Zimheaho |

First post, recent discoverer of the boards!
We are just coming to the end of a long running campaign (D&D 3.5) and only have a couple of sessions left – we’re all level 24 epic characters and of course the final battle is of truly epic proportions: Dedataliacus the Destroyer must be awakened as reality itself collapses and the heroes try to impose their preferred change in the new reality using his power of destruction for their own purposes. For change there must be, and it is the nature of this that the heroes are striving for.
But I digress, (though this change is also being used for our gaming group to move over to using Pathfinder), and I am now looking forward to what my character might be for the next campaign (in the current game I am a level 24 cleric of Pelor – we are playing in the Greyhawk game setting but are to move to Golarion).
I have always loved sword wielding heroes as well as magic and looking through my shiny new Pathfinder books I have come across the Magus. This looks like a wonderful melding of sword and sorcery and takes me back to my first ever character under the original version of D&D – an elf.
The other thing here is that I am a bit of a fan of Japanese anime, and I recently watched the Claymore series. What a wonder animation, and I really loved the idea of the sword wielding Claymores battling the demonic forces of the Yoma. So I am very much in love with the idea of playing a Claymore-like heroine based on the magus class, particularly the bladebound archetype.
I’ve read some of the threads here as well as Walter’s excellent magus guide for information, and am wondering if anyone has any other ideas or suggestions for me to build a magus that captures some of the essence of the Claymores.
We are likely to start at level 1 with 20 point buy. I have the following mocked up for the first few levels:
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 17*, Wis 10, Cha 7
*includes racial +2.
Half elf with Adaptability swapped for Ancestral Arms (bastard sword – this is the weapon I want to be thematically in keeping) and Multitalented swapped for Arcane Training.
1st Toughness feat
3rd Bladebound archetype in place of magus arcana, Weapon Focus feat
5th Extra Arcane Pool feat, Arcane Strike bonus magus feat
Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.

blue_the_wolf |

I like the magus class but it does not come off as something that can represent Claymore warriors.
The warriors are basically straight up heavy fighters... maybe bastard sword wielding fighters with a slant toward dex. they really dont have much in the line of magical spells and such and a MAJOR drawback is that a Magus pretty much has to use a one handed sword (though you can get around that with a bastard sword.
If I may be so bold as to suggest a better claymore build.
Pathfinder has a great line of feats at the higher levels based on critical hits.
Try looking at a Fighter built around a Katana or Nodaichi (the weapons dont look like claymores but act similar in effect i think)
the weapon master archetype gives you a lot of feats and abilities which not only lead to great damage and flavorful special attacks but later in the game allow you to focus on dealing powerful and consistent critical hits with great effects.
(which can essentially be your powers)
A ranger built along the two handed weapon path or even a paladin are alternatives that will get you spells and versatility for the character while retaining much of their damage.

Zimheaho |

My initial thought was that magi castings spells - and the variety of effects both at buffing themselves and inflicting damage to enemies - was akin to the Claymores using their Yoki aura to create similar effects.
Perhaps another class is better? It just struck me that magus was a natural fit to create a Claymore.

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My initial thought was that magi castings spells - and the variety of effects both at buffing themselves and inflicting damage to enemies - was akin to the Claymores using their Yoki aura to create similar effects.
Self buffing + Damaging enemies is indeed a very real option for the Magus. And your proposed build is really pretty decent, too. Though your AC is gonna be a bit low (as it is for all Str based Magi at low levels).
You are gonna pretty much need to stick to one-handed weapons, but of those the Bastard Sword seems like a totally viable option.
Or, in summary, you can totally do this with a Magus, if you like.
Perhaps another class is better? It just struck me that magus was a natural fit to create a Claymore.
If you do decide to skip Magus, take a look at Inquisitor, they're another class that does a good job of combining magic (particularly self-buffing, but some offensive stuff too) and martial prowess, though it is Divine instead of Arcane magic. They're also thematically perfect for the whoile 'demon slaying' vibe, and have much better skills and skill options than a Magus. If you follw Ragathiel (LG Empyreal Lord of chivalry, duty, and vengeance, and, to go with my idea below, an Arch-Devil's son), you can even have the Bastard Sword as your deity's favored weapon, and thus free proficiency with it.
If you go Inquisitor (or can find another weapon you like...or another way to get Proficiency with the Bastard Sword as a Magus...Kensei comes to mind, for example) I'd highly reccomend going Tiefling for race. It seems* pretty much perfect, thematically, for a Claymore based character and, with the alternate racial stuff available, is easily a good race choice for almost any class one way or another.
*I haven't actually seen Claymore, so I'm basing this on descriptions.

