Ciaran Barnes |

This is something that peaked my curiosity, and I now seek the community's input on it.
Please list the three pathfinder character classes most often played by your gaming group. If you prefer, or if you don't have enough data to draw from, include your experiences from various editions of D&D.
This is unscientific, and I don't expect anyone to have exact numbers, so use your best estimation.
For myself, I would say cleric, rogue and ranger. Its tough to narrow that down!

mem0ri |

Most common classes played in the 24 years I've been playing DnD/Pathfinder are:
1 - Fighter
2 - Wizard
3 - Rogue
I would say that roughly 80% of our campaigns never had a healer. Similarly, we all found that Fighter was a much more flexible class than Ranger, Barbarian, or Paladin and so often chose fighter over those subtypes even if the character persona was similar to one of them.

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1. Barbarian
2. Bard
3. Sorcerer
Yeah, that's a little weird looking at it. Barbarian is just a really fun way to do the frontline melee guy that every group needs, and thus gets picked a lot. Sorcerer ditto for Arcane casting. Bard...I really dunno, all the Bards in question have been very different both role-wise and thematically...it's just that the class (with Archetypes especially) can fill in for so many roles...
Rogues and Inquisitors are fairly common, too. Alchemists, Druids, Fighters, Rangers, Paladins, and Oracles all show up. Wizards, and Clerics are rare (my group seems to prefer Spontaneous Casters), but not unknown. Monks and Gunslingers are very rare (like, I think I've seen one of each).
Maguses, Cavaliers, Witches, Summoners, and the oriental classes all have yet to make an appearance.

lastblacknight |
1. Fighter - Meat-shield of some type heavy hitter.
2. Arcane - various flavours
3. Healer - usually a cleric of some flavour and builds.
We focus less on classes and more on roles filled in the party, we tend to without rogues before we'd go without a cleric. Usually we prefer a straight fighter (or a decent concept or archetype) and a straight caster.
In PFS I get to try out classes for my home campaigns to see what works;
1. Druid
2. Summoner
3. Cleric/Oracle
4. Fighter

Derivous |

1 - cleric
2 - fighter (though to be fair, we did recently play a non-magical campaign)
3 -paladin/monk
4 - wizard
Its funny that we haven't seen many rogues at the table. Only one that I can think of in the last year. Although...
I played a ninja recently and found it to be a bit underwhelming in most situations, though the class's ability to simply not be around to get attacked was pretty boss. I traded him out for a wizard at level 4.
Wizard is probably my favorite way to play but in four or five campaigns we've had a plethora of clerics, even two at a time in a pair of games with none really dominating in combat or otherwise.

Elinor Knutsdottir |

Undoubtedly fighter is top because so many characters take one level for the free feat and armour/weapon proficiency. Our character groups tend to be restricted to core classes and to contain 'one of each' plus hangers on.
If you don't take 'the odd level' into account for my current groups it's
1. Rogue (of these, 5/6 have at least one level of fighter and the other is a rogue/wizard).
2. Joint second Fighter, wizard, cleric and (to my surprise) druid.

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1. Monk
2. Barbarian
3. Sorcerer
My group consists mostly of heavy melee oriented classes with a few arcane and divine casters. Though are overall played classes is those above with Monk at 20 fully rolled up and played, 19 barbarians fully stated up and played, with Sorcerer barely beating the fighter with 14 over the fighters' 13

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Not that this is necessarily proof of anything, but here are the number of pageviews for classes on d20pfsrd.com since August 2009:

Marthian |

It's a toughie. In society where I am, It's a mix of
And then I only know two people that play Magi (Me and our local CA).
And I think I'm the only gunslinger in our region (unless there was someone else.)
Yes, I know it wasn't top 3, but I couldn't decide, I see a lot of them equally (What was funny was at a beginner event, we made like 3 or 4 different witches.)

