![]() Cant really comment on a FLGS as I dont have one within a sensible distance from where I live on the South Coast of England but ive just got back from a con, Conception XI which had a number of traders from around the country. Upon speaking to one particular trader he said that he had brought 6 pathfinder core rules with him that had sold very quickly, and another trader had also sold out of the pathfinder core rules that they had bought with them. Neither had sold and 4e PHBs. There were however a number of 4e PHBS which were on the bring and buy the majority of which sold. On another note however LFR was well subscribed to whilst Pathfinder Society appeared to be virtually non existant. However on the last day we discovered that it wasn't non existant just poorly organised compared to living forgotten realms. If it means anthing my group played a lot of Pathfinder, some runequest and Boot Hill. I get my stuff all mail order from Paizo which costs in shipping to the UK but its still probably cheaper than petrol costs etc to get to shops. And as some pure anecdotal stuff my local group plays mainly Pathfinder with a bit of traveller and Runequest throne in. Only 2 members of about 8 are interested in 4e and purchase the books, whilst 4 players including me purchase pathfinder and the rest arent really bothered as long as there is a game on. make from that what you will ![]()
![]() Ive just seen some of True Blood (yeah i know we are a bit behind in the UK) and it was awesome, realy makes me want to drag out my old Vampire Books and start a new game : ) Charlaine Harris clearly was a VTM fan ; ) Ive played a few Vtr games but it really just doesnt grab me. I loved the OWoD meta plot which I think is what turns me off, Vtr is just...meh. If I had never played the masquerade then I probably would enjoy Requiem a bit more, likewise if I never played D&d i probably would have liked 4e some more. In both cases I dont. Meh Oh well ive got plenty of Vtm to last forever, now where is my New Orleans Sourcebook...... ![]()
![]() My book arrived about 6 days after release so thats pretty good. I know the postage isnt cheap from the states but being a subscriber gets some discounts which help a little bit. I just try not to look at the cost of the shipping!
![]() I love dming 3 and 3.5 and still do. loved dming pathfinder beta and as will soon be converting over to PFRPG. Its never taken me "hours" to stat out npcs but to be honest I enjoy putting the time in to designing a session.
![]() I prefer OWoD personally but mainly for the fluff and story, history etc. I have run a number of long running Vtm campaigns and really had a great time. Played Mage and Werewolf a bit as well and had a good time although im not as much of a fan as those games as I am Vtm Played Vtr in NwoD a few times but just cant into it. I dont think the setting is anywhere near as good or interesting. Just doesnt feel right and I dont really like the covenants and just.... well the setting : ( which is a shame cos I used to love giving WW money. Havent done for many years now. Not too bothered about the rules really its the setting that does it for me! ![]()
![]() Arcmagik wrote:
Same goes for 4e edition. How many people have bought it but arent playing it. I know im one. ![]()
![]() Blood stained Sunday's best wrote:
uh oh better let my players know then : ( I was sure they were having fun ![]()
![]() Chris Mortika wrote:
Fair points, however unlike a TV programme the PCS should be the main characters, its their story after all.Its a big world why do you need to hear about all the famous persons let alone meet them? And although these persons have not turned up in my realms, its still the realms. Guess the question is whats more important to you in your games? Is it the History the lore and locales or is it characters an author has created for his book? For example my current game is set in Shadowdale, and the characters have been for a tour of the Dales, guess what...no Elminster. Not one of my players has demanded to know where he is or why he isnt doing anything to stop the Zhent threat. If one day I fell the urge to put him in the campaign he sure as hell wont be there to save the day, cos thats the the players are for!again its their game! As for the canon. Well both I and the majority of my players love the canon, weve read loads of novels and devoured sourcebooks with glee. Doesnt mean I need to be a slave to it to run a great game in the forgotten realms ![]()
![]() Blood stained Sunday's best wrote:
Yeah it irks me as well. None of these persons have ever shown up and caused problems in any of the games I have played or ran! Amazingly the pcs are always the heroes! Personally I love the 7 sisters and whatnot and I love(ed) reading about them but not once did I fell the need to have them show up and save the day! Infact im tempted to start a thread about my current realms game and whats going on and what the PCS are up to. Im sure no one else is interested but hey! It might go to illustrate what you can do in the realms even though there is too much lore and history to be able to get involved and far too many npcs to let your pcs do anything etc etc etc (nb that last bit was sarcasm) ![]()
![]() Interestingly I have just read a thread over at the WOTC site, which admitdley I dont visit hardly ever anymore, which was started by one of these alleged "new" realms fans and do you know what his question was? something along the lines of "Where can I find out more about the History of the realms?" He was of course pointed towards the wealth of 2e and 3e matarial. I thought one of the reasons for this "new realms" was so that the new players wouldnt be "intimidated" by all the history and lore? and the first thing they want is the old history and lore which wotc told us was a problem with the realms! Id link it but I cant really be bothered. Personally I have been playing and dming in the realms for years and will continue to do so but with Pathfinder rules, and I tend to run my games before the time of troubles! I would add my thoughts about the new campaign world which wotc are calling the forgotten realms, but I wont because its pretty much all been said, suffice to say I dont like it. I would have a rant about how much I dont like it but I just dont have the energy anymore and am content with what im doing with the realms and I think my players are too. ![]()
![]() Mark Peyton wrote:
or really far south! I went to Gen Con in Manchester once. Never again! Im on the south coast so Conception was a great location (hr away) but im easy. London would be ok, or Reading or somewhere round there. I could probably do Birmingham but not without a lot of chuntering : ) ![]()
![]() Paz wrote:
ah hah it was indeed and I was that Dwarf cleric Torgar we did hurtle through that, but I thought we were going to die horribly in the last encounter. I wont spoil it but damn half orcs and their saves : ) go team Andoran ; ) ![]()
![]() Dragnmoon wrote:
Myself and at least 4 others would definately be up for it, we are all also willing to dm stuff : ) ![]()
![]() Just thought id chime in and say me and my pals had a great time at conception, we managed to fit in 5 pathfinder scenairos and managed to reach the dizzy heights of lvl 3 : ) Thanks to Grant and Dan who seemed to be our personal DMs for the week!they did a fantatstic job : ) cant wait for more pathfinder goodness ![]()
![]() B_Wiklund wrote:
mmm think id have to say ...and justice for all is the best!havent listened to any of their stuff since the black album, same goes for megadeath and countdown to extinsion. You also cant beat rage against the machine for some anger! these days I listen to Bullet for my Valentine, System of a down, scars on broadway, Aiden, dragonforce, and I like what I heard so far of bring me the horizon I like to branch off into some black metal (cradle of filth, immortal etc) cannibal corpse were brilliant for a good laugh i wet myself when they appeared in ace venture with jim carey! quality ![]()
![]() Laserray wrote:
I think it lost something in the translation and i feel really bad that I cant remember everybodys character! In the next adventure I had a Dwarf Cleric of Torag who again nearly died horribly by drowning in scale mail with his Dwarven brother, a fighter in banded mail. It was so unbelievable it was nearly funny! ![]()
![]() Laserray wrote:
Well ok since you asked nicely.I wont tell nuch about the plot incase there is people that are going to play it. It was our groups first pathfinder outing, the majority of the group were from my local club anyway (including prosteve who posts here somewhere) We were me, a human fighter, there was a human priest, 2 human rangers, a rouge and a sorcererr i think! We were playing the frozen fingers of midnight and it started of fairly well. After a fair bit of faffing and random dice rolling we managed to find the mansion we were after. the 2 big ulfen guards attacked us and despite not really being able to roll above 9 we manad to defeat them. We continued on with the adventure wondering why the dm was saying "mmm they didnt seem to be too tough perhaps ill use the higher tier ones" we were all level 1. we continued on eventually finding the warehouse where we assumed we were supposed to go