15; Save F5, R3, W1 +4 vs Spell and SLA, +2 vs Poisons;

Brandark stands solomly for the ceremony, and mumbles his thanks when the map is passed to him.

As they step out and they go along, he agrees to redistribute to things ride better.

From the mayors stuff he takes the tent, rope, brandy and 2 days rations along with the winter blanket.

He then tosses 8 of the torches that somehow ended up in his gear.

Will check my weight load tomorrow. i might leave more.

Edit, it was missed.
survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

HP: 19/19 | AC: 12 / T: 12 / FF: 10 | Channel 5/8 1d6| Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: +6 | CMB: -1, CMD: 11 | Init: +2(+2 if acting in surprise round), Perception: +10

Roya struggles with her backpack. Soon after they left the market square, she returns the lantern to Perri:"Did not expect this thing to be SO heavy. But I guess it has to be sturdy so it makes sense..."

When Joras suggests resting for lunch, she quickly nods and agrees:"Yes. That would be really great. Around midday, I'm supposed to spend some time doing - well, you know, thinking about nature and balance and all of us, really hard. To the point where I space out a bit. It's when Lord Deaddeye graces me with his power. So I know we just left but a break for an hour or so would be really really great."
She won't push the point, though. If the majority wants to push on to not lose more time than needed, she will comply.

Small Tent - 20 lbs
Rations, Trail - 5 lbs
Bedroll - 5 lbs
Waterskin - 4 lbs
Longbow - 3 lbs
Arrows - 3 lbs
Blunt - 3 lbs
Blanket - 3 lbs
Backpack - 2 lbs
Spell Component Pouch - 2 lbs
Boline - 2 lbs
Healers Kit - 1 lbs
Wooden Holy Symbol - 0 lbs?

That is 53 lbs - exactly the upper limit of a medium load for 8 Str. If the wooden holy symbol DOES have weight, I'd empty a bit of the waterskin - Create Water for the win - AFAIK the clothes you wear don't count against the encumbrance unless they are very heavy. If i misremember, that is 4 more lbs for the Gambeson. In that case I'd empty the waterskin fully and take one day less of rations.

When the topic of redistributing weight comes up, Roya adamantly refuses. "Thank you. I appreciate the offer. But I will carry my own weight. I wouldn't hear the end of it if I would have one of you carry things for me." - she shoots a glance at Conrad.
He would no doubt help her out. She was certain he would. And then he would tease her about it the next 30 years. At least. That was not an option.

Male N Human Sorcerer 2 | HP: 12/12 (normal max 14) | AC: 16 Touch: 12 FF: 14 | CMB: 3 CMD: 15 | Fort: -0 Ref: 2 Will: 2 | Init: +6 | Perc: -1 SM: -1 | Speed 30ft | Cold Steel: 5/5; 1st Spells: 3/5; Wand of Magic Missile (2 charges) | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, -2 CON

Survival: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

"I could fit a few more things in my pack, if anyone needs the space." Miron says, as they all go over the equipment.

As they leave town, he pulls up the hood and wraps his coat tightly around himself. He mainly keeps his eyes on the road as he trudges through the autumn leaves, listening to Joras's music. "That's a nice tune." he compliments the halfling after one of the later songs.

"I wouldn't mind stopping for a bit." he answers as lunchtime approaches. "Shall we set up a fire?"


shortspear, dagger, crossbow, 10 bolts = 3+4+1+1 = 9
backpack, grappling hook, 5 trail rations = 2+4+5 = 11
tent = 20
cold-weather outfit, waterskin, blanket = 7+4+3 = 14
total = 54

I can take another 4, and still be light;
or medium load for me is up to 116
Huh, I thought medium load affected spellcasting, but apparently not. So, yeah, I can take a fair bit more and it'll only affect my speed and physical skill checks.

M Human Cleric/Bard

--Joras breaks out the mandolin and entertains the group as they continue on their journey.
--Conrad adjust his ger and carries Joras’ extra pack.
--Perri sets off a priority of evenly distributing the equipment among the group.
--Brandark flips through the pack from the mayor and tosses the torches that his dwarven eyes will not need.
--Roya struggles with the heavy load and is excited when Perri offers to distribute the weight.
--Miron wraps up tightly as they set out. Finding joy this autumn day with the sights of the leaves and the melody floating from Joras mandolin.

