Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition Errata

Rise of the Runelords

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The Vorel's Legacy haunt on p 107 is shown as CR 3 and 800 XP, but is given CL 4th and hp 8 (which go with a CR 4 haunt). I suspect that this is due to someone noticing at a late stage that the DC 15 notice check should drop the CR from 4 to 3, but not changing everything else. So, you have two choices:

  • change the hp to 6 and the Caster Level to 3rd
  • change the XP to 1,200, the CR to 4, and the Notice check to DC 20.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So umm, I don't think bad tactics is matter of errata, just whether they work at all mechanically or not, but...

Why does Avazen use dimension door to teleport outside of wall of force if pcs haven't breached it? That wastes his only prepared dimension door and leaves him while open if he really teleport "in midst" hes just really vulnerable and loses couple of his mirror images right away. He could just dismiss it as free action instead leaving his only dimension door for escape. Heck using dimension door to escape might be better than his actual escape tactic depending on situation <_<

Pag. 241
The Scribbler
in the Ranged section are reported iterative attacks but he does not have quickdraw feat and the returning property neither grants iterative attacks with the weapon

Pag. 241
The Scribbler
Also the Meele section is wrong. Having BAB +11 the scribbler could do only two iterative attacks

Ignore my last post...

Dark Archive

CorvusMask wrote:

So umm, I don't think bad tactics is matter of errata, just whether they work at all mechanically or not, but...

Why does Avazen use dimension door to teleport outside of wall of force if pcs haven't breached it? That wastes his only prepared dimension door and leaves him while open if he really teleport "in midst" hes just really vulnerable and loses couple of his mirror images right away. He could just dismiss it as free action instead leaving his only dimension door for escape. Heck using dimension door to escape might be better than his actual escape tactic depending on situation <_<

Isn't dismissing a spell a standard action?

Grand Lodge

ckdragons wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:

So umm, I don't think bad tactics is matter of errata, just whether they work at all mechanically or not, but...

Why does Avazen use dimension door to teleport outside of wall of force if pcs haven't breached it? That wastes his only prepared dimension door and leaves him while open if he really teleport "in midst" hes just really vulnerable and loses couple of his mirror images right away. He could just dismiss it as free action instead leaving his only dimension door for escape. Heck using dimension door to escape might be better than his actual escape tactic depending on situation <_<

Isn't dismissing a spell a standard action?

It is, yes.

It's mentioned twice in the CRB:

Combat Chapter wrote:
Dismiss a Spell: Dismissing an active spell is a standard action that doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.
Magic Chapter wrote:
(D) Dismissible: If the duration line ends with "(D)," you can dismiss the spell at will. You must be within range of the spell's effect and must speak words of dismissal, which are usually a modified form of the spell's verbal component. If the spell has no verbal component, you can dismiss the effect with a gesture. Dismissing a spell is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ah ^^; So just remembered that wrong. Well, still don't get why he spends dimension door to get out of it .-. I mean, okay if he is being surrounded by outside of the wall, but if he is going to stay in light of sight with pcs anyway... Well it would just be waste of spell

But yeah, thanks guys

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Stazamos wrote:
Also, it seems Karzoug should have 18 WIS, not 15, and a Will save of 21, not 19. I've already written too much high detail in my posts this thread, so suffice it to say, I think his point buy is 12 12 16 15 11 13, he gets +2 to all stats due to being Azlanti, put all 5 level bonuses into INT, and go from there.

Umm, noticed this in errata and was really confused about it so tried to find source of this and found the post <_< I think its incorrect according to this thread?

Grand Lodge

CorvusMask wrote:
Stazamos wrote:
Also, it seems Karzoug should have 18 WIS, not 15, and a Will save of 21, not 19. I've already written too much high detail in my posts this thread, so suffice it to say, I think his point buy is 12 12 16 15 11 13, he gets +2 to all stats due to being Azlanti, put all 5 level bonuses into INT, and go from there.
Umm, noticed this in errata and was really confused about it so tried to find source of this and found the post <_< I think its incorrect according to this thread?

