How to gain tremorsense?


Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

is there ANY way to gain tremorsense that anyone knows of? an item or a spell?

The spell Monstrous Physique IV can grant it.

Grand Lodge

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A brief search turns up the Cave Domain, Stone Sense feat, Verdant sorcerer bloodline, Deep Earth sorcerer bloodline, and the Deaf oracle curse.

Scarab Sages

I feel like there's also a feat tree dwarves can take that gives them Improved Stonecunning and then Tremorsense. Loking for it now.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

alright, the bottom line is, my kobold bloodline sorcerer gets earth glide at 15th level. i'm playing him kinda like an arcane trickster without the sneak attack. i was taking the eldritch heritage shadow bloodline to get hide in plain sight at 11th level. but once i get earth glide, i'm effectively blind underground. it wont effect my speed, but i cant see above ground, so i'd only be able to use it to make short "swims" and come up to see what's going on frequently. the only other option i see, is to either get monstrous physique IV, or to change out the shadow bloodline for the deep earth bloodline, and get the tremor power, and the 3rd level one at 11th level that'll give me stonecunning and tremorsense.

I think Blindsense would do you about as well. The Blind Oracle Curse and Dragon Disciple get these things.

There are other ways of "seeing" things, that do not require sight. Detect Magic will let you sense the magic gear people carry, or use Locate Object and pick a common item, like a button. These should work while you're safely inside the walls.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

being inside a wall interrupts line of effect. Locate Object would work, but not detect magic.

Blindsense would be interrupted by a wall or stone around you. It doesn't work through solid objects.


Aelryinth wrote:

being inside a wall interrupts line of effect. Locate Object would work, but not detect magic.

Blindsense would be interrupted by a wall or stone around you. It doesn't work through solid objects.


Hmm, I guess that's true. Blindsight doesn't require line of effect, but blindsense does. Got those mixed up.

If your dim is okay with it the human feat that let's you be treated as another humanoid type. Take stone giant, then the feat from the giant book. Will give you tremor sense... but areally need dams permission since its probly assumed to be a monster feat.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
A brief search turns up the Cave Domain, Stone Sense feat, Verdant sorcerer bloodline, Deep Earth sorcerer bloodline, and the Deaf oracle curse.

And Eldritch Heritage to take Deep Earth bloodline (or Bedrock, the devs are still out on that one). One of the few EH uses where taking EH+IH+GH is worth it for each ability on its own.

Grand Lodge

I'll have to remember that one.

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

Aelryinth wrote:

being inside a wall interrupts line of effect. Locate Object would work, but not detect magic.

Blindsense would be interrupted by a wall or stone around you. It doesn't work through solid objects.


Detect magic can penetrate barriers though, so as long as you stay within 1-3 feet of the surface, it should show you what's outside the wall.

BeastShape IV also grants Tremorsense.....interesting that Druids only get to Beastshape III... so they can't get it.

Xavier319 wrote:
is there ANY way to gain tremorsense that anyone knows of? an item or a spell?

You can also grab it from the Horizon Walker Terrain Dominance ability, but I don't think that helps your particular situation as it needs 6 levels to get it.

Oreads have a feat chain I think in the ARG.

How about a Ring of X-ray vision?
grab the spring attack line and pop out of the ground like some insane jack in the box staying just a few feet under the surface to take advantage of the rings power.

Echolocation spell would net you 40ft blindsight for 10min/CL. at L 15 that is 2.5 hours.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Detect magic is blocked by a foot of stone, so you'd have to stay within a foot of the surface. And if you don't know where the surface is...



A sorcerer of the Arcane bloodline could use its familiar and the Share Senses spell (level 4) the down side is that its a full round action to cast, once cast is will grand full vision even granding low light/darkvision if your familair has it.

Xavier319 wrote:
is there ANY way to gain tremorsense that anyone knows of? an item or a spell?

Tremor Boots

theres a coupple templates you can take that will give you either tremor sense or blind sight

Geokineticists can get Tremorsense as a wild talent at level 6.

Oterisk wrote:
Aelryinth wrote:

being inside a wall interrupts line of effect. Locate Object would work, but not detect magic.

Blindsense would be interrupted by a wall or stone around you. It doesn't work through solid objects.


Hmm, I guess that's true. Blindsight doesn't require line of effect, but blindsense does. Got those mixed up.

So how about the spell echolocation?

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