What races have you NEVER played?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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I have been gaming since 2.0 Ad&D and to be honest I thought about it for a long time and I have just never played a Halfling or a Gnome, and for that matter I have never made a half elf.

To be honest I play fighters and caster/fighters all the time, 1 or 2 rogue skill characters and that sums it up.

Of the core races what have you never played but always wondered if you should?

For me I've always beat around the idea of a Gnome Wizard, sorcery styled magic type. Something to that affect.

Gnomes!!!! O God they are so horrible, worst race ever.

Gnomes. Burn them all.

Master Arminas

some of my best friends have loved Gnomes

The Exchange

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

well yeah they're good for loving, just the right height. i still wouldn't wanna be one.

@The Minis Maniac & @ mater arminas - Not that I like gnomes, I am just wondering why you don't like them?

I've never played a gnome or a half-orc. Gnomes just don't appeal to me, their culture just doesn't turn my crank (kinda the same for halflings even though I had one once). I'd like to try a half-orc sometime though, I just haven't got to it yet.

Hey, I've seen some really excellent pbp gnomes - they're so nerdy! It's easy to see a gnome getting side-tracked, or long-winded...good for exposition, and also for amusement. They're awkward, you know? Whereas folks playing elves are too often trying for the I are supercool, superstealth, badass. Stand in awe of me. Which can get boring.

Ever since my first read-through of Pathfinder traits, I've wanted a Dangerously Curious gnomish alchemist. Probably add Excitable to that. He's begging to be made, really.

everything from bestiary 2 and beyond.

I'm playing a gnome right now and it's great! I don't get the gnome hate at all. :/

I've never played a tiefling(as a PC, I've got one as a cohort though), a drow, a hobgoblin, or any of the player races from Bestiary 2 and 3.

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I absolutely love halflings. But I detest Gnomes: why? Because they are really short Dwarves that don't manage to do anything more a Dwarf can. I didn't like them in 1st edition, I didn't like them in 2nd edition, I hated them in 3rd edition, and I don't like them today in Pathfinder. Their deities are all idiots (Garl Glittergold? come on!), their fluff does nothing to explain why they are even still a player character race. But some people love them. I don't.

Master Arminas

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I have never played a halfling, a half-elf, an elf, or a gnome.

I HATE gnomes. Nothing damages my calm or fun as much as technicolor side-shows from the 60s with their inane 14-syllable names and idiotic 'role playing quirks' designed to be perpetual comic relief for the player of said character.[/seethe]

I generally play humans, sometimes dwarves, and have made half-orc characters, but I would play a minotaur in a heartbeat if it was balanced as a 0 HD race.

Elves hate Elves.Ohh, and Half-Elves because they´re Elves....and Drows,because...you know..they´re Elves.

Foghammer wrote:
Nothing damages my calm or fun as much as technicolor side-shows from the 60s with their inane 14-syllable names and idiotic 'role playing quirks' designed to be perpetual comic relief for the player of said character.[/seethe]

This sounds like a problem with how people around you are playing gnomes, instead of the race itself. *shrug*

revloc02 wrote:

@The Minis Maniac & @ mater arminas - Not that I like gnomes, I am just wondering why you don't like them?

I've never played a gnome or a half-orc. Gnomes just don't appeal to me, their culture just doesn't turn my crank (kinda the same for halflings even though I had one once). I'd like to try a half-orc sometime though, I just haven't got to it yet.

Because gnomes are evil, horrible things!!


Liberty's Edge

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I love gnomes! lol

Over the years, I have played all the core races, plus lizard man and Kobold. Very sad with the 'kobolds as Characters' stat bonuses. very weak! I think we had house-ruled them to -4 str +2 dex +2 con

You all just crapped on my thoughts of playing a gnome alchemist:) I have played a gnome before and it actually wasn't that astounding. Probably was picking something different anyhow. I've never played a 1/2 orc (that I can remember), or any of the monster pc classes.

Well to be honest it is sort of an unspoken rule in my gaming group that we don't play the same race as other players. I got lucky once played a half dragon which was a lot of fun. Any small races honestly is what I haven't played. I just didn't like the lesser damage of the small creature. Next Pathfinder game I agreed not to play a caster type character so I am going to play medium size character. I think I might play a halfling for my next caster like character. The Advanced Race Guide will hopefully be out and I can use stuff from it.

