
Aaron Hale's page

61 posts. Alias of AlKir.


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Dark Archive

That's a valid suggestion. Although ultimately it only makes a difference of a handful of hp. Unless I'm missing a restriction somewhere that two paths cannot be taken without the feat.

Dark Archive

My party is wrapping up a three year run with Kingmaker. Heading in to the House at the Edge of Time, my party is 8 in number including henchmen from leadership and are level 16-19. Going back several volumes I have been increasing the challenge ratings of every encounter by 4 to account for their large party size and higher than intended level for the material. Near the end of volume 5 this was still becoming too little challenge.

In response, I've re-worked nearly all entities from the first world pocket dimension with the Mythic rule set. I have kept the +4 CR advancement but attained this by adding mythic ranks rather than traditional class levels, templates or hit dice. My players have no access to mythic resources of their own other than I have given Briar the mythic quality for the purposes of overcoming DR.

The mythic addition to my campaign has done a wonderful job of creating appropriate challenges for my min/max happy players. It has been very successful in ending long standing combat strategies that have become a "win" button and force my players to re-assess the path to victory for every encounter. As a game master, it has been immensely satisfying.

I've decided to share my stat blocks for others to enjoy. Note that some encounters have been replaced with entirely different creatures providing a greater challenge, but preserving the original spirit of the encounter.

First World Blooms

Thousand Breaths

House at the Edge of Time

Nyrissa (CR25/MR10)

Nyrissa is equipped with gear appropriate in value to a 25th level PC.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aaron Hale wrote:
Starfury wrote:
I know Mythic Adventures has only just starting being released. But has anyone considered adding mythic tiers to Nyrissa? Can't think of anyone more suited for a mythic upgrade than her...

I've done just that! My players are completionist, pair that with time to complete whatever you want and we ended up with a party that hasn't fit the power curve of the AP since book 3. Rather than hemming in their efforts, I've embraced them and let it just continue. Prior to book 6 I was manually editing encounters to raise their CR by 4.

Near the end of book 5, the party has overcome a few encounters at CR20 and have an APL of 16 going into book 6. I needed something else. I felt Mythic Adventures paired well with ides of the First World and decided that all creatures from this mythical place have mythical power. The nice part is that adding mythic ranks equal to 1/2 of the existing CR already increased the difficulty by approximately 4CR without further modification.

If it helps, I've got these in google docs for folks to review. It is still a work in progress. My party has just begun tackling blooms and I am just now starting to stat Thousand Breaths encounters.

Mythic First World Blooms

Thousand Breaths Enounters

Note: I am not giving any of my characters mythic power for themselves as they are already amazingly powerful.

We're down to the last 10 or so encounters in the House at the Edge of Time. The Mythic Conversions of the stats are actually working wonderfully. My characters are in the level 17-19 range and 3 players have leadership bring the party up to a whopping 8 in size. My Nyrissa worked out to CR 25 MR 10 and I'm hopeful it will present a grand challenge. Thus far each encounter has been tough, but achievable. After not finding much challenge in volumes 4 and 5 a Mythic chapter 6 has caused my players to rethink and retool long standing strategies.

House at the Edge of Time

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
Tem wrote:

I was just flipping through this issue in an effort to get a feel for how the kingdom building and mass combat portions of the game play out. I came across this particular nugget:

Page 11 wrote:

Once a bloom manifests, it changes the nature of
reality in some unique manner within the reach of that
hex. Worse, that hex is immediately removed from the PCs’
kingdom. This not only reduces the kingdom’s size by 1,
but also increases Unrest by 1 (or by 4 if the hex contained
a city). Any improvements in that hex are lost, including all
city-based improvements and modifiers and all special hex
features such as resources.
Page 15 wrote:

Day 12: Nights of Dread

Location: This bloom can appear in any hex that
contains a settlement of any size—it’s best if this bloom
manifests in the PCs’ capital city.
So, if I understand correctly, with no way to prevent it ahead of time, the PCs will automatically lose their capital city. This will not only dramatically affect their kingdom modifiers but is also incurs 4 points of unrest. Have people played through this portion of the AP yet? I must admit we're still quite a ways off, but it sure looks tough to recover from such an event.
The Nights of Dread bloom doesn't physically change anything; it takes place entirely in the dreaming minds of sentient creatures. It shouldn't cause the hex to be lost as a result, since there's no immediate physical change that occurs. It's a weird one.