to. The priest managed to "distract" the big barbarian at the front door by pretending to know him and asking him lots of personal questions especially about his "health" in certain areas. This was highly entertaining and would have worked except for those pesky dice rolls which still refused to land in double figures. Th majority of the rest of the party had managed to climb and swim (very badly and slowly) and snuck in to the back of the warehouse and thats where it all went wrong. suffice to say there were some pretty rubbish roles and a melee ensued.We started off badly and got progressively worse. My fighter was criticalled by a barbarian priests spiritual weapon upon entering the warehouse falling to about -7 without even drawing a sword. The sorcerrerr was quickly decapitated and the rest of the party quicky fell like flies. And this wasnt even the end of game encounter it was only about half way through. we all lokked around abit stunned wondering what had happened but hey it was only a game. We did the other advenuters and managed to survive by the skin of our teeths and a thouroughly good time was had by all. we suspect that the DM had got a little confused and had thrown us against a higher tier encounter as we sisnt actually manage to do anything against this group before they totally wiped the floor with us! ah well life goes on and we had a great con and some great games! thanks Paizo Rich ![]()
![]() Uzzy wrote: I was honestly under the impression that you were all dead, and not unconscious and being subdued to heck! I'd have tried to help if I knew you weren't, even with the 0hp. Though I think that if it wasn't for the helpful DM with his quick fix, that'd have ended with a TPK. I was under the impression that we were all dead as well ; ) I was only joking though! Yeah Dan was a great DM who made it really enjoyable! ![]()
![]() Uzzy wrote:
The Othello who was ready to abandon his Dwarven Comrades to the clutches of the Harpies? ; ) ive seen you here and on a few other sites its a pleasure to have played alongside you. (I was Torgar the Dwarf Priest in the Silken Caravan) ![]()
![]() Dragnmoon wrote:
My last 2 previous GenCon UKs were back in the early 2000s late 1990s (sorry cant remember the exact years)when they were held at Loughborough and Manchester. They certainly seemed much bigger then, just trade hall wise. Loughborough had a whole university gym (a big one!) to itself and there were lots and lots of traders. Saying that i thoroughly enjoyed this one and im definately going back next year! ![]()
![]() Cosimo Angelo wrote:
Cosimo was it you who played the Silken Caravan with us today? Im one of the 2 Dwarfs that couldnt seem to climb a rope and then got slapped around by some harpies!!!!!! you saved us! there was a guy taking pictures at the end of that game who was that???? Rich ![]()
![]() Erik Mona wrote:
Just got back in from returning from Gen Con Uk and have to say it was great to meet Josh Nick Jason and Eric who were all kind enough so sign my beta rule book, sad fanboy that I am. It was great that they had time to stop and chat to us fans about what they were doing. Myself and my fellow pathfinders from our club must have bought about 10 copies of the beta between us and lots of other stuff as well! We thouroughly enjoyed the Pathfinder society games despite the total party wipe in our first one ; ) more on this in another thread later when ive un packed my goodies and eaten a pizza. Oh and washed..... Wheres nick moving to?I can thourougly reccomend the south coast ; ) Rich ![]()
![]() kessukoofah wrote:
yeah his first one "horus rising" was probably my favourite. Apparantly Mr Abnett is going to be at gencon uk as well : ) I shall have to reprimand him for making me interested in wargaming again....damn him ![]()
![]() Just started gettin back into GW stuff again. Havent played 40k since Rouge Trader and Fntasy battles since about 2nd or 3rd edition. Just got me an ultramarine force for 40k and ive got a wood elf for fantasy but im gonna start a dark elf one now that the new figs are out. what got me back into it was the Horus Heresy novels. they were mostly quite good ![]()
![]() Hi First off thanks very much for my order 10 days from the US to Blighty is great ive had orders take longer from Amazon.co.uk!!!! unfortunately there appears to be an Item missing from my one of my orders (1007434) It appears to be the curse of the crimson throne map folio. insteaed there is a players guide to the crimson throne. The map folio is in my pdf downloads so its no big hurry. What is the next course of action? Thanks very much Rich ![]()
