Changelog for Guide 4.0 to 4.1

Pathfinder Society

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Grand Lodge 4/5

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The following is a list of some of the changes from Guide 4.0 to 4.1. Some changes, such as grammar and spelling errors have been left off this changelog in the interest of reducing space. There may also be very slight variations to grammar, punctuation, etc... due to editing changes. The Changelog has also been added as a PDF for another available format (for those like me who have an iPad). You can find a link HERE.

Pages 3-4: Added the following under Core Assumption: “In addition to these printed materials, players and Game Masters are expected to have familiarity with the official Pathfinder Society Organized Play FAQ at If a clarification on the FAQ pertains to your character, you are expected to bring a copy of the relevant sections to any Pathfinder Society Organized Play game.”

Page 4: Added following text to Getting Started: “If you play a non 1st-level pregenerated character, you can apply the credit for it to your character as soon as they reach the level of the pregenerated character played. You may also opt instead to apply the credit from the non 1st-level pregenerated character played to a newly created character with the GP gained reduced to 500 GP (or 250 for slow advancement track characters). Equipment listed on the pregenerated character sheet may never be sold.”

Page 5: Under Step 2: Race and Class, added language for applying archetypes and gaining languages: “If you wish to apply a legal archetype to your character, you may do so at 1st level as normal. Additionally, you may apply an archetype to an existing class any time you level up as long as the first alternate ability does not replace an ability granted at a previous level.”

Your race and class selection will also impact what languages you start with. You gain free languages granted by your race, ethnicity (for humans), and class (ie. Druidic for druids) and may learn bonus languages for possessing a high Intelligence modifier from those listed in your race’s entry in the Core Rulebook, the Modern Human Languages list (page 251 of the Inner Sea World Guide), and additional bonus languages granted by class (ie. Draconic for wizards). Humans and half-elves with high Intelligence scores may learn all the above languages as bonus languages as well as any other language except those listed as Ancient Languages and Secret Languages on page 251 of the Inner Sea World Guide). All languages except those denoted as Secret Languages are available by putting a skill rank in Linguistics (see below).

Page 6: Under Step 4: Feats, added the following: "Neither the craft feats nor the item creation section of the magic items chapter in the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook are legal for play. Additionally, except for specific examples cited in this Guide or the PFS FAQ, the Craft skill is not legal for play and crafting of mundane items is not allowed in Pathfinder Society."

Page 6: Added equipment trait to list of six available traits to choose from.

Page 7: Added Ranger to the d10 hit point list and rogue to the d8 hit point list on TABLE 2–2: HIT POINT BY CLASS

Page 7: Added the following under Step 10: Finishing Touches: “You may also use a pawn from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Beginners Box.”

Page 8: Under Cooperate, changed the paragraph to read: “Cooperate: The Society places no moral obligations upon its members, so agents span all races, creeds, and motivations. At any given time, a Pathfinder lodge might house a fiend-summoning Chelaxian, a Silver Crusade paladin, an antiquities-obsessed Osirian necromancer, a watchdog Shadow Lodge member, and a friendly Taldan raconteur. Pathfinder agents, no matter which of the ten factions they are a member of, are expected to respect one another’s claims and stay out of each other’s affairs unless offering a helping hand.”

Page 11: Under Goals of Lantern Lodge, changed word “mysteries antiquities” to “mysterious antiquities.”

Page 12: Changed Meticulous Artisan trait to apply to day job rolls.

Page 15: Under Chapter 5: Pathfinder Society Special Rules, changed “…you might consider printing..” to “you should print that section of the FAQ”

Page 16-17: Under Replaying Scenarios, changed the text to read: “There is one exception to this rule: All Tier 1 scenarios and Tier 1-2 sanctioned modules are available for unlimited replay with a 1st level character for credit. The sanctioned modules can also be played with a 2nd level character once for credit. You may continue to replay the sanctioned modules with 1st level characters after playing through them with a 2nd level character. GMs can receive character credit (a chronicle) each time they run one of the Tier 1 scenarios or Tier 1-2 sanctioned modules. No character can ever have two of the same Chronicle.”

