BloodseaReavor's page
9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
Knight Magenta wrote: 1) AOEs bypass the mirror image. They don't destroy them, but hit the wizard directly. It interacts with mirror image the same way a fireball would.
2) I imagine it would be ineffective against swarms of fine creatures. Against swarms of diminutive creatures (like rats), it would deal normal damage: (+50% for area of effect -50% for diminutive swarm).
that sounds pretty good, where do those particular rules appear, particualry the rules on swarms
Matthew Morris wrote: javi ballesteros wrote: Please check Rival Guide pag 12, Derrak Stoneskull:
** spoiler omitted **
your math is wrong, because you omitted weapon training, it would add another 5 points, so two handed would be 26, and one handed would actually be 22
+5 sword
+5 weapon triaing
+4 weapon spec/ greater spec
+8 strength or +12 str. for two handed
+22 total or 26 total
Axebeard wrote: Oh, and prepare a lot of the spell "Litany of Righteousness." It's useful against anything that shares a language with you, and it's much, much better than Divine Favor, especially because your CL = level-3. thanks for the double posts of advice, will look into them, game starts this friday

Jumping into a Carrion Crown Campaign at level 5
going sword and board paladin
human 25 point buy
stats at level 5
str. 16 (+2 racial)
dex. 17 (+1 at level 4)
con. 12
int. 7
wis. 12
cha. 16
iron will (human bonus)
lighting reflexes (level 1)
great fortitude (flaw/inattentive)
toughness (flaw/ unreactive)
two weapon fighting (level 3)
improved shield bash (level 5)
planned build from here on out is
improved two weapon fighting 7
sheild slam 9
sheild master 11
greater two weapon fighting 13
basing finish 15 (may flip flop those)
all ability points heading into dex from here on out
sheild bearer (+1 damage to sheild bash)
dangerously curious (+1 umd, umd is class skill)
going with weapon bond (sheild)
haven't had a good run with undead ever actually so I am thinking boosting saving throws would be a good idea.
so saves right now are
fort 10
ref 9
will 10
right now with 10,500 in gear i am purchasing:
+1 heavy spiked shield
+1 breast plate
+1 flail
mw scimitar
pearl of power 1st x2 ( using divine favor to help hit)
ioun torch
My question is, without double slice or channeling smite, is my dps going to be enough?
Otherwise I would replace the saving throw feats, and toughness with
double slice, channeling smite, extra channel, extra channel

if you are looking at two weapon fighting with sword and shield, here is your default build
Level 1 two weapon fighting, improved sheild bash, double
level 2 weapon focus: scimitar
Level 3 shield focus or step up
level 4 weapon spec: scimitar
Level 5 following step or toughness
level 6 improved two weapon fighting
Level 7 shield slam
Level 8 improved critical: scimitar
Level 9 greater weapon focus
Level 10 step up and strike or greater shield focus
level 11 shield master
level 12 greater two weapon fighting
level 13 bashing finish
level 14 greater weapon spec
for your stats i would take a plus one dex at level 4
my first weapon training group i would take would be close, then heavy blades.
this build works best if you can hit with your shield, so at level 11 that is why shield master takes priority over greater two weapon and why weapon training for your shield comes before scimitar, also your focuses will keep this balanced anyway
would get a morning star as a secondary weapon, and a two handed weapon to have as a last resort
i would get a heavy spiked steel shield of bashing asap
i think you have the basis of a good build there, and as you level it only gets better. the high strength, high crit main hand and a spiked light shield in the off hand is a solid damage combo. when you get shield mastery, switch to an enchanted heavy spiked shield of bashing...should put you at a 2d6 with an offhand weapon that has no penalties. Weapon training heavy blades and close as your first two weapon training options
Two weapon warrior archetype is okay, but my personal opinion is to not give up armor training for the one round dodge bonus. You want to get as much out of your plate as soon as possible, and since you are looking at a 19 dexterity, armor training is huge early.
Also look into quick draw/power attack. It is for those times when you can charge, then drop as a free, and draw as a free, that way you get your big swat in with a two hander and then immediately become a whirling ball of steel

