Let's Talk About Anime


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Your name. I loved it.

Ajin takes an inconsiderate number of episodes to get going but once it does...damn.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Freehold DM wrote:
Ajin takes an inconsiderate number of episodes to get going but once it does...damn.

I really enjoyed the villain in that series.

There seemed to be no heroes in the series whatsoever.

Silver Crusade

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Upcoming Summer Anime 2017

Here's hoping the Saiyuki series is as good as the previous one.

More Monogatari!
That was the only thing that leaped out at me. If this season is like others I'll give a number of other shows a shot and some I will probably stick with. Maybe I'll even find a new one I love.

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Noticed that the video was missing a few things that I know are supposed to come out this Summer so:

Anichart Summer 2017 List

Currently the ones that sound somewhat interesting to me:

  • NewGame!! (New Game 2nd Season)
  • Gamers
  • Knight's and Magic
  • Isekai Shokudou
  • Made in Abyss
  • Centaur No Nayami

I've been a little "meh" on the last several seasons with only one or two shows that really catch my interest. So the fact that I can list more than that gives me hope for the season.


New Symphogear, HELLS YEAH

Knights & Magic, Made in the Abyss, Mahojin Guruguru, Centaur No Nayami and new Fate series are also on my watch list.

The Reflection Wave One is also something I'm interested in, curious to see what Stan Lee has come up with there

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Damn, I forgot Hell Girl! Minutes after I saw it on the list.
*slaps head*
Yup, totally keen on that one too. Excitement for more Arararagi drove all other thoughts out of my head.

The other list has some stuff I'm interested in:

Aho Girl, from the same guy who gave use Manga-ka and his Assistants (less panties, more stupidity and bananas)

Hajimete no Gal, love/light harem comedy, notable mostly for the slightly unusual choice for a main love interest.

More Card Captor Sakura, CHEDCL and Maid Dragons is a good thing, even if they're only specials


More of a Manga thing than Anime, but it'll reach the anime eventually

Big Mom is the most messed up One Piece villain ever.

Not giving spoilers but when they animate her background story....just Damn that is dark!

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Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

Yep, and the sooner we all can get to the real troubling issue that pops up in anime now and then... that issue being that of tentacled aberrations being horribly abused by angry short-tempered Loli schoolgirls; all of which has nothing to do with the plot whatsoever...

Needless to say, such prevalent abuseivness was pervasive enough to get an english dub too. ;)

The abuse will never end...
Neither will the dubbed abuseivness ever cease.
In a stunning display of spontaneous enlightenment, the abuse ceases. Not entirely though, as there is an outsourced case to be made for the abusiveness suddenly taking an adventurous turn towards the bizarre...

The abuseivness to tentacled aberrations makes an shocking explosive return...

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

The "fanservicey" hand taketh away: The Familiar of Zero.

1. Be a human male, summoned to another world by accident.
2. Could get a Harem in that world.
3. ????
4. Profit with more seasons/sequels!

Also in dubbed format.

Because dubs (one of the few single-season only ones of anime) still exist.
By single season dub, it was just the first 12 episodes that got dubbed before old local distributor, Geneon went belly-up (Sentai handles the distro of this series nowadays).
Putting back the dub in "Dubya"...
A "familiar" dub returns. Is NSFW.

Due to technical difficulties, let me leave you with this very special and very short dub. Also some NSFW dubbed abridgement too.

Four NSFW dubbed abridgements... for the price of none. :)

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

Also due to technical difficulties, I will leave you with this silly song.

As an added bonus, the full safe version (so long as you aren't in any Japanese-language speaking locale, that is...) and the NSFW version (universally, unless you're in a nudist colony).

Back to sneaking into teh nudist colony with the NSFW version of a High School DxD ditty (now on Crunchyroll... the series not the ditty).

Or if you prefer, another fully safe version except if you understand the japanese language... Who am I kidding? It's High School DxD, it'll never be fully sfw! ;)

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

For those who haven't heard, the manga of Keijo!!!!!!!! was cancelled several weeks ago. There were rumors that this was due to poor sales, but those appear to have been debunked; rather, it seems to have more to do with the creator not being given enough assistants to help him finish chapters in a timely manner, and not finding enough sponsors for the anime. As such, we probably won't be seeing another anime adaptation.

Needless to say, this is all very sad news.

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Picked up RWBY over the weekend. Started watching it today.

New Season brings new shows
My most interesting show so far

Restaurant to Another World - This was nice. kind of a relaxing show about a restaurant that shifts around from one reality to another. Specifically between Earth and different locations in a fantasy world. It is also technically part of a 100,000 year old Red Dragon's treasure horde. In the first episode they pick up a new Tiefling waitress as a part timer (who gets added to the dragon horde)

also raises the question; how good dose your Beef Stew have to be for a Dragon to say "Ok, you are now part of my treasure horde"

I did enjoy the first episode of that one. Two others that seem to have promise at least so far are

Knights and Magic which is the first Mecha anime I've been interested in really in a while. And they do have an interesting spin on the Sent to Another World trope.

and The Elegant Yokai Apartments was in an interesting surprise. Then again I'm a sucker for supernatural slice of life shows.