Page 17: Under Step 2: Day Job, added the word “trained” in front of Craft, Perform, or Profession.

Page 17: Under Step 2: Day Job, second paragraph, changed “...but temporary bonuses such as those granted by magical effect…” to “…but temporary bonuses such as those granted by spell effects…”

Page 17: Under Step 2: Day Job, second column, last line above table 5-1, add “your Chronicle sheet.” to the end of the sentence.

Page 18: Under Death, first paragraph, end of last line on that page, changed PA to PP.

Page 18: Under Death, second paragraph, last sentence, changed “…so long as the played at least three encounters… to “…so long as they completed at least three encounter.”Also, deleted “before dying and being brought back to life.”

Page 19: Under Other Items, changed “prestige “ to “fame”.

Page 21: Under Benefits of Fame, changed reference for Table 5-2 to Table 5-3.

Page 21: Extended the Fame score chart out to 99 PPs.

Page 21: Under Spending Prestige Points, changed reference for Table 5-3 to Table 5-4.

Page 22: Under Spending Prestige Points, changed “…each faction offers specific Prestige Awards available on to members…” to “each faction offers specific Prestige Awards available only to members…”

Page 22: Under Spending Prestige Points, changed “The character must earn more Prestige Points by completing additional faction missions to replenish her total.” to “The character may earn more Prestige Points by completing additional faction missions.”

Page 22: Changed the subheading from “Level Cap” to “Retirement and Beyond” and wrote new text for inclusion of 13 and higher level character advancement.

Pages 22-23: Under Shirt rerolls, added, “but gain no additional benefits other than supporting Pathfinder.”Also added, “…or Pathfinder branding…”Also added, “Paizo Golem, Pathfinder goblin with d20, Gray Maiden, Pathfinder song (both color and black and white), and Venture-Captain red polo” under currently available Pathfinder Society Organized Play shirts.

Page 23: Under Playtests and Errata, changed, “Alternatively, you may replace the feat entirely with another feat that has no prerequisites” to ““Alternatively, you may replace the feat entirely with another feat for which you meet all prerequisites.”

Page 23: Under Playtests and Errata, deleted the word “changes’ from line 4.

Page 23-24: Added a new chapter, “Chapter 6: Sanctioned Modules.”

Page 24: Renumbered “Chapter 6: Pathfinder Society Organized Play Game Masters” from Chapter 6 to Chapter 7.

Page 25: Under Average Party Level, added the following text: “In fringe cases where rounding to the nearest whole number would force a party to play up to the next subtier (i.e. a group of three 2nd level and two 3rd level and one 4th level equals 2.67 would round up to 3 add +1 for 4 and would then be eligible for tier 4-5), they may instead choose to play down.”

Page 25-26: Under Average Party Level, changed, “…if there are six or more players…” to “…if there are six or seven players…”

Page 26-27: Under Slow Advancement Track, added the following, “Similarly, a Pathfinder using the slow advancement track that plays a Season 0-2 scenario offering 2 Prestige Points may only earn a maximum of 1 Prestige Point for completing both mission objectives, half for the faction mission and half for the completion of the scenario.”

Page 27: Added a new subheading and text titled “Alignment Infractions.”

Page 29: Added the following text to Step 3: “If the player is playing a non 1st level pregenerated character , he may choose instead to apply this Chronicle to a newly created 1st level character. If this is the case, reduce this value to 500 (or 250 for slow advancement track).”

Page 29: Under Step 5, changed the word “wishes” to “qualifies”.

Page 30: Under Step 6, changed, “and must succeed at both her faction mission and the scenario’s success condition to earn such.” to “and may earn one-half prestige point for completing her faction mission and one-half prestige point for the scenario’s success condition.”

Pages 31-32: Changed the requirements for achieving and maintaining a 5th star for GM.

Page 32: Renumbered “Chapter 7: Pathfinder Society Regional Coordinator” from Chapter 7 to Chapter 8.

