Fighters with Eldritch Heritage


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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm looking to make a fighter-type character (that is, one without any spellcasting abilities) that makes optimal usage of the Eldritch Heritage feats. What are some really great bloodlines or builds that would compliment just such a character?

I have no level in mind as of yet, but I will likely use 25-point buy and have access to all Pathfinder material.

You could be Melee Character With Orc or Abyssal Bloodline #43958309864098640968409684098094865487304583098

Grand Lodge

Some of the 1st level bloodline powers to add elemental properties to weapons for short times might be worth it, but most of those bloodlines have higher level powers that won't benefit a non-spellcaster.

If you expect to reach level 11 relatively quickly and stay at or above it for some time thereafter, Marid bloodline is nice. The Improved EH gives you an at will d6/ 2 levels untyped damage line attack that also blinds its victims for a fair number of rounds (reflex partial for half damage and dazzled instead of blind, iirc). The Skill Focus (Know Planes) and x/day crappy ranged touch attack thing you get w/ EH are not worth the feats; Improved EH at 11 makes it worth it.

Grand Lodge

The Orc or Oni Bloodline are cool options.

Woah, Full BAB non-casty classes? so fighter, barbarian, or cavalier? why make any of those classes MAD?

Grand Lodge

Mysterious stranger gunslinger can make use of the feat tree. They already use charisma.

Martiln wrote:
Woah, Full BAB non-casty classes? so fighter, barbarian, or cavalier? why make any of those classes MAD?

What do you mean MAD? Do any of the classes you listed even need a mental score outside of like 12 WIS?

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Oh noes! You can't get an extra +1 to hit and damage, it's the end of the world as we know it!

Nevermind the fact that this game was built around the elite array!

TarkXT wrote:
Martiln wrote:
Woah, Full BAB non-casty classes? so fighter, barbarian, or cavalier? why make any of those classes MAD?
What do you mean MAD? Do any of the classes you listed even need a mental score outside of like 12 WIS?

He's proposing doing eldritch heritage with a non-spellcasting fighter type character. Eldritch Heritage and its upgrades require a 13 CHA to start, and most fighters, barbarians and(occasionally) cavaliers dump CHA before anything. So yes, he'd be MAD.

Cheapy wrote:
You could be Melee Character With Orc or Abyssal Bloodline #43958309864098640968409684098094865487304583098

Wait, why would either of those be good? The 1st level bloodline powers are utter garage for both...

Grand Lodge

Actually, of the full BAB non-spellcasting classes, Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger synergizes the best.

StreamOfTheSky wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
You could be Melee Character With Orc or Abyssal Bloodline #43958309864098640968409684098094865487304583098
Wait, why would either of those be good? The 1st level bloodline powers are utter garage for both...

Because they're needed to get IEH, which grants inherent bonuses to Strength, something melee characters can't get enough of.

Martiln wrote:
TarkXT wrote:
Martiln wrote:
Woah, Full BAB non-casty classes? so fighter, barbarian, or cavalier? why make any of those classes MAD?
What do you mean MAD? Do any of the classes you listed even need a mental score outside of like 12 WIS?
He's proposing doing eldritch heritage with a non-spellcasting fighter type character. Eldritch Heritage and its upgrades require a 13 CHA to start, and most fighters, barbarians and(occasionally) cavaliers dump CHA before anything. So yes, he'd be MAD.

Most of these classes tend to dump Int as well. Are you suggesting that all fighters need to be brick dumb and ugly too?

Martiln wrote:
StreamOfTheSky wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
You could be Melee Character With Orc or Abyssal Bloodline #43958309864098640968409684098094865487304583098
Wait, why would either of those be good? The 1st level bloodline powers are utter garage for both...
Because they're needed to get IEH, which grants inherent bonuses to Strength, something melee characters can't get enough of. wait until level 11 to see the payoff, take THREE feats, and put cha to 13 when you otherwise could've dumped it for more points to str that would have largely made up the difference that bloodline power provides anyway, in order to boost strength.

Makes sense!

StreamOfTheSky wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
You could be Melee Character With Orc or Abyssal Bloodline #43958309864098640968409684098094865487304583098
Wait, why would either of those be good? The 1st level bloodline powers are utter garage for both...

Orc bloodline is amazing for all melees, even the first level power if you combine it with the trait optimistic gambler is borderline broken.

At higher levels you can get Quicken SLA, swift action to get a morale bonus to attack and damage for 1d4 + 1 rounds sign me up.