Thanks for finding that and pointing it out! I went back and can confirm that that math checks out. I think not knowing where the free ability points gained at every 4th level went was a big factor in getting the math wrong. I'll adjust it in my errata now.

Strife2002, thanks a lot for your work here. It is an immense help. Your work is very thorough, even though I notices a few errors on my own in the book.

Grand Lodge

You're welcome, Stebehil. By all means, if you see anything that I haven't mentioned in my doc, or something mentioned you think is wrong, let me know either here or in the doc itself as a suggestion!

HangarFlying wrote:

The Skinsaw Man (page 107): in deconstructing The Skinsaw Man to get stats for Aldern Foxglove, I have a question about his base stats.

Being a ghast added a +7 to STR, +9 to DEX, +7 to INT, +8 to WIS, and +8 to CHA. He was built with the Heroic Array: STR 12, DEX 13, CON 14, INT 8, WIS 10, CHA 15. His +2 bonus for being human was apparently put in INT, and his +1 bonus for HD was put into CHA. According to all these modifiers, he should have an INT of 17, not 18. Where did the extra bonus come from?

Also, since he's using the heroic array, theoretically that would mean that his first level would be Rogue, which would mean that his hp is 94 instead of 90.

EDIT: buuuuuuuut, considering he's "unique", I suppose we can chalk all these differences to that and just roll with it!

Those are some STAGGERING bonuses for simply being made undead... even Mythic characters don't get those sorts of bonuses.

Should Kaven Windstrike's HP's be 45 instead of 49?

2d10 = 11
5d8 = 22
CON = 7
FCB = 5

Total = 45

Dark Archive

Bacondale wrote:

Should Kaven Windstrike's HP's be 45 instead of 49?

2d10 = 11
5d8 = 22
CON = 7
FCB = 5

Total = 45

Max hit points at 1st level, which technically would be his Rogue level to make the math correct.

2d10 = 11
5d8 = 8 + 18 = 26
Con = 7
FCB = 5

Total = 49

Grand Lodge

ckdragons wrote:
Bacondale wrote:

Should Kaven Windstrike's HP's be 45 instead of 49?

2d10 = 11
5d8 = 22
CON = 7
FCB = 5

Total = 45

Max hit points at 1st level, which technically would be his Rogue level to make the math correct.

2d10 = 11
5d8 = 8 + 18 = 26
Con = 7
FCB = 5

Total = 49

In case you're unfamiliar with this rule, it's described in the first chapter of the Core Rulebook under Common Terms.

CRB wrote:
Hit Points (hp): Hit points are an abstraction signifying how robust and healthy a creature is at the current moment. To determine a creature's hit points, roll the dice indicated by its Hit Dice. A creature gains maximum hit points if its first Hit Die roll is for a character class level. Creatures whose first Hit Die comes from an NPC class or from his race roll their first Hit Die normally. Wounds subtract hit points, while healing (both natural and magical) restores hit points. Some abilities and spells grant temporary hit points that disappear after a specific duration. When a creature's hit points drop below 0, it becomes unconscious. When a creature's hit points reach a negative total equal to its Constitution score, it dies.

So characters with only NPC class levels don't get this benefit.

All this errata is hurting my head, and I don't have the time to read through the whole thread at this point in time. It's disappointing that so many errors were missed in a product that was primarily a rules update/compilation.

Is anyone intending to compile all this errata into a single document?

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
TwiceBorn wrote:

All this errata is hurting my head, and I don't have the time to read through the whole thread at this point in time. It's disappointing that so many errors were missed in a product that was primarily a rules update/compilation.

Is anyone intending to compile all this errata into a single document?

Oh yes someone did (THANKS STRIFE!!!), and I used it during my RL campaign. Let me see if I can find you the link...

Ah, there it is...

EDIT: Strife's Most Awesome Complete Runelord Errata of the GM Gods!

