Who's from the UK?

Off-Topic Discussions

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just wondering how many fellow Brits are here on the boards? And if there is much PFS going on in the UK?

I'm from Scotland myself and to my knowledge there is nothing remotely PFerish or even D&Dish near me :(

Thank goodness for PbP!

Not me, but I am obsessed with the British if that counts for anything.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

There are quite a few of us. Wintergreen is the UK PFS coordinator and might be able to point you to a local group. There's also PaizoconUK in June, IIRC, where I'm sure you'd be welcome.

The Exchange

Happy Burns Night from the other end of the Union :)

I met a fair few PFS players from Scotland at PaizoconUK last year. Hopefully, some of them will be stopping by shortly.

Heya Witchwolf,

I am from down essex way.

Grand Lodge

will have to look out for PazioConUK then! Glad to see that there is a fair band of us in the ranks!

Do you know i didn't even have mash tatties and neeps tonight and definitely no haggis!! - mind you they are hard to catch at this time of year ;)

Hey Zombie, I was born down that way...but got out after 8 days and safely back up north! :p

Sovereign Court

one of us.

And, of course, Pett is British! Huzzar!


2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hoorah and Huzzah!

Paizocon UK is teeming with fine fellows and ladies from the UK, as well as a liberal spicing of friends from Europe and the US.

If you've not been, please accept this shameless plug as a suggestion that you check it out if you can, its flippin marvellous.

This years is on 21-22 July at Aston University.


Scarab Sages

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Not me, but I am obsessed with the British if that counts for anything.


"Well, hellooooooooooooooo there!"

Scarab Sages

witchwolf wrote:
Do you know i didn't even have mash tatties and neeps tonight and definitely no haggis!! - mind you they are hard to catch at this time of year ;)

If you leave out a saucer of milk, the haggis will come to lap it up, and you can drop a bucket over him.

Kent, here: any further east I'd be swimming. No PFS I'm aware of.

I usually go haggis hunting, but forgot this year.

I'm on the London/Essex border (about 100' on the London side).
I think I'll be having vegetarian haggis tonight, as my wife forgot to cook it last night.

Kradlum wrote:

I'm on the London/Essex border (about 100' on the London side).

I think I'll be having vegetarian haggis tonight, as my wife forgot to cook it last night.

Can you get vegetarian haggis? Isn't that sacrilege?


The Exchange

Snorter wrote:
witchwolf wrote:
Do you know i didn't even have mash tatties and neeps tonight and definitely no haggis!! - mind you they are hard to catch at this time of year ;)
If you leave out a saucer of milk, the haggis will come to lap it up, and you can drop a bucket over him.

I wasn't at work yesterday. Went in today to find that our chef had saved me some of the haggis, tatties and neeps from yesterday :) Best lunch ever!

Good all the Poms are in the one spot and I don't mean a backpackers in Bondi.

Now to unleash my nefarious plan.... "Neighbours" themed shopping centres and pubs.

Scarab Sages

The 8th Dwarf wrote:

Good all the Poms are in the one spot and I don't mean a backpackers in Bondi.

Now to unleash my nefarious plan.... "Neighbours" themed shopping centres and pubs.

Quick; what's the telephone number for the Geneva Convention?

The Exchange

Snorter wrote:
The 8th Dwarf wrote:

Good all the Poms are in the one spot and I don't mean a backpackers in Bondi.

Now to unleash my nefarious plan.... "Neighbours" themed shopping centres and pubs.

Quick; what's the telephone number for the Geneva Convention?

but ... we're not in Geneva!

Grand Lodge

Great to so many!


The 8th Dwarf wrote:

Good all the Poms are in the one spot and I don't mean a backpackers in Bondi.

Now to unleash my nefarious plan.... "Neighbours" themed shopping centres and pubs.

Only if you want us to send Eastenders right back, Convict. Let the lower orders deal with each other. Can't understand a blasted word either of them say, anyway.

Just don't mention cricket. :-(

I'm part of a solid gaming club in Cheshire, and I know of other groups in East London, Staffordshire, Yorkshire and south Wales that play pathfinder.
However I mostly run my games through D20pro as I have players who are based on the west coast of the US and Australia. It truly is a widespread hobby.

Sovereign Court

I'm an organiser on the West Midlands Roleplaying and Gaming Group on Meetup.com - I live in Staffordshire.

I DM a weekly Pathfinder game. Our group has just recently finished Crypt of the Everflame and we're now moving on to Masks of the Living God.

I've just moved down to Yorkshire from Scotland myself, after a two year posting. While I was there I tried in vain to find some PFS groups. The only official one I could find was in Manchester, though I prefer my group back home, which is quite small, there's three of us, and is heavily house-ruled

Sovereign Court Raging Swan Press

I live in Torquay, Devon, land of endless sunshine and golden beaches. I run one Pathfinder game (on Wednesday night) and would love to actually PLAY Pathfinder if anyone runs a game nearby.

Hi, another yorkshire player here, I have games in huddersfield and Halifax.