IEH gives +2 nat armor and +4 save to fears, another IEH for the 9th level power grants inherent bonuses to strength and finally the last power grants giant form for minutes per character level.

Gignere wrote:
StreamOfTheSky wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
You could be Melee Character With Orc or Abyssal Bloodline #43958309864098640968409684098094865487304583098
Wait, why would either of those be good? The 1st level bloodline powers are utter garage for both...

Orc bloodline is amazing for all melees, even the first level power if you combine it with the trait optimistic gambler is borderline broken.

At higher levels you can get Quicken SLA, swift action to get a morale bonus to attack and damage for 1d4 + 1 rounds sign me up.

IEH gives +2 nat armor and +4 save to fears, another IEH for the 9th level power grants inherent bonuses to strength and finally the last power grants giant form for minutes per character level.

To be fair, a GM can simply say "This trait is not allowed in this campaign" either because it's a different setting, or because he deems it broken. Traits are a suggested game mechanic, after all. My table banned the 900 gp starting wealth trait, for example.

and did we ever get a ruling on Quicken SLA and SLA that dont mimic spells?

TarkXT wrote:
Most of these classes tend to dump Int as well. Are you suggesting that all fighters need to be brick dumb and ugly too?

I wasn't saying that at all, but if that's what you thought I was getting at, then that's your prerogative.

StreamOfTheSky wrote:
Martiln wrote:
StreamOfTheSky wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
You could be Melee Character With Orc or Abyssal Bloodline #43958309864098640968409684098094865487304583098
Wait, why would either of those be good? The 1st level bloodline powers are utter garage for both...
Because they're needed to get IEH, which grants inherent bonuses to Strength, something melee characters can't get enough of. wait until level 11 to see the payoff, take THREE feats, and put cha to 13 when you otherwise could've dumped it for more points to str that would have largely made up the difference that bloodline power provides anyway, in order to boost strength.

Makes sense!

Abyssal bloodline's claws are actually useful. Circumstantial, but useful. dropped your weapon? Claws. Grappled? Claws. using a bludgeoning weapon, and the monster you're fighting has DR/# Bludgeoning? Claws.

Touch of Rage isn't that useful to begin with, I'll give you that, but if you're planning for the long run, it can be used in conjunction with quicken SLA to use on yourself, and you can ultimately become large and in charge.

Zolthux wrote:
and did we ever get a ruling on Quicken SLA and SLA that dont mimic spells?

Well, there's this:

Would infer from that it counts as a 1st level spell.

And good point on Opportunistic Gambler and Quicken SLA, hadn't thought of that.

Claws still suck though. Just get armor spikes.

Grand Lodge

A Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger with a conductive gun would work well with the Djinni Bloodline, or other ranged touch attack giving bloodline.

StreamOfTheSky wrote:
Zolthux wrote:
and did we ever get a ruling on Quicken SLA and SLA that dont mimic spells?

Well, there's this:

Would infer from that it counts as a 1st level spell.

And good point on Opportunistic Gambler and Quicken SLA, hadn't thought of that.

Claws still suck though. Just get armor spikes.

I always forget about armor spikes. *grumble*

Ninja with Shadow Bloodline is pretty awesome.

Grand Lodge

Ninja is not full BAB, but I see your point.

The original poster didn't say anything about full BAB, just non caster. Ki points don't usually count, but you don't have to go with the spell like abilities to have fun as a ninja. They also can use the Charisma you need to put in there to get the Improved EH feat.

Grand Lodge

Hmm, true. I still like the "magic gun" idea.

StreamOfTheSky wrote:
Martiln wrote:
StreamOfTheSky wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
You could be Melee Character With Orc or Abyssal Bloodline #43958309864098640968409684098094865487304583098
Wait, why would either of those be good? The 1st level bloodline powers are utter garage for both...
Because they're needed to get IEH, which grants inherent bonuses to Strength, something melee characters can't get enough of. wait until level 11 to see the payoff, take THREE feats, and put cha to 13 when you otherwise could've dumped it for more points to str that would have largely made up the difference that bloodline power provides anyway, in order to boost strength.

Makes sense!

Well if you're playing Half Elf or Human anywa that third feat isn't terribly missed. And why are you dumping down strength?

Beyond that there are other benefits depending on the bloodline. I made some big thread about the feat line some time ago. Lemme see if I can't dig it up.