Strife2002 wrote:
You're welcome, Stebehil. By all means, if you see anything that I haven't mentioned in my doc, or something mentioned you think is wrong, let me know either here or in the doc itself as a suggestion!

Well, I don´t think I found anything you didn´t. But I will try to keep an eye open. The errors I thought I found were either errors in my understanding or are covered already.

On another note, the room sizes in the Shrine of Lamashtu (Chapter 5) more or less invalidates the demons tactics of following intruders, as he will have to squeeze through a lot, putting him at a disadvantage. And there are some spaces that he just won´t fit in - technically, he has no way to enter A2 from A6 but teleporting, as he won´t be able to pass the columns in between. And by occupying just two or three squares in A2 otherwise, he does not have a valid teleport destination left. Valid targets are in A2, A6, A4 if you are generous, maybe A8 and A9. This is not an erratum, of course, but just a tactical note.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
ckdragons wrote:
TwiceBorn wrote:

All this errata is hurting my head, and I don't have the time to read through the whole thread at this point in time. It's disappointing that so many errors were missed in a product that was primarily a rules update/compilation.

Is anyone intending to compile all this errata into a single document?

Oh yes someone did (THANKS STRIFE!!!), and I used it during my RL campaign. Let me see if I can find you the link...

Ah, there it is...

EDIT: Strife's Most Awesome Complete Runelord Errata of the GM Gods!

Thank you so much, ckdragons and Strife!

I had misread the rule to read that all NPC's did not receive max HP at first level, not NPC class levels only. I'm good now!

Strife2002 wrote:
ckdragons wrote:
Bacondale wrote:

Should Kaven Windstrike's HP's be 45 instead of 49?

2d10 = 11
5d8 = 22
CON = 7
FCB = 5

Total = 45

Max hit points at 1st level, which technically would be his Rogue level to make the math correct.

2d10 = 11
5d8 = 8 + 18 = 26
Con = 7
FCB = 5

Total = 49

In case you're unfamiliar with this rule, it's described in the first chapter of the Core Rulebook under Common Terms.

CRB wrote:
Hit Points (hp): Hit points are an abstraction signifying how robust and healthy a creature is at the current moment. To determine a creature's hit points, roll the dice indicated by its Hit Dice. A creature gains maximum hit points if its first Hit Die roll is for a character class level. Creatures whose first Hit Die comes from an NPC class or from his race roll their first Hit Die normally. Wounds subtract hit points, while healing (both natural and magical) restores hit points. Some abilities and spells grant temporary hit points that disappear after a specific duration. When a creature's hit points drop below 0, it becomes unconscious. When a creature's hit points reach a negative total equal to its Constitution score, it dies.
So characters with only NPC class levels don't get this benefit.

I noticed that the Black Monk's stats don't take into account that he is Azlanti. By my math, his stats should be 33, 20, -, 14, 20, 24.

Grand Lodge

FrugalToast wrote:
I noticed that the Black Monk's stats don't take into account that he is Azlanti. By my math, his stats should be 33, 20, -, 14, 20, 24.

The Black Monk is using the template found in the original Advanced Bestiary, which states that the ability modifiers for the dread mummy template replace the base creature's modifiers. HOWEVER, your point is still valid for the new release of the Advanced Bestiary, as it does not make this distinction, and so both modifiers look like they'd apply.

Before I edit my document, however, would you mind showing your math? It seems you stumbled on another hidden issue. In my doc you suggested his base array was 11,9,8,10,12,13, which are NPC class base array stats. With levels in monk, a PC class, his base array would be (not in this order) 8,10,12,13,14,15. Here's my math on this:

12 + 14(template) +4(item) = 30
14 + 4(template) = 18
8 + undead = -
10 + 2(template) = 12
13 + 4(template) +1(4th HD) = 18
15 + 4(template) +1(8th HD) = 20*

On paper, that last column SHOULD be the black monk's final stats. However, his Charisma is 4 points higher for some reason in the book. This was probably intentional (and hand-waved) because in the original release of Rise of the Runelords becoming undead transformed your HD into d12s. Transitioning to Pathfinder rules probably resulted in a higher Charisma to make up the lost hp (and the Anniversary Edition also gave him 3 more levels in monk, and took away the resistant to blows ability) but gives no explanation as to why he has them other than "he just does".

