AvalonXQ |
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You know there ARE reasons why vampires like Dracula have mortal servants such as the gypsies and Renfield.
In Dracula's case, it certainly wasn't because he died if exposed to sunlight, because he didn't. He just lost the ability to change shape.
The first time the main characters of the novel encounter him en masse, he's been walking around in broad daylight.

Remco Sommeling |
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Shadow Projection, 'Shadow of the Vampire' has a nice ring to it..
Perhaps improved familiar could work on a humanoid or ghoul for a vampire mage, not exactly first person but at least the vampire can share senses.
Perhaps it can just teleport/dimension door from location to location to keep up appearances and keep the location of it's true lair hidden. Ethereal Jaunt, Shadow Walk and the like work too.
An occasional project image spell might throw people off as well.
Doppelgangers might serve even better to keep up the illusion as well as provide him with a useful intelligence/spy network
Occasional sacrifices to the demon lord Zura might provide him with rare oppurtunity to walk in the daylight, a miracle or (limited) wish might serve that purpose as well.
an underground tunnel system can take him from one location to the next, possibly it is just large enough for gaseous form or bat shape.
A servant tows him from one location to the next in a bag of holding or anything that can hold the vampire in gaseous form.
Drive the vampire around in a coach without windows.

Tacticslion |

So, uh, would a simple alter self spell work? Or perhaps have protective penumbra for the shadowy protection and disguise self?
Heck, if you're a real stickler for the rules, you'd need all three for a really good disguise:
Step 1) Protective Penumbra
Step 2) Alter Self (to be any small or medium humanoid; otherwise disguise self would let you look like... an undead)
Step 3) Disguise Self (look like a humanoid without a shadow covering)
A simple hat of disguise can cover one or two thirds of the requirements on its own. You could, by rules, fold both the greater and normal hats of disguise into a singular item for a slightly increased cost.
There is, of course, the even cheaper Hat of Human Guise, but that's pretty limited in what it accomplishes.
But if you like the template, go with that! :)

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You may want to try making them an Oracle with the Dark Tapestry Mystery.
Cloak of Darkness (Su): You conjure a cloak of shadowy darkness that grants you a +4 armor bonus and a +2 circumstance bonus on Stealth checks. At 7th level, and every four levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by +2. You can use this cloak for 1 hour per day per oracle level. The duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-hour increments.
I would say that would prevent you from turning to dust if you stay within your cloak of Shadows and depending upon your level it could last all day.
Would still look a bit strange though ...

Tacticslion |

So, you wanna walk around in full daylight to commit thread necro?
... huh. That was me, sorry. Somehow, this thread appeared on my "recent threads" list on the side, I thought it was cool, and clicked it. My bad.
Although, "Necromancy" is a pretty appropriate thing to happen to this thread. :)

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...just a quick question: Does anybody knows about a more longterm solution then "Protective Penumbra" for a vampire who wants to walk around during the day? Especially, if he wants to do that in a city with a paladin ruler?
I'm not sure any solution I come up with is going to outweigh the difficulties involved. Is there some drastic reason the vampire can't wait until dark or send a body double?

FlySkyHigh |

Have a caster make you a ring of Protective Penumbra. S'what I did for my vampire character. He feeds regularly and uses disguise to hide the rest of his undead nature, and then walks around in broad daylight. As long as he's careful to cover up his fangs, no one can really tell the difference. However, pray that you never run into an AMF in broad daylight, or the hurt is going to rain down on you.
It also entirely depends on GM interpretation of "Direct Sunlight". I've seen about 3 different rulings on this from different GMs, and I can't find an actual specific ruling. One GM interpreted "Direct Sunlight" as in clear skies, sunshine, so a heavy overcast or fog would protect a vampire in the middle of the day. "Direct Sunlight" was also interpreted by another GM to essentially mean what most people figure, which is they shouldn't be out during daylight hours. Another GM interpreted it as "any form of sunshine", and ruled that vampires could only come out during the new moon as then there were no "solar rays". Needless to say in that last one vampires pretty much didn't exist.
I actually like the first version a bit, because it gives you more leeway, and particularly clever vampires could really throw some people off unless they're tracking which days they come out and which days they don't.