In our play through, The random tables were rather cruel spawning earthquakes, acid storms etc in the capitol city which resulted in the destruction of several of the cities buildings including their palace. The PC's reactions were priceless and created a huge sense of urgency to make the blooms stop at all costs.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Starfury wrote:
I know Mythic Adventures has only just starting being released. But has anyone considered adding mythic tiers to Nyrissa? Can't think of anyone more suited for a mythic upgrade than her...

I've done just that! My players are completionist, pair that with time to complete whatever you want and we ended up with a party that hasn't fit the power curve of the AP since book 3. Rather than hemming in their efforts, I've embraced them and let it just continue. Prior to book 6 I was manually editing encounters to raise their CR by 4.

Near the end of book 5, the party has overcome a few encounters at CR20 and have an APL of 16 going into book 6. I needed something else. I felt Mythic Adventures paired well with ides of the First World and decided that all creatures from this mythical place have mythical power. The nice part is that adding mythic ranks equal to 1/2 of the existing CR already increased the difficulty by approximately 4CR without further modification.

If it helps, I've got these in google docs for folks to review. It is still a work in progress. My party has just begun tackling blooms and I am just now starting to stat Thousand Breaths encounters.

Mythic First World Blooms

Thousand Breaths Enounters

Note: I am not giving any of my characters mythic power for themselves as they are already amazingly powerful.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My players start book six tomorrow night and I wanted to take the time to thank everyone for the amazing creative effort here. It was super hard to choose which version to use. Kudos to all of the artists.

Ultimately I went with Blaaarg's illustrations and the beautiful watercolor map from Natalie's work. I'm running in Roll20 and these are going to make fabulous handouts. I'm very pleased.

Dark Archive

Diego Valdez wrote:

Hello Aaron,

Thank you for letting me know. You should be able to see both PDFs on your My Downloads page now.

Thank you for the prompt service Diego. All is looking correct now.

Note to Diego's supervisor: Diego is on his game today, he is to be commended!

Dark Archive

The report appears to have run. Bonekeep 1 & 2, Serpent's Rise and Serpent's Ire have been added to my downloads.

However my Venture Captain has indicated that Bonekeep 3 and Maelstrom Rift should have also been included. My local lodge is requesting that I run Maelstrom Rift for them next Thursday, July 20.

Thank you for your assistance with this matter.

Dark Archive

Diego Valdez wrote:

Hello Aaron,

Your account now reflects your status as a 4 star GM. The next time we run the report that grants PDFs you should receive the 4 star GM ones. We usually run this report once a week so you should see them by the end of the week.

Thank you for the prompt and quality service.

Dark Archive

Greetings. Back in March, I attained my fourth GM star in Pathfinder Society OP. My Venture Captain has informed me that upon doing so, I should have received a copy of all of the PFS Special scenarios in My Downloads. However, this has not occurred. Any help with this is appreciated. Thanks.

Dark Archive

When do we anticipate getting things underway? No pressure, but I've been checking in a couple of times a day in futility and will probably stop doing so for a bit. Let me know.

Dark Archive

Present and excited

Dark Archive

With Tavern Con only 6 weeks away, the time has come for player sign-ups! We've got a selection of new and old scenarios for your consumption and have some special plans.

First off, one of Michigan's newest 5-Star GMs, Jim TInklenberg will be running True Dragons of Absalom Saturday morning. It can only be run by 5-Star GMs so this will be one of the earliest chances to play this exclusive scenario where you get to play pregenerated Kobolds!

Secondly Sunday morning we're running the Paizocon interactive special Siege of Serpents. For those of you GMing it at Grandcon this would be a chance to play it before you have to run it.

Thirdly Sunday afternoon we're flipping the tables and we're running Serpents Rise, the 4-Star GM exclusive where you get to the other side of Siege of Serpents as pregenerated Aspis Agents trying to foil the Pathfinder Society.

On top of all of that we'll have Goblin Pickles again, a Paizo employee autographed copy of Occult Adventures, and many more surprises!

