Interest check for a GM willing to run RotRL


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Well the title says it all to be honest lol. And I'm sure there's people willing to join as well. I'm just looking for a GM willing to run it from 1st level if anyone is up for it.

Would love to play if you can find one of these mythical GMs.

I know right?

I made a similar post to this for a GM search for all the AP's that give PFS credit, ROTRL is among them.

Why not keep it centralized?

The GM's can see how many are interested and they have one location to place their, "I will run something" post.

I also am interested in playing this one. Mind if I come along too? I have a few characters sort of ready to go, but I am willing to make a new one too.

Hello everyone! I would like to inquire as to what sort of GM would be preferred by you all. I've just recently gotten back to the messageboards after a rather hectic time in my life, the details of which I can relate if anyone wants to know. One campaign sort of shattered while I was on my forced hiatus, so I may be picking up another campaign.

Also, posting basic concepts for characters may make potential GMs more interested.

I will not pretend to speak for the others, I just arrived at the party... but I want a GM that posts here, not on another site (half of the point for me at least is that it allows me to play at sea). I want someone who is patient with new players (which I am, though I do have two pbp's under my belt now) and able to paint a picture using words... really make you feel like you are there.

As for a character, my most completed one... the one that I really want to give a proper whirl... is this guy: Svalk

What sort of GM's are there Silver Prince?
I prefer GM's who post regularly, because it determines the flow of the game. No need to create aliases for each NPC, though it can be fun. I have no problem with house rules as they often bend some silly rules to be more flexible or more realistic.

I took a peek at some of your posts in the skulls&shackles campaign and it looks like you do good things to make NPC's come alive, which is very important. Otherwise why would I care for him/her ;).

As to characters, I have two that I offered to some AP games but did not get into because the role was already taken or unwanted.

Utility and control wizard: Tal

And Sap mastery rogue: Garox
Made for lvl 4 atm, but shows you the direction he will take.

Both are entertaining characters in that they would joke around with companions and do not take things too serious. Backgrounds are currently for other hometowns but can easily be rewritten.

Hah, thought you sounded familiar Jolly... I was the one submitting the Gnome Cavalier, Abroshgre in that other line that Tal didn't get selected for either. (shrug) guess we move on. Anyway, Svalk is a boistrous character... he would love the chance to adventure with Tal, but Garox would make him wary.

Yeah, I was supposed to be at the top of the preferred list. I made a rough draft at first, then someone else made a complete alias for a wizard and got selected. Then mine was done and ow look, we already have a wizard :P.

And Garox is fun, he's more of a rogueish character then a straight up thief like most rogues. I mean everyone should like him! Especially the ladies ;).

Can understand your frustation... but hey, at least you got looked at. My character didn't even get a glance, much less a chance for that 6th spot. Still, can't say that Abroshgre is really play ready anyway. Guess that was part of why I wanted a look... so that I would know where to polish (a friend of mine though has been helping in that regard).

Garox sounds fun, but he would still be at odds with Svalk for a few reasons, not the least of which is the age old conflict between craftsmen and theives. Svalk doesn't take well to people insulting his homeland, his god (Torag) or his work... and he also doesn't lie about things (his word is his bond). I am sure they eventually would come to an understanding, but it probably would be a while before it happened... and Svalk would always keep an eye on his wares and wallet while around him.

I can play with either of them you want to use of course... and I can swap to another character if need be myself, it is just that Svalk is probably my best formed to date.

Turns to The Silver Prince.

So what type of game would you run if you were our GM?

I am considering tackling the GM job for ROTR. I'm fairly new to the forums and I have no recent experience with pbp. Years ago I did run a successful Paranoia campaign back during the old BBS times. I have run several Pathfinder games since the system came out. I've alomost completed GMing the Kingmaker AP with my local group.

I am familair with the rules but I'm certainly no rules lawyer. I usually prefer to appeal more to common sense rather than look up endless pages of rules (although I think pbp gives you more opportunity to look things up and get them right since you're not interupting the flow of the game). Role-playing is paramount to me and I think pbp is an excellent medium for it. I would be posting numerous times a day through the week, less on week-ends. I'm only familair with the core rulebook and the APG, so anything too crazy or exotic as far as characters concepts are concerned would be awkward for me.