I enjoyed Fate/Apocrypha the most so far. Knights and Magic felt... a little bit rushed? But some of these "they grow up from a baby" stories can start pretty slow, so yeah.

GM Rednal wrote:
I enjoyed Fate/Apocrypha the most so far. Knights and Magic felt... a little bit rushed? But some of these "they grow up from a baby" stories can start pretty slow, so yeah.

Some people were saying they covered about 75% of the first novel with Episode 1, including skipping an entire kidnapping arc. Looks like writers wanted to get to Giant Robots vs. Monsters as quickly as possible.

Silver Crusade

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Just gonna leave this here.

Shadow Lodge

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Puberty: the anime has returned!

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I didn't realize how much I'd miss Ufotable covering Nasuverse stuff until the short Black Saber vs. Red Saber bout. I knew A1 Pictures had some awful fight animation but that really was too much.

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"In another World with my smartphone"

So it's another Died/Reborn in fantasy world show....there are a lot of these

It wasn't bad kind of laied back feel to it.

but the main thing that popped into my head was

"Kazuma would hate this guy SOOOOOO much"

He pretty much gets everything Kazuma didn't.

full Stat boost
Able to use every form of magic
Genius beautiful twins (not to mention highly skilled and competant) as his partners
unique magic item (smartphone)

Hell within 5 minutes of arriving in the new world the kid is rich because some merchant saw him and wanted to buy all of his strange clothing, including underware.

The kid is pretty much set for an easy time of it.

All because God accidentally dropped a bunch of lightning bolts on him.

despite all that I still kind of enjoyed this

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Yeah, that series is less "oh no, adventure and trouble", and honestly more "slice of life with X theme". XD Probably best to watch it with that in mind.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Shows with the premise of "reborn in another world" are very popular light novels, and so get an anime with a fair degree of regularity these days.

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Magic Circle Guru guru

300 years ago the Demon lord was sealed with the magic of Guru guru. But the seal has weakened and now he is reborn. The King puts out a call for heroes to defeat the demon lord.

Which is just want Nike's dad has been waiting for. Dad always dreamed of being a legendary hero but there was no Demon Lord back then so his dreams went unfulfilled. Now he can finally entrust those dreams to his 12 year old son.

and so shoving his(reluctant) son out the door the quest to save the world has begun.

Meanwhile at the edge of town a 12 year old girl has been training all her life in the magic of Guru guru, while waiting for the brave hero who will take her on a grand adventure.

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So I watched the first episode of "A centaurs life" today. I honestly don't know what to think about it, it felt like it should have been an episode somewhere in the middle of a series. The setting has some really interesting ideas but if one was to judge from ep1 the pacing needs serious work.

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Well after 4 weeks waiting for someone to pick up Symphogear AXZ for streaming I ran out of patience and hunted it down myself.

Crazy bad ass over the top musical action

Oh Yeah....that's the stuff.

4 episodes of cutting down giant airships, dragons and Nakid guy's throwing Nukes at our heroes.

Cliffhanger, thy name is Symphogear.

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Okay so this may be way premature but I think "Made in Abyss" may take the prize for the show of the season. If you haven't watched it and are a fan of Miyazaki, it has the same "feel" as a lot of his work. I am afraid though, that I may shed a tear or two by the end of this show.

Silver Crusade

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Yo, guys... Stain is a beast.

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Blayde MacRonan wrote:

Yo, guys... Stain is a beast.

That was an impressive episode

Got me digging out my Mutants & Masterminds book and wanting to write up a new Campaign

Just fantastic job of portraying the pure menace coming from Stain

Managed to see the first episode of Princess Principal today. Had to push the limits of my high school french to do it though (Take that Amazon, I can watch with French Subtitles instead HA)
Really good show, love the Victorian Steampunk setting
Great Opening theme

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For all it's silliness smartphone in another world is kind of fun. It's like having all the cheat codes for a adventure game.

God "by the way, Poligamy is the standard in this world so marry all the girls you want"

and in a distant land Kazuma cries tears of blood while screaming "BullSh#@"

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Yeah, pretty much. XD I look at it as what I tend to call "mac and cheese" shows. It's not especially great or noteworthy, but it's casually entertaining when you have some time to burn and don't want to work too hard to find something.

Speaking of Kazuma, though, I heard that a new anime project of Konosuba was announced... (Not sure if it's a new season, some more OVAs, or what, but...)

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Greylurker wrote:

For all it's silliness smartphone in another world is kind of fun. It's like having all the cheat codes for a adventure game.

