How to build a Duelist who can stand his own.


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lol, he must have missed that, or more likely the GM made an exception for him.

Is it just me, or is Dervish dance seem to restrictive for a feat? I mean why not just have a feat that allows dex to replace damage in general? Am I missing something?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You're not. It IS too restrictive.

It really isn't, and I hope there never is a generalized feat for it. Suddenly every strength user but a two-handed fighter is useless compared to Bendy McStabberDexSon.

Cheapy wrote:
It really isn't, and I hope there never is a generalized feat for it. Suddenly every strength user but a two-handed fighter is useless compared to Bendy McStabberDexSon.

I do not see that as a particular bad thing since at the moment just about every fighter or barbarian is a two-handed fighter, rapier or scimitar would be the best weapons to use with this feat in general anyway.

I would make a restrictive list of weapons but it surely can be expanded for other suitable weapons.

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Restrict it to light and finessable weapons and it'd be fine. Those take a significant damage hit compared to what you can do as a str-based weapon user, and you're not getting any 1.5x modifer to damage or the like.

StreamOfTheSky wrote:
Restrict it to light and finessable weapons and it'd be fine. Those take a significant damage hit compared to what you can do as a str-based weapon user, and you're not getting any 1.5x modifer to damage or the like.

^this. That way it has a niche without overshadowing your typical fighter. You could even keep to the whole "you can't have anything in your off hand" to further prevent duel wielding builds with this feat.

Cheapy wrote:
It really isn't, and I hope there never is a generalized feat for it. Suddenly every strength user but a two-handed fighter is useless compared to Bendy McStabberDexSon.

I call it realistic, myself - there is actually a reason that over the ages swords tended to diverge to huge greatswords like the claymore and light, fast swords like the rapier.

The sword that combined both features (light & fast & two handed) at once was the katana, so perhaps it's no surprise that it's regarded by many as the most effective personal melee weapon ever invented.

StreamOfTheSky wrote:
Restrict it to light and finessable weapons and it'd be fine. Those take a significant damage hit compared to what you can do as a str-based weapon user, and you're not getting any 1.5x modifer to damage or the like.

I agree with this.

StreamOfTheSky wrote:
Restrict it to light and finessable weapons and it'd be fine. Those take a significant damage hit compared to what you can do as a str-based weapon user, and you're not getting any 1.5x modifer to damage or the like.

I do not disagree, but I'd like some weapons added to the list, a longsword and a number of monk weapons come to mind.

Dark Archive

Face_P0lluti0n wrote:

A Fighter using the "Dazzling Display" feat is able to lay down a pretty severe mass debuff through the use of a Charisma-based skill and a appropriately flavored show of dashing swordsmanship.

1. I'm pretty thoroughly unimpressed by Dazzling Display.

2. A feat ain't a class. :)

Remco Sommeling wrote:
StreamOfTheSky wrote:
Restrict it to light and finessable weapons and it'd be fine. Those take a significant damage hit compared to what you can do as a str-based weapon user, and you're not getting any 1.5x modifer to damage or the like.
I do not disagree, but I'd like some weapons added to the list, a longsword and a number of monk weapons come to mind.

I was just keeping it simple. I would be quite happy to see the "finesse grouping" of weapons expanded.

my favorite Duelist build is...

Ranger 6/Duelist x
(20 Point Buy)

STR 10
DEX 16 (18)
CON 14
INT 14
WIS 12

Ranger Style
2 Power Attack
6 Cleave

1 Finesse
1 Dodge
3 Dervish Dance
5 Mobility

Duelist Goodies

Basically this gets you Power attack for free with no pre-reqs, access to wands, and all the DEX to damage fun that Dervish Dance gives.

I endorse Ravindork's build efficacy. I played a very similar one, but with combat patrol, greater trip and fury's fall (add twice Dex bonus for tripping with a dervish dancer build). Combat patrol helps a lot moving around when surrounded by many, add in combat reflexes and tripping maneuvers for total fun...

Remco Sommeling wrote:
StreamOfTheSky wrote:
Restrict it to light and finessable weapons and it'd be fine. Those take a significant damage hit compared to what you can do as a str-based weapon user, and you're not getting any 1.5x modifer to damage or the like.
I do not disagree, but I'd like some weapons added to the list, a longsword and a number of monk weapons come to mind.

Fluff-wise, longsword doesn't belong. It wasn't exactly an elegant weapon.

Diabhol wrote:
Face_P0lluti0n wrote:

A Fighter using the "Dazzling Display" feat is able to lay down a pretty severe mass debuff through the use of a Charisma-based skill and a appropriately flavored show of dashing swordsmanship.

1. I'm pretty thoroughly unimpressed by Dazzling Display.

2. A feat ain't a class. :)

I've yet to play a character with DD, but considering the sheer number of builds that are on these boards that use it, it can't be too bad.

Naw, it's not dazzling display that's awesome, It's the feats it opens up. Dazzling display itself is an OK debuff at low levels, but it's rapidly replaced by better ways to give someone the shaken condition. It's a pre-req for a ton of better feats.

anarchitect wrote:
Naw, it's not dazzling display that's awesome, It's the feats it opens up. Dazzling display itself is an OK debuff at low levels, but it's rapidly replaced by better ways to give someone the shaken condition. It's a pre-req for a ton of better feats.

which ones out of curiosity?

It's a feat tax for Shatter Defenses, which rogues need to help ensure sneak attack in an inhospital system and monks like to have by level 10 to combo w/ Medusa's Wrath, but tend to not have the feats to spend on it.

Other than that, no good feats I know of, and Shatter Defenses is only useful to very specific classes/builds.

You're much better off with Enforcer, Cornugon Smash, or (a bit later on) Dreadful Carnage. I could see I fighter holding onto dazzling display and then swapping it at 12 for Dreadful Carnage, I guess. (or swap it out at 8, go 3 levels w/o any area demoralizing, then pick up DC at 11 upon it becoming available, whatever)

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