4th of Neth – 4709AR

The party sets up a brief resting spot for a bite to eat and an examination of the map. This time of year, everything is very dry and quick to take light. The warmth of the fire is a welcomed presence. For those who eat, please mark off one trail ration for today.

Conrad, Brandark, and Miron look over the map together. You are all familiar enough with this region and the woods nearby that you all realize that this map is obviously not to scale. It is just a map of familiar landmarks that people following the makeshift trails within the woods would recognize. You know of a mostly safe trail that will lead you to the Broken Glade, which isn’t too much further ahead. One final thing the three would know with that check is that it is roughly 40 miles from Kassen to Kassen’s tomb and you should arrive tomorrow evening. If all goes as planned…

What does your character do?

Other Stuff:
Favored Enemy (Orc); Perception 6 +2 vs Stonework - even if not actively looking; ; Init 0;
Dwarf Ranger 2
General Stats:
HP 26/26; CMD 14 +4 vs Trip/Reposition, AC 15, T10, FF 15; Save F5, R3, W1 +4 vs Spell and SLA, +2 vs Poisons;

Brandark chews upon a hard ration, while they are discussing the route.

Well, it is looking to be at least 2 leagues from town to the tomb. but now that we have had a break, lets go. We can set up camp in a couple of hours.

He takes a drink of water, and then restows the waterskin.
He then shrugs his way back into his obviously heavy pack and steps off following the rough directions given on the map.

Ho Joras, another couple of tunes as they help the distance go past.

Male Halfling: HP: 15 | AC:16/T:14/FF:13 | Fort:+1,Ref:+7, Will:+5| CMB:-1, CMD:12| Init:+3, Per:+8

At Roya's refusal, Joras gives a look to her ranging from from puzzled to sympathetic, then shrugs and says, "Well, I really can't pull my own weight as evidenced by how much I'm slowed by carrying as much, so I gratefully accept any help offered." He gives his second pack to either of Conrad or Miron that takes it first.

Joras pushes his nose in to look at the map, "How do you read maps, Brandark? I'd like to learn about finding my way in woods, I've talked to people about it but have no practice at it."

When Roya goes off to meditate with her god Joras follows and quietly says, "You have nothing to prove Roya, you're a godspeaker. That matters. Mind if I offer some music for your devotions?"

Joras summons a bowed psalter(anachronistic but so's Golorion) and plays songs and hymns appropriate for holy work.


After finishing up, Brandark ask for more songs for the road. Joras brings out the Mandolin and agrees, playing various selections.

One hour of Mandolin Music.

Can't do this forever just assume when asked to play this it the kind of thing Joras does.

Edit:Oh and between songs Joras keeps an eye out for anything usual.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27 Check surroundings and watch the woodwise again.

HP: 19/19 | AC: 12 / T: 12 / FF: 10 | Channel 5/8 1d6| Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: +6 | CMB: -1, CMD: 11 | Init: +2(+2 if acting in surprise round), Perception: +10
GM wrote:
Roya struggles with the heavy load and is excited when Perri offers to distribute the weight.

Just to be clear if anybody depends on the summary: Roya was excited about the break because it's spell prep time for her. She absolutely refused to have someone else carry her stuff even though she struggles.

When Joras tells her that he gratefully accepts, Roya remains silent. But when he finds her later and tries to tell her again, she responds: "Joras...I have to do that. I have to prove it to me. Maretta and the others - many are older than me. Or as old but bigger already. They are not with us. And half of them will assume that I just got sent along for some reason, like so I can be married off or something, and all of you will do all the work anyway. When I come back, I want to be able to look all of them in the eyes and say that I earned it. I don't know how to say it better. But I need that, for me, like, I need to push through so that there is no doubt in me afterwards.", she struggles to find the words, but gladly accepts his offer of some music. (Amusingly, one of my all time favorites. Not this version specifically, but the song)

Roya had a filling breakfast, and was far too excited right now to have much of an appetite.
She had only been close to Kassen, in the surrounding woods and wilderness. It was her backyard, in a way. She knew her way around there.

But this was outside her comfort zone. She knew she could get lost out here - she absolutely WANTED to learn how to move around without getting lost, but her chores and studies didn't leave much time for that, so far.

So she just sat down, enjoyed not having to carry the backpack for a while, and listened both to songs and discussion.

