The LGBT Gamer Community Thread.

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Silver Crusade

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Oh great, Monday’s back >_>

Hope everyone has a good day today ^w^

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

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Hugs many hugs at Rysky, who is so persistent about making sure we all get ours Every. Single. Day.

Thanks, Rysky

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*Accepts Hugs, because it's Monday* Hi, everyone.

Silver Crusade

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Np, thankies CrystalSeas ^w^ *hugs*

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone else that wants or needs some*

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The Deer of my Neighborhood seem to have a taste for the foliage in my yard. Sorry for the lighting. It was early Sunset when these were taken.

Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4


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Coming up on the local pride parade here in Cincinnati! I'm really looking forward to it, but lately I've been antsy and nervous too.

Stuff and Things:

After graduating from high school most of my friends moved away and I lost contact with a lot of people, and in the absence of others I started focusing more on myself as an individual and trying to figure out who I am / want to be. Many deep, introspective internal monologues later I still haven't really figured everything out, but more recently I've come to the conclusion that I'm bisexual. I just spent like 15 minutes typing, deleting, and rewriting qualifiers like "I'm not positive" or "Well, probably" and "I dunno if that's the best label" after that last sentence, if that gives you any idea of the sort of confused stage I'm in right now. I've only really told three or four people about it but I think my parents are starting to catch on.

The hard part is that I know they'd accept me. My brother and sister already came out a while ago and are still loved and cherished (they even chewed out the pastor at their old church for anti-gay messages before moving to a new one), so I'm not really worried about that. For some reason I still don't feel ready to be open about it with them, though. A couple weeks ago when the topic came up my dad asked if I was still straight and I said "If I wasn't, would you want to know?" but he didn't respond so I left it there. Then just a couple nights ago at dinner I mentioned that I was leading our club on campus and he asked why I was in charge / interested in the first place. It's making me really nervous and I'm not sure what to do about it.

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I wish that people would give more credence to the 'exploring' in the phrase "exploring my sexuality". So often people's brains seem to substitute 'announcing' instead.

Grand Lodge

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For all my GLBTQ friends, and for my own glorious daughter in honor of PRIDE celebrations everywhere.

Wave your flags up high
(parody of American Pie by Don McLean, lyrics by Hmm)

♫ My, my, wave your flags up high
Wearing leather all together though it’s almost July
And them good ole boys wearing dresses so fly
Singin’ now we raise our hearts to the sky
Now we raise our hearts to the sky

A little time ago
I can still remember how
We started to march in style
And I knew if we had our chance
We could sing and laugh and dance
And everyone could join us for a while

Sometimes folks take convincin’
So we just keep on livin’
With bad news on the doorstep
We greet ‘em with even more pep
We’ve got a love to proud to hide
With rainbow colors all allied
Something touched me deep inside
The day we marched in Pride

My, my, wave your flags up high
Wearing leather all together though it’s almost July
And them good ole boys wearing dresses so fly
Singin’ now we raise our hearts to the sky
Now we raise our hearts to the sky

Did you write the book of love
And do you wave your flags above
And sometimes steal the show?
Do you love the human race
From here on earth to outer space
And can you teach me your special glow?

Well, I don’t care if you’re a her or him
'Cause we’re all lit up from within
We’ll wear our dancing shoes
Sing like we’ve got nothing to lose

I was a lonely kid but now I’m not
When together we’re all we got
Don’t throw away our shot
Be who you are inside
We started singin’

My, my, wave your flags up high
Wearing leather all together though it’s almost July
And them good ole boys wearing dresses so fly
Singin’ now we raise our hearts to the sky
Now we raise our hearts to the sky ♫

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I will also be at Harlem pride for work, methinks.

Managing Editor

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Hmm wrote:

Wearing leather all together though it’s almost July

Mercifully for those celebrating in Seattle, the temp will only be about 65º F when the parade starts, and isn't meant to get radically higher. Those in warmer climates, I salute your sartorial dedication!

Grand Lodge

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In Minneapolis the Pride Festival always seems to be on a day where the temperatures soar to 90 degrees and up, and the whole city is insanely hot. I wear sleeveless purple dresses and use my rainbow umbrella as a sun shade, and I'm still hot. I don't know how the folks in leather do it!

I'm hoping this year we're blessed with cooler weather for Pride.


well, with luck, here we won't have rain, but it might be very hot too... of course, being demophobic, I won't attend the parade, even though it's in my neighborhood...

Looks like Cincinnati is gonna have rain during our parade. I think I've got a rainbow umbrella somewhere though...