Zimheaho |

Having played a cleric, i.e. divine caster to 24th level, I really am looking to move away from divine magic. So although paladin and inquisitor as also along the right lines for a Claymore, I would rather not have a divine based character again.
Admittedly knowing what a Claymore is kind of defines what I want to do, though "demon slaying" isn't necessary primary for this as that is very specific to the series. My character will be more based to fight eveil, though with a more mercenary slant - again moving away from my current "goody goody" cleric.
I've been through the SRD and Walter's Magus Guide and a lot of this appeals in making the character. For example, having Infernal Healing spells is very akin to the self-healing that Claymores do using their demonic sourced powers.

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Having played a cleric, i.e. divine caster to 24th level, I really am looking to move away from divine magic. So although paladin and inquisitor as also along the right lines for a Claymore, I would rather not have a divine based character again.
Totally a valid decision, though Inquisitors play as differently from Clerics as Bards do from Wizards. Judgements just seem like exactly the kind of effect you're describing, and the thematics look perfect, which is why I brought 'em up.
Admittedly knowing what a Claymore is kind of defines what I want to do, though "demon slaying" isn't necessary primary for this as that is very specific to the series. My character will be more based to fight eveil, though with a more mercenary slant - again moving away from my current "goody goody" cleric.
Sounds cool, works with just about any class. :)
I've been through the SRD and Walter's Magus Guide and a lot of this appeals in making the character. For example, having Infernal Healing spells is very akin to the self-healing that Claymores do using their demonic sourced powers.
Then do so. It works for the concept you describe pretty close to perfectly.
I'd still probably go Tiefling for Race, thematically. It's even debatably better mechanically (since it trades +2 Dex for -2 Cha over your courrent race, and gives other neat things)...though it does necessitate some other method of getting Weapon Proficiency.

Zimheaho |

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll certainly give inquisitor a thorough read and will consider the tiefling race too.
As for my cleric - he's killed quite a few innocents in his time, often for the greater good. I think it's the rest of the group that still consider him a goody-goody, mainly due to the fact he has remained steadfast in his faith despite the trials that have befallen us.
And anyway, with the game in its current state, Pelor is one of the few gods left in existence - all other player's gods have been slain!

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Thanks for the suggestions, I'll certainly give inquisitor a thorough read and will consider the tiefling race too.
Make sure to check out the variant Tiefling types if combining the two. The default Tiefling stat spread (+2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Cha) is good for a Magus but much less so for an Inquisitor, but there's a variant with, for example, +2 Str, +2 Wis, -2 Cha available as well.
If you do choose Inquisitor look up Ragathiel as a god he gives you bastard sword and as a god of justice and vengance kinda fits the concept.
Great minds think alike. :)
Though having a Tiefling Inquisitor of Ragathiel in my current game may've helped me think of it...

Kazaan |
If you're set on being a Magus and still using what qualifies as a 2-hander, dip 2 levels of Barbarian/Titan Mauler for Jotungrip (allows you to wield a 2-handed weapon as a 1-hander. That will allow you to use all the benefits of Magus class with the thematic weapon you're looking for and even some barbarian rage to simulate the "unleashing" of their hidden power.

Volvogg |
Another option available to you is going with a synthesist summoner. The eidolon could represent the usage of the claymore's yoki powers. Especially those that change into a monstrous humanoid shape. I would sprinkle into this a couple of levels of titan mauler barbarian. The one ability they receive mimics the claymore's ability to wield their huge blades in one (Use a greatsword).
Edit: Kazaan beat me to the titan mauler schtick.

Zimheaho |

Wow some great suggestions there - I have a lot of research to do I can see with such a wealth of Pathfinder material.
I do very much want to keep the overall flavour of a Claymore - wielding a big sword one or two handed as required, having powers to buff myself for various effects (for example like Phantom Miria) or my weapon (a bit like Quicksword Ilena), etc.
Glad to see some of you have seen the programme and can lend your valuable insights. Your input is much appreciated! :-)

Son of the Veterinarian |

You're not going to exactly replicate the Claymore's from the anime/manga with Pathfinder, there's just no good way to accurately replicate the way they tap into their Yoma abilities.
I'd suggest just restricting anyone who wants to play a Claymore to...
Race: Tiefling
First level must be Paladin. Detect Evil replaced with at-will Detect Aberration
Weapon: Restricted to Bastard Sword only
Then let them choose any combination of melee classes they like from there.