Other Stuff:
Favored Enemy (Orc); Perception 6 +2 vs Stonework - even if not actively looking; ; Init 0;
Dwarf Ranger 2
General Stats:
HP 26/26; CMD 14 +4 vs Trip/Reposition, AC 15, T10, FF 15; Save F5, R3, W1 +4 vs Spell and SLA, +2 vs Poisons;

Glad to show skills that his uncle disproved of, Brandark takes the time to show both Roya and Joras how to read the map as they are going along.

So interested in doing that, He is not looking around.

M Human (Varisian) | HP:11/11 | AC15, T11, FF14 CMD15 | F+3, R+1, W+0 | Speed 20' | Init: +1 | Perc+1, SM+1 Fighter (Base) 1

Nibbling during the stop, Perri slowly chews his way through the rations as they walk. Then through a little bit of philosophy, really.

"Now, Roya, I think I get not wanting to be seen as a burden. But what's Deadeye say about how a good community works? Different people and different families have different strengths, and in a good community, they lean on their neighbors when the neighbors are better. After you demonstrate how easy something is for you that isn't for us, maybe you'll realize you're not being a burden, and let us help? Until then, do what you think you must. We'll be right here with you when you need us."

Other than trying to talk her down a bit, Perri tries to just enjoy the walk and the company. Watching the world because it always has something new to show. Watching his feet because he doesn't want to have to look up at the world.

HP: 19/19 | AC: 12 / T: 12 / FF: 10 | Channel 5/8 1d6| Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: +6 | CMB: -1, CMD: 11 | Init: +2(+2 if acting in surprise round), Perception: +10

"I see where you come from, Perri. But this whole thing is about proving that we can be pillars for our community, right? I do depend on you. If not for Bran and his map, I'd probably take a wrong turn and end up being eaten by a Bear after wandering the forests for days. I gave the lantern back to you. Joras lifts my spirits. I gladly accept that. I just want to do all that I CAN do. Even if it may be easier to let someone else do it.", Roya answers Perri.

Thanks a lot both of you, but I'm just at the upper limit of medium encumbrance with no chance to get to light - just saying I appreciate the RP but there's no real mechanical impact to her struggling with her pack(it's just WAY heavier than what she is used to). If there's trouble I'm good with just dropping the backpack :D

When Bran explains how to properly read the map, explaining ways to determine heading and basic navigation by landmarks, Roya nods along and listens with great interest.

Grand Lodge

M Human Barbarian (1) HP 19/19, AC 16/ T 14/ FF 12/ Saves: Fort +5/ Ref +2/ Will +1 (+3 vs charm and compulsion effects)/ Perception +5/ Ini +2/ Rage 4/7/ HF: 1/1

Conrad sits with the others to snack distractedly on one of his trail rations. 1 trail ration less

He stays quiet as the members of his small group chatters the hour away, only taking some time to re-examine the map with Brandark to offer suggestions as to where they should be heading next.

He doesn't participate in Perri and Roya's theological debate, though he does listen to their back and forth attentively. Afterwards, he approaches Roya, and offers simply: "If you get tired, let me know."

Male N Human Sorcerer 2 | HP: 12/12 (normal max 14) | AC: 16 Touch: 12 FF: 14 | CMB: 3 CMD: 15 | Fort: -0 Ref: 2 Will: 2 | Init: +6 | Perc: -1 SM: -1 | Speed 30ft | Cold Steel: 5/5; 1st Spells: 3/5; Wand of Magic Missile (2 charges) | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, -2 CON

Miron gathers wood (perhaps too much) for the midday fire and sits close, breaking off half of one of his rations and chewing on it thoughtfully, before carefully wrapping up the remaining half to have during the evening.

"You've worked with the healers, Roya, most of us don't know much about that." He looks around into the forest. "I mean, I hope we won't need it, but there's wolves around at least. The mayor said something about snakes too." he adds, shifting his gaze downwards.

M Human Cleric/Bard

4th of Neth – 4709AR

After a bit of a late lunch bite to eat and a lesson in the basics of map reading the group gathers their belongings and sets up. But not without the joy of Joras’ mandolin playing.