Anyway, just testing the waters. Haven't decided to pull the trigger on this yet.

Welcome to the party, Mr. Holden. I am posting my last post for about 12 hours or so, so this will have to be good :)

Aside to self: Please be good!

I can understand your hesitancy for things outside the normal APG and CR books... but you do have acess to some of the other books like the Advanced Race Guide, the Ultimate Combat, Magic and Equipment guides, and even the first three beastairies. Here, in fact: Paizo's Official PRD!!!

Anything outside this I am sure can be referenced in detail prior to start. And in the end if you decide to run this for a group of us, remember: it is your overarching vision that will keep us going, not our esoteric choices. Just be clear with us from the beginning on what you want and what you expect in character building and we will be happy to comply/make our arguments for exceptions. Which you have final arbetration on.

Anyway, however you decide (to gm or not to... or perhaps to co-gm with Silver or something) I wish you the best.

With that, I bid you all a good day. Time for me to sleep (currently on night shifts). I look forward to hopefully seeing progression in this when I wake... and I hope that I will not have been completely set aside in the 12 hours I am away!

This would be my character, who was made for a RotRL game that never even started lol. This is Kyle by the way as well lol. Anyways, I did see that post JR but not everyone likes to play by PFS rules, plus the interest check is pretty wide lol. Well since the mythical GMs have appeared lol, I'd suggest whoever wants to run a table, feel free to make a recruitment thread. I can pretty guarantee that you'll get plenty of people who want to play.

Satinder Coric wrote:
This would be my character, who was made for a RotRL game that never even started lol. This is Kyle by the way as well lol. Anyways, I did see that post JR but not everyone likes to play by PFS rules, plus the interest check is pretty wide lol. Well since the mythical GMs have appeared lol, I'd suggest whoever wants to run a table, feel free to make a recruitment thread. I can pretty guarantee that you'll get plenty of people who want to play.

The thing is, the PFS rules don't need to apply on the game if you want to give PFS credit. I don't know where people got that idea from but it is wrong. You can do all the house rules that you want and you can still get pfs credit for the specific dungeons/environments. The only thing a GM has to do is fill in the piece of paper.

Read one of the PFS chronicle sections on the sanctioned AP's if you like. Read it carefully :P. After the PFS mode section there is a house rule section.

Oh I know that, I'm a GM as well, just haven't actually ran PFS stuff lol. But not everyone actually knows that though.

@The Emerald Duke, here is a point-for-point response to your statements and questions.
-Yes, I post here on PBP forums.
-Yes, I am patient with new players.
-I would like to think that I paint a fairly good picture with my words!
-The type of campaign I would run is very similar to the original, but with a few additions. I have the anniversary edition for RotRL and nearly every supplementary book that could be used to add flavor and possible 'side quests' (I own like 60-75% of all Pathfinder books, though I do not have many individual adventure modules or PFS scenarios, just rulebooks, bestiaries, all of the APs, and most player companion/campaign setting books,).

@Jolly Roger, thanks for the compliments! I try to make interactions between NPCs and PCs as realistic and interesting as possible. Otherwise, what's the point in running anything other than a hack'n'slash dungeon crawl? Here are some responses for you.
-I post regularly. I have had a lot of problems in the past that interfered with my posting, but have put most of those behind me or have them under control now.
-I have never actually done any official PFS stuff, so I may need to be walked through the process.

-Allow ALL official Pathfinder material (Want to be an Android Technomancer, a sorveror-priest of Razmir, a greedy Prophet of Kalistrade, or a Lashunta Synthesist Summoner? Why not? So long as you can justify the class/prestige class/race to me satisfactory, I will not be Mr. Grinch!) and possibly 3PP material as well (Subject to my approval, of course,).
-Sidequests, some of which are general and some of which are character-specific.
-Sandboxy downtime, meaning while you are in a given town, you may do whatever you want: shop for discounts, visit a brothel, get to know the people, whatever you want. My only rule is to not hold everyone else up for like 50 posts or anything. If you want an extended scene, let me know and I'll set aside some time so we can RP over the course of X amount of time, breaking my 1-4 posts/day standard I set for myself.
-Given that this is RotRL, I'm thinking of implementing a Virtue/Sin system. Basically, if your character indulges in a certain sin, they gain sin points. If they perform a certain virtue, they gain virtue points. Characters with a certain sin level take some penalties, but gain certain benefits. Characters with a certain virtue level gain smaller benefits, but no penalties. If no one wants this system, it can be scrapped, I just think it would be cool to do. :)

I would love to joint a RotR campaign. I would need to make a few campaign specific adjustments and reset to level 1.

