Friendly Fighter

Tryggve's page

123 posts. Organized Play character for Simmons Harmon.

Full Name

Tryggve Enoch Mathias




Invulnerable Rager Barbarian & Soulknife Gestalt / 1




6' 4" / 220 lbs



Special Abilities

Rage, Fast Movement, Form mind blade, Shape Mindblade, Wild Talent


Neutral Good







Strength 20
Dexterity 16
Constitution 20
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 16
Charisma 10

About Tryggve

The Soul Sever of Belkzen.

Born and raised in a savage and unforgiving country, Tryggve is a battle-hardened, terrifying, yet quiet barbarian who drifts across the continent. Standing at over 6' 4", he is considered a giant amongst human society, and many shy away from his unnaturally white hair and red eyes. Many are wary of his presence, but as a mercenary/bodyguard for hire, many of Tryg's employee's see these qualities as optimal for hiring him. As he moves across the continent, so do the few rumors that surround him; besides the bow he carries, he holds no other weapons on his person, yet he has cleaved foes in two on multiple accounts. Some say he can bend his soul and form a blade by pure will alone.

In battle, he is undoubtedly a sight to fear. With a massive blade of bright green energy in hand and death in his eyes, his overwhelming charges and terrifying presence are enough to send any normal man running for their lives. Some say that his battles are akin to a ballet of carnage; bright flashes of green mix with dark splashes of red as he jumps across the battlefield. Outside of combat, however, he is a very quiet and solemn man. Though he keeps to himself for the most part, Tryggve is not shy of company. He rarely opts to speak or join in, but Tryggve seems to enjoy being near others and listening to their stories, antics, and general conversation. Though not very skilled with it, he carries around an ocarina that he likes to practice with.



Tryggve is not a bulking mass of meat, but his body is decently large with incredibly lean muscles. A pinnacle of strength, his size and visible endurance provide a naturally intimidating aura by itself. His clothing consists of a dark green hide and furs under a scarred piece of breastplate armor , tan travelers pants, and brown, metal plated boots. His swept back hair is snow white with piercing red eyes; he is albino in all but skin tone, which is a pale-peach color. He usually wears a winter-green cloak around his form when traveling, only wearing his hood when he doesn't wish to draw attention.

His mindblade takes the form of a greatsword, which glows with bright green energy.

Though not visible unless he takes his armor off, Tryggve sports a massive scar across his back; a reminder of the day his parents were slain by a rogue demon.

Crunch and History


Tryggve 1(Gestalt, 28 point buy 1-1, +1 fav. class bonus, max class gold+100, max 17 race points=8 extra rp)
Human Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) & Soulknife/1
Neutral Good
Init 3; Perception +7;

AC 19, touch 13 , flat-footed 16(+6 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 18 (1d12 + 6)
Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +5; Rage: Fort +9, Will +7
Defensive AbilitiesReroll saving throws once per day against demonic affects that could kill or incapacitate; DR ; Immune; Resist ; SR

Speed 40 ft (30 w/armor).
Mindblade +7(2d6+7 19-20x2 Slash) / Power: +6(2d6+10 19-20x2 Slash)
Longbow +4(1d8 x3 Pierce)
Mindblade +9(2d6+10 19-20x2 Slash) / Power +8(2d6+13 19-20x2 Slash)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.(100 ft. w/bow)
Special Attacks

Str 20, Dex 16, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha10
Base Atk +1; CMB +8(+10); CMD 19(21)
Feats Power Attack, Intimidating Prowess (Str to Intimidate), Weapon Focus (Soulblade)
Acrobatics +3 (+7 w/o armor)
Autohypnosis +7
Intimidate +11 (+13 rage)
Knowledge: Nature +4
Perception +7
Survival +7
Languages Common
SQBad Reputation Trait (Sczarni), Exposed to Awfulness(WotR), Human w/ Advanced Constitution (+2) and Ferocity (staggered but still fighting under 0 hp)
Combat Gear Long Bow (40), Breastplate; Other Gear Backpack, Bedroll, Flint and steel, Waterskin, Torch (3), Trail Rations (3), Rope, Belt Pouch, Ocarina, Cloak w/hood, 16gp, 1sp, 6cp

Fast Movement (Ex)
Rage (Ex)(9 rounds/day)
Form Mindblade
Shape Mindblade
Throw Mindblade
Wild Talent(2 Power Points/Day)

When Tryggve was young, his family's home came under attack by a stray demon that had traveled all the way from the World Wound. Only he and his sister, Andrea, escaped the vicious attack, though before the demon was killed by the local militia, its claws drove a deep scar into his back. Their home had been on the outskirts of the small settlement of Rickburn, a gathering of humans trying to live in the harsh country. When it their parents gone, the sibblings took refuge in the inner walls.

Swearing to dedicate his life to his only remaining family, Tryggve doted on and provided for Andrea. Developing natural strength and endurance, he made a living hunting for food and refurnishing the defenses on the town's outer walls. Though he kept to himself and his sister for the longest time, he eventually warmed up to the community of Rickburn, seeing the townspeople as an extended family.

His sister, Andrea, was not naturally strong like her older brother. Though lacking physical skill and strength, she had wit and intelligence to spar for her age, as well as a kind heart and talkative personality. She would often push her brother to be more social with the people of Rickburn and taught him the importance of non-family companionship. In fact, the only aspects she shared with Tryggve were her white hair and pale red eyes.

As they matured, it was revealed that both siblings were latent psionics. Andrea, who's power manifested in her ability to sing, could amplify her voice and even shatter glass if she tried. Tryggve's abilities were...less than stunning. He could solidify psionic energy, but he could barely shape it or keep it that way for long. There was only one man who knew a rudimentary level about psionics; Roland, one of the town guardsmen. He guided Andrea and appeared delighted by her natural talent, while he taught Tryggve how to fight and wield a sword, feeling that he had little talent for his own powers.

Still, Tryggve felt no jealousy toward his sister, his heart swelling with pride at her advancement.

It all came to an end one day; Tryggve returned from a week long hunting trip to find Rickburn reduced to smoke and ash. All that was left behind were unrecognizable corpses (including many that appeared to be orcs), his sisters coveted ocarina, and several orcs who seemed to have taken part in the attack. With the loss of his life's purpose and only remaining family, Tryggve felt a cold rage fall upon his heart, and in a burst of focus and righteous fury, manifested his mind blade and slew the remaining orcs viciously. From what he could tell, it looked like a lesser tribe had decided to attack Rickburn, resulting in almost the entire tribes destruction.

Ashamed of his failure and wracked with sorrow by his sister's death, Tryggve now roams the continent in search of purpose, either by challenging his strength, defending those under his protection, or finding comfort in the company of friends. But there is one ambition that burns deep in his heart, so foolhardy and impossible that it might as well be suicide.

He seeks to one day claim the Starstone...

PFS Adventure Log:


Gold Earned

Day Job


Access item


Misc. Expenses


Play Notes

Journal Entry