So sign up on Warhorn and we'll see you at the end of August!

Sign Up Here

Dark Archive

To all of the GMs that have signed up for this year's Tavern Con. Huzzah to you! We have 90% slotted at this point. We're still looking for a special person (five star GM) to run a slot of True Dragons of Absalom for Saturday morning's slot and two four star GMs to round out our five tables of Serpent's Rise Sunday afternoon.

Players, we have a fantastic lineup for you this year. I fully expect that the excitement and energy of this year's event will be unsurpassed by your fond memories of last year. Though we are not accepting player signups as of yet, we will be announcing player signups within a few short weeks over at our Warhorn page Until then, all player signups are invalid and will be removed prior to the official signup period.

If Tavern Con is on your to do list, it's probably time to think about lodging arrangements. Regional motels are small and fill with fair rapidity. While drinking and gaming is epic fun, it's good to have a safe ride and warm bed at the end of a long day of adventuring. You can find a run down of local lodging here . A summary of cab services are here .

Dark Archive

Petronas Tiverios Vardas
Gunslinger (Musket Master) 6, Inquisitor (Sin Eater) of Cayden Cailean 6
Sovereign Court

Known for his quick wit, constant intoxication, deadly aim, and inappropriate banter with his porter, Esteban. In his career, Petronis slew an awakening runelord with one well placed shot, shared a drink and became friends with a copper dragon, and defended the Blackros family from great harm on multiple occasions.

Dark Archive

Only three days until Tavern Con! Don't miss Central Michigan's only chance to experience top notch tavern themed Pathfinder Society hosted by a Winery/Brewery. You like Mead with your Dwarven adventure? We have that! Enjoy a tasty Ale with your tavern brawl? Yep, got that too. Oh you want a delicately aged wine with your murder mystery? Ha, no problem! You can even join the cult and drink the kool-aid. (Trust us on this one.)

It's time to pack up the prize support, gather the minis, and bedeck the gaming hall balcony. To arms Pathfinders, to Tavern Con!

Dark Archive

We are currently seeking Players's for Tavern Con 2014.

Tavern Con is a two day Pathfinder Society Event packed full with 32 hours of scheduled game play hosted in a Winery/Brewery. With a selection of recent content and a hand picked plethora of tavern themed scenarios, this convention will satiate the thirst of even the most ravenous adventurer. So join us this Fall to raise a glass, roll some dice and cry havoc!

All signups are being handled through Warhorn

A $3 fee per slot played will be assessed per slot played the day of the event.

Please note: We are still seeking GM's for a small number of slots, including Saturday's Blood Under Absolom event during Saturday Slot 3 and a Venture Officer, or four star GM, to run PFS 5-EX: Ruins of Bonekeep—Level I: The Silent Grave (levels 3-7) Sunday during Slot 3

Dark Archive

[Roll20/G+] Pathfinder Society Scenario: #5-24 Assault on the Wound (tier 3-7) - Thur, July 17th, 2014 @ 8:00PM EDT [GMT -4]

Help with macros and other technical assistance available at 7:30. Event is slotted for 5 hrs.

This event uses Roll20 Virtual Tabletop and Google Hangout.

Please note that this game utilizes Roll20 Dynamic Lighting.

Sign up here:

Dark Archive

Thank you for the robust response to GM signups. We have gotten over 60% of the coverage needed in one weekend!

We've added a table to Saturday in slot 1 and Sunday in slot 2 for GM's to run any society scenario they would like. If you have had a favorite experience as a player and want to return the favor as a GM, or have a scenario that you love running so much that you are itching to run again, these slots are for you.

Finally we are still seeking GM's for Saturday's Blood Under Absolom event during Slot 3 and a Venture Officer, or four star GM, to run PFS 5-EX: Ruins of Bonekeep—Level I: The Silent Grave (levels 3-7) Sunday during Slot 3.

Dark Archive

We are currently seeking GM's for Tavern Con 2014

All signups are being handled through Warhorn

Please note: Player signups are NOT available at this time. We are currently recruiting GMs ONLY. The player signup phase will begin once we have adequate GM coverage for tables. All player signups prior to that announcement will be deleted by the organizers. Thank you for your patience.