Personally I have never played a Dwarf, they just seem too grumpy to me.
To be fair the only person who I've seen play a gnome is my friend who made a gnome barbarian as a joke for a one shot adventure.

Elf is the only core race I haven't played. While they do have such potential, the horde of elvophiles have just destroyed that for me.

Halflings make great Sorcerers or Bards. That bonus to Charisma and Dexterity is made in heaven, and the penalty to Strength . . . well, neither Bards nor Sorcerers really care about Strength! Even a melee bard works well with halfiing, what with the bardic perfomance inspire courage (works on you AND your allies, remember!). And the spells heroism/greater heroism are on your list as a bard.

The luck bonus on all saves and the +1 size bonus to AC are just gravy for both those classes. And with Sorcerer especially, who cares about your 20' ground speed? You've got expeditious retreat at 1st level that bumps you to 50' for 1 minute/level, and at 6th level you get fly.

Master Arminas

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Azten wrote:
Foghammer wrote:
Nothing damages my calm or fun as much as technicolor side-shows from the 60s with their inane 14-syllable names and idiotic 'role playing quirks' designed to be perpetual comic relief for the player of said character.[/seethe]
This sounds like a problem with how people around you are playing gnomes, instead of the race itself. *shrug*

There's a general acceptance of this style of gnome, though. The internet is rife with the little buggers. I blame World of Warcraft. I think Pathfinder COULD redeem them, except that the whole concept of The Bleaching and what it entails almost ensures that players will resort to various kinds of insanity justified by needing to experience something 'new.'

Also, I forgot 'Kinder,' which unfortunately tends to be how my group plays/views regular old halflings thanks to a previous DM.

Halflings. They are only suitable as "fun-sized" snacks for giants.

The Minis Maniac wrote:
revloc02 wrote:

@The Minis Maniac & @ mater arminas - Not that I like gnomes, I am just wondering why you don't like them?

I've never played a gnome or a half-orc. Gnomes just don't appeal to me, their culture just doesn't turn my crank (kinda the same for halflings even though I had one once). I'd like to try a half-orc sometime though, I just haven't got to it yet.

Because gnomes are evil, horrible things!!


Those aren't gnomes. Those are Redcaps.

I've played a gnome psion in a 3.5 Night Below game. Gave him up due to lack of psionic support from the DM.

To all the gnome haters: Do you know about Eberron gnomes? You know, the ones whose country was and is surrounded by much more powerful nations that never have invaded it? Because they are scared to hell of the mere thought? Trust me, (Eberron) gnomes are bad-ass.

Anyway: Of the core races, I've never played a halfling or a half-elf. But I had a githyanki and a drow character, and I'm currently playing a lizardman.

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One word: GROBNAR.

Need I say anything else?

Master Arminas

Gnomes are awesome. They can create a house and be proficient in its use. No other race can be proficient in house-combat.

Two things I have yet to play. Gnomes, and Halflings.

Sadly, I've never gotten to play the kobold.
(This is sad, because kobolds are my favorite race, ever.)

I've tried, but my friend are all scared of my favorite recurring villain, Kobby, and I keep wanting to play him as a PC. Having seen him on the other side of the screen, they don't trust him as a team member.

Instead, I end up as a gnome who somehow manages to get blinded in every session.

I have got to play a halfling, gnome or dwarf.

I can safely say I have played everyone of the core races, as well a 1/2 ogre, an Irda, 2 lizardfolk, a copper Orc (BECMI), 2 red Orcs (BECMI), a Hsiao (BECMI), a phouka (BECMI), a werefox Rake (BECMI), a minotaur, 3 differnt Giff, and a 1/2 Dragon (1/2 red, 1/2 dwarf). Though the races I have played the least often in my 31 years of playing D&D are Gnomes and Halflings.

I really like the odder races, it's part of the reason I am looking forward to the ARG.

I have yet to play most of the races.

Grand Lodge

(Hey, the two things that were missing from 4E for awhile!)

elves, halflings, gnomes, and all the monster races.