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The Silver Prince wrote:
Long list, too long to quote.

Okay, that actually sounds like a fun campaign.

Indeed,you obviously know I'm in lol. Just need creation guidelines if you're gonna run it.

If enough people are willing to play, it would look something like this.

-Max HP per HD, because I hate when PCs get consistent low rolls and TPK because the Dwarven Barbarian is less durable than the Elven Wizard.
-Any race/class/prestige class, so long as it can be justified. Only one person can be any given class, so no 3 wizards, as cool as it may sound (Acadamae Arcane is in Korvosa! :P).
-3PP material can be used, subject to my approval.
-Max starting GP.
-25 point buy, because APs are design for those with a potential for greatness, not Joe/Jane Average.
-4 or 5 PCs, possibly 6, depending on what I feel vibes good.
-Characters may belong to a Faction, but must understand that interaction will be limited.
-PCs may take a Drawback to gain an extra Trait.
-Each PC gains a free Story Feat from Ultimate Campaign. Some of these will have their fulfillment criteria finished much sooner than others, but good things for those who wait!
-Must provide a backstory, physical character description, ect.
-Must explain why you are in Sandpoint. Having most material on the area, I can provide you with ideas. PM me if you want some help with this!
-Ideas for future character-specific side quests are welcome.
-Must provide me with a Virtue (Charity, Temperance, Generousity, Love, Humility, Zeal, or Kindness,) and a Sin (Envy, Lust, Wrath, Greed, Pride, Gluttony, or Sloth,). These will double your accumulation of certain points when you perform a specific action. I expect these keyed towards your character's personality.
-Must be willing to roleplay effectively, as opposed to minimally.
-Must be willing to work with other PCs. Some IC interparty conflict is fine, but it must NOT spill over to OOC or otherwise interfere with the game in a substantial way.
-Must consider the notion of continuing the campaign beyond it's conclusion with Mythic gameplay! If you don't want to continue afterwards, we can simply say you retired!

Anything I'm leaving out?

Two traits then? I'll work on Satinder when I get home.

Sounds awesome silver prince. I might take synthesist summoner, but probably keep tal or garox background. I will have ponder on this and will work something out tomorrow.

This sound awesome! I never heard of AP games being 25 point buy on average, but I could rework my barbarian to include that; afterall, I'm still pretty new to this...also, is it alright if we choose not to take the free story feats if none fit us?

I'm still working on Tryggve's backstory, but other than that, he's an Invulnerable Rager Barbarian from Belkzen with a penchant for being silently intimidating.

Two traits, plus a third if you take a drawback. Tentatively considering allowing an optional fourth Faith-only trait which turns into a penalty if you violate your deity's code of conduct, but I probably won't implement it without PC acclaim.

Simmons, most GMs like a 20 point buy, but APs can be brutal for new players (I try to include some newbies, because a lot of GMs are somewhat hesitant to give new players a chance,). Besides, APs are epic in scope and which is the most epic of the standard point buys? 25! And, of course, I don't want it to be so easy for PCs to TPK early in the game. An extra 5 points on the buy helps keep PCs early on, but it doesn't make much difference later, to be honest.

Also, if the story feats do not fit you, you get an extra favored class bonus per level and gain a bonus feat after you achieve something truly noteworthy. Sound good?

The Silver Prince wrote:

Two traits, plus a third if you take a drawback. Tentatively considering allowing an optional fourth Faith-only trait which turns into a penalty if you violate your deity's code of conduct, but I probably won't implement it without PC acclaim.