My suggestion is to just run with it, and if you want a rules-and-regulations-friendly explanation, add a potion of eagle's splendor to his gear and some Before Combat tactics saying he drinks it before battle starts.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 427 - Stalker's mask

The stalker's mask got an update in Ultimate Equipment, which should replace the version in this book since it's a later printing. In the last sentence, change "+2 bonus" to "+1 bonus".

Added to compilation doc.

Pg. 373 - Sandpoint Guard

Ride skill can't be +3 (I haven't been able to perfectly recreate this character in HeroLab. It can only be +2. Also, I'm not sure where the (2d10+6) is coming from for the HP. Here's what I came up with in HeroLab:

Sandpoint Guard CR 1/2
XP 200
Human (Varisian) warrior 2
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +0; Senses Perception +3
AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor)
hp 21 (2d10+5) <------- HeroLab difference
Fort +5, Ref +0, Will -1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee longsword +4 (1d8+1/19-20)
Ranged longbow +2 (1d8/×3)
Str 13, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 13
Feats Alertness, Weapon Focus (longsword)
Skills Intimidate +4, Perception +3, Ride +2, Sense Motive +3
Languages Common, Varisian
Other Gear chain shirt, arrows (20), longbow, longsword

Grand Lodge

glio wrote:

Pg. 373 - Sandpoint Guard

Ride skill can't be +3 (I haven't been able to perfectly recreate this character in HeroLab. It can only be +2. Also, I'm not sure where the (2d10+6) is coming from for the HP. Here's what I came up with in HeroLab:

Sandpoint Guard CR 1/2
XP 200
Human (Varisian) warrior 2
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +0; Senses Perception +3
AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor)
hp 21 (2d10+5) <------- HeroLab difference
Fort +5, Ref +0, Will -1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee longsword +4 (1d8+1/19-20)
Ranged longbow +2 (1d8/×3)
Str 13, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 13
Feats Alertness, Weapon Focus (longsword)
Skills Intimidate +4, Perception +3, Ride +2, Sense Motive +3
Languages Common, Varisian
Other Gear chain shirt, arrows (20), longbow, longsword

Thanks for finding this. I can confirm something is fishy with the hp, however I found another error with it not mentioned. More on that below.

Anyway, it looks like this guy applied his favored class bonus points to BOTH hp and skills by mistake. (2d10+6) makes absolute sense if the character applied both favored class points to hp. However, the skills work out perfectly, IF the character is considered to have spent favored class points in skills instead:

TOTAL SKILL POINTS: 8 (2+Int[x2], 2 from human, 2 from favored class)
Intimidate +4 = 2(ranks) - 1(Cha) + 3(class)
Perception +3 = 2(ranks) - 1(Wis) + 2(feat)
Ride +3 = 2(ranks) + 0(Dex) + 3(class) - 2(ACP)
Sense Motive +3 = 2(ranks) - 1(Wis) + 2(feat)

SO, I'd recommend reducing either hp or one skill by 2. Honestly, I'd recommend having skills take the hit, since hp is much more important (also if you decide to reduce either Intimidate or Ride by 2, keep in mind that the +3 class skill bonus will disappear also).

HOWEVER, as I mentioned earlier, there is one more thing wrong with this creature's hp. It has two levels in warrior, an NPC class. Per the rules, characters with only levels in an NPC class DO NOT get max hp for their first HD. Therefore, assuming we're keeping the 2 favored class bonus points in hp, his hp should be:

"hp 17 (2d10+6)"

Page 354, in the "Leng Device" description, paragraph at the top of the second column, the text

Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition wrote:

A successful DC 40 Knowledge (geography or local) check reveals numerous similarities between the stone ring at the center of the Leng Device and the much larger ring of stone located in the Varisian city of Magnimar

should probably refer to Riddleport, not Magnimar, as the Denizens of Lang have previously been described as having participated in the creation of the Cyphergate, which is in Riddleport, not Magnimar.