God "by the way, Poligamy is the standard in this world so marry all the girls you want"

and in a distant land Kazuma cries tears of blood while screaming "BullSh#@"

I gave up on that one after 3 episodes, which was three too many. I can list everything wrong with it but the shortest way to do so is to say it seems like a self-insert fairy tale I would tell myself when I was 12, only with slightly better prose. This isn't a good thing.

Not that there is anything wrong with this as such, but it fails to be entertaining or give me a reason to like any of the characters or find the situations at all interesting.

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Greylurker wrote:

For all it's silliness smartphone in another world is kind of fun. It's like having all the cheat codes for a adventure game.

God "by the way, Poligamy is the standard in this world so marry all the girls you want"

and in a distant land Kazuma cries tears of blood while screaming "BullSh#@"

weeps single tear

Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
Greylurker wrote:

For all it's silliness smartphone in another world is kind of fun. It's like having all the cheat codes for a adventure game.

God "by the way, Poligamy is the standard in this world so marry all the girls you want"

and in a distant land Kazuma cries tears of blood while screaming "BullSh#@"

I gave up on that one after 3 episodes, which was three too many. I can list everything wrong with it but the shortest way to do so is to say it seems like a self-insert fairy tale I would tell myself when I was 12, only with slightly better prose. This isn't a good thing.

Not that there is anything wrong with this as such, but it fails to be entertaining or give me a reason to like any of the characters or find the situations at all interesting.

sends Bjorn several seasons of Gate, including the unreleased season where everyone does horribly

I gave up on Gate too, for much the same reasons.

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Well, Gate is pretty much "Join the SDF, the anime", so... XD

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
GM Rednal wrote:
Well, Gate is pretty much "Join the SDF, the anime", so... XD

Now consider that the original web-novel of Gate actually had the overt nationalism toned down when it was converted into light novels (which are what the anime's based on).

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I...I don't even know what to think about this one
Justice League vs. Eagle Talon Theatrical release?

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What in the- I say what in the world is this? XD

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LMAO Android 17 just won MVP for Dragon Ball Super's tournament of Power

Magical Girls of Universe 2 start their transformation sequence, everyone stops and watches


A17 - "What? they were wide open"

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The twelfth volume of Overlord has come out, and the fan community is already translating it!

Look forward to more lower life-forms getting Naza-wrecked! Sasuga Ainz-sama! :D

Plus 2nd Season of Overlord coming early next year

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So what did folks think of Made in Abyss?

So one interesting note, the "curse" is a weird cross between the bends and radiation poisoning. As someone who works in the nuclear power industry. O found the depiction both interesting and vaugley horrifying.
Personally I give it 9/10, and if I don't see another season I'll be very disappointed.

Paizo Employee Software Test Engineer

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atheral wrote:

So what did folks think of Made in Abyss?

** spoiler omitted ** Personally I give it 9/10, and if I don't see another season I'll be very disappointed.

I'd give it a 10/10, I really don't know what more I would want from it.

I've been encouraging my friends to watch it the past few weeks, and it's been incredibly rewarding receiving angry text messages when people hit certain scenes in the series.

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Erik Keith wrote:

I'd give it a 10/10, I really don't know what more I would want from it.

I've been encouraging my friends to watch it the past few weeks, and it's been incredibly rewarding receiving angry text messages when people hit certain scenes in the series.

Yeah, pretty sure I know which scenes you mean. And yeah, I'm pretty sure I've gotten roughly the same text messages.

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Ok UQ Holder was fun

It's a sequel to Negima, so naturally it starts with Fanservice. But after we get past Eva remembering the Good old days we move forward 80 years into the future. A sleepy little town where School teacher Yukihime exists as the Last Boss for anyone wanting to leave town and go to the capital (by order of the Village Leader). In the distance we can see the Space Needle that many a young boy dreams of reaching the top of.

Our Hero; Tota Konoe (familiar family name for Negima fans). After his parents died two years ago he has been adopted and raised by Yukihime. He has visions of a Red headed man (sometime appearing as a young boy with glasses) wearing robes and carrying a staff, telling him that He is waiting at the top of the Space Needle.

Also Magic was revealled to the world 10 years ago. There are even Apps for non-mages to use it (costing 100,000 yen for 1 slot, so not something any school kid can get)

It's a good start to the series. Things go crazy, lots of blood some cool action and a dark revelation about Tota's background come fast and furious. Now our young hero and his guardian are on their way to the Capital.

A young Boy's Adventure has begun.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Just a quick post to say that episodes 109 and 110 of Dragon Ball Super were excellent.

The direction and pacing were incredibly done, particularly with how they smartly paralleled Goku's original battle with Freeza without being beholden to that particular sequence. It was poetry in motion to watch for an old school DBZ fan.

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