Simmons, most GMs like a 20 point buy, but APs can be brutal for new players (I try to include some newbies, because a lot of GMs are somewhat hesitant to give new players a chance,). Besides, APs are epic in scope and which is the most epic of the standard point buys? 25! And, of course, I don't want it to be so easy for PCs to TPK early in the game. An extra 5 points on the buy helps keep PCs early on, but it doesn't make much difference later, to be honest.

Also, if the story feats do not fit you, you get an extra favored class bonus per level and gain a bonus feat after you achieve something truly noteworthy. Sound good?

Good point. I've never played an adventure path, so I guess I don't understand how much more dangerous it can be. I also like the extra favored class bonus, that really helps with health.

And with that, my profile and history is finished!

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

This does sound interesting. I'll look into making a character for this tomorrow.

Alright, i would like to throw Buzzgob the Gianteater into the ring :)
He is a goblin psion (telepath) with a bit of a dual personality...

First fluffy draft:

Buzzgob Gianteater
In the GobGob tribe, every goblin gets a special name on their 5th birthday (approximately, whos counting?) from the tribes Cleric. This is a very special and sacred day and can shape the rest of their lives so it is very importiant to get a good one.
Buzzgob was named alongside Dies Horribly and Idontgiveaf!%+leavemealone. We think she was having a really bad day that day. Anyway, i was named Gianteater because one day i would kill and eat giants. Great! A good name, thats all a goblin could hope for, except i was scrawny as anything. It was hard to live up to such a big name and he was tormented by it again and again. Its a boar! Call Gianteater! Its a horse, Gianteater will kill it! Lets help him out *ties up Gianteater and throws him under the horse* Its a slug! Call Gianteater, we found his giant!
Eventually he came to hate that name. Actually he came to hate the one who gave him that name. So one night he snuck into the Soothsayers hut and taking the biggest hammer he could find, he brought it crashing down on that idiot Clerics head. Gianteater that!
Turns out the Chief doesnt like it when you off his Cleric...
So Gianteater was chased out of the village with nothing to his name except the big hammer still blood soaked. Alone in a massive world.
Next he came across a small horse and carrage which he singlehandedly ransacked. Well, he hit the horse in the leg with his hammer, buckling it. Then the horse crashed into the cliff face beside the road and exploded... All his doing, right? >.>
When he went to loot the carrage he got quite the surprise! Inside was an Elan Psion, a powerful creature of pure psionic energy. And it was mortally wounded. In its death throes it tried one desperate attempt to prolong its life, to thrust its mind into the only other living creature, Buzzgob, attempting to take it over. However, it failed as the elan expired too soon to comple the mind swap and only a fragment of its conciousness made it across. Enough anyways to have a voice, but unable to completely take over.
What? Not quite pow..r... Cant dom..ate... Need.. Res..t.. Goi..g d..rmant.
Great. Now not only am i stuck with a stupid name, im tribeless AND i got a stupid voice in my head trying to steal my words! And. and. and....
And with that Buzzgob passed out on the side of the road.

When he awoke, he was upside down in a steel cage...
What is i doing here? Where here is?
To his astonishment he got a reply! It was the same annoying voice from before!
Hello. You appear to be awake. Good. It seems that my forcefull takeover was only met with partial success. But dont worry yourself too much about it. There is nothing you can do about it.
Sigh. Such limited inteligence. I try to steal your words.
But i failed. So now i give you words. I will let you steal the words from others heads. You see that man over there? He intends to sell you.
Ooooh! Neato! Thats good?
NO! Thats not neato, err good, err. Thats bad. I need you to survive long enough for me to get out of this acursed body. So heres what we are going to do.
I am cozy?

More and crunch to come :)


Simmons Harmon wrote:
The Silver Prince wrote:

Two traits, plus a third if you take a drawback. Tentatively considering allowing an optional fourth Faith-only trait which turns into a penalty if you violate your deity's code of conduct, but I probably won't implement it without PC acclaim.

Simmons, most GMs like a 20 point buy, but APs can be brutal for new players (I try to include some newbies, because a lot of GMs are somewhat hesitant to give new players a chance,). Besides, APs are epic in scope and which is the most epic of the standard point buys? 25! And, of course, I don't want it to be so easy for PCs to TPK early in the game. An extra 5 points on the buy helps keep PCs early on, but it doesn't make much difference later, to be honest.