Sovereign Court

Creighton Broadhurst wrote:
I live in Torquay, Devon, land of endless sunshine and golden beaches. I run one Pathfinder game (on Wednesday night) and would love to actually PLAY Pathfinder if anyone runs a game nearby.

Aha! The truth comes out!

CB must surely be an impostor: he has never visited Devon!


Is that too many exclamation marks?


Explosive Runes!

British but currently living in Odessa, Ukraine. Will be back to the homeland in several months time.

Sovereign Court Raging Swan Press

GeraintElberion wrote:
Creighton Broadhurst wrote:
I live in Torquay, Devon, land of endless sunshine and golden beaches. I run one Pathfinder game (on Wednesday night) and would love to actually PLAY Pathfinder if anyone runs a game nearby.

Aha! The truth comes out!

CB must surely be an impostor: he has never visited Devon!

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Also we have palm trees! It must be sunny (unless they are plastic...)

Aussie expat living in Greenwich, London.

Liberty's Edge

Me im down on the south coast. Weymouth in Sunny Dorset ; )

From the states, living in Oxfordshire. There's quite a bit to like up here although though the weather can be a bit unpleasant.

@DM Dan E: Always nice to meet a fellow gnoll. Are you going to eat *all* of that?

The Exchange

Paul Watson wrote:
There are quite a few of us. Wintergreen is the UK PFS coordinator and might be able to point you to a local group. There's also PaizoconUK in June, IIRC, where I'm sure you'd be welcome.

Indeed there are quite a few. Some people are in Scotland but seem to be a bit scattered. Myself, I'm currently located in Gillingham Kent and I'm aware of groups in London, Cambridgeshire, Midlands, Sheffield and elsewhere.

Do check out our website and feel free to contact me via paizoconuk@hotmail.com.

loimprevisto wrote:

From the states, living in Oxfordshire. There's quite a bit to like up here although though the weather can be a bit unpleasant.

@DM Dan E: Always nice to meet a fellow gnoll. Are you going to eat *all* of that?

By PBP group are nearly at the big guy so we'll see..

The Exchange

Living in Rugby.

Liberty's Edge

I live on the Wirral, and I'm responsible for organising PFS play at Chester Games Club. Apart from me going to a couple of cons, we had virtually no experience of PFS play before October of last year. We're now up to 7 regulars, including one more experienced PFS player that we managed to lure in; there are 3 others at the club who've dabbled. A few of us rotate GMing duties, with me doing the most; I'm on the cusp of my first GM star.

Although we're doing PFS now, I GMed the whole 'Curse of the Crimson Throne' adventure path for a group at the club.

I have a pie-in-the-sky idea of organising a games day/mini-con later in the year at a large & cheap venue near Chester; if it comes off, then no doubt we'd be looking to run some PFS tables.

Sovereign Court

loimprevisto wrote:
From the states, living in Oxfordshire. There's quite a bit to like up here although though the weather can be a bit unpleasant.

I'm also in Oxfordshire.

That's very modern: we live nearby, regularly play together and yet have never met.

Sovereign Court

Rich2346 wrote:
Me im down on the south coast. Weymouth in Sunny Dorset ; )

:O another weymouther? I lived there for several years and my mother still does, I went to Wey Valley.

Richard Pett wrote:

Hoorah and Huzzah!

Paizocon UK is teeming with fine fellows and ladies from the UK, as well as a liberal spicing of friends from Europe and the US.

If you've not been, please accept this shameless plug as a suggestion that you check it out if you can, its flippin marvellous.

This years is on 21-22 July at Aston University.


My cheque is in the post, RIGHT NOW.

Lantern Lodge

Rich2346 wrote:
Me im down on the south coast. Weymouth in Sunny Dorset ; )

Im in Bournemouth - just up the road!

Harrogate, in North Yorkshire here.
Of course we have a open club, with 15-25 members and weekly games.

I'll be living in Biggleswade Bedfordshire in May.

The Minis Maniac wrote:
I'll be living in Biggleswade Bedfordshire in May.

A bit too far from Norwich, and in May I will be probably in Poland anyway...

Dark Archive

one more brit here

Another Brit here. Occasionally I even remember to use British English.

Trowbridge in Wiltshire.

Near Bradford (ish)

I'm British, living in Derby. Not much PFS around here, as far as I know, but I must admit I've never really checked. I keep thinking about trying it out...then I read the threads, know fear, and run away.

JonGarrett wrote:
I'm British, living in Derby. Not much PFS around here, as far as I know, but I must admit I've never really checked. I keep thinking about trying it out...then I read the threads, know fear, and run away.

It's probably a fair estimate that for every issue you read about on the boards, 99 PFS games go through without a hitch.

Of course, with my luck I'd be sure to get the one that didn't. :)

Sovereign Court

I'm stuck up near Hull. While I was at one of the three Great British Universities, Hull Uni, I ran plenty of games of Pathfinder every week. Now with a job and what have you it's much harder to get a game.

On the bright side, having a job means that I might be able to make it to Paizocon, which would be a lot of fun.

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