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Grand Lodge

Nobody plays the Tarrasque. It just IS.

There was that one guy who wanted advice on being a Tarrasque fighter.

I've played all of the Pathfinder core PC races. Out of the Bestiary races, I briefly played a goblin once (in 3.5/Eberron) and that's about it.

Cheapy wrote:
There was that one guy who wanted advice on being a Tarrasque fighter.

Do you have a link to that thread:)

I may have misremembered the details.

Never had a gnome, never had a dwarf.
Not much done with any of the Monstrous races either.


And I actually thought you made it up altogether:)

Let me see. I have played a Dragon, Dwarf, Human, Elf, and Eladrin.

So actually most of the core races have yet to be played...

Although, I have made characters of just about everything out their in my spare time. (To the point where I would simply roll a d10 to determine what character I would play.)

I haven't played elves because they come off as royal pricks. I loathe gnomes and I'm indifferent about halflings.

Liberty's Edge

I've never played a Gnome, Half-Orc, or Half-Elf. I just haven't gotten around to the Gnome yet (what? I tend to play the same characters for a while), and whenever I come up with a concept for the other two I just come back to Human doing it better (both thematically and mechanically).

I haven't played most of the monster races either, though I had a long-running Drow Bard and a short-lived Doppleganger Paladin (both of which were fun and I'd be tempted to revisit).

I mostly play Humans, with the occasional Halfling thrown in, though I've played both an Elf Rogue and a Dwarf Fighter as well.

Dracerthemagi wrote:

I have been gaming since 2.0 Ad&D and to be honest I thought about it for a long time and I have just never played a Halfling or a Gnome, and for that matter I have never made a half elf.

To be honest I play fighters and caster/fighters all the time, 1 or 2 rogue skill characters and that sums it up.

Of the core races what have you never played but always wondered if you should?

For me I've always beat around the idea of a Gnome Wizard, sorcery styled magic type. Something to that affect.

Of the core races I've never played that I can recall a gnome. Not cause I don't like them, just never played one I like other races more.

As for exotic stuff stuff, I've done lots of them. One of my favorites is my pixie paladin, who was known as Lemoncherry Candyapple. She was Order of the Red Rose in Forgotten Realms (A canon exception to the rule that paladins cant' worship a Chaotic Good Deity). Was fun because she'd say she was a pixie paladin and every time all the NPCs would think she was crazy and tell her pixies can't be paladins, so then in combat she'd smite some evil creature and they'd be like "OMG she's a pixie paladin!" Also, her mount was a sometimes flying celestial cheetah. We designed a feat that let you take non-standard creatures as mounts, then I also took the feat from I think it was Exalted Deeds, to make the cheetah celestial. Then the flight came from a paladin spell in a Dragon Magazine devoted to Knights and Paladins and chivalry and such. :)

Gnomish Paladin 4 LIFE!

No, seriously, I played a Shining Knight Gnomish Paladin with a boar mount. Not only was the damage output ridiculously high, the Paladin Saves plus Gnomish Eternal Hope means never failing a save, ever. DM tears are delicious. Oh, I just critted Mr. Evil Dragon, my smite buddy, on my radiant spirited charge inside of the dungeon; is the DM sobbing?

Scarab Sages

I have never played a drow.

I've done all the core races from all editions of D&D, and all the Pathfinder core, plus most 1/2 races (I wrote Bastards & Bloodlines, after all), but never a drow.

I don't know why, some to think of it.

Never played a Half-Elf. They just hold no appeal to me whatsoever.

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:

I have never played a drow.

I've done all the core races from all editions of D&D, and all the Pathfinder core, plus most 1/2 races (I wrote Bastards & Bloodlines, after all), but never a drow.

I don't know why, some to think of it.

OH what's Bastards & Bloodlines? That a old 3.5 book you wrote, or Pathfinder? I did a search and Paizo didn't seem to have it.

Hmm...never played a half-orc, halfling, gnome, dwarf, most of the bestiary races...

Y'know, let me do it this way. I HAVE played elves (almost always), half-elves, humans, drow, tieflings, a dhampir once, an air genasi once, and a succubus once in a monster game.

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