Staffan Johansson wrote: BloodseaReavor wrote: My only issue is that it is in Varisia again, and that is not much of an issue. There are so many other countries that could be used but they keep reaching for the well of Varisia. This makes 4.5 aps (curse, SD, Runelords, Shattered Star, and Jade Regeant) that have ties there. Other than part 1 of Jade Regent, this is the first AP actually using Pathfinder rules that's set in Varisia. And the way I see it, Varisia is Golarion's equivalent of the Realms' Heartlands (Dalelands, Cormyr, Sword Coast) - the center of the setting, which all the other parts are compared to in their exoticism. Rules have little to do with the story and it is still another ap in Varisia. Its still the AP and setting and the realms were more then the sword coast, dalelands, and cormyr. If it is the frontier of Golorian that means there is much more richer history in other regions to explore and build around. Just played tomb of the Iron Medusa and that was a huge twist to the Taldor aristocracy in a stand alone adventure that rocked.
I am not saying I hate Varisia, i like the locals and the flavor alot. my Human Sorceror on Runelords is built around Thassilonian mystery's and the excitement of adventuring in unexplored country. But its like going on vacation to the same place over and over again, sooner or later you start wanting to see new things. The four adventure run of Falcon's Hollow that set up the lumber consortium could use another visit. Absalom could have a nice city campaign built around it. Or explore more of the relations between Cheliax and Andoran that was briefly shown in Tower of the Last Baron. You could explore the cult of Razmir.
Just seems like they have brainstorming sessions and someone gets a good idea that they want to focus on, and since Varisia has the most depth they continue to use it because they can make the story fit. It not a bad thing, its just not always a great thing.
Very interested in what the Shattered Star could be...got me thinking there is a runelord attachment to it.

My only issue is that it is in Varisia again, and that is not much of an issue. There are so many other countries that could be used but they keep reaching for the well of Varisia. This makes 4.5 aps (curse, SD, Runelords, Shattered Star, and Jade Regeant) that have ties there. What about some other areas where a cool ap could take place like Nex or Belzken, maybe the World Wound.
Its nice to see it back to classic rpg style though. But I would really like more to see more of Golorian being used. But since you are using Varisia, really like that the time line for the area is being adjusted to have those aps that are there being added into the story line in a finalized manner.
Currently my group is playing Curse and Runelords and can't wait to see how those shake out. We also have another DM doing Carrion Crown( props to this guy as he is fairly new and doing a great job) and another doing Theives Council(have a feeling this won't end well as as far as pc perspective agenda is) ...with three other player/DMs doing stand alones.
It is a pretty regular game with a core group of 5 that have been together for well over 15 years now. But it would be nice to see more of Golorian.
A campaign in Taldor trying to bring the country back to greatness would be sweet to see as well so add that to the list already started above.

First unless I am understanding the above to posts incorrectly, your stat builds don't allow for two weapon fighting with only a 14 dexterity, a 15 is needed. Also if we are talking about planned characters, stats will more then likely be skewed to have best end results as early as possible.
lets assume 20 point build human fighter
Str. 14 16/18
Dex. 17/19 15
Con. 12 13
Int. 10 10
Wis. 10 10
Cha. 10 10
In all honesty weapon selection doesn't matter it comes down to hitting and number of attacks.
The THTWF will hit better at low levels because his strength can over come the penalties much more adequately then the TWF.
If you take a look at the benchmark levels for Two weapon fighting, the two weapon fighter should be better off as he has met his requirements for the feats and can now concentrate on strength from the get go. Assuming at level 11 he has taken the appropriate feats and added two points to strength we are looking at a base of +5 to damage on both hands with out magic and this is for 6 attacks. where ass the THTWF has to choose for either additional attacks or maximize damage on one attack style as pointed out he will continue to lag because of wither lack of attacks or becuase his static damage will never increase enough on his off hand attack.
this doesn't even take into the fact that either could be using high crit weapons or if the TWF choses to use the same weapon and take the attack penalty for one handed weapons, or concentrate on the same light weapon
Full Name |
Cranky T. McOldGuy |
Race |
Elderly Human |
Classes/Levels |
Warrior 3/Curmudgeon 7 |
Gender |
Male |
Size |
Shrinking |
Age |
None of Your G!@#$~n Business you little whippersnapper |
Special Abilities |
Brandish Cane, Oblivious Driving |
Alignment |
Chaotic Elderly |
Location |
My front porch rocking chair |
Occupation |
Retired - Now get off my lawn! |
Strength |
8 |
Dexterity |
9 |
Constitution |
9 |
Intelligence |
14 |
Wisdom |
18 |
Charisma |
14 |
About Cranky McOldGuy
I've been around longer, so I know more than you, I've done more than you, and I've forgotten more than you. And remember, even though I'm old, I can still kick your ass punk.
Little bastards.