I was at a fan-writing thing in Pittsburgh almost two weeks ago, and there's been serious talk of moving it *off* of Pride weekend as it turns into a hot steaming mess (and not in a good way) as we try to rush to get the group camp we stay at cleaned up and shut down for inspection by the rangers.

This year I had a *brief* chance to go, but ended up running into the PFS/SFS VC for the area and hung around for a bit -- we'd traded Boons via mail so it wasn't like complete strangers.

Unfortunately, it was also very hot and humid, and the Pride Games they were intending to have were canceled due to impending thunderstorms -- and it was a Very Good Thing.

At about 430-5 the skies just opened up and didn't stop for about four or five hours, along with thunder, lightning, and flooding.

I rode Amtrak home, and the train had a branch the size of my arm caught in the front 'grill' from downed trees along the route when it pulled into the Pittsburgh station. We were darn lucky that it was only forty minutes late due to trackbed washout concerns.

Next year the hope is to have the writing thing the following week, and renting some modern cabins for a week to allow things like attending Pride and whatnot, but we'll see how it goes.

Silver Crusade

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To all those gearing up for Pride events I hope you all have a lot of fun, and stay safe!

@LuniasM, I tried thinking of a response to your spoilered text, but my brain let me down. So *hugs*

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone else that wants or needs some*


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Going to Pride this weekend! I haven't been in a couple years, so I'm looking forward to it. The weather looks like it'll be nice too.

*Accepts Rysky hugs* Got done looking for my Mother's Aunt and Uncle. Both died a couple of years ago. ;_; Nobody told us.

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Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

I was at a fan-writing thing in Pittsburgh almost two weeks ago, and there's been serious talk of moving it *off* of Pride weekend as it turns into a hot steaming mess (and not in a good way) as we try to rush to get the group camp we stay at cleaned up and shut down for inspection by the rangers.

This year I had a *brief* chance to go, but ended up running into the PFS/SFS VC for the area and hung around for a bit -- we'd traded Boons via mail so it wasn't like complete strangers.

Unfortunately, it was also very hot and humid, and the Pride Games they were intending to have were canceled due to impending thunderstorms -- and it was a Very Good Thing.

At about 430-5 the skies just opened up and didn't stop for about four or five hours, along with thunder, lightning, and flooding.

I rode Amtrak home, and the train had a branch the size of my arm caught in the front 'grill' from downed trees along the route when it pulled into the Pittsburgh station. We were darn lucky that it was only forty minutes late due to trackbed washout concerns.

Next year the hope is to have the writing thing the following week, and renting some modern cabins for a week to allow things like attending Pride and whatnot, but we'll see how it goes.

This is because Pittsburgh's Pride week just happened to coincide with Pittsburgh's Arts Festival, AKA Rain Fest. I'm serious. Every year for the past several years, the Arts Festival has been plagued with bad weather. Almost like a curse.

I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the Pirates, John.

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Maybe the Pirates not winning is part of the curse.

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I can't go to Pride this year. My new job has me working. That's ok. I need to make money.

The VA did have a Pride celebration though and that was fun. One of the old-timers was whining that "in my day we kicked them gays out like they should have been." The associate director was talking to us and he overheard it. I love his response. "Sir, unlike when you were serving, you are under no obligation to show up for formation anymore. You can either enjoy your free ice cream or go about your business."

Silver Crusade

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Hehe that’s awesome to hear Cindy.

Hope everyone has a great weekend ^w^

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

That's a heartwarming response, Cindy. So glad you're being accepted in veteran events.

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That response was perfect!

While there was rain today at Cincinnati it ended before we started walking so it didn't really interfere. And this year's celebration was absolutely packed, too!

Silver Crusade

LuniasM wrote:

That response was perfect!

While there was rain today at Cincinnati it ended before we started walking so it didn't really interfere. And this year's celebration was absolutely packed, too!


Silver Crusade

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Whether you went to a Pride event or not, I hope everyone had a great weekend ^w^

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

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I love the positivity and support of this thread. Especially you Rysky. This is often an oasis for me.

Silver Crusade

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Yay! Glad to be of service ^w^

And same for me, I hope you have a good day today Gryggax.

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

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Sort of on the down track of life but it's just my depression, so I know it's not actually true. Still hard to shove the crap out of the way.

But at least when July 7th comes along I can enjoy gaming.

That and sleeping in my own bed.

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* sneaks in *

* grabs everyone in a big fluffy bear hug *

Hey all!

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Hey there Bear!

