Ragnarok Aeon |
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I had one session where I was playing a bard who had a rival way back when they were younger who beat him up and stole of my bard's songs. Years later the rival had become famous playing my bards songs, so during an extremely large and important concert I knocked him out (with my fist!) and ended up replacing him and got to play my very own songs showing off my own band which had an illusionist to work the lights...
and it was glorious

Adamantine Dragon |
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I had one session where I was playing a bard who had a rival way back when they were younger who beat him up and stole of my bard's songs. Years later the rival had become famous playing my bards songs, so during an extremely large and important concert I knocked him out (with my fist!) and ended up replacing him and got to play my very own songs showing off my own band which had an illusionist to work the lights...
and it was glorious
Wasn't that from "This is Spinal Tap?"

Bill Dunn |

Last session (and the one before), the PCs rode into battle on a gigantic beetle they had buffed with barkskin and mage armor. The besieging army could barely affect the thing with those defenses up and it made mincemeat of their opposition that I, as the DM, ran as realistically as I could but to no avail.
And it was glorious.

dbass |

In a fallen future RPG (sorry not Pathfinder. DON'T KILL ME PLEASE!), I once played a doctor who had to try to heal a character who had recently taken a grenade to the chest (!!). It just so happened that I double criticled my roll (no joke)...
...not only did he somehow miraculously survive having his chest explode and all his organs in pieces, but I patched him up and he was back and fighting within minutes.
...with no scars either.
...and it was glorious.

Neo2151 |

This one time, I played a halfling elemental (air) sorcerer who bluff/diplomacy/forgery'd his way into inheriting a kingdom from a dying king. Then, with the experience I gained from doing so, I leveled and bought the leadership feat, building a half-elf bard who was *almost* as crafty as I was for my cohort. I then tapped into a little of the royal treasury to ensure this bard's loyalty for life (bard was expecting, like, 20 gold for services rendered... I gave him 3,000) and sent him on a quest throughout the kingdom to spread the glory of my name, and to talk badly about the captain of the guard, who thought he was next in line to become king and was trying to stir trouble and challenge my legitimacy...
And it was glorious!

Dosgamer |

In a Champions game (don't kill me!) I played a brick with a high presence. One evening on a secluded beach, while he was lost in thought, his ex-girlfriend (a member of our super team) came along and was being her usual provocative-but-coy self so he made a presence attack and told her to "Get naked!" and rolled so high on his presence attack that she very well would have if not for the comic book code we enforce. We all rolled on the floor laughing.
It was glorious.

Dosgamer |

Session before last in a CC game...
And it was glorious.

Drejk |

On Fading Suns session, when the invading enemy fleet was closing to the planet we were on, I convinced the current owner of the planet to sell it to representative of another faction that was neutral. Due to political reasons enemy had no interest in starting the war with the buyers, yet. And I managed to get some decent lands on the planet and some contracts as a fee for organizing the transaction.
And it was glorious.

Ravingdork |

In our last session our GM pitted our 7th-level party against a CR 14 BBEG.
When the rest of the party tried and failed to vanquish him with excellent team tactics and a half dozen buffs, my summoner called forth a swarm of lantern archons and took the bastard out.
It was glorious.

Rocket Surgeon |
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Yesterday's session I ran down a burning roof and hurled myself into the air 70 feet above the ground against a greater cyclops. I grabbed his horn as I flew by, swirled around his head and landed with my feet squarely on his shoulders, holding my pistol to his head I fired a single shot - BOOM! The brute had a thick skull, so it took another shot before he slowly fell over. As he neared the ground I leapt from his shoulders and landed gracefully besides him as his corpse hit the ground.
And it was Glorious!

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Last session, we were attempting to recover a phylactery from a palace tower. We ended up cornered outside the vault, grappled by black tentacles, and facing imminent death. Our fighter had nearly been slain and made her massive damage death save by 1. I managed to use good ol' Lvl 1 liberating command as an immediate action to break my grapple, move to the Urgathoaan evil cleric, and stone shape the floor beneath her. She and her wizard companion proceeded to fall through the floor in the tower we were in. Our rogue pick-pocketed a scroll of teleport from the lich in the room, passed it to our wizard who then transported our team (minus me) and the lich (with phylactery in hand) to a church of Iomede where they dealt with him swiftly upon arriving. I then wildhsaped into an air elemental and broke through the window and flew to them with great haste using tree stride through the forest. Our daring escape was...

Netherek |
In one session I ran, a players Knight was on his last legs, 2hp remaining, in a climatic struggle saving a frontier town frame raiders. It was raining, the town was in flames, and he was routing the orcs. It happened that due to the chaos of battle, he ended up in the path of an ogre on its way out of Dodge. He decided that he couldn't out run the ogre so he made a valiant last stand and charged, and crit at Max damage for the win.

cranewings |
Today, two of my players, a level 5 paladin and a 1/rogue-4/cleric went back to back and slaughtered 20 orcs.
On the 7th or so round of combat the gunslinger finished off the dire tiger and help blast away the mob.
Same game, the gunslinger would have been reached by the tiger but the monk blocked it for a round, buying him the time he needed.

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