Animal companion: what magic items are allowed?

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The Exchange 1/5

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Is there a offical rule on what items a animal companion can use for PFS or is this up to the GM.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I believe it was once stated that Neck slot items and Barding are the only items.

Grand Lodge 5/5

What he said. And armor, if they can wear it. Or does barding count as armor?

Liberty's Edge 5/5

barding is mount armor

Grand Lodge 5/5

Hmmm. I always thought the barding was more for fashion than function.


godsDMit wrote:
Hmmm. I always thought the barding was more for fashion than function.

From the PRD (specifically, in the Equipment section, under "Mounts and Related Gear"):

"Barding is a type of armor that covers the head, neck, chest, body, and possibly legs of a horse or other mount. Barding made of medium or heavy armor provides better protection than light barding, but at the expense of speed. Barding can be made of any of the armor types found on Table: Armor and Shields."

But can you get magical medium sized badger armor in PFS?

Liberty's Edge 5/5


There is a table that discusses exotic armors.

Armor for a non-human is x 2 cost for medium sized and x 4 cost for large sized.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Andrew Christian wrote:
I believe it was once stated that Neck slot items and Barding are the only items.

Got a link? I don't see why you couldn't put on a horse blanket of protection.

Liberty's Edge

Andrew Christian wrote:
I believe it was once stated that Neck slot items and Barding are the only items.

No Horseshoes of Speed / Zephyr?

Liberty's Edge 5/5

No, I don't have a link.

However, if the item doesn't exist in the core rule book, on a chronicle sheet, or part of a source that has been made legal with additional resources, it isn't legal for PFS.

Since there are no magical blankets in any PFS legal sources as far as I'm aware, you aren't able to create a magical blanket for your horse.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

CBDunkerson wrote:
Andrew Christian wrote:
I believe it was once stated that Neck slot items and Barding are the only items.
No Horseshoes of Speed / Zephyr?

Obviously if the item is specifically made for an animal, the animal can use it.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Andrew Christian wrote:

No, I don't have a link.

However, if the item doesn't exist in the core rule book, on a chronicle sheet, or part of a source that has been made legal with additional resources, it isn't legal for PFS.

Since there are no magical blankets in any PFS legal sources as far as I'm aware, you aren't able to create a magical blanket for your horse.

You can just put a cloak on a horse especially if its wearing armor, a ring on a raccoon or a velociraptor, a head band on anything with a head, horseshoes of speed are specifically made for critters, anything with a waist can wear a belt, and in fact anything with a saddle is already wearing a belt. Goggles can be worn by anything with eyes.

All of these will technically resize to fit either a titan or a halfling, adjusting to a dog should be a peice of cake.

Grand Lodge 5/5

BigNorseWolf wrote:

You can just put a cloak on a horse especially if its wearing armor, a ring on a raccoon or a velociraptor, a head band on anything with a head, horseshoes of speed are specifically made for critters, anything with a waist can wear a belt, and in fact anything with a saddle is already wearing a belt. Goggles can be worn by anything with eyes.

All of these will technically resize to fit either a titan or a halfling, adjusting to a dog should be a peice of cake.

The fact of the matter is that Mike or Mark (I forget which) has said in a thread somewhere else that the only magical items an animal may use are neck and barding ones, aside from things that are specifically designed for an animal (like Horseshoes of Speed). While things like that can be repurposed for animals in a homegame, they cannot be used that way by PFS rules.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Andrew Christian wrote:

No, I don't have a link.

However, if the item doesn't exist in the core rule book, on a chronicle sheet, or part of a source that has been made legal with additional resources, it isn't legal for PFS.

Since there are no magical blankets in any PFS legal sources as far as I'm aware, you aren't able to create a magical blanket for your horse.

You can just put a cloak on a horse especially if its wearing armor, a ring on a raccoon or a velociraptor, a head band on anything with a head, horseshoes of speed are specifically made for critters, anything with a waist can wear a belt, and in fact anything with a saddle is already wearing a belt. Goggles can be worn by anything with eyes.

All of these will technically resize to fit either a titan or a halfling, adjusting to a dog should be a peice of cake.