Zimheaho |

Thanks for the latest comments. Obviously I can't replicate a Claymore exactly, and I probably don't want to anyway as the campaign won't mirror the demon-only foes of the anime, etc.
But what I do want is something of the flavour and style of the Claymore. If I achieve that using a magus, an inquisitor, a paladin, or some variation and dips into other classes, then that is fine.
The Claymore is the inspiration for the heroic female warrior character I want to play - the game mechanics I can use I will, and anything else doesn't matter too much. I'll achieve what I want as much through role-play as I will through the game system itself :-)

AerynTahlro |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The other thing here is that I am a bit of a fan of Japanese anime, and I recently watched the Claymore series. What a wonder animation, and I really loved the idea of the sword wielding Claymores battling the demonic forces of the Yoma. So I am very much in love with the idea of playing a Claymore-like heroine based on the magus class, particularly the bladebound archetype.
Because of you, I just watched 26 episodes of this series...in a row.

Zimheaho |

Yes barbarian is another option I will give rethought too after I've digested the inquisitor a little more. It was funnily enough my initial thought but as I am playing a barbarian (classic Conan type) in another game I put this aside initially. Same really for the inquisitor given my long running cleric character, i.e. moving away from divne magic. I prefer to move around the classes to experience something new. But with Pathfinder the options for the classes are greatly expanded over what I have played so far and so are worthy of a second and third look.

AerynTahlro |

In a row?! Wow, hope you enjoyed it AerynTahlro!
Mostly yes. Some of it was just /facepalm from cliche anime themes, and Rocky's role made me die a little inside (they were alluding to male Claymores the whole time, I was expecting he'd turn into one by the end), as did the ending fight.

Kryzbyn |

Demon totem rage powers
Beast totem rage powers
Best BAB
Rage for melee boost
Gets DR/- static
Rage powers to emulate yokai powers
Can only emluate that stuff if raging
3/4 BAB
Can rage if taken as an Inquisition
Judgements to emulate yokai powers
Skill bonuses from class abilities to know how to outwit, fight and kill monsters
Can;t get the rage till level 6.
Judgements limited uses per day
Has divine spells (you said you didnt like this so i listed it as a con)

Kryzbyn |

There are a list of 'Inquisitions' in UM that can be taken as Domains for an Inquisitor. One of them grants Rage, albeit not till level 6.
EDIT: Fixed level you gain Rage.
EDIT2: Oh, you're making a statement not asking a question. What's the domain/subdomain that grants rage powers? The Anger inquisition grants rage, but not rage powers.

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I've watched Claymore and I built a character like that using barbarian, one level of sorcerer and dragon disciple. The farther you go in DD the more monstrous features you get and you end up incredibly strong plus can use spells for all the obscure yokai powers that they develop. And can use a real claymore (greatsword or a large bastard sword even if you don't go titan mailer)

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There are two types of Claymores. One is a great sword the other came one the scene in the the 1600's it is a basket hilted claymore which is a long heavy bladed long sword with a basket hilt used by scotish heavy cavlvery in pathfinder I would say it would do 1d10 18-20x2 and I wold consider it a martial weapon it would be great for a Magus.

Son of the Veterinarian |

Thanks for the latest comments. Obviously I can't replicate a Claymore exactly, and I probably don't want to anyway as the campaign won't mirror the demon-only foes of the anime, etc.
But what I do want is something of the flavour and style of the Claymore. If I achieve that using a magus, an inquisitor, a paladin, or some variation and dips into other classes, then that is fine.
The Claymore is the inspiration for the heroic female warrior character I want to play - the game mechanics I can use I will, and anything else doesn't matter too much. I'll achieve what I want as much through role-play as I will through the game system itself :-)
I'd probably go Paladin then. Though if you want to keep the "no armor" look a Monk focusing on the Temple or Nine-Ring Broadsword could work.
Depending on your GM a Psychic Warrior might be an option that hasn't been mentioned yet.

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Zimheaho wrote:In a row?! Wow, hope you enjoyed it AerynTahlro!Mostly yes. Some of it was just /facepalm from cliche anime themes, and Rocky's role made me die a little inside (they were alluding to male Claymores the whole time, I was expecting he'd turn into one by the end), as did the ending fight.
Lucky's and the Claymores' stories continue in the manga(still on-going) and the end fight is nowhere to be seen. Not surprising, since the comic isn't shounen, something the anime director probably did not notice while coming up with the lacklustre ending.
Anyhow, while the Inquisitor is a pretty nice fit, I'd probably go tiefling barbarian(wild rager or titan mauler archetypes) for a couple of levels in order to simulate that combat focus and sudden ridiculous physical prowess and then multiclass into ranger.
Alternatively, there's a nice archetype that mixes both: Wild Stalker, a raging ranger. It even gives you enhanced senses and everything. In my mind there's plenty of spells on the ranger list(Aspect spells, specificallY) to simulate the crazy mutations claymores undergo when they are pushed to a corner, so this might be a good fit. And no need to tie yourself to a god for martial might.