Dark Archive

[Roll20/G+] Pathfinder Society Scenario: The Glass River Rescue (tier 1-5) - Thur, July 10th, 2014 @ 8:00PM EDT [GMT -4]
Help with macros and other technical assistance available at 7:30. Event is slotted for 5 hrs.

This event uses Roll20 Virtual Tabletop and Google Hangout.
Please note that this game utilizes Roll20 Dynamic Lighting.

Sign up here:

Dark Archive

[Roll20/G+] Pathfinder Society Scenario: Destiny of the Sands Part 3: Sanctum of the Sages (tier 3-7) - Thur, June 26th, 2014 @ 8:00PM EDT [GMT -4]
Help with macros and other technical assistance available at 7:30. Event is slotted for 5 hrs.
This event uses Roll20 Virtual Tabletop and Google Hangout.
Sign up here:

Dark Archive

Yes, A huge thank you to all of the organizers and admins of this Con. I had great fun playing and running games. I'll definitely keep my eye out for online conventions offering PFS in the future. :D

Dark Archive

As above I still have one seat available. PM me if interested.

Dark Archive

Yes a 20 point buy. This is a Pathfinder Society Game and character should be created according to the Pathfinder Society Guide to Organized play, available for download from Paizo for free.


AznP33nRocket wrote:
Aaron Hale wrote:

Help with macros and other technical assistance available at 7:30. Event is slotted for 5 hrs.

This event uses Roll20 Virtual Tabletop and Google Hangout.
Sign up here:

You must sign up for both parts. Players who attend part 1 will be given preferential seating for part 2.

Quick question. Whats the point buy? 20?

Dark Archive

Help with macros and other technical assistance available at 7:30. Event is slotted for 5 hrs.
This event uses Roll20 Virtual Tabletop and Google Hangout.
Sign up here:

You must sign up for both parts. Players who attend part 1 will be given preferential seating for part 2.

Dark Archive

One seat remains. The signups at Warhorn have closed but if you would still like in this game, please PM me.

Dark Archive

As of this posting, 3 seats still available.

Dark Archive

Help with macros and other technical assistance available at 7:30. Event is slotted for 5 hrs.
This event uses Roll20 Virtual Tabletop and Google Hangout.
Sign up here:

Dark Archive

Help with macros and other technical assistance available at 7:30. Event is slotted for 5 hrs.
This event uses Roll20 Virtual Tabletop and Google Hangout.
Sign up here:

Dark Archive

Event is slotted for 4 hrs.
This event uses Roll20 Virtual Tabletop and Google Hangout.
This event is part of Conline, an online convention held Memorial Weekend. This event may have prize support.
Signup Here: 8

Dark Archive

Help with macros and other technical assistance available at 7:30.

Event is slotted for 5 hrs.

This event uses Roll20 Virtual Tabletop and Google Hangout.

Sign up here:

Dark Archive

New players welcome. Help with macros and other technical assistance available at 7:30. Event is slotted for 5 hrs.

This event uses Roll20 Virtual Tabletop and Google Hangout.

Sign up here:

This is a module being run in two 5 hours slots on consecutive weeks. Attending both will earn 3xp and up to 4 PA. Attending only one session will result in a reduced reward. Chronicles will be sent after the game on May 8th.

Dark Archive

Prethen wrote:
I've actually queried the PFS GM forum here about "removing minor and inconsequential encounters" and the implied answer is we're not allowed to for PFS play unless it's written that way. I was wondering about shortening up We Be Goblins Too! just a bit since I noticed that it tended to run right up to the 5 hour+ mark and it just seemed long for everyone. There were a couple things I thought I could do to keep momentum going, not lose anything crucial to the story/play, and shorten things up...but I basically heard a resounding...No, you can't do that.

I agree with you not skipping any encounters in a module is best if time allows. I ask you this. Show me a gm who runs at a con, is given 2 4 hour slots to run a full module and does not skip any encounters. I dare you. :P

What we would like to do and what we must do to make sure everyone has a fun and rewarding experience are often two different things.

