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Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Sovereign Court

I'm an organiser on the West Midlands Roleplaying and Gaming Group on - I live in Staffordshire.

I DM a weekly Pathfinder game. Our group has just recently finished Crypt of the Everflame and we're now moving on to Masks of the Living God.

Sovereign Court

Thank you both! That explains it perfectly.

Sovereign Court

Help would be greatly appreciated.

I'm trying to create a Dwarven Expert lvl 4.

In PF rulebook it says 'The expert can choose any 10 skills to be class skills.'

Skill Ranks per Level: 6 + Int modifier.

So let's say his intelligence is 12 so its a +1 modifier.

Does this mean 7 skill points per level - so 28 ranks in total?

Does putting ONE rank in one of the '10 class skills' give a +3 modifier every time up to a hitdice of D8?

So 8 ranks would make a modifier of +24 ? This seems wrong and overpowered.

Can someone explain to me where I'm going wrong with this, please.

Sovereign Court

Thanks for your input, guys. I'm presuming you'd also have to allow time to commune with BOTH companion and familiar during rest periods too? May prove another issue for this multiclass.

Sovereign Court

I'm planning on running through Mask of the Living God and City of Golden Death.

If the PC were to use a bat familiar, I presume he would have to give up his wolf companion?

Sovereign Court

I have a PC wanting to multiclass his lvl 1 druid to a witch.

I'm trying to provide the background fluff as a hook for him to allow to multiclass. In the current game I'm running, I'm struggling to think of how to do this. I'm running Crypt of the Everflame and party is just about to descend to the next floor.

I think the only way I can do allow this is through doing something with the character's druid's companion (wolf).

I don't know much about witches, but I understand they use their familiar to as a conduit to gain spells from some other source.

I'm struggling to think of a hook I can provide my player. Any help