Grand Lodge

Urath DM wrote:

Page 354, in the "Leng Device" description, paragraph at the top of the second column, the text

Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition wrote:

A successful DC 40 Knowledge (geography or local) check reveals numerous similarities between the stone ring at the center of the Leng Device and the much larger ring of stone located in the Varisian city of Magnimar
should probably refer to Riddleport, not Magnimar, as the Denizens of Lang have previously been described as having participated in the creation of the Cyphergate, which is in Riddleport, not Magnimar.

Yep yep. Looks like someone already brought that up here and James Jacobs confirmed it here.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Huh, noticed that errata fixed wardens of thunders' missing +2 natural armor to the ac, but while it reads ac 39, it still says +12 natural instead of +14 natural

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So this is similar to my wonder about Iron Archer and map size:

So in Eye of Avarice, is map really supposed to be 5ft? I mean, it does make that way enough sense, but wardens of thunder are huge so one of their squares will hang over lava when they are in their positions. But map size otherwise does make sense so *shrug*

Grand Lodge

CorvusMask wrote:
Huh, noticed that errata fixed wardens of thunders' missing +2 natural armor to the ac, but while it reads ac 39, it still says +12 natural instead of +14 natural

Fixed! Thanks!

Grand Lodge

CorvusMask wrote:

So this is similar to my wonder about Iron Archer and map size:

So in Eye of Avarice, is map really supposed to be 5ft? I mean, it does make that way enough sense, but wardens of thunder are huge so one of their squares will hang over lava when they are in their positions. But map size otherwise does make sense so *shrug*

I see this as doable for them. You can make the argument that to them, this is the equivalent to the Acrobatics DC a Medium or Small PC has beat to balance on a surface that is 3 feet wide or more, that is, a DC 0.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Does Karzoug get spells from some sources I'm forgetting? Like, on several spells levels I could swear he has more spells prepped than what he gets from being a level 20 wizard, int bonus 36 and thassilonian school slot reserved for 2 of same transmutation spell... Does he get spells from something else as well?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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CorvusMask wrote:
Does Karzoug get spells from some sources I'm forgetting? Like, on several spells levels I could swear he has more spells prepped than what he gets from being a level 20 wizard, int bonus 36 and thassilonian school slot reserved for 2 of same transmutation spell... Does he get spells from something else as well?

Yup; his Sihedron Tome allows him to treat his Intelligence score as if it were 6 points higher for the purposes of bonus spells.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
Does Karzoug get spells from some sources I'm forgetting? Like, on several spells levels I could swear he has more spells prepped than what he gets from being a level 20 wizard, int bonus 36 and thassilonian school slot reserved for 2 of same transmutation spell... Does he get spells from something else as well?
Yup; his Sihedron Tome allows him to treat his Intelligence score as if it were 6 points higher for the purposes of bonus spells.

Ah, thank you.

I'm going to run Karzoug battle tomorrow, I've been prepping this for whole week, can't believe I forgot about Siheidron tome when I checked his items...

Silver Crusade

My group's almost done with lower Xin Shalast and should be up to climbing the mountain and facing Karzoug soon. They just don't know it. So I should probably be prepping for that fight, too. But as slow as we go, it'll be another 6 months.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Strife2002 wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:

So this is similar to my wonder about Iron Archer and map size:

So in Eye of Avarice, is map really supposed to be 5ft? I mean, it does make that way enough sense, but wardens of thunder are huge so one of their squares will hang over lava when they are in their positions. But map size otherwise does make sense so *shrug*

I see this as doable for them. You can make the argument that to them, this is the equivalent to the Acrobatics DC a Medium or Small PC has beat to balance on a surface that is 3 feet wide or more, that is, a DC 0.