Dark Archive

With proper pacing, I find that I can fit most scenarios into a 5 hour slot. Remember that most scenarios have an optional encounter that may be skipped if time is running short. For modules, I like to fit them into two 5 hour slots and run them in 2 parts. This takes a little more work as it usually requires removing a few minor and inconsequential encounters. One issue that comes up regularly in online play is one or more players experiencing technical difficulties. I've found that this can eat as much as your first hour of game time and is super frustrating. For the reason, I encourage players to show up a half hour before the came for a "systems" test. That way if someones mic isn't working, computer keeps crashing, etc., we can hopefully resolve the issue prior to the actual start time of the game.

Dark Archive

New players welcome. Help with macros and other technical assistance available at 7:30. Event is slotted for 5 hrs.

This event uses Roll20 Virtual Tabletop and Google Hangout.

Sign up here:

For those completely new to Pathfinder Society, I am holding a guided character creation session tonight, April 10th at 8P EST. If you are interested in tonight's activity please do not reply to this thread. Instead e-mail the event organizer at the link above to RSVP. Thanks. :D

Dark Archive

going into Chapter 2, my Ezren deck uses the +1 allying dart in the weapon slot. I never use it as a weapon though, but for the utility of adding to others combat checks at my location. With a healthy recharge rate, I'm rarely without attack spells in my hand. I don't miss armor as I keep a mirror image in my spell list and a sihedron medallion in an item slot.

Dark Archive

csouth154 wrote:

Technically, what is intended is that you deconstruct the decks of characters that aaren't actually playing. Write down what is in each deck (the character sheets are great for this) and only construct them when those characters are actually playing. That way, two (or more) different groups can have access to any card.

Ah, thank you for the clarification. I'll admit deconstructing your deck after you finish play each session sounds like a PITA to me, but I now understand why it is necessary. I own the character addon deck and what I've been doing up to this point is keeping the 6 most actively played decks (Of the 8 that have been constructed thus far)together and stored in the character slots in the box. At least the fan created tracking sheets are great for keeping track of deck contents.

Dark Archive

I'm ok with loot cards being unique and found in limited quantity. My only hitch comes in that I play this game with two distinct groups. One with my regular RPG group and my wife and I also play regular 2 player games with different characters. Last night my wife and I finished adventure 1. In that game she plays Kyra and I play Sajan (an awesome combination IMHO). Obviously she took the medallion as Sajan cannot recharge it. Now here's where it gets sticky.... Today my 5 player group is coming together to play both thistletop scenarios. After we complete Adventure 1 there technically won't be a medallion for ANYONE who played that game. I know that RAW that's the way it's supposed to be, but I am very tempted to have my wife put a placeholder note in her Kyra deck and just move the medallion back and forth depending on which group is playing.

Dark Archive

My wife loves this game. I like it, she LOVES it. We play two player quite often with Kyra and Sajan. The game also serves as a fallback when we can't get our regular weekly Pathfinder group all together. With the bigger group, it's I play Ezren, she plays Merisiel, and others play Amiri, Valeros, and Lini. We've had great fun. My good friend also has a copy and regularly plays with his wife and kids.

Dark Archive

Thank you kindly! I will be sure to resubscribe as soon as Mythic releases so I will be in in line for Bestiary 4. :D

Dark Archive

Greetings. I want to start by telling you that I am anxiously anticipating my copy of Mythic Adventures. However, a very close friend would like to give me his Gen Con copy as a wedding gift. In lieu of his gesture, I must cancel my subscription temporarily as I do not care to own two copies. I will reinstate my subscription with the fall release. Thank you so much for continuing to release fantastic RPG products.

Dark Archive

Eric Clingenpeel wrote:

I think it would have ended sooner, if the player of Merisiel hadn't decided it was hopeless after the first or second round...

In the end, the BBEG was taken down by a tanglefoot bag and the grease spell... ;)

Indeed, I have a new found respect for cheap debuffs! Entangled and prone is a great combo. -6 to all attacks and if you stand up and make your reflex save you still take a party full of AoO. :D

Dark Archive

I've got to revive this thread in order to give Kyle Baird props for an awesome adventure that really put my players through their paces. BBEG tore a Mersiel pre gen to shreds with a full attack, but the rest of the party eventually succeeded. We have many PC's going up and down during the fight and I had a fantastic time. I think my players even kind of enjoyed it. :P

Dark Archive

Thank you tbug, that actually helps put things in perspective quite a bit.