Nephelim |

This is something that peaked my curiosity, and I now seek the community's input on it.
Please list the three pathfinder character classes most often played by your gaming group. If you prefer, or if you don't have enough data to draw from, include your experiences from various editions of D&D.
This is unscientific, and I don't expect anyone to have exact numbers, so use your best estimation.
For myself, I would say cleric, rogue and ranger. Its tough to narrow that down!
The group I play in has a Druid, a Cleric, a Wizard, a Fighter and two Monks... Kinda running the Gamut, except for a lack of Rogues.

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Jreyst, any chances for data on Ninja and Samurai?
Here is a bit more detailed view. Some of the numbers are a bit different because I had forgotten that the pagenames/paths on the site were changed over time so in the numbers above they did not include the pageviews for the same page but which previously had a different name or location on the site. The numbers below are corrected to include such (and include many more results). Note, as there are so many more rows I am not going to try to line up the results for easier viewing this time. That's kind of tedious lol
Dragon Disciple..........121,860
Eldritch Knight..........97,824
Arcane Archer..........89,872
Arcane Trickster..........72,029
Pathfinder Chronicler..........69,215
Mystic Theurge..........68,393
Holy Vindicator..........64,976
Red Mantis Assassin..........52,143
Battle Herald..........50,990
Rage Prophet..........44,680
Stalwart Defender..........43,794
Master Chymist..........43,296
Horizon Walker..........42,693
Master Spy..........41,794
Student Of War..........36,161
Psychic Warrior..........34,074
Agent Of The Grave..........33,314
Living Monolith..........31,853
Lion Blade..........31,247
Steel Falcon..........29,640
Pathfinder Savant..........25,177
Pain Taster..........25,140
Brightness Seeker..........24,002
Inheritors Crusader..........23,970
Divine Scion..........23,518
Low Templar..........23,222
Death Mage..........23,086
Balanced Scale Of Abadar..........22,421
Nature Warden..........20,135
Pathfinder Delver..........19,807
Edit Added thousands separator (,) for easier readability.

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Also, note that the more recent/newer classes will obviously have far lower numbers since they've been up on the site less total time. Perhaps a better comparison would be the last 6 months if you want to see how some of the APG or other classes compare, but we've seen that as time passes and the newness of somethings wears off they settle back down.

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Quickly surveying the last few years of my gaming group, I was surprised to find that Rogue was #1.
The full list is:
1. Rogue
2. Ranger
3. Wizard
Everything else has had no more than one character playing that class since 2008.
Our games have a lot of puzzles and social situations, where versatile classes tend to win out. Surviving without either a long list of skills or spells has become difficult.
If there was a #4 it would be Fighter + Fighter variants (like ToB classes, or Fighter multiclasses with the first two on the list). We like Fighters, but usually multiclass because skills end up being a big deal.

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Also, note that the more recent/newer classes will obviously have far lower numbers since they've been up on the site less total time. Perhaps a better comparison would be the last 6 months if you want to see how some of the APG or other classes compare, but we've seen that as time passes and the newness of somethings wears off they settle back down.
Also certain classes need more referencing than others. Most fighter players dont need to look up their progression. Sorcs gotta check spells per day and spells known every level up.
My group top three
Bottom three

Dabbler |

Well from the two groups I have played in most recently:
1. Paladin
2. Monk
3. Magus/Oracle
Paladin has been consistently chosen in all the groups/games. Monks are a class I have had players squabbling to choose, because they look so badass and thematic. Magus and Oracle have gained equal popularity.

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1) Wizard
2) Wizard
3) Sorcerer
4) Cleric
I love my casters. In the end though I'll try any class. With Pathfinder, the classes I haven't tried yet are Cavalier (and by extension Samurai), Ninja (have tried rogue), Barbarian.
I'm not a fan of mounts, haven't had a good opportunity to try a ninja, and I hate barbarians (despite one of my favorite characters played being one).

Robespierre |

Everyone in my party likes melee weapons over ranged weapons. Next to no one other then myself likes to stealth. Almost everyone in the party likes having a high ac and half of us like spell casters. Our Party right now consists of two fighters, a barbarian, a dervish dance magus, a witch, and a wildshape druid(myself). Needs more melee.