Ah, forgot to say it in the actual post x-x; The another reason why I wondered about this is that if character ends their turn on square next to pillars, they take 1d6 fire damage. There is only one spot where they can stand on those platforms without taking the damage, so I was confused whether the intention was that they have to stand in place to avoid taking damage or if they were intended to be able to be more mobile than that.

Page 269 ORDIKON.

A quickened shield is reported, but Ordikon does not have the Quicken Spell feat.

Grand Lodge

Bri74 wrote:

Page 269 ORDIKON.

A quickened shield is reported, but Ordikon does not have the Quicken Spell feat.

This is a good point. I looked and I can't find anything, feat or item, that would grant this. Checked original version of the 3.5-era AP and the error is there as well. Swap it with a different 5th-level spell.

Technically, a GM may want to leave it as a shield spell since you can prepare lower-level spells in higher-level spell slots. Ordikon's before combat tactics say he casts shield. Either replace quickened shield with just shield, or replace with a different 5th-level spell, and then swap one of the 1st-level spells with shield.

Grand Lodge

Just deleted my errata I had posted in my errata doc about the staff of heaven and earth's prices. Redid the math and it checks out.

Also adjusted the staff of mithral might price to match it's printing in Ultimate Equipment with the exception of the cost, since the version in UE seems to have a cost 300 gp too high.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Strife2002 wrote:

Just deleted my errata I had posted in my errata doc about the staff of heaven and earth's prices. Redid the math and it checks out.

Also adjusted the staff of mithral might price to match it's printing in Ultimate Equipment with the exception of the cost, since the version in UE seems to have a cost 300 gp too high.

Hm. 300 GP sounds like the cost for a masterwork version of something.

Grand Lodge

Ed Reppert wrote:
Strife2002 wrote:

Just deleted my errata I had posted in my errata doc about the staff of heaven and earth's prices. Redid the math and it checks out.

Also adjusted the staff of mithral might price to match it's printing in Ultimate Equipment with the exception of the cost, since the version in UE seems to have a cost 300 gp too high.

Hm. 300 GP sounds like the cost for a masterwork version of something.

It is. The problem is the masterwork cost wasn't calculated correctly. As a +2/+2 weapon, it means both ends are masterwork, totally 600 gp in the price of masterwork components. Since we're dealing with the cost, however, this is split in half to create 300. If you add it all up, it comes in at 300 less than what's listed there. Basically it looks like the cost factored in the full 600 gp towards the cost instead of half of it.

Maybe I'm missing something, but it appears that Ghlorofaex's stat block (p338) does not include the +3 resistance bonus to all saving throws provided by the Sihedron Ring?

On page 320 in Bjormundal's stat block, it says he has a ring of feather falling, and his tactics say he leaps down to confront the PCs, and the encounter text says the cave is 60' up.

First, the default caster level of a ring of feather falling is 1st; in the spell description for feather fall, the target is one Medium or smaller creature or object per level, and goes on to say that a Large creature counts as two Medium creatures. For the ring to work for Bjormundal, who is Large, the ring's caster level has to be at least 2nd... though I'm not sure how that might affect the value of the ring.

Even if it does work, he'll take a full round to descend the 60' (as per the spell description), giving the PCs plenty of time to (a) pincushion him with arrows and/or (b) surround his projected landing spot with Readied actions to slice and dice.

There are other feats and equipment that would enable Bjormundal to make the descent more quickly and safely, but I leave that up to GM taste.

What I did...:

What I did: I found that no matter how far you fall, if you take ANY lethal damage from a fall, you land prone, no matter your skills, traits, feats, whatever. However the simple item Boots of the Cat (UE, 1,000gp) both minimizes falling damage (as though the GM rolled a 1 on each applicable d6), and the wearer always lands on his feet. Quick descent, ready to fight.

Also please allow me to express my endless gratitude to everyone who contributed to and published these errata; you have made my game SO much easier!