Not too long in this next leg of travel, the group of you see a fallen tree trunk blocks the path up ahead. Suddenly four snarling humanoids leap up from behind the log, all greenish skin and fearsome tusks, bellowing vulgar challenges. In common The trail between you and them is covered with leafs and show signs of knotted roots protruding here and there. Difficult terrain, would take a full round move action to get to them. Or them to get to you.

Survival 15:

You aren’t sure if it was the smoke from the fire or the music from Joras, but either of those could have been a beacon calling anything towards you, including the creatures you see before you.

Initiative If Needed
Joras, Miron, Roya, Brandark, Perri

What does your character do?

DM Screen:

Miron: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Roya: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Brandark: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (8) + 0 = 8
Perri: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Conrad: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Joras: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

O1: 1d20 ⇒ 3
O2: 1d20 ⇒ 19
O3: 1d20 ⇒ 20
O4: 1d20 ⇒ 16

Other Stuff:
Favored Enemy (Orc); Perception 6 +2 vs Stonework - even if not actively looking; ; Init 0;
Dwarf Ranger 2
General Stats:
HP 26/26; CMD 14 +4 vs Trip/Reposition, AC 15, T10, FF 15; Save F5, R3, W1 +4 vs Spell and SLA, +2 vs Poisons;

survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

Brandark unlimbers his Urgosh which he had been using as a walking stick.

Well, something attracted them, shall I ask


Ho there, we have no fight with you, if you let us pass

Male Halfling: HP: 15 | AC:16/T:14/FF:13 | Fort:+1,Ref:+7, Will:+5| CMB:-1, CMD:12| Init:+3, Per:+8

Current Combat Status:

HP:8/8 AC:16

Survival: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20 untrained

Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Joras stops, split second pause then, breaths out, "Really? in a low disbelieving tone. Then switches music and song to a lullaby. If within range.

Combat Action:

Cast lullaby(110' range) Will DC 13 save to neg, -5 Perc and -2 will to sleep spell. Duration concentration +1

Joras has no desire to move forward for now.

Reaction to Brandark if it times out right. Joras is okay with his approach but proceeds with a soften up if needed, it doesn't really hurt anyone, right?

I know I wrote usual for unusual and it may not have been clear I was rolling for the walk, and Joras is doing at least three different things but I made the best perception I can, if you want things done differently I can adjust of course.

I'll add a combat end summary if I do something that changes things

Other Stuff:
Favored Enemy (Orc); Perception 6 +2 vs Stonework - even if not actively looking; ; Init 0;
Dwarf Ranger 2
General Stats:
HP 26/26; CMD 14 +4 vs Trip/Reposition, AC 15, T10, FF 15; Save F5, R3, W1 +4 vs Spell and SLA, +2 vs Poisons;

Forgot the current stats that I have. AC 15, HP 12, Saves F4,R2,W1 +4 vs spell, +2 vs Poison

Grand Lodge

M Human Barbarian (1) HP 19/19, AC 16/ T 14/ FF 12/ Saves: Fort +5/ Ref +2/ Will +1 (+3 vs charm and compulsion effects)/ Perception +5/ Ini +2/ Rage 4/7/ HF: 1/1

Survival: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Finally, something to prove all this training and a full year of toil was not in vain.

Conrad readies his flail as well as his buckler, and steps forward so frailer Roya and Joras can stay in the rear.

He keeps his guard high, preferring to let the orcs cold to him and possibly disperse rather than charging the four of them and possibly going down.

5 ft step
Drawing weapons
Total Defense as a standard action

HP: 19/19 | AC: 12 / T: 12 / FF: 10 | Channel 5/8 1d6| Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: +6 | CMB: -1, CMD: 11 | Init: +2(+2 if acting in surprise round), Perception: +10

Roya at first doesn't even register the creatures, having watched some birds. But then things move swiftly. A small part of her wanted to drop the bag and run. She knew that was be afraid.
But for the sake of her travel companions, she had to overcome that. As fast as she can, she unslings the backpack and places it on the ground, then retrieves her bow from the side.

Move action to retrieve bow, Standard to get out of Backpack, Free to drop it. Quivers are on the belt so those are ready.

M Human (Varisian) | HP:11/11 | AC15, T11, FF14 CMD15 | F+3, R+1, W+0 | Speed 20' | Init: +1 | Perc+1, SM+1 Fighter (Base) 1

"You don't want to do this." Perri's comment isn't loud, more at a normal conversational tone, but it is accompanied by him readying his bill. He holds the polearm extended in front of him, with the tip knee-high and pointed in the direction of the ambushers. With the weapon ready, he looks at the potential attackers and in a slightly louder voice calls out "If you must, then there's no point in waiting."