Also, if the story feats do not fit you, you get an extra favored class bonus per level and gain a bonus feat after you achieve something truly noteworthy. Sound good?

Good point. I've never played an adventure path, so I guess I don't understand how much more dangerous it can be. I also like the extra favored class bonus, that really helps with health.

And with that, my profile and history is finished!

And here is my character alias for your perusal.

Wow, this really blossomed like a flower while I was asleep... and best of all it hasn't passed me by yet!

I will work on updating my tactitian warrior to meet some of the new guides... what I can do with an additional five points buy... and I need to think of which story feat and virtue will fit. (Pride is the obvious vice though.)

This will be fun!

Great stuff Gobo!

Tryggve, your picture link does not work. I'm on my phone, do it could just be me! And how do you pronounce your character's name? I'm bad with old-fashioned Norse-like names lol.

I will, hopefully, have recruitment up by tomorrow! Also, is there any other APs people are interested in? I have every one of them and am looking to create another campaign, since I lost two campaigns I was running during my recent illness and lost two campaigns I made a character for.

This is the Emerald Duke, presenting a mostly finished Svalk! This good natured, boistrous, yet personally reserved Ulfen tactitian warrior hails originally Lostholme, though he was raised in Sandpoint. He has been away for many years, and is returning home to investigate his mother's murder (many years prior, Silver should know what incident I am refering to) completely oblivious to the celebration... until he arrives that is.

Still working on few of the other bits (virtue and vice, story feat, etc) ... and need to verify my equipment is within legal purchasing power. Should be completed tonight.

I am totally up for Mythic aftermath, as long as you are willing to help me with it (I have the book for it but the application for it has been a tad murky just looking over it).

The Silver Prince wrote:

Great stuff Gobo!

Tryggve, your picture link does not work. I'm on my phone, do it could just be me! And how do you pronounce your character's name? I'm bad with old-fashioned Norse-like names lol.

Fixed the link! And I pronounce his name as (Trig-vey), as in trigonometry and Oi-vey!

Cool. This sounds AMAZING. I'll watch for the thread, and I think I'll take the Gluttony sin and the Kindness virtue. I'm thinking a Wilder who makes it her pleasure to... Sample all of the finer things in life. She is a kind woman at heart though, and she won't hesitate to shell out some adventuring money to a charity. Don't really know what to do for a class though...

Damn this looks interesting, loving the freedom with character creation.

Also, is there any other APs people are interested in?

Jade Regent!

Concept art (w/o hat and fairies.)

For your consideration, Merick the Blue, fighter extraordinaire. Feedback is appreciated!

Everyone with an alias/character up, like what I see thus far!

Triggve, understood! I know some Norse names do not follow standard English pronunciation, so that's why I ask. Like to know how a name sounds. :)

Tsiron and Ginganinja, I try! I believe in great campaigns and I like to give PCs a broad range of options to choose from. I guess I'm a 'fun-first' GM lol.

Tsiron, I thought you said Wilder? Did you mean like a wilderness person, the psionic class, or something else?

And just so people know, healers are nice to have in a party, but unnecessary if no one wants to play one. That's what scrolls, wands, potions, the Heal skill, and stuff like that is for. So don't think if people select all the other 'party slots' (Blaster, sneak, tank, ect.,) that you are forced to select a 'healer' class, because you're not. Remember, I give PCs free reign to choose whatever class they like from official and 3PP Pathfinder stuff. Besides, I will likely have a GMPC that fills an unused character slot, unless I like another character concept more than my desire to play in my own campaign, which is a possibility (If I do play a GMPC, I'll keep OOC knowledge OOC, so no freebie puzzle-solving!).

Wilder as in the psionic class.

I'm thinking a CG Musetouched for a race, a female. I have some cool ideas for character development in the works, as well. Probably a blasty type, who likes to fence with her rapier. She's fond of good food and drink, and loves to help others out. I'll see if I can get an alias up.

Also, I love role play instead of roll play, so no problems on that front. For character purposes, can you set up rules on gambling? She's pretty much addicted to Towers, so that would be helpful...