Grand Lodge

BushidoWarriorWookiee wrote:
Maybe I'm missing something, but it appears that Ghlorofaex's stat block (p338) does not include the +3 resistance bonus to all saving throws provided by the Sihedron Ring?

Yep, confirmed. All three saves need to be increased by +3.

Added to the errata compilation.

Grand Lodge

BushidoWarriorWookiee wrote:

On page 320 in Bjormundal's stat block, it says he has a ring of feather falling, and his tactics say he leaps down to confront the PCs, and the encounter text says the cave is 60' up.

First, the default caster level of a ring of feather falling is 1st; in the spell description for feather fall, the target is one Medium or smaller creature or object per level, and goes on to say that a Large creature counts as two Medium creatures. For the ring to work for Bjormundal, who is Large, the ring's caster level has to be at least 2nd... though I'm not sure how that might affect the value of the ring.

Even if it does work, he'll take a full round to descend the 60' (as per the spell description), giving the PCs plenty of time to (a) pincushion him with arrows and/or (b) surround his projected landing spot with Readied actions to slice and dice.

There are other feats and equipment that would enable Bjormundal to make the descent more quickly and safely, but I leave that up to GM taste.

** spoiler omitted **

Also please allow me to express my endless gratitude to everyone who contributed to and published these errata; you have made my game SO much easier!

That's a good catch on the CL of the ring. Even though rings of feather falling don't follow the magic item pricing guidelines verbatim, it would be reasonable to just double the price to 4,400 gp, since all spell-effect replicating item formulas multiply the CL (1st -> 2nd).

Regarding the comment about him being picked off before he reaches the ground, I'm not sure that would be the case. Yes it takes a round for him to reach the ground, but I'm not sure that means it works similarly to casting a spell with a full-round casting time, where it takes effect at the beginning of your next turn. In this case, 60-ft. per round I believe means that he falls 60-ft. per turn, and is safely at the ground able to smack something all in the same round. I could be wrong though.

Grand Lodge

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Pg. 119 - The Shadow Clock

According to the first paragraph, second sentence under the "Shadow Clock" section, the tower is 180 ft. tall, and the map on the next page supports this (each section is 20 feet above the last, totaling 160 ft. with another 20 ft. to account for the height of the angel statue). According to Magnimar, City of Monuments, however, the tower is actually 250 feet, well above the height listed in this book, including the "5 feet" of breathing space between the tower's top and the bottom of the Irespan's cliff-side support section. For the purpose of this adventure, it's probably better to go with what's listed in the book here, otherwise you'd need to add another four "E2" sections to the map on page 120.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 125 - Story Award for completing Chapter 2

In the Story Award paragraph, right before the section titled "Concluding the Chapter", delete "recover the list of 'Sihedron Sacrifices' and". This list being referred to is actually the list of those residents of Turtleback Ferry tattooed with the Sihedron in the next chapter, and is carried by Lucrecia, not Xanesha. Mentioning it here looks to be a mistake.

Okay, I'm confused or unable to figure it out. I've done some searching and my Search-Fu must be weak. I'm looking over Karzoug and a few things don't add up:

1. I can't explain his hit points. And neither can I explain the hit points in the Errata document. AE has 382, and Errata has 362. I have: 72 (20d6 with full at 1st level), 180 for Con (+9x20), 20 for Favored Class bonus, 20 for Toughness, 60 for Ioun Stones (12x5) for 352. If you add 15 for False Life (in combat tactics) you get 367. Can someone tell me what's what?

2. His AE stats list a +4 Shield bonus to his AC but I can't see where that comes from. Intriguingly, the Hero Lab build for him omits it (but has his HP at 382 :)

3. Less errata, but why does he wear the Talons of Leng? His "Immortal" ability "grants Karzoug complete immunity to disease and to all forms of madness (including confusion effects and feeblemind)." So the Talons give him a melee attack with a small chance of inflicting mental distress (on a critical) and a -1 to Will saves. Because you never know when a 20th level wizard won't have anything better to do than make 2 melee attacks with 1d4 base damage. Really?

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