Page 33: All regions with a Venture-Officer have been updated to the list.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Michael Brock wrote:
If a clarification on the FAQ pertains to your character, you are expected to bring a copy of the relevant sections to any Pathfinder Society Organized Play game.”

ummm How is the PDF of this going, That will make this part much easier...

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

Michael Brock wrote:
Pages 31-32: Changed the requirements for achieving and maintaining a 5th star for GM.

More rules means more people are becoming eligible for a 5th star, meaning more people are taking the GM ball and running with it. This I like.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Michael Brock wrote:
Additionally, except for specific examples cited in this Guide or the PFS FAQ, the Craft skill is not legal for play and crafting of mundane items is not allowed in Pathfinder Society

Though I understand "specific examples cited in this Guide" covers Day Jobs, Craft Skills are also used in Missions... Though I am unsure if that distinction is necessary.

Shadow Lodge 2/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The official change log is a nice touch.

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

I still think the new stipulations to "maintain" your 5th GM star is bogus. Way to turn something that simply recognizes and appreciates those who take the time to volunteer their services, and turn it into a chore or job.

I love Pathfinder Society and am a huge supporter and organizer of it in my area, but it's easily one of the worst changes to PFS Organized Play that I've seen.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/5

This changelog is extremely helpful. Great Idea.

Dataphiles 4/5 5/55/55/55/5

My love of having a change log with the update could not be expressed in words.

Happy Dance:
Explosive Runes

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

ThreeEyedSloth wrote:
I still think the new stipulations to "maintain" your 5th GM star is bogus.

The star program rewards active members of the society and the five star rating is its ultimate level of achievement. If you stop supporting the society and drop back to four stars, it says nothing about your skill as a GM. It merely indicates that, for whatever reason, you are no longer engaged in the society at the elite level required to be recognized as a 5-star GM. If at a future time, you are able to re-engage, then it is relatively easy to restore your status. I fail to see why maintaining a five-star status is anymore of a chore than it was to achieve it in the first place.

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So, after one's already invested himself into Pathfinder Society by GM'ing over 100 games, which is at least 400 hours, they should continue having to put hours into it on a regular basis to be seen as a "5-Star" GM?

Should Hall of Famers be required to continue playing sports regularly in order to maintain their Hall of Fame status?

Maybe I just have a different perspective of what the GM Rewards program should be. I always felt it was a nice way to simply recognize those that have invested in the PFS community. Instead, it's becoming more of a grind, something like FarmVille for GMs. If you don't keep it up, you're gonna lose it!

I've personally never had any interest in amassing stars. I've hit two in about 6 months, but only because I wanted to step up and ensure PFS play happened on a regular basis at my store. Not because I hoped I'd get some "cool lewts" for grinding my way to certain tiers.

But, I guess if that helps to encourage more people to GM, then fine. I'd rather GM though just because I enjoy it so much, and I'd hope my judge when I sit down and play cares about that too.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Being a 4th star show you are one of Pathfinder Society's top GMs. The 5th star is in place for those that are the cream of the crop, that go above and beyond the call, and go to that next level. This was discussed in detail with all the Venture-Captains and all the current five star GMs were also brought into the fold. I was very careful to make sure that it didn't turn into a chore. It is why I asked for feedback from the current five star GMs. I received unanimous support from all of them about these changes to maintain the fifth star.

I think asking a 5 star GM to judge the equivalent of two games per month is not out of line. And it doesn't have to be every month. It is just a total of 25 per year. The same holds true for attending two conventions a year. We want to showcase our five star GMs and what better way than have them GM at a convention so a larger player base gets to experience a table judged by a five star.

I am also building incentives into being a five star GM that stand above anything you receive with four stars or below. One of those incentives will be introduced at Gencon. I don't want to let the cat anymore out of the bag than that, but the current five star GMs are aware and all seemed excited about what is coming.