Perhaps I'll play it so that the Mantis did steal the crystals from both Rogaru and Issilar. They snuck past all the guards in the pyramid and then activated the pillars. Once the map was up and the inscriptions copied they did their ninja thing and were gone, leaving poor Issilar to walk back to his puzzle sometime later to find it all aglow and showing a map to the city he had fled. Poor Issilar, he just can't win.

The Aspis pay the baddies off for a peak at the map and Issilar pens a missive to deliver via a charu'ka runner all the way to the gorilla king for an "audience" to strengthen an alliance and that Issilar will lead the great king to the fabled city in exchange for it's conquest.

That leaves the PC's to stumble into the middle of all of this only 2 days before the pathfinder's show with a fair chance of encountering them before they leave the ruins.

Dark Archive

In the course of running this chapter, my party ran into a few complications which delayed their travel. Chiefly they utterly failed at stopping the warehouse fire and started a week behind. Then poor N'Cheki died from some random circumstances concerning a certain shadow demon. I just prorated the travel time benefit N'Cheki provided giving the party roughly 2/3 of his travel time bonus. This puts them arriving in Tazion on Day 61 after the Red Mantis and the Aspis Consortium.

In the Tazion preface, it states that both groups gain access to the pillars of light without majorly impacting the denizens of the city. The Mantis, through stealth, and the Aspis, through bribery and diplomacy. My question is this, what effect does this have on the locations of the focusing crystals?

Obviously the Mantis managed to stealthily steal the crystals from both Rougaru and Issilar and activate the pillars without their knowledge. Wouldn't they just take the crystals with them after leaving? I simply can't believe they managed to activate the pillars blindly with a DC 40 UMD check. That's just silly.

But let's suppose they did. Now the Aspis comes along and negotiates the crystal from Rougaru and gains Issilar's assistance in activating the pillars. This would leave all 3 stones in Issilar's possession. I get that. The main question I have is why is Issilar trying to activate the pillars to start with? He came FROM Savith'Yi to Tazion to convince the Chuaru'Ka to fight for him and take back the ancient city from his enemies there. He knows where the city is. I don't understand his obsession with activating the pillars. Thoughts?

Dark Archive

Played this one a few months back under the old module rules. Having built a party of 4 optimized 8th level characters we found the module very difficult. Only a few parts were TRULY dangerous, but the stats in the module were so perfectly balanced against our party that some of the combats

especially against the Rahksasha
took forever and a day to get through. We found the last act particularly challenging but we all survived without deaths. Because of the painfully balanced enemies this module took us FOUR, five hour sessions to complete.

Don't go there with 4, 7th level characters. Just don't do it, or they will be sorry. LOL

Dark Archive

Don Walker wrote:
When my home group started playing PFS back at scenario #1 Silent Tide, we all took turns GMing. Whenever you ran a scenario, you were responsible for buying it. This worked great for the first 3 years. Then I became a Venture-Captain and now it seems I run everything. :-(

We do much the same with our weekly home game. We have three active GMs and swap off responsibilities every 6 weeks or so. That way no one person forks our more than $20 in any 4 month period.

Dark Archive

Chris Mortika wrote:

The way I understand the Organized Play rules to work, the permanent conditions imposed by PC spells end at the end of the scenario. There's no suggestion of "but only if you like them".

No Heal spell is necessary.

A very interesting distinction... So if my fellow PC gets dominated or what have you and feeble minds, turns me to stone, or a toad, etc, the effect ends at the end of the scenario. But if the same effect was cast upon my character by a stated enemy, it would be permanent and require the expenditure of resources to remove.

That just sounds like crazy talk! If resources are required to remove conditions caused by enemies, they should also be required to be expended for conditions the enemy caused my ally to inflict upon my character.

Is this really RAW?

Dark Archive

Steve Miller wrote:

Am I missing something with the non-monk reward for the Braid of a Hundred Masters?

"If the character is not a monk, he gains the fast movement and unarmed damage of a 2nd-level monk."
unarmed damage is 1d6, that's easy. +0 ft. fast movement?

I saw that too. I assume the braid is supposed to add the base amount of fast movement of a monk for non monks. So +10' of movement, that is not how things are technically worded, however.

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