I CAN set up rules for gambling! May take me a bit to search through my library, but definitely!

Also everyone,PM'ing me ideas for your character development/story feat fulfillment/character side quest would go a long way towards helping me view the character's 'feel'.

Ok, here's the idea on the other campaign I will be running, for those interested in that as well. It will either be an AP (Any but RotRL, since that's already being recruited for, Jade Regent and Skull & Shackles, because those two fell apart during my illness-induced absence and it makes me sad to think about those at the moment, and WotW, because I have a campaign up already. Other than that, it's up for discussion. If people want Throne of Night, I do not have the second book yet and the others have not been released,) or a homebrew. Any suggestions people want to throw out is fine.

Mostly interested in the RotRL path, hence my being here... but... how about Kingmaker/Reign of Winter for APs for the secondary one? Mostly just throwing out ideas to see if they jive with y'all. :)

Here is my alias.


Still working his stats (family is in town). But this is my Aasimar ranger. It's Kyle by the way lol. I'll hopefully have the Myth - Weavers sheet updated with new stats, gold adjustments, and sin/virtue information.

I would like to play with either my rogue or my wizard for the ROTRL game, because I like the way I built them and how they will progress. I might be getting one of those in a Jade Regent game by Wednesday, so fingers crossed. If not, Garox in one game and Tal in the other if you let me ;).

Garox clearly has Lust for beautiful women. He just can't help himself if he spots a pretty girl, he must try to woo her. His virtue would probably be Temperance, he holds back in combat doing non-lethal damage most of the time. Most people when caught will properly surrender instead of being killed. Maybe I can combine the love/lust part but I don't know how that would work out. Sidequests could be finding out who his parents were or rescuing/pursuing that one pretty lady.

As for Tal, his virtue is Kindness while his sin would be Pride. Also from his background, he is kindhearted at nature, but does like to tease and joke around. He is also prideful, and will not often back down if he is dared into something that could be done, but might have negative consequences. Sidequests would be with the Duke finding out where he is hiding and maybe send some assassins.

For the other AP I think I will build a half-orc scarred witch as the class interests me and the archetype seems so cool. He would be perfect for a ROW game with all the witches in that. Other possibility is an orc or half orc barbarian mounted fury. Riding a mammoth in RoW seems awesome! Or the synthesist, it still seems fun to make a gnome who has a magical suit of armor he himself designed and can summon to wear in combat (Iron Man suit!).
Other possibilities is a bloodrager or shaman from the advanced class guide playtest IF you allow them.

Too many options :P.

However, I'll begin by just focusing on the RotRL, I would have to update their stats and maybe add in a trait. But both characters are pretty much ready with a small adjustment to backstory.

I would like to submit Jingo Jango. Gnome (for flavor) Samsaran Illusionist Sorcerer. I will work on his backstory. But his Sin would be Pride and his Virtue would be Kindness.

Humm, RotRL sounds wonderful.

I would love to submit a Human Monk I have been toying with, if there is still room.

Will post him soon.

Wow, the application list is growing by the hour it seems, and our good GM hasn't even officially openned recruitment yet. Speaks to the popularity of this AP I think.

So... to keep track of applicants, here is a list. Lemme know if I missed anyone:


Satinder Coric (KyleS) (Aasimar)


Garox (Jolly Roger) (sap mastery, Aasimar)


Talathel "Tal" Darkariel (Jolly Roger) (elf, void wizard)
Gundahar Brandt (Michael Sumrall) (garundi human, regular wizard?)


Svalk Arnbjorn (The Emerald Duke... er... me)(Tactitan, Ulfen human)
Merick "the Blue" (Lufien "Silvertongue" Loamin)(regular fighter, regular human)


Tryggve "the Bone Cleaver of Belkzen" (Simmons Harmon) (invulnerable rager, human)


Buzzgob the Gianteater (Gobo Horde) (telepath/goblin hybrid)

Psionic wilder:

Talori Lyons (Tsirion Ragmar) (female musetouched)


Jingo Jango (RPBlue) (Gnome, illusionist)


(Covent) (human, to be posted)

Interested people, no class yet:

Leper, Sedoriku, Ginganinja

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