Sure, and in a home game that would be fine.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Actually what I think Mike or Mark said, was that only items that use slots that make sense for the animal can be used.

They did not specifically restrict anything by slot, other than for you to use common sense *waits for it...*.

Example, a Ring would work on an Ape but not a Snake.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Dragnmoon wrote:

Actually what I think Mike or Mark said, was that only items that use slots that make sense for the animal can be used.

They did not specifically restrict anything by slot, other than for you to use common sense *waits for it...*.

Example, a Ring would work on an Ape but not a Snake.

No, he was quite specific.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Found the post.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Here is a post by Sean Reynolds on the subject:

Any humanoid-wearable item can work on an animal, assuming the animal has an equivalent body part. A dog could wear a necklace, a cloak, even a shirt or vest, though a robe, bracers, shoes, or helm would be a problem.

Conversely, any animal-wearable item should work on a humanoid, assuming the humanoid has an equivalent body part.

And here is the post by Mark before I arrived that still applies to PFS:

The intent is that animal companions or familiars can not activate magic items that require activation. Something like an amulet of natural armor does not require activation; it's always on (unless it's in an antimagic field or someone dispels it or whatever). That said, a creature is limited by its anatomy. Something without shoulders can't wear a cloak, and something without fingers can't wear a ring. For the sake of PFS, animal companions can wear barding and neck-slot items. All other slots aren't really appropriate for animals (or even magical beasts). The only exception to this would be an imp or quasit familiar gained with the Improved Familiar feat. One could reasonably face either of these wielding a wand or wearing a circlet of persuasion in combat, and after investing a feat to gain their service, they are not limited by the same restrictions as normal bonded creatures like animals (whether treated like animals or magical beasts and regardless of Int scores).

Well, that kills the "give a raven a wand" idea I see now and then.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Any chance of getting that revised, or at least added to the FAQ? Something that works so much differently in PFS than in core should be spelled out.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Already added to FAQ.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Michael Brock wrote:
Already added to FAQ.

Technically by that FAQ horses can't wear Horseshoes. (i would not read it that way but...)

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

Do necklace items cost more for animals? I'm inclined to say no, but I just wanted to doublecheck :P

Grand Lodge 4/5


Michael Brock wrote:
The only exception to this would be an imp or quasit familiar gained with the Improved Familiar feat.

Considering all the improved familiars available, is the singling out of these two just a holdover?

It would seem that many improved familiars would be able to use a wand.. perhaps I'm misunderstanding which of the improved familiars are legal in PFS... but wouldn't a brownie, mephit, earth elemental, homonuclus, or sprite all be able to manipulate items?


Dark Archive 4/5

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There go my hopes of giving a mount muleback cords. :(

A lot of animals have shoulders!

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

Michael Brock wrote:



Besides Quasit and Imp, you might want to add anything with 'normal' anatomy - e.g., Brownie, Sprite, Azata? Would just make sense IMHO.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Not allowing belts, vests, Goggles, headbands,Helmets, and wrists seems arbitrarily limited. They'd fit on almost any animal companion, and if they'll automatically adjust to fit either a 7 foot tall halforc or a 3 foot tall gnome adjusting to fit a wolf should be a piece of cake. In the case of helmets, wrists, and belts the animal companion, like their humanoid counterpart, is probably already wearing such a piece from their armor.

Dark Archive 4/5

I suppose it's easier for them to blanket rule only two items, rather than base something on GM discretion, which may see a massive amount of table variation, where an ape has shoulders, fingers and a head slot in one game, but is not allowed any of those in another.

Mergy wrote:
I suppose it's easier for them to blanket rule only two items, rather than base something on GM discretion, which may see a massive amount of table variation, where an ape has shoulders, fingers and a head slot in one game, but is not allowed any of those in another.

Well unlike in 3.5 where animal companions could be almost anything, there's an exact list of animal companions.. so they really could do a case by case basis there saying which slots each received.

Its easy with blanket statements to have things like deny a horse the ability to wear magical horseshoes, etc.


Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
Not allowing belts, vests, Goggles, headbands,Helmets, and wrists seems arbitrarily limited. They'd fit on almost any animal companion, and if they'll automatically adjust to fit either a 7 foot tall halforc or a 3 foot tall gnome adjusting to fit a wolf should be a piece of cake. In the case of helmets, wrists, and belts the animal companion, like their humanoid counterpart, is probably already wearing such a piece from their armor.

Well of course the wolf wants animals to have more item slots. Next you'll be convincing us that after each adventure we should be awarded flanks of meat instead of prestige. Geez.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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WalterGM wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Not allowing belts, vests, Goggles, headbands,Helmets, and wrists seems arbitrarily limited. They'd fit on almost any animal companion, and if they'll automatically adjust to fit either a 7 foot tall halforc or a 3 foot tall gnome adjusting to fit a wolf should be a piece of cake. In the case of helmets, wrists, and belts the animal companion, like their humanoid counterpart, is probably already wearing such a piece from their armor.
Well of course the wolf wants animals to have more item slots. Next you'll be convincing us that after each adventure we should be awarded flanks of meat instead of prestige. Geez.

... thats not what they were paying you in?

Scarab Sages 2/5

Along this line of thought, I play a conjurer in PFS....almost 9th level. I blew out my PP on a headband of vast int +4 recently, and have like 7 points remaining. I want to get like a cheap wand or 2 (750, 2PP)to help out my summoned buddies. A wand of bless comes to mind, or magic fang; any ideas for this? A nice way to buff my summoned critters (and allies if possible) basically.

Also, i saw a cleric at a con that had a lion all decked like you guys are saying (Cloak, belt, ect), and it had acid bonus damage on its nat attacks; how is that accomplished?

Dark Archive 2/5

Indivar, how did you spend presige points to gain a 16,000 gp item?

4/5 ****

Indivar wrote:
Along this line of thought, I play a conjurer in PFS....almost 9th level. I blew out my PP on a headband of vast int +4 recently, and have like 7 points remaining.

You do realize that you can only spend Prestige on an item 750 below for 2 Prestige or an item 150 or below for 1 Prestige. That you CANNOT combine them into a bigger purchase.

Also Fame gives you access to buy items with cash, however fame is not expended when you buy items.

Either I've misread what you did, or you did something that doesn't work.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Indivar wrote:
Also, i saw a cleric at a con that had a lion all decked like you guys are saying (Cloak, belt, ect), and it had acid bonus damage on its nat attacks; how is that accomplished?

The cloak and belt were legal until the FAQ change (i don't know what they're going to do about that).

The acid damage is from an amulet of mighty fists. Instead of a +1 you can get the Amulet with a special weapon property, in this case Corrosive

Corrosive: Upon command, a corrosive weapon becomes slick with acid that deals an extra 1d6 points of acid damage on a successful hit. The acid does not harm the wielder. The effect remains until another command is given.

Moderate evocation; CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, acid arrow; Price +1 bonus.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Nebten and Pirate Rob are correct, you cannot combine multiple uses of 'spend 2 PP, get 750gp item'.

On top of that, you can only spend the 2PP for a 750gp item once per chronicle, I believe.

To answer your questions though:

Wand: Magic Fang could be cool, I think youd have to be adjacent to them to use the spell on them, which may not always be a good idea.

Ninja'd on the cleric part.

Scarab Sages 2/5

So, as it was explained to me a few weeks ago, your faction can get a hold of an item which is determined by your fame; as long as your prestige meets that number, you can spend the prestige and money on that item. Thus getting something 'off sheet'. I had never quite known the brass tacs on this, so I took this advise (from other PF society players from nearby regions) and spent a bunch on the others had done in multiple cases.

I just read over the society guide rules carefully, and it is not terribly clear on any of this. At one point it suggests sheet only, and certain other items (2pp for a 750 ect), and then vaguely suggests that there is othe stuff your faction can get you. Including scrolls. Which i am not completely confused about what hoops i have to jump though to buy a scroll.

Can I buy the Headband?
Can I expand my spellbook with a purchased scroll?
Can I buy a 750 gp wand?
Can I buy a 6000gp wand?
Is it worth asking anymore or should i just go back to savage worlds?

Grand Lodge 5/5

The amount of gold you are allowed to spend on an item is determined by the amount of Fame you have (Prestige in the old guides).