![]() I feel your pain. ive never ran an adventure with 4 players all my games have always had between 6-12 players so designing encounters is pretty hard. What ive usually done is either add a few extra creatures in or add classes to most monsters. I also give them max hitpints and then do what is known as "fudging" if its looking the the pcs are going to struggle then i make some weaker and if it looks like they are breezing through i make them harder. works most of the time but occasionly something is a pushover or could result in a tpk but luckily thats never happened yet. It is hard work though and very time consuming preparing all the enimies and in my games there is no such thing as a random encounter..there all planned. Im currently running a Waterdeep campaign and nearly every encounter has been with a group of npcs rather than monsters. they been fighting esentially other parties which is good fun but takes some time to create. I dont think there is an easy wasy to cope with groups above 4 you just have to wing it! I cant believe that 4 is an average group...... ![]()
![]() Hi guys Im having trouble downloading the PDF for this, actually as well as all the pdfs I have in my download section : ( I dont know whats wrong im using acrobat reader 9 but everytime i try to open a download from paizo it either is corrupted and doesnt show the full txt or the reader stops working. this happens everytime without fail and its starting to get frustrating. ive reinstalled reader a number of times and also tried downloading with firefox and internet explorer and no change. the page comes up with "an error exists on this page.Acrobat may not display the page properly. Please contact the person who created the pdf document to correct the problem" its starting to get really frustrating :( can anyone help? Rich ![]()
![]() Order # Time Placed Items Total
Ref the above orders, they have all been pending for a while, any idea when they will ship or are they waiting for anything in particular? Thanks very much Rich ![]()
![]() Thanks all for your help and advice. once the beta comes out we will probably switch over. I prefer just the classes from the core rulebook as well but some people just *have* to be different. Weve discussed it and he may when we swap just convert to a fighter/mage or fighter sorcerer. and yeah after this campaign finishes (or I get bored whichever comes first) I dont think ill be running the realms anymore which is a shame after about 15 years but I wont be touching that 4th edition campaign setting. If I do run anything else in the Realms it will be my version of the realms set around 2e/3e timeline. guys you have all been a great help many thanks Rich ![]()
![]() Hi guys. Looking for some guidance really. Im currently dming a 3.5 forgotten realms campaign set in Waterdeep. A few other players and myself have been lured to the darkside by pathfinder and as such have talked about converting to the pathfinder alpha then beta rules mid campaign. what im looking for is advice from people who have either done this or are planning it and what their ideas are and problems if any they have encountered. the most obvious ones I can see is the PCS themselves. now for most PCs this isnt going to be a problem, however one player has a duskblade...what are the suggestions to converting a character that isnt in the PRPG or should I just leave him as is? Feats etc should be easy enough as well as skills the other thing is characters are fractionally more powerful using pathfinder rules. not game breaking certainly but how do other people adjust monsters/creatures appropriately so that they are still a challenge. thats all I can think of at the moment. Bear in mind that as of yet we havent tried out the pathfinder rules in a game so if there are other issues that people have found please let me know and also if there are absolutely no problems then id like to know too. My group will be using pathfinder for any forthcoming games but this is the only ne were trying to convert. Im seeing if it is feasable or whether id be better off finishing this campaign before changing. Ta Rich ![]()
![]() Vic Wertz wrote:
Yeah I saw the post on another thread sayin you didnt after i wrote that...sorry! ah well fingers crossed that you got enough for me and my gaming group : ) ![]()
![]() Vic Wertz wrote: Josh is setting the product list now, but we expect to have all of the stuff that you'd be likely to expect us to have. And no, you can't preorder for convention pickup—our store just doesn't work that way. Sorry! doh just asked that in another thread! ah well ill just have to hope all the goodies are still there friday morning! ta Rich |