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A few ideas off the top of my head with decent to high Wisdom who are effective in combat (unfortunately does involve some pointy stick action):

Self-buffing Cleric
Shapechanging Druid

Zen Archer? Wisdom to hit with bows at 3rd level. Bonus feats leaking from your ears (11 feats at level 6) to boost bow damage. Ki pool (powered by Wisdom) for more fun.

Xavier319 wrote:
is there ANY way to gain tremorsense that anyone knows of? an item or a spell?

You can also grab it from the Horizon Walker Terrain Dominance ability, but I don't think that helps your particular situation as it needs 6 levels to get it.

JOButz wrote:
Have you considered Urban Ranger from the APG? Favored Community, Favored Enemy (Human), Trapfinding, Some crowd mechanics. If magic is a breaking point, you could also tack on the Skirmisher alternate feature, it trades spellcasting for neat combat control abilities.

Skirmisher also gives a very useful trick for skill-based characters:

PRD wrote:

Skill Sage (Ex): As a free action, the ranger can roll twice on any one skill check and take the better result. He must have at least 1 rank in that skill to use this ability.

Can be used at Skirmisher 5 - usable (Skirmisher level/2 + Wis modifier) times per day. Skirmisher 6 would give plenty of skill points as well as 2 combat feats, full BAB and d10 HD to allow Sherlock to stay useful in combat.

I like the idea of a non-magic Sherlock - Duellist might be an option for a combat-oriented Sherlock.

Um, concentration isn't a skill in Pathfinder as opposed to 3.5:

PRD wrote:
When you make a concentration check, you roll d20 and add your caster level and the ability score modifier used to determine bonus spells of the same type.

So I guess that makes it even more effective, which is nice.

PRD link:

Dual Form Shifter (Ex): At 12th level, when the shapeshifter takes on a shifter's blessing form, he can take on a hybrid of two of his forms. He gains the bonuses for both forms. This ability replaces camouflage.

Mechanically, whenever you shapechange using the class ability, you select any two of your previously selected shapeshift forms and apply the modifiers granted by both.

Bear and Dragon = 20 ft base speed, + 4 Strength, +2 natural AC
Cat and Otter = +10ft move speed, +4 Climb, +4 Acrobatics, +8 Swim, swim speed 30ft

Note that when the shapeshifter ranger first obtains this ability at level 12, you only have two shapeshifter forms available to you. The third form is selected at level 13.

Abrar "Glade" Ajmal wrote:

On a full attack action, he will get all his primary natural attacks at full BAB(?)

Would he get his secondary attacks as well when he reaches lvl 6?

1. Yes. Claws (feat), bite (Toothy) and horn (rage power) are all primary attacks.

2. No. Natural Attacks do not gain the iterative attackes at BAB 6/11/16.

Improved Unarmed Strike would add two more attacks, but all the natural attacks will become secondary attacks at -5 to hit.

I think :)

I'm playing a shapeshifter ranger in Kingmaker right now. I have had a lot of luck with stats and HP rolling :)