Picking a Bloodline


Sovereign Court

Okay, so I my character died in a home campaign so I had to reroll a new 5lvl character. I've decided on a sorcerer and I basically have everything figured out except the Bloodline. I am not sold on anything that I have found (but I am leaning towards Arcane or Void Touched if I can't pick anything else). So please help me pick a Bloodline (anything goes with gm approval needed for 3pp stuff).

To give you a bit of background the party consists of a Fighter, Cleric, Magus, and an Alchemist. We have a boat as a base of operations and do a lot of sailing and have a good deal of down time. We craft on the boards between scenarios so Crafting feats come into play a lot, in addition we don't get a ton of wealth so anything to lower costs is nice. Other than that I just need a quick critique of my Sorcerer and a suggestion for my Bloodline (something that fits with what I have already in terms of spells, feats, ect.)


Str 7, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 21

Lvl 5 Human Sorcerer, HP ()-
FCB: HP, HP, HP, Class, Class



Bloodline Powers-

Lvl 0: Resistance, Read Magic, Dancing Lights, Message, Detect Magic, Detect Poison
Lvl 1: Ray of Enfeeblement, Ear-Piercing Scream, Grease, Mage Armor, Vanish, Touch of Gracelessness
Lvl 2: Blindness-Deafness, Burning Arc

Traits- Honey Tongued (Diplomacy is always a class skill, +1 on Diplomacy checks), Desperate Focus (+2 on all concentration checks)

Feats- Weapon Finesse, Spell Focus (Evocation), Spell Focus (Necromancy), Craft Wondrous Items

Skills- Appraise (1), Bluff (3), Diplomacy (5), Intimidate (3), Knowledge Arcana (1), ? (1), Spellcraft (5), UMD (1)

Thanks alot for the help in advance.

I think most people would pick a bloodline first to build around, but... I built an Arcane (Sage) sorcerer for one of my friends and became insanely jealous at how smart and powerful she turned out. I even kept her charisma a little high so she could still pull of being a face if need be. If you're big on crafting, then being int-based would make a huge difference for you as well.


Not to sound mean, but why did you take Weapon Finesse instead of almost anything else?

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Ask your GM to pick one for you and not tell you what it is, only what the powers do when you get them. Sure, you'll be able to deduce it quick enough if you try, but if you resist the urge then you can get some good "what am i?" RP out of it.

Arcane is the default choice, great spell list and powers that work with almost any kind of caster build. But obviously it depends on the kind of sorceror you wish to be - and it's hard to see that from your spell list, as it seems to be a mix of many different styles (blasting, debuffs, battlefield control).

It is probably most optimal to figure out what kind of caster you want to be, then decide the bloodline based on that. But you can't really go wrong with Arcane.

Your feat choices seem a little weird. What is weapon finesse doing there? And it may also be kind of a waste to get spell focus in two different schools - perhaps focusing on one might be better. Craft Wondrous is always nice, though.
If you go arcane you might start thinking about picking a metamagic feat soonish, to make the most of your bloodline powers.

A minor thing: Why 1 rank in UMD? It's a great skill, but you kind of need to invest in it a little more heavily for it to be reliable, as the DCs are somewhat high early on.

As a rule, my bloodline/history/theme stuff tries to fit with my character backstory. There is a lot of wiggle-room of course, but I find it makes decisions like this easier.

You are on the ocean, I presume you were picked up there? Like from some port town or some islander tribe? From your weapon finesse/UMD/bluff I presume you want a handsome fencer not a twisted abomination, though with Spell Focus necromancy I really can't be sure WHO you really are.

Just having to guess? I would go Aquatic. You're an aqueous soul and the water is your home, but there's something amusing to me about aberrant, if your family was touched by the horrors of the deep.

Arcane is the default choice but what is "best" can change not just due to character fluff* (in which case only you can really decide) but campaign.

If there's gonna be a lot of undead, then Undead Bloodline looks a lot better than it otherwise would.

If like boring said you're gonna be in the ocean/sea a lot, then aquatic or aberrant look like better choices than they otherwise would be.

*Btw when I say "fluff" I don't mean it negatively. My character's "fluff" is what makes my character my character, and some "crunch" choices are built around that regardless of whether there would be "better options" from a strictly optimal perspective.

Sovereign Court

Thanks for the advice so far, but I choose Weapon Finesses so I could make melee touch attacks easier (+2 from Dex instead of -2 from Str, plus I have some gp to spend so I was probably going to make a Belt of Dex to make it a +3).

Also I trying to go part debuff part blaster, but I should definitely change out grease and possibly vanish for something else now that I look at my spell selection. What feats would you guys recommend in place of what I already have.

And I guess I will go with Void Touched (it fits my character background the best).The reason I am having such a hard time choosing is because last time I built a sorcerer I absolutely hated my bloodline (I choose Fey) and I really don't want that to happen again.

I would suggest aquatic (for obvious reasons ) or elemental (anything but earth) since you are on a boat alot. I also like destined.

I would suggest craft weapon and armor rather than wonderous item. Sorcerers usually don't have the spell selection to be good at CWI. And don't have high enough skills to do with all the check penalties. But just putting more plusses on the weapons and armor is much simpler.

I understand the reasoning you gave for finesse. But I would not usually do that. Sorc's are pretty dang squishy to be getting in melee range of the bad guys. Even if you are going for that, you will probably want combat casting as well.

Consider going for rays. If you really like the touch spells a whole lot better get reach spell so it is a ranged touch attack.

With a fighter, alchemist and magus on the boat you don't really need more damage output, so I wouldn't worry about blasting. Support and control are where it's at for you. Aquatic actually has some nice control spells on the list (and of course it fits your campaign).

Don't worry about weapon finesse. If you have to make some touch attacks you could get spectral hand. Arcane bloodline could give you a familiar for the same purpose (possibly a parrot!), or you could take the bonded object for an additional spell. Also, if you really don't want to go arcane, but you really need to deliver touch spells consistently, you could grab eldritch heritage, though that is a rather hefty feat investment.

or you can take Reach Spell instead of Weapon Finesse to make your touch spells rays at a +1 Metamagic cost.

Also, came in to say Verdant bloodline, just because

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