Nuclearsunburn |

Have a caster make you a ring of Protective Penumbra. S'what I did for my vampire character. He feeds regularly and uses disguise to hide the rest of his undead nature, and then walks around in broad daylight. As long as he's careful to cover up his fangs, no one can really tell the difference. However, pray that you never run into an AMF in broad daylight, or the hurt is going to rain down on you.
It also entirely depends on GM interpretation of "Direct Sunlight". I've seen about 3 different rulings on this from different GMs, and I can't find an actual specific ruling. One GM interpreted "Direct Sunlight" as in clear skies, sunshine, so a heavy overcast or fog would protect a vampire in the middle of the day. "Direct Sunlight" was also interpreted by another GM to essentially mean what most people figure, which is they shouldn't be out during daylight hours. Another GM interpreted it as "any form of sunshine", and ruled that vampires could only come out during the new moon as then there were no "solar rays". Needless to say in that last one vampires pretty much didn't exist.
I actually like the first version a bit, because it gives you more leeway, and particularly clever vampires could really throw some people off unless they're tracking which days they come out and which days they don't.
I like your first interpretation of direct sunlight, as well. If a vampire emerges under those conditions, there is a risk involved. If a cloudy day suddenly breaks, it might end very unfortunately for the vampire. If a vampire has a permanent darkness effect, not only will they not be subtle, their (un)life could be over with a simple casting of a light spell or dispel magic. Which a spellcaster seeing an unnatural moving darkness might be inclined to do. So it's still something a vampire would have to think hard about doing, even with precautions taken. It makes them more interesting.

FlySkyHigh |

FlySkyHigh wrote:I like your first interpretation of direct sunlight, as well. If a vampire emerges under those conditions, there is a risk involved. If a cloudy day suddenly breaks, it might end very unfortunately for the vampire. If a vampire has a permanent darkness effect, not only will they not be subtle, their (un)life could be over with a simple casting of a light spell or dispel magic. Which a spellcaster seeing an unnatural moving darkness might be inclined to do. So it's still something a vampire would have to think hard about doing, even with precautions taken. It makes them more interesting.Have a caster make you a ring of Protective Penumbra. S'what I did for my vampire character. He feeds regularly and uses disguise to hide the rest of his undead nature, and then walks around in broad daylight. As long as he's careful to cover up his fangs, no one can really tell the difference. However, pray that you never run into an AMF in broad daylight, or the hurt is going to rain down on you.
It also entirely depends on GM interpretation of "Direct Sunlight". I've seen about 3 different rulings on this from different GMs, and I can't find an actual specific ruling. One GM interpreted "Direct Sunlight" as in clear skies, sunshine, so a heavy overcast or fog would protect a vampire in the middle of the day. "Direct Sunlight" was also interpreted by another GM to essentially mean what most people figure, which is they shouldn't be out during daylight hours. Another GM interpreted it as "any form of sunshine", and ruled that vampires could only come out during the new moon as then there were no "solar rays". Needless to say in that last one vampires pretty much didn't exist.
I actually like the first version a bit, because it gives you more leeway, and particularly clever vampires could really throw some people off unless they're tracking which days they come out and which days they don't.
Precisely. My vampire is actually a rogue, and despite his abilities and his ring he still goes to great lengths to stay out of "Direct Sunlight", sticking to shadows whenever possible, and preferring to remain indoors. Not only does sticking to the shadows help him in case a stray dispel magic ever messes with his ring, but it also helps allay some suspicion. Sure, you could be standing in the middle of a town square, wreathed in sunlight, and be unaffected, but wouldn't that little bit of shadow seem a bit unnatural to you? I know another vampire my character has encountered (they both work for the same organization) simply bundles himself up in rags, to the point where he actually can't see that well (takes a penalty on perception), but in case his ring should ever actually fail, he completely wrap himself up to be safe from the sunlight, then flee in gaseous form.

Nuclearsunburn |

Your vampire's friend might draw unwarranted attention, depending on where he is. I guess he could claim to be a leprosy victim, which would help turn the curious away from him. Even so, it's a valid precaution to take. When your immortal existence is at stake, best to have a backup plan, and a backup backup plan...

FlySkyHigh |

Your vampire's friend might draw unwarranted attention, depending on where he is. I guess he could claim to be a leprosy victim, which would help turn the curious away from him. Even so, it's a valid precaution to take. When your immortal existence is at stake, best to have a backup plan, and a backup backup plan...
He's an underground informant, so I doubt he's really worried about his appearance. From what I understand he tells people he does it so he won't be recognized in public.