On a side note, I will have to meet the same criteria as everyone else to earn my fifth star. I have less time now than I did when I was a Venture-Captain so it will be tough for me to earn that 5th star. But, if I decide it is something I want, then I will set aside time to earn it. I have GMed more than 100 games, that is at least 400 hours, and I don't feel it is a punishment.

Dark Archive 2/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Michael Brock wrote:

Pages 3-4: Added the following under Core Assumption: “In addition to these printed materials, players and Game Masters are expected to have familiarity with the official Pathfinder Society Organized Play FAQ at If a clarification on the FAQ pertains to your character, you are expected to bring a copy of the relevant sections to any Pathfinder Society Organized Play game.”

If a copy of the "relevant sections" is going to be required at the table, please provide a PDF of the latest version that is formatted for easy printing.

I don't have a smart phone, nor do I have a tablet. Also, one of the shops at which I play doesn't provide WiFi, so bringing a laptop is pointless. I need a convenient method to create a hard copy, and printing web pages from browser windows tends to waste more paper than is really necessary.


The Exchange 2/5

Dragnmoon wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
If a clarification on the FAQ pertains to your character, you are expected to bring a copy of the relevant sections to any Pathfinder Society Organized Play game.”
ummm How is the PDF of this going, That will make this part much easier...

yes, please?

The Exchange

dkeester wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:

Pages 3-4: Added the following under Core Assumption: “In addition to these printed materials, players and Game Masters are expected to have familiarity with the official Pathfinder Society Organized Play FAQ at If a clarification on the FAQ pertains to your character, you are expected to bring a copy of the relevant sections to any Pathfinder Society Organized Play game.”

If a copy of the "relevant sections" is going to be required at the table, please provide a PDF of the latest version that is formatted for easy printing.

I don't have a smart phone, nor do I have a tablet. Also, one of the shops at which I play doesn't provide WiFi, so bringing a laptop is pointless. I need a convenient method to create a hard copy, and printing web pages from browser windows tends to waste more paper than is really necessary.



A pdf would be nice

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Creating PDFs of web-based elements is, I believe, on the tech team's ever-growing todo list. In the meantime, folks will just need to print off the pages or sections that directly relate to their characters.

Sczarni 2/5

Mark Moreland wrote:
Creating PDFs of web-based elements is, I believe, on the tech team's ever-growing todo list. In the meantime, folks will just need to print off the pages or sections that directly relate to their characters.

Or a more shocking suggestion, if you don't like the formatting either go to where they diligently maintain a great copy or make your own in Word chopping out what you don't need...the second method took me about 20 min and saved at least 4 pages of needless printing. Oh and Bullzip can then print it as a PDF if you really want it...

Shadow Lodge 3/5

What's considered a "Tier 1" scenario?


For all those asking for a printable PDF of the FAQ, I posted about one that I've been maintaining and hosting in this thread.

Link to the current version is here.

For the record, this is an unofficial document; but all I do is take the FAQs and format them for printing.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Avatar-1 wrote:
What's considered a "Tier 1" scenario?

Currently the trilogy of First Steps scenarios. Any scenario that has text in the upper right corner that reads, "A Pathfinder Society Scenario for Tier 1" is considered a Tier 1 scenario. If it is listed as a Tier 1-5, it is not considered a Tier 1 only scenario.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Avatar-1 wrote:
What's considered a "Tier 1" scenario?

Scenarios that only level 1s can play.

Currently for scenarios that is only the First Step scenarios

Pathfinder Society Scenario Intro 1: First Steps—Part I: In Service to Lore
Pathfinder Society Scenario Intro 2: First Steps—Part II: To Delve the Dungeon Deep
Pathfinder Society Scenario Intro 3: First Steps—Part III: A Vision of Betrayal

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

Thanks Mike for taking the time to respond to my concerns. Your explanation did help clear some confusion and misconceptions of the GM Rewards on my part.

Does Master of the Fallen Fortress still count as a Tier 1 scenario or does that fall under the module rules now?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Enevhar Aldarion wrote:
Does Master of the Fallen Fortress still count as a Tier 1 scenario or does that fall under the module rules now?