He prepares to knock the first one in range to the ground.

Move - Ready weapon; Standard - Ready trip attack vs first in range

Dice if needed:

Readied Trip vs target's CMD: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

AoO if one passes through threatened space
Disarm vs target's CMD: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

Male N Human Sorcerer 2 | HP: 12/12 (normal max 14) | AC: 16 Touch: 12 FF: 14 | CMB: 3 CMD: 15 | Fort: -0 Ref: 2 Will: 2 | Init: +6 | Perc: -1 SM: -1 | Speed 30ft | Cold Steel: 5/5; 1st Spells: 3/5; Wand of Magic Missile (2 charges) | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, -2 CON

Survival: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

"Wolves and worse." Miron frowns. Clamping down his fear, he concentrates and murmurs a spell. A layer of frost briefly blooms over his skin, then fades as it coalesces into a protective layer of force. Mage Armor

He readies his spear and waits for someone to make a move.

16AC for an hour

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Human Cleric/Bard

Oh man, I apologize. With the Initiative tracker at the bottom of my post only go if your PCs name is in bold. I will use your post as what they do on their turn.

--Brandark Free Action Speaks in undercommon asking for freedom to pass with no trouble.
--Conrad draws his weapons and goes into a total defense stance Difficult terrain, no 5-ft step

4th of Neth – 4709AR

Three of the creatures move forward, unresponsive to Brandark’s comment. Two stop half way single move action and let loose two javelins towards Conrad. Both miss as they crash into the ground besides them. The third continues his move forward double move and stops infront of Conrad with a cruel looking great axe.

Joras begins playing a lullaby I am going to assume it would be for the two who are grouped together that threw their javelins, if that needs to change let me know both of the creatures begin to have heavy eye lids, the second one is able to shake it off.

Miron case Mage Armor on himself and readies his spear.
With the creatures fast approaching, Roya retrieves her bow and gets ready to attack.
Perri uses his bill to reach out and attempt to trip the one that moved face to face with Conrad and brings the foe easily to the ground.

Joras, Miron, Roya, Perri

Brandark it is your turn. What does your character do?

DM Screen:

O2 Attack: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
DMG: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Conrad W: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

O2 Attack: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
DMG: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Conrad W: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

O2W: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (8) - 1 = 7
O3W: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (15) - 1 = 14

Other Stuff:
Favored Enemy (Orc); Perception 6 +2 vs Stonework - even if not actively looking; ; Init 0;
Dwarf Ranger 2
General Stats:
HP 26/26; CMD 14 +4 vs Trip/Reposition, AC 15, T10, FF 15; Save F5, R3, W1 +4 vs Spell and SLA, +2 vs Poisons;

By the maker.

Brandark steps forward to get in range, and then brings his Urgosh around in a double handed strike towards the Orc that is lying in front of Conrad.

attack: 1d20 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 8
BAB, STR, FE, Hatred
damage: 1d8 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 2 = 7
2 Hand Base, FE

Only to drive his Urgosh blade into the dirt to avoid Conrad, when Conrad shifts to block the javelins.

AC 15, HP 12, Saves F4,R2,W1 +4 vs spell, +2 vs Poison

Male Halfling: HP: 15 | AC:16/T:14/FF:13 | Fort:+1,Ref:+7, Will:+5| CMB:-1, CMD:12| Init:+3, Per:+8

Current Combat Status Start:

HP:8/8 AC:16
1st level spell slots:2/2

Round 2
Joras sees the orcs reach the front line but two stop, his music deepens and acquires an even greater otherworldly quality. Joras matter-of-factly says,

"I may take care of the two back. Watch carefully, for the signs."

Cast sleep on the two back orcs.

Current Combat Status End:

HP:8/8 AC:16
1st level spell slots:1/2

@DM I'm interpreting your statement as we post in the order we are allowed to act so that those who act later can take earlier action into account. If so could you mark the timing of the actions we are allowed by the round it take place in?

M Human Cleric/Bard

--Brandark attacks with his Urgosh, but misses the tripped foe.