Nuclearsunburn |

Nuclearsunburn wrote:Your vampire's friend might draw unwarranted attention, depending on where he is. I guess he could claim to be a leprosy victim, which would help turn the curious away from him. Even so, it's a valid precaution to take. When your immortal existence is at stake, best to have a backup plan, and a backup backup plan...He's an underground informant, so I doubt he's really worried about his appearance. From what I understand he tells people he does it so he won't be recognized in public.
I see... so in other words he's ended up on Van Richten's Most Wanted? Or was it Blade the Bounty Hunter? Watch him turn out to be one of those super super creepy child vampires under all those rags. I hate those things.

FlySkyHigh |

FlySkyHigh wrote:I see... so in other words he's ended up on Van Richten's Most Wanted? Or was it Blade the Bounty Hunter? Watch him turn out to be one of those super super creepy child vampires under all those rags. I hate those things.Nuclearsunburn wrote:Your vampire's friend might draw unwarranted attention, depending on where he is. I guess he could claim to be a leprosy victim, which would help turn the curious away from him. Even so, it's a valid precaution to take. When your immortal existence is at stake, best to have a backup plan, and a backup backup plan...He's an underground informant, so I doubt he's really worried about his appearance. From what I understand he tells people he does it so he won't be recognized in public.
-Shiver- Ugh, dude, don't remind me. I remember in one game we ran into a f!&%ing flock. Our gm literally threw in a BBEG who was a pedo vampire, and it was the creepiest f$~*ign thing ever. He turned all these kids and made us fight them. So creepy.

wolfen |
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If the DM permits it use an unguent of timlessness.
"When applied to any matter that was once alive, such as wood, paper, or a dead body, this ointment allows that substance to resist the passage of time. Each year of actual time affects the substance as if only a day had passed. The coated object gains a +1 resistance bonus on all saving throws. The unguent never wears off, although it can be magically removed (by dispelling the effect, for instance). One flask contains enough material to coat eight Medium or smaller objects. A Large object counts as two Medium objects, and a Huge object counts as four Medium objects."
This effectivley makes it where you could be in the sun as much as you want and never be affected as the time it is day (aprox 13 hours) is not enough to count as even a single round. This is a bit of an iffy item as it says passage of time, but most time related negative effects are both light and water based they may allow it.

Tacticslion |

What about some polymorph spell. Coulld losing all SU and Ex abillities also bypass your Vanmpire weaknesses?
While I can see that, from a rules perspective it doesn't really seem to work. The vampire simply gains the weaknesses and has them. (I'd personally rule differently, but that's just me, not really RAW.)
That's why I suggested the combination of spells: a shadow to protect you, a polymorph to be a humanoid, and an illusion to make it look like you're a humanoid without the shadow.

GM Jazz |

Hat of Shade
Aura faint evocation; CL 3rd
Slot head; Price 18,000 gp; Weight -DESCRIPTION
This stylish hat keeps the wearer in fashionably ominous shadow, even under the light of the sun. A wearer with light blindness, light sensitivity, or vulnerability to sunlight (such as vampires and wraiths) may ignore penalties from those qualities. The hat gives the wearer a +2 bonus on saving throws against nonmagical hazards related to bright light, such as glare or sunburn.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, protective penumbra; Cost 9,000 gp
Did you make that item or is if from a book? if so can you please source it for us.

Mr.Dragon |
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Or, if your vampire follows Bram Stoker rules. Sunlight doesn't kill, it merely suppresses a Vampire's power to some extent.
European folklore they were just nocturnal and no specific weakness to sunlight is made explicit.
Carmilla (from the novel of the same name, which predates Stoker's Dracula) was also only weakened in daylight.
As for the Stephanie Meyer tomfoolery. The sooner people stop referencing it the sooner we can all collectively forget this blot on vampirism that even Count Chocula finds offensive.

Volkard Abendroth |
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So, uh, would a simple alter self spell work? Or perhaps have protective penumbra for the shadowy protection and disguise self?
Heck, if you're a real stickler for the rules, you'd need all three for a really good disguise:
Step 1) Protective Penumbra
Step 2) Alter Self (to be any small or medium humanoid; otherwise disguise self would let you look like... an undead)
Appearance of Life can be made permanent.
A Ring of Mind Shielding blocks alignment detection.