Does not matter..

PFS Guide Pg 16 wrote:
There is one exception to these rules: All Tier 1 scenarios and Tier 1–2 sanctioned modules are available for unlimited replay with a 1st-level character for credit.

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Dragnmoon wrote:
Enevhar Aldarion wrote:
Does Master of the Fallen Fortress still count as a Tier 1 scenario or does that fall under the module rules now?
Does not matter..

It kinda does. If it's Tier 1, you can only play it with 1st level characters. If it's Tier 1-2, you can take 2nd level characters in. That's a pretty big deal for that little module...

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Drogon wrote:
It kinda does. If it's Tier 1, you can only play it with 1st level characters. If it's Tier 1-2, you can take 2nd level characters in. That's a pretty big deal for that little module...

Good point

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Dragnmoon wrote:
Drogon wrote:
It kinda does. If it's Tier 1, you can only play it with 1st level characters. If it's Tier 1-2, you can take 2nd level characters in. That's a pretty big deal for that little module...
Good point

Dude, we have to stop this. You and I have now agreed with each other on two separate issues in the last week. At some point, scary things may result...


Silver Crusade 3/5

I really appreciate all of this being listed with the release of the rules update. This really helps me know what has changed, and what I really need to read.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Michael Brock wrote:
Page 6: Added equipment trait to list of six available traits to choose from.

Of the whole Guide, this is what caught my eye the most. Where does one find a list of equipment traits? I was unaware of any such thing existing.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Jiggy wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
Page 6: Added equipment trait to list of six available traits to choose from.
Of the whole Guide, this is what caught my eye the most. Where does one find a list of equipment traits? I was unaware of any such thing existing.

D20PFSRD probably has a list, but the sources, that I recall, are teh Adventurer's Armory and I think there are some in the Pathfinder Society Field Guide. Might also be some in other recent books, as well.

Jiggy wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
Page 6: Added equipment trait to list of six available traits to choose from.
Of the whole Guide, this is what caught my eye the most. Where does one find a list of equipment traits? I was unaware of any such thing existing.

I am not sure what all of them are, but Heirloom Weapon is an Equipment Trait.


Michael Brock wrote:
I was very careful to make sure that it didn't turn into a chore.

I think the 5th star requirements are pretty fair in general, but I do think #4 is a bit rough.

Guide to PFS wrote:
4. Run 10 different and newly released (for the current season) Pathfinder Society scenarios. These 10 scenarios count towards the required 25 total for the season.

That means running about half of each new season as it comes out. I can definitely see requiring different ones to be run (or the society will grow stale over time), but this is a hefty requirement that strongly restricts the ability to play classic favorites. Especially combined with the "5 exclusives" requirement, which likely will only be 1 new item, meaning 14 of the 25 required sessions are restricted from being any standard previous season scenario.


Majuba wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
I was very careful to make sure that it didn't turn into a chore.

I think the 5th star requirements are pretty fair in general, but I do think #4 is a bit rough.

Guide to PFS wrote:
4. Run 10 different and newly released (for the current season) Pathfinder Society scenarios. These 10 scenarios count towards the required 25 total for the season.
That means running about half of each new season as it comes out. I can definitely see requiring different ones to be run (or the society will grow stale over time), but this is a hefty requirement that strongly restricts the ability to play classic favorites. Especially combined with the "5 exclusives" requirement, which likely will only be 1 new item, meaning 14 of the 25 required sessions are restricted from being any standard previous season scenario.

But you're not limited to only 25 scenarios for the year. If you run one a week, that would only be 14 of 52 that can't be an oldie but goodie. :)

Grand Lodge 5/5

Havent actually read through the new guide yet, so I apologize if this is covered in it, but how to the new Pregenerated character rules interact with the new module rules?

Can you play a pregenerated characterof higher than level 1 at all in a module?
If you can, and assuming you live, can you apply the chronicle to a new 1st level character?
Would you still reduce the gold gained to 500? Or maybe 1500?

