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Hello all!
So... subject says it all! Any official reason as to why a PC / NPC should not be able to perform free actions outside his / her turn?
Thanks a lot for your insight!
It's why it's called a turn based game instead of shout out actions whenever you want to do so game.
There is one and only one avenue for actions outside of your turn; It's those actions which are classfied as Immediate actions and they come at the price of your next turn's swift action.

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Malfus wrote:those are free actions. your turn onlyCheapy wrote:Those can happen whenever.Except for 5-foot steps right?
Those are not free actions, you can get one of those maximum per turn subject to the usual restrictions on 5 foot adjustments.

Archaeik |
What I'm seeing is that most "not an action"s are triggered as part of another action.
(So a 5ft step has to be taken in conjunction with doing something)
I guess my issue was that it throws "talking" under free actions.
(So, initiate only on your initiative, but responses are fine?)
We had this topic come up over rage.
RAW it's listed as a free, so no extra HP for you just cause you got hit.

Malfus |

Actually the combat section covers that too:What I'm seeing is that most "not an action"s are triggered as part of another action.
(So a 5ft step has to be taken in conjunction with doing something)
You can take a 5-foot step before, during, or after your other actions in the round.

Grick |

I guess my issue was that it throws "talking" under free actions.
(So, initiate only on your initiative, but responses are fine?)
Speak: "In general, speaking is a free action that you can perform even when it isn't your turn. Speaking more than a few sentences is generally beyond the limit of a free action."

Gilfalas |

All actions, except immediate actions, must be done during your own combat initiative in the round. The only other exeption to this rule is that talking is a free action that can be done outside your turn.
As with ALL free actions, it is subject to GM limitation. All other actions, even non actions, must take place during your turn in a round, unless that action, ablity, feat, spell or what have you EXPLICITLY state otherwise.
Rage, as a free action, must be done on a bararians round, so no they cannot activate it in reaction to anything outside their turn in the round.

Marios |
So, basically, you all agree that one may take free actions only during his / her turn, but can I have a reference in the rulebook for this?
What's wrong with someone shouting "Duck!" and others really have a chance to actually duck before whatever it is that's going to happen actually taking place?
Please respond with quotations from rulebooks or official responses in the forums not based on your own perception of how the system works. I'm not saying that you're wrong, I just require responses by RAW.

Gilfalas |

The Combat Round
Each round represents 6 seconds in the game world; there are 10 rounds in a minute of combat. A round normally allows each character involved in a combat situation to act.Each round's activity begins with the character with the highest initiative result and then proceeds in order. When a character's turn comes up in the initiative sequence, that character performs his entire round's worth of actions. (For exceptions, see Attacks of Opportunity and Special Initiative Actions.)
When the rules refer to a "full round", they usually mean a span of time from a particular initiative count in one round to the same initiative count in the next round. Effects that last a certain number of rounds end just before the same initiative count that they began on.
Bolding was done by me.
So when your turn comes up you take your entire rounds worth of actions. Actions are Standard, Move, Swift, Free and Immediate. Immediate actions are covered by the 'Special Initiative Actions' clause and speaking is covered as a 'special' free actiom that CAN be done outsisde your normal intiative turn.
A thorough reading of the section on actions and combat in the Core Rulebook should clear all this up rather quickly.

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Only "immediate actions" can be done at anytime. This includes only a few spells, such as feather fall.
I think it's to prevent certain players from barging in on other players' turns.
As for shouting "duck!", it is usually too late. Before a surprise round, perception checks are usually made, and whichever characters make it get to act on that surprise round. Alerting the other characters, which is talking, which is free in short amounts, will not allow them to act in the surprise round.

Marios |
Hmmm... I fail to see how the above relates to my question since it doesn't except immediate actions (and immediate actions are neither AOOs nor Special Initiative Actions).
I understand that the reasoning is that "whatever is not explicitely stated that it can be done on anothers turn must be done during your turn". What I don't understand is why can't I simulate free actions using immediate actions. After all "Much like a swift action, an immediate action consumes a very small amount of time but represents a larger expenditure of effort and energy than a free action." (bolding is mine). How come you can cast a quickened spell on somebody else's turn but you can't drop prone, even though the former requires "a larger expenditure of effort and energy" than the latter?
Why is a wizard able to cast feather fall when the evil dude releases the latch from the pit upon which the wizard is standing but the barbarian is not able to enter rage when an enemy comes charging at him with the intention of bull rushing him?
Please note that there is a limited selection of actions that are considered "free" therefore I don't see Pathfinder turning from a turn based game to a shout out actions whenever you want to do so game. ;)
I think I'll go with the DM's discretion rule in this! :)
Thanks a lot people!

Midnight_Angel |

How come you can cast a quickened spell on somebody else's turn but you can't drop prone, even though the former requires "a larger expenditure of effort and energy" than the latter?
Umm... you can't. A quickened spell is swift, not immediate
I think I'll go with the DM's discretion rule in this! :)
Do that. In fact, you might want to consider the possibility to 'demote' free actions to immediate actions (which means, you can take one, and only one, outside your turn and it eats up your swift action slot). If this leads to abuse, the GM can always refuse the option.

Marios |
Umm... you can't. A quickened spell is swift, not immediate
Ooops, got me! I had feather fall in mind and mixed things up!
Do that. In fact, you might want to consider the possibility to 'demote' free actions to immediate actions (which means, you can take one, and only one, outside your turn and it eats up your swift action slot). If this leads to abuse, the GM can always refuse the option.
An excellent suggestion!
Do you have in mind any situation that might lead to abuse?

donato Contributor |

In general, speaking is a free action that you can perform even when it isn't your turn. Speaking more than a few sentences is generally beyond the limit of a free action.
This states that only the speak free action is something that can be done out of turn. Anything else would be on your turn.

Marios |
In general, speaking is a free action that you can perform even when it isn't your turn. Speaking more than a few sentences is generally beyond the limit of a free action.This states that only the speak free action is something that can be done out of turn. Anything else would be on your turn.
Excuse me but this states that speaking can be performed when it isn't your turn not that it is the only free action that can be perfomed this way.
The word "only" is yours and not RAW.
But, as I've said earlier, since I see no real reason not to, I'll go by DM's discretion rule and allow free actions out of turn in my campaign. It feels that it would add a little more flavour in various situations while not really breaking anything, so, why not? :)
Thanks a lot everybody for your help!

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The word "only" is yours and not RAW.
The word "even", however, is RAW. When a sentence in English states that "you can do X even in situation Y", it means that normally you could NOT do X in situation Y, were it not for the statement making an exception.
But hey, houserule away; whatever makes your games more fun. :)