Nepherti |

He hasn't decided yet if he's going to let us roll for abilities or do pointbuy, but lets assume the latter for right now. I can sub the rolls later if need be.
30 pointbuy.
We haven't decided what the racial features on the Wolf would be yet. All we know is no weapon/armor proficiencies, at least low-light vision, Scent, some form of natural armor (my AC will suck otherwise) and appropriate natural attacks.
Doing Druid/Rogue (probably scout variant), may dip 2 levels into Fighter if I need feats. Starting Level 3 (so Druid 2/Rogue 1). I'm not allowed damage dealing spells considering that I will have an effective natural attack.
When looking at the Wolf entry in Beastiary, he is naturally more dextrous than strong. Rogue should compliment this well, and I may try to play up the idea of Combat Maneuvers. I've been watching Herding Trials, Schutzhund, and Agility trials.
Feats I've considered:
Combat Expertise
Improved Feint
Spring Attack?
Agile Maneuvers
Improved Grapple
Improved Trip
Iron Will
Skill Focus (Perception)
Skill Focus (Stealth)
Power Attack
Improved Bull Rush
Improved Initiative

Evil Lincoln |

This one?
He hasn't decided yet if he's going to let us roll for abilities or do pointbuy, but lets assume the latter for right now. I can sub the rolls later if need be.
30 pointbuy.
We haven't decided what the racial features on the Wolf would be yet. All we know is no weapon/armor proficiencies, at least low-light vision, Scent, some form of natural armor (my AC will suck otherwise) and appropriate natural attacks.Doing Druid/Rogue (probably scout variant), may dip 2 levels into Fighter if I need feats. Starting Level 3 (so Druid 2/Rogue 1). I'm not allowed damage dealing spells considering that I will have an effective natural attack.
When looking at the Wolf entry in Beastiary, he is naturally more dextrous than strong. Rogue should compliment this well, and I may try to play up the idea of Combat Maneuvers. I've been watching Herding Trials, Schutzhund, and Agility trials.
Feats I've considered:
Combat Expertise
Improved Feint
Spring Attack?
Agile Maneuvers
Improved Grapple
Improved Trip
Iron Will
Skill Focus (Perception)
Skill Focus (Stealth)
Power Attack
Improved Bull Rush
Improved Initiative

Nepherti |

No, because he hasn't decided how he's limiting magic, only that I am probably not allowed to take damage dealing spells, only the healers and the buffers. I have to see how many of these spells are available and if it can complete a spell list adequately. I also don't know for sure which level he's cutting off spells, only that 7-9 are out for sure.

Nepherti |

Bleeding Attack, dog bites can be nasty (I know from experience)
Canny Observer
Fast Stealth
Surprise Attack
Wall Scramble
Powerful Sneak
Offensive Defense
Ledge Walker
Iron Guts
I know I won't have enough Levels to take all of these, but this is the first narrowing.
EDIT: After looking at Guide, it does sound cool. I was turned off, initially, by Ranger though, because I didn't want my sheet to overlap with another party member's.

Evil Lincoln |

There is a feint-specialized rogue in the party I GM for who routinely puts up good damage.
BlackBloodTroll, I'd say if the GM is allowing a wolf as a PC, we may be outside the realm where class effectiveness comparisons are truly warranted.
For my part, I think Ranger would be a wolf-appropriate class, but probably has too much overlap with racial abilities... it wouldn't be the "optimal" choice, but having "Scent" is probably going to overshadow whatever tracker your party does have. Might as well embrace it.
It's a shame there isn't a wolf class... (my burning wheel books are really worming their way into my head, methinks)

![]() |

Well, the idea of a Inquisitor of Jezelda the shape-shifting demon lord of werewolves and mistress of the moon, just sounds too cool.
The Night or Deception domain would be fitting. The bonus to tracking, identifying foes, and intimidation are fitting too.
The judgements and bane ability are easily flavored as a declaration of it's prey.
The Inquisitor is a hunter, and thus, quite fitting.

Nepherti |

Jezelda won't work for the concept. My wolf is not primarily a hunter. She's meant to be a wise, loyal companion. She doesn't see humaniods as prey, necessarily, unless they give her reason to attack. She's docile. She needs people. Inquisitor is just not going to work for what I have pictured. Strongly thinking about the Guide Ranger, though, maybe throw a single level of Witch in (I am my own familiar for this purpose, I'll argue) to get the Healing Hex.

Nepherti |

The group isn't formed yet, but the healing has nothing to do with them, just my concept. She will come in during the first encounter and save a life by healing him. The only other guy is a savage skald who plays a wardrum. The others are most likely going to pick fighter and barbarian if the past repeats itself.

SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

Maybe replace wildshape with boosts to natural armor or DR X/silver?
Maybe you should think about what role you want to play in the party, and then select your class, feats, and skills based on that.
I think the Spring Attack feat tree would be great for a wolf, it was great for my 3.5 druid's animal companion wardog. Too bad you can't combine it with Vital Strike, RAW. If you're smart enough, take Combat Expertise and the Improved Trip and Greater Trip feats. Combat Reflexes, Improved Natural Attack, and Tripping Strike might be useful too.
The inquisitor is a pretty fun class. It has 2 good saves, 6 skill points, 6 levels of divine spells (so you can be a healer if you want), and fun class abilities that you can use in combination to get interesting effects.
Maybe try being a synthesist summoner and model it on the loup-garou. Use a wolfskin as a focus, and the eidolon-armor thing as your wolf form.

SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

The First Dog is a loyal companion to Man. She scouts ahead, tracks, and will step in to defend her human pack. All she wants is acceptance by them, even if all she ever is is Omega. I picture more the healer/buffer, combat maneuver user, but moldable.
Sounds like you want Perception, Stealth, and Survival, possibly Intimidate (to scare off threats), Sense Motive (to detect stranger-danger), and maybe Heal or Diplomacy (to make friends).
Sounds like inquisitor, ranger (with hunter's bond with your companions), rogue, bard, or druid.
You can use a wand of cure light wounds, like a dog with a bone. :-)

Nepherti |

The Caveman plot is meant to take place in the distant past of the Campaign Setting he's designed. When Mr. Nepherti runs a game that takes place in the present, complete with normal Pathfinder spells and equipment, those characters will come across cave paintings of the player's old characters from the caveman days.
That being said, Erastil might actually work for some part of this, since we have already established the dog as being a common avatar of Erastil (think the Fable 2 dog).

Richard Leonhart |

ah, 10'000 BC, where good looking cavemen fought off dinosaurs and then went through a jungle to pay a visit to egyptian pharaos.
That movie gave me a permanent int penalty, I felt dumber for watching it.
Apart from that I would go with rogue, and take favored terrain. Stealing was probably invented way before the first humans came around, and stabbing someone in the back not long after.

Bertious |

An interesting "dog" option could be to create an ancestor from before the canine family split into canine, lupine, and vulpine with traits from all 3. (I'm not sure about this but have a vague memory that ursine could be on that list too as there was a creature commonly called a beardog in prehistoric times.)