Also, I want to make sure Im getting this right. Tier 1-2 sceanrios/ modules are infinitely replayable, though you can only play them with a level 2 a single time? The rest of the times you play through them have to be with level 1 characters? And each time you replay it, it has to go to a different character, obviously.

The Exchange 5/5

I think the requirements for maintaining a 5-Star rating are completely fair and I applaud Mike for instituting them. If a 5-Star falls off and gets demoted to a 4-Star, how much of a blow is it really? The perks for being a 5-Star vs a 4-Star are pretty insubstantial (currently). I intend to maintain my stars. I will be surprised if anyone who is currently a 5-Star and loses one actually cares. You either want to be involved or you don't.

The Exchange 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Majuba wrote:
That means running about half of each new season as it comes out.

This requirement was thoroughly discussed. It's actually significantly closer to 1/3 of the new Season's scenarios (there are 28 scenarios per Season). Also since you're going to at least two conventions a year, you could, theoretically, play all 10 new scenarios simply at a convention.

If you go back and look at your own sessions GMed, you'll probably find that quite a few of them are newer scenarios. You'll probably realize you might have come close to making the 5 star requirements for the current year!

Note: After re-reading this it sounded like I looked at your sessions. I did not, this is the ambiguous form of "you."

Dark Archive

I think the changes to the 5 star GM qualifications are fine. People up thread are all bent out of shape, but what the qualifications really boil down to is... If you're going to stay a 5 star GM you have to keep doing what you've been doing. I doubt there's a 5 star GM feeling belabored by this.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Drogon wrote:
Dragnmoon wrote:
Enevhar Aldarion wrote:
Does Master of the Fallen Fortress still count as a Tier 1 scenario or does that fall under the module rules now?
Does not matter..
It kinda does. If it's Tier 1, you can only play it with 1st level characters. If it's Tier 1-2, you can take 2nd level characters in. That's a pretty big deal for that little module...

You may only play a Tier 1-2 module once for credit with a 2nd level PC. Replay for credit is only available to players using level 1 PCs.

For example:

You play We Be Goblins and apply the Chronicle to a level 1 PC: Mog.

You play it a second time and apply the Chronicle to a level 2 PC: Utha.

You play it a third time and apply the Chronicle to a level 1 PC: Rik.

You play it a fourth time and forget and plan to use it for Misa, another 2nd level PC, but you can't - you've already used a 2nd level PC.

You play it a fifth time with Drek, another level 1 PC and may give him a Chronicle sheet for it.

EDIT: And to answer the OPs question, Master of the Fallen Fortress is a Tier 1-2 module. All modules for level 1 PCs are Tier 1-2 because PFS allows you to use a PC within one level of the module's starting level.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Thanks for clarifying this Don.

Dark Archive 4/5

Doug Miles wrote:
You either want to be involved or you don't.

Nah. I want to be involved though (thinking way ahead) it would be challenging to meet the 25 sessions a year given I only usually GM at cons due to work factors.

Though I guess technically you only need to run 20 tables a year
10 new season scenarios
5 specials or exclusives
5 x We Be Goblins or Fallen Fortress (module = 2 session credits each) ;-)

And exclusives sound way easier than the heavyweight prep required for specials like Blood under Absalom that you can only realistically run once and that don't suit everyone - 2 credits for specials wouldn't be out of line


Don Walker wrote:
You play We Be Goblins and apply the Chronicle to a level 1 PC: Mog.

But how many PA does Mog get?

It used to be 1, but the new sheet cut all the info, so according to version 4.1 of the guide, it's 4. (Also more XP, and a bunch of gold)

This is discussed a bit at the end of this thread:

But I'm not sure which section of the forums it belongs in.

1/5 **

1 person marked this as a favorite.
0gre wrote:
The official change log is a nice touch.