Actually a beast totem Barbarian with high Constitution and the Serpentine bloodline would be pretty awesome. Pick up Raging Vitality and max out your Con, and you can have DC 18 poison at level 3, 19 if you find a belt of Con. A level or two of Alchemist would make sense for this build, but you wouldn't need it. Milk your own poison for some pretty hefty poison at higher levels.

Snakeskin at level 11 can give you bonuses to natural armor as well, which isn't bad to have.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Seeing as the character will be using 25-point buy, being a little MAD isn't really a problem.

Grand Lodge

Are you looking for a melee or ranged build?

Rakshasa works great with a rogue, and destined adds some nice little bonuses that could give a fighter an edge.

Grand Lodge

The Protean Bloodline would work well with a conductive weapon wielding gunslinger.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
blackbloodtroll wrote:
Are you looking for a melee or ranged build?


Well, for utility I like the Starsoul bloodline. The 1st level power is some mediocre fire damage, but at 9th level you no longer breathe. This saves cash and your neck slot. (This is actually the 3rd level power, and you get resist cold and fire 5, with low-light vision to boot. Situationally useful, but a nice boost nonetheless.) Not sure how this fits into your concept, though.

The gem of the starsoul bloodline is the 15th level ability to serve up a heaping helping of the Wrath of Khan.

Grand Lodge

The Protean Bloodline would work well with a conductive weapon wielding gunslinger. Tanglefoot bag bullet sound cool to me.

The arcane bloodline could bee rather cool for a fighter with familiar.

And the infernal bloodline that can make someone shaken without save by touch attack for 1/2 level turns. A nice ability to start the fight when you can't full attack because you have to move to melee range.

The minimum charisma to get greater eldritch heritage is 11. Since it requires 17 charisma, it's much easier to put on a fancy hat to give you the other 6 points.

Grand Lodge

I still advocate the Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger for this.

Why didnt anyone mention the Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger yet? That would fit pretty good!

Grand Lodge

Wasum wrote:
Why didnt anyone mention the Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger yet? That would fit pretty good!

I have, a couple of times.

: - D

As some have said, Arcane bloodline is a good way to get a familiar for a fighter.

Taking the entire Eldritch Heritage line with Celestial Bloodline is costy but gives you good things : a ray that hurts evil creatures (bypass Dr & energy resistances) and heals good ones, energy resistance, wings (very useful but limited in time) and 1 reroll per day (always a life saver).

Draconic bloodline gives you claws (not very useful), energy resistance + natural armor (always good), breath weapon and wings. Plus the required skill focus is a useful one (Perception)

Both seem good to get some versatility on a non caster class.

Other bloodlines to consider :

Destined => gives rerolls and a way to cheat death (but difficult => will save for non casters are never easy).

Elemental is very similar to draconic but a bit inferior.

Boreal 1)cold steel=free frost for melee or ranged 2)Snow Shroud = awesome defense ability + ignore concealment 3)Blizzard= control winds + sleet storm ( 40ft radius/lev need i say more). Great crowd control and low level army destroyer, plus fun theme of being a storm caller, pirate or great warrior of the north.

Grand Lodge

Familiars are bad for fighter types, unless you take improved familiar.

Yeah, the main benefits of a familiar are:

1) Delivering touch spells or sharing spells (with the Imp. Share Spells feat)
2) Having another creature with all your skill ranks

Fighter types have no spells and few skill ranks, so familiar seems not so great for them.

StreamOfTheSky wrote:

Yeah, the main benefits of a familiar are:

1) Delivering touch spells or sharing spells (with the Imp. Share Spells feat)
2) Having another creature with all your skill ranks

Fighter types have no spells and few skill ranks, so familiar seems not so great for them.

Improved familiar then buy a couple of wands, like enlarge person, true strike and the like.

Maybe a lore warden with the arcane bloodline, the skill focus would be usefull with the know ty enemy and swift lore abilities.

Shadow Lodge

Abysal, 9th level power gives you an inherent strength bonus. +2 str isn't bad for a feat, and it increases as you level up. The claws are a bit boring though, and the 15th level power is useless to you.

You know on second thought, don't take this one.

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My vote is for arcane bloodline. Yes, you need skill focus and eldritch heritage. If you take after improved familiar then your familiar can cast spells with a wand... +1 actions to your fighter.

Of course take a Faerie dragon... you don't want to spend ranks in UMD, or do you?

Another way to go is to take evolved familiar, then skilled (UMD).

Isn't there a bloodline to get a full Animal Companion?

Could be useful.

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