4th of Neth – 4709AR

The final creature begins moving forward, seeing Perri trip the first one he only moves up partially before loosening a javelin his way. But it flies wide. You can see a Rage enter the creatures eyes.

Initiative Round 2
Joras, Miron, Roya, Perri

Conrad it is your turn. What does your character do?

DM Screen:

O4 Attack: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
DMG: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Perri W: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (9) + 0 = 9

Grand Lodge

M Human Barbarian (1) HP 19/19, AC 16/ T 14/ FF 12/ Saves: Fort +5/ Ref +2/ Will +1 (+3 vs charm and compulsion effects)/ Perception +5/ Ini +2/ Rage 4/7/ HF: 1/1

Do we have a map for this fight?

Conrad barely has enough time to notice Roya putting her backpack down and to think Oh yeah, maybe I should have done that before the first wave of enemies reaches him.

He attempts to disarm the prone creature lying in front of him elegantly: by bashing his skull in.

Power Attack: 1d20 + 4 - 1 ⇒ (13) + 4 - 1 = 16
Damage: 1d8 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 3 + 2 = 12

M Human Cleric/Bard

No map for this one. I won’t use them all the time but I describe the scenes as we go when I don’t use them.

--Conrad swings his Flail down hitting the foe.

4th of Neth – 4709AR

The group is partly clustered together around the greenish humanoid that is laying prone on the ground. The three others are quickly approaching just seconds away from getting together with their downed companion.

Conrad’s Flail swings down bashing the beast in the face. Lifting his flail, Conrad finds the eyes of this creature glairing with Rage at him. The creature grabs the chains of the Flail to start and pulling himself up with its Great Axe ready to slice the human in two. But with a quick flinch, Conrad pulls his flail free and finishes off the foe as it lays lifeless on the ground. AOO

Guttural howls and war cries rise from the three and two move forward to take the place of their downed foes and strike out with their Great Axes. The first one lands its attack and delivers a nasty wound across Conrad’s midsection rendering his armor useless. Blood splatters across those who are standing beside Conrad. Conrad takes 12 damage

Seeing what these creatures can do when they gain footing in front of the party, Joras pulls free some fine sand and utters a few arcane words before tossing the sand in the direction of the two creatures near the party. Both of which eye’s get slowly fade closed as they fall prone to the ground asleep. Joras’ round 2 readied action

The final standing creature continues its bellow as it clinches its Great Axe in both hands. Eyes and blade hungry for flesh.

Conrad Only:

As the attack hits you, you feel the physical pain of a blade gashing your stomach wide open. But, as your eyes move down and expect to see the terror below you notice that the blade passes through you leaving no mark on your equipment or body. And, the pain is no more. You take no damage

O1 Dead
O2/O3 Both asleep
Miron, Roya, Perri, Brandark

Miron, Roya, Perri, Brandark it is your turn. What does your character do?

DM Screen:

Conrad W: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Conrad Attack: 1d20 + 4 - 1 ⇒ (12) + 4 - 1 = 15
DMG: 1d8 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 3 + 2 = 7
Conrad W: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

O2 Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
DMG: 1d12 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Conrad W: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19

O3 Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
DMG: 1d12 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Conrad W: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

O2 W: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3
O3 W: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (6) - 1 = 5

Other Stuff:
Favored Enemy (Orc); Perception 6 +2 vs Stonework - even if not actively looking; ; Init 0;
Dwarf Ranger 2
General Stats:
HP 26/26; CMD 14 +4 vs Trip/Reposition, AC 15, T10, FF 15; Save F5, R3, W1 +4 vs Spell and SLA, +2 vs Poisons;

Brandark takes a moment to force his Urgosh blade out of the dirt, and then moves to put himself between Conrad and the last standing Orc.

Get that cut looked to

He then readies his Urgosh to attack the last creature when it closes.

attack: 1d20 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 13
BAB, STR, FE, Hatred
damage: 1d8 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 2 = 7
2 Hand Base, FE

If it charges, will I be able to brace ?