It's more than that -- it looks like our new campaign coordinator is bringing some (badly needed) experience in change control and communication to bear. Two thumbs up. :)

Grand Lodge 4/5

As a side note, the Changelog has also been added as a PDF for another available format (for those like me who have an iPad). You can find a link HERE.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Steg wrote:
Don Walker wrote:
You play We Be Goblins and apply the Chronicle to a level 1 PC: Mog.

But how many PA does Mog get?

It used to be 1, but the new sheet cut all the info, so according to version 4.1 of the guide, it's 4. (Also more XP, and a bunch of gold)

This is discussed a bit at the end of this thread:

But I'm not sure which section of the forums it belongs in.

Any module that does not fit the standard 3 XP 4 PP model should have an instruction sheet in its Chronicle sheet file that supersedes the information in the Guide 4.1 AFAIK.

The Exchange 2/5

Don Walker wrote:
[EDIT: And to answer the OPs question, Master of the Fallen Fortress is a Tier 1-2 module. All modules for level 1 PCs are Tier 1-2 because PFS allows you to use a PC within one level of the module's starting level.

Well, that's a nice change, but it's definitely a change. Originally, we were told that only brand new characters that had never been played could be used in MOTFF. When first steps came out, I asked if this restriction was going to be changed, since first steps is also for only brand new characters that haven't been played--meaning you would have to choose between the two (with MOTFF invariably losing). I was told they didn't plan to change it. beans. Nice to know it can be played with any 1st or 2nd level character now.


Kyle Pratt wrote:
Majuba wrote:
That means running about half of each new season as it comes out.

If you go back and look at your own sessions GMed, you'll probably find that quite a few of them are newer scenarios. You'll probably realize you might have come close to making the 5 star requirements for the current year!

Note: After re-reading this it sounded like I looked at your sessions. I did not, this is the ambiguous form of "you."

I understood how you meant it. For the record of the 12 scenarios I've run since Season 3 started, only one is from Season 3 (a sequel to my favorite scenario ever).

Kyle Pratt wrote:
This requirement was thoroughly discussed.

This is good to hear, and (to quote) I'm not bent out of shape over this. I obviously have a good ways to go before it would apply to me (I should hit 4 stars in 2013).

As someone who tends to dislike change, I thought it worth noting the hefty requirement to run new scenarios. Each season tends to bring a lot of change, and that can take some time to assimilate. For instance, this time last year, I was still somewhat hesitant about the whole Shadow Lodge stuff, it seemed a bit overdone. Now, a year later, I want to run a whole streak of Shadow lodge related scenarios.

I'm glad this aspect was reviewed by those it affects.

Shadow Lodge

Now that the chronicle sheets for sanctioned modules have changed, how does that affect my PFS character who played a sanctioned module at level 1? If there are discrepancies between the two chronicle sheets, what would be the best method to rectify that?

(I'm away from home, and thus my chronicle sheets, which is why I have yet to compare the two myself.)

The Exchange 5/5

Carlos Cabrera wrote:

Now that the chronicle sheets for sanctioned modules have changed, how does that affect my PFS character who played a sanctioned module at level 1? If there are discrepancies between the two chronicle sheets, what would be the best method to rectify that?

(I'm away from home, and thus my chronicle sheets, which is why I have yet to compare the two myself.)

You do not retroactively change your chronicle sheets to follow changes in the campaign rules. Your chronicles match the rules used at the time of play.

You received credit for playing it under the old rules, so you will have the old sheet. Those who play it under the new rules from 4.1 will have the new sheet.

Shadow Lodge

I'm sorry my reply is so late, but thank you Brian.


This is nitpicky, but please change the instances of "can not" (able to not do) to the standard "cannot" (not able to do).

/end grammar rant

Shadow Lodge 3/5

I can never recommend this part of the character creation process:

Step 1 says to choose abilities and race first, Step 2 says to choose class. Every new player I introduce, I have to tell them to ignore that and choose class first, because they will always want to go back and change abilities and race depending on what class they decide on. I don't know anyone who choose abilities and race first, gets stuck with certain ability scores and chooses a class based on those.

This is a huge shame that it's like that, because other than this flaw, that character creation chapter is really well done.

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