Volpe |

I'm in need of a bit of help with my human fighter. I'm new to pathfinder so specific examples would be awesome. I'm the only melee so I want to be a tankish character. The others in my party are: bard, arcane archer, and a cleric.
Am I on the right path and doing everything right? Where should I go from here with feats?
Also are there any lvl bonuses that humans get that other races don't get?
So far I'm lvl 2 with:
Str: 20
Dex: 18
Con: 16
Int: 14
Wis: 16
Cha: 15
favored class bonus: hp
Ac: 23
Spiked light steel shield
composite long bow
Two weapon fighting
improved shield bash
power attack
weapon focus (scimitar)

DoctorYesNinja |

Don't you need TWF if you're going to be attacking with your shield, though?
To the OP: One thing I for some reason tend to forget when playing human is that they get an extra skill point every level. It probably won't help you too much, but you never know.
Another thing I find REALLY helpful when it comes to fighters, more than any other class, is to plan very far ahead. Decide what feats you're going to be getting when, so you can make sure you have all the prereqs ahead of time. What skills and armor do you have? Where do you want your character to end up?

BloodseaReavor |

if you are looking at two weapon fighting with sword and shield, here is your default build
Level 1 two weapon fighting, improved sheild bash, double
level 2 weapon focus: scimitar
Level 3 shield focus or step up
level 4 weapon spec: scimitar
Level 5 following step or toughness
level 6 improved two weapon fighting
Level 7 shield slam
Level 8 improved critical: scimitar
Level 9 greater weapon focus
Level 10 step up and strike or greater shield focus
level 11 shield master
level 12 greater two weapon fighting
level 13 bashing finish
level 14 greater weapon spec
for your stats i would take a plus one dex at level 4
my first weapon training group i would take would be close, then heavy blades.
this build works best if you can hit with your shield, so at level 11 that is why shield master takes priority over greater two weapon and why weapon training for your shield comes before scimitar, also your focuses will keep this balanced anyway
would get a morning star as a secondary weapon, and a two handed weapon to have as a last resort
i would get a heavy spiked steel shield of bashing asap

ub3r_n3rd |

Another thing to think about is going the Stalwart Defender prestige class at level 7, which to me is the best "tank" character. I think my next character I play will be going this route.

![]() |

Yeesh those stats. Were you rolling 6d6?
If you want to go with a shield bashing build, TWF is the way you want to go; Wargamer, if he goes for defence instead of offence with a single weapon, he won't be fulfilling the 'tank' part of his concept very well, since monsters will ignore him.
Your stats provide the unique opportunity to go for Eldritch Heritage later on, so let's keep that in mind. I would also switch to a heavy spiked shield and make your offhand something in the close weapons group, such as the cestus (especially the cestus as it lets you always have a free hand). Here's the build I would use:
1 Double Slice, Improved Shield Bash, Two-Weapon Fighting
2 Weapon Focus: heavy spiked shield
3 Power Attack
4 Weapon Specialization: heavy spiked shield
5 Skill Focus: Survival (Weapon Group: Close)
6 Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
7 Shield Slam
8 Improved Critical: heavy spiked shield
9 Eldritch Heritage: Orc Bloodline
10 Improved Initiative
11 Improved Eldritch Heritage
12 Shield Master
13 Two-Weapon Rend
14 Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
15 Greater Weapon Specialization: heavy spiked shield
At the point when you grab Shield Master, you can do the ludicrous TWF with two heavy spiked shields; make them bashing shields and it's like you're dual wielding greatswords.

StreamOfTheSky |

What books are allowed? The best way for a Fighter to tank is with a big 2H reach weapon doing a lot of damage to force enemies to take you as a threat, and high hp to survive the aftermath.
Much later on, you can pick up Pin Down and Dazing Assault to actually control your area, but those require level 11 and 12, so put that on the back burner.
Do you have to be human, or can you still switch? Core races the only ones allowed, or can you use the bestiaries for the other humanoid-type creatures?

Volpe |

Thank you all that replied.
I like the build that you posted. Wouldn't a heavy shield give me more penalties to hit than a light shield?
No clue on how prestige classes and even archetypes work.
Very interesting build. But dunno if I really want to attack with two shields.
"What books are allowed?"
Any of them. Though I don't own any books so I get most of my information at http://www.d20pfsrd.com
"Do you have to be human, or can you still switch?"
I don't think the gm would allow a race change. He wasn't amused when I wanted to change characters and use a fighter instead. The cleric was tanking for us before. He was doing a good job at it though with an ac of 20.

StreamOfTheSky |

With these stats I'd not play a fighter actually:D
Heh, yeah. I'd want to play a ninja or some other super-multiple ability dependent class/build.
I suggest doing a reach fighter build and getting those aforementioned feats when you can. Possibly start out not using a reach weapon, even. Till level 11, main goal is doing a ton of damage so enemies can't just ignore you. Unfortunately in PF, you don't get good lockdown options pre-11. Stand Still is abysmal.
1 Weapon Focus (lucerne hammer?)
1 Combat Expertise
1 Improved Trip
2 Power Attack
3 Combat Reflexes
4 Weapon Specialization (lucerne hammer?)
5 Fury's Fall
6 Greater Trip
7 Lunge
8 [open]
9 Furious Focus
10 [something to ditch at level 12]
11 Pin Down
12 Dazing Assault
12 *Swap level 10 feat for Dreadful Carnage*
A sample reach weapon build. Can trip, later on in a quick flurry obtains the ability to halt movement or daze on an AoO hit and the ability to 30 ft radius demoralize whenever you drop someone. All at levels 11-12. Pick whatever reach weapon you want. I went w/ lucerne hammer b/c when enlarged that's 3d6 damage, and it has the flexibility of two damage types and brace. Crit stats suck, but you're not making a crit-based build with this, so oh well.

CE Chef |

If it is too late to re-do the character, and non-core is not allowed, then disregard this post. However, if you can add an archetype and pick feats from other books, I would suggest the Unbreakable Fighter. Extremely tough, very hard to kill. Also, you can get the Stalwart feat, and the later ones branching off of it to gain 20DR every couple of rounds. It really fits the rugged "I will take anything you can dish out" theme.

Ciaran Barnes |

With those stats you should be great at everything. Jeez. I suggest alternating between offensive and defensive oriented feats, and since a fighter gets so many, don't be afraid to take some that has nothing to with either. I would also forego heavy armor to full advantage of that awesome dexterity. If you can pick up extra class skills, you can get the most mileage out of all those great ability scores.