Sigh, with a roll like that, typical of my luck with the dice. :(

AC 15, HP 12, Saves F4,R2,W1 +4 vs spell, +2 vs Poison

HP: 19/19 | AC: 12 / T: 12 / FF: 10 | Channel 5/8 1d6| Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: +6 | CMB: -1, CMD: 11 | Init: +2(+2 if acting in surprise round), Perception: +10

Roya is torn - between rushing to Conrad and helping him, or helping the others take out the attacker that remained dangerous.
Her instinct told her to help Conrad.
But he remained standing, for now - someone else might not be so lucky if the other creature attacked with the same viciousness.
Making her decision, she pulls an arrow and takes aim, then speaks loudly - but not shouting, afraid she'd wake the two on the ground: "Please, surrender!"
If the Orc continues to approach her allies, she'll shoot.
Readied - if he would approach into melee range with one of my allies
Attack, PBS: 1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 2 + 1 = 18 Damage, PBS: 1d8 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 + 1 = 3

Male N Human Sorcerer 2 | HP: 12/12 (normal max 14) | AC: 16 Touch: 12 FF: 14 | CMB: 3 CMD: 15 | Fort: -0 Ref: 2 Will: 2 | Init: +6 | Perc: -1 SM: -1 | Speed 30ft | Cold Steel: 5/5; 1st Spells: 3/5; Wand of Magic Missile (2 charges) | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, -2 CON

Miron gasps as the orc slashes Conrad. Moving to the side to get a clear shot, he prepares another spell, getting ready to unleash a spray of burst of cyan, green and red on the orc if it attacks

readied action: Color Spray the orc if it doesn't surrender and is in range.
DC Will 13; <2HD: unconscious 2d4, then blinded/stunned 1d4, then stunned 1 round.

M Human (Varisian) | HP:11/11 | AC15, T11, FF14 CMD15 | F+3, R+1, W+0 | Speed 20' | Init: +1 | Perc+1, SM+1 Fighter (Base) 1

Perri positions himself so the final opponent has to move through his Bill's controlled space to get to anyone else, or else go well around, and readies an attempt to strip the axe from the opposition's hands.

Readied Disarm w/ Bill: 1d20 + 4 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 4 + 2 + 2 = 23

If the Orc manages to provoke an AoO, Perri will attempt to Trip him if already disarmed, or will try again to disarm him.

AoO CMB: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 4 + 2 = 21 +2 more for Disarm if called for

M Human Cleric/Bard

4th of Neth – 4709AR

Brandark, Miron, Roya, and Perri in unison ready themselves for this this beast will run towards them. From the look in its eyes, they don’t have to wait long.

The creature charges towards the group Great Axe drawn. With the first step, Roya lets a arrow fly. The snap of the string moves through the trees as fast as the arrow flies and sinks into the shoulder of the greenish humanoid, it still moves forward. Closing in


As the arrow sinks into the shoulder, you see it rip the flesh. But almost as a mirage, you see the arrow actually flies through the beast and sinks into the leaf covered trail behind it.

As the creature continues to move forward it enters Perri’s Bill range and he frees the Great Axe from its hands. Just in this moment Miron steps forward and with a flurry of color bursting from his hands, Color Spray causes the creature to fall unconscious onto the ground.

Brandark could use his readied attack to coup de grâce the one that moved up, but I don't want to force the dwarf to do something he might not naturally do.

Conrad, Joras, Miron, Roya, Perri, Brandark
O1 dead
O2/O3/O4 All Asleep

Due to spells, we are still "in rounds" but they are incapacitated. What does your character do?

DM Screen:

Roya W: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Perri W: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (7) + 0 = 7
O W: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2

HP: 19/19 | AC: 12 / T: 12 / FF: 10 | Channel 5/8 1d6| Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: +6 | CMB: -1, CMD: 11 | Init: +2(+2 if acting in surprise round), Perception: +10

"What...", Roya wonders about the arrow, and for a moment, wants to check the Orc that had just fallen - but then remembers Conrad - his wound was real enough, was it not?
Dropping her bow next to the backpack, she rushes over towards him: "Let me take a look at that cut."

Heal Take 10: 10 + 7 = 17 To check the wound.

Other Stuff:
Favored Enemy (Orc); Perception 6 +2 vs Stonework - even if not actively looking; ; Init 0;
Dwarf Ranger 2
General Stats:
HP 26/26; CMD 14 +4 vs Trip/Reposition, AC 15, T10, FF 15; Save F5, R3, W1 +4 vs Spell and SLA, +2 vs Poisons;

brandark steps around and starts to bind the sleepers taking all weapons and armour from them.

Orc beserkers, ive never heard of such

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