A virtual fist-bump for Thomas. I admire your ability to recognize that it's your depression speaking and isn't really true. Wish I had that magic power sometimes.

Hugs back atcha Risky

Warm smiles and friendly greetings for those who don't want hugs just now. And flying-down-the-sidewalk, opened-arms hugs for everyone else

*Accepts hugs* Hi, everyone.

Silver Crusade

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Haven’t had reliable internet today due to the storms. I love the rain, not so much the thunder and lighting, so I hope everyone had a good day today.

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

Silver Crusade

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Just saw in Planar Adventures that Sarenrae, Shelyn, and Desna are now listed in-canon as lovers, that made me smile. Hope everyone has a good day today ^w^

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

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Y'know, I cancelled my subscription for financial and depression issues.

Having something like that plus possibly more on Ganzi may sway me...

Have a great morning, afternoon, evening!

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* joins Rysky in the hugs and positive vibes *

* sends out skittermanders to assist in the endeavor *

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It's Friday!

* blows whistle, signalling my skittermander army to rush forth and spread the hugs, handshakes, high-fives, fist-bumps, thumbs-up, positive vibes - whatever anyone wants and/or needs *

Stay awesome, all of you.

Welcome weekend...

It's hot.

Send blizzards, cold, and hurry.

Be safe out there!

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It's going to hit 90 degrees here. Never mind about blizzards, temps of 65 - 70 are good enough for me.

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For the record, I don't have magic powers. I do have levels in paladin. So that some times works.

Down side is when the gas station guy give me back 3.50 in change after I gave him 32.00...and I spent 31.50...and I couldn't drive off with a measely 3 dollars!!!

Grand Lodge

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Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Y'know, I cancelled my subscription for financial and depression issues.

Having something like that plus possibly more on Ganzi may sway me...

Have a great morning, afternoon, evening!

Planar Adventures is awesome and so are the new ganzi features and options. I'm biased obviously as the one ganzi both named and illustrated therein. :D

Silver Crusade

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Il'setsya Wyrmtouched wrote:
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Y'know, I cancelled my subscription for financial and depression issues.

Having something like that plus possibly more on Ganzi may sway me...

Have a great morning, afternoon, evening!

Planar Adventures is awesome and so are the new ganzi features and options. I'm biased obviously as the one ganzi both named and illustrated therein. :D

It’s lovely art. I can’t wait to play a Valkyrie descended Ganzi :3

Silver Crusade

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Coming back into this thread I saw, as it was refreshing, that I had written a post but apparently forgot to hit submit >_< XD

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

It's hot.

Send blizzards, cold, and hurry.

Be safe out there!

fiddles with weather dominator

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Something neat!

Friend of mine linked this, felt it really fit here, and made me see and think of neat ideas.

d/l's .pdf of Planar adventures, stunned a bit as picture of Il'setya is seen, because that's kind of how they envisioned their Spirit Guide (Dragon Mystery)*Undine*... Good deal, worth the price of admission!

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I could use heat relief! Someone open a portal to a planet of endless winters! Or you know, find the Casket of Endless Winters...

Either works!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

d/l's .pdf of Planar adventures, stunned a bit as picture of Il'setya is seen, because that's kind of how they envisioned their Spirit Guide (Dragon Mystery)*Undine*... Good deal, worth the price of admission!

...didn't even look at the lack of foot-wear, just saw the mid-section, but can work with it.

Good picture. *reports to the Corner of Blindness*

Silver Crusade

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*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*


4 people marked this as a favorite.
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

d/l's .pdf of Planar adventures, stunned a bit as picture of Il'setya is seen, because that's kind of how they envisioned their Spirit Guide (Dragon Mystery)*Undine*... Good deal, worth the price of admission!

...didn't even look at the lack of foot-wear, just saw the mid-section, but can work with it.

Good picture. *reports to the Corner of Blindness*

I'm thrilled with the artwork of her (I actually gave an art reference for her, and except for some tweaks to her outfit, not a whole lot changed). :D

She's kinda the poster-child of more overtly protean-touched ganzi (and there's several other more specific lineages for ganzi in Planar Adventures, each with their own particular associated variant abilities). Sort of a blend of imentesh and keketar protean, and other random almost old-school Planescape tiefling stuff thrown in because cHa0s heck yeah.

Also, more on-topic for this thread, if you pay attention to her flavor text, she's trans (her transition being accomplished by way of Galisemni's spooky protean artifact the Lethe Wall which is heavily alluded to being linked to the Chorus of Malignant Symmetry). And additionally, while it's not in print, non-canonically trust me that she's gay. :)

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