If the fame is high enough that it says you can buy an item that costs 16000gp (like a headband), then you can. If the limit it says you have is 15999gp or less, then no, you could not buy a headband.

Yes, you can spend 2 Prestige points in order to buy 1 item, once per chronicle sheet, that is worth up to 750gp. You cant combine that spending of Prestige with other spendings of Prestige in order to buy a higher cost item, and you cant combine gold with the prestige to buy a higher cost item.

So, yes, you can buy a headband. With gold. If you have a high enough Fame score that it says its within your spending limit.
Yes, you can use up a scroll to add it to your spellbook.
Yes, you may buy a 750gp wand with gold, or, once per chronicle sheet, with 2 prestige.
Yes, you can buy a 6000gp wand. With gold. If you have a high enough Fame score that it says its within your spending limit.
Dont go back to Savage Worlds. We want you to stay. :)

Shadow Lodge 2/5

You are probably fine. There is a difference between prestige and fame and the wording changed between the seasons. You are probably best off starting a new thread to get some help but... in a nutshell:

You fame is the total of all prestige you've ever earned. You never spend fame, it's with you forever. If you earn 2 prestige in a scenario your fame increase by two also. There is a table in the guide which lets you know how expensive an item you can buy without and that table is based on how much fame your character has. You have to spend the gold, the fame isn't spent but determines the max value of item you can buy.

Prestige is earned each scenario and it's spent on a variety of things. For example, you can buy an item worth up to 750 gold for 2 prestige (once per session). You can also get raise dead, or other services spending prestige.

Prior to season three the wording was a bit different so older scenarios have slightly confusing terms and don't have spaces to track fame and prestige separately.

4/5 ****

Here's a list of ways to acquire items in PFS:

1: Once per chronicle you may spend 1 Prestige for an item 150gp or less and 2Prestiege for an item 750gp or less.

2: If an item appears on the always available list, you may buy it at the market price. (+1 weapons, mundane gear etc.)

3: If an item appears on one of your chronicle sheets you may buy it at the market price.

4: Look up your fame on the fame table. You can buy any item that value or less (from a legal source) at market price.

5: There are at least 2 boons present on chronicle sheets that give a free item, but they are few and far between.

(Note that Prestige used to be referred to as PA, and fame used to be referred to as TPA)

I'm sorry you're confused, hopefully this helps, a lot of people seem to have trouble with this.

Scarab Sages 2/5

thanks...its frustrating. My guy should be legit then, with a 38 fame, and prestige points that i have not spent on anything. I suppose i could buy a few 750 gp wands (bless, magic fang, mage armor, ect) at 2PP each...

Liberty's Edge 5/5

With 38 Fame you probably should have close to 16,000gp for the headband? If not, you could buy the 4,000 GP +2 version and then upgrade it at a later date.

Scarab Sages 2/5

I bought it before last night, now i have about 15000. Scored pearls of power 2nd level on a sheet; any suggestions are welcome. I was thinking about getting a staff of fire in a bit.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Lesser Rod of Extend Spell? Itll give you an Extend Spell use 3xs per day, which could come in handy on some of your more powerful summons.

Amulet of Natural Armor to boost your Flatfooted AC?
Rings of Energy Resist, in case you need to Fireball yourself at some point?

5/5 5/55/55/5

Will Ioun stones work if the critter has an int of 3 or higher?

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

I believe most of those magic items require command words, etc. Even if the beast is sharp enough to understand the benefit of said magic item, it may not physically be capable of activating it. Although I can't find such rulings for Ioun stones (probably because it's a whole "mental" thing)

After a quick search from the SRD: ..."when a character first acquires a stone, she must hold it and then release it." So either you've got an ape, or your wolf is holding it in his mouth then spits it out? :P

Shadow Lodge 2/5

Bret Koontz wrote:
Is there a offical rule on what items a animal companion can use for PFS or is this up to the GM.

What about mundane items? For example: animal companion dog or wolf wearing saddle bags (there may be a trick required)? Familiar monkey with a backpack? Familiar fox with saddle bags?

Does it follow the same rules as magic items (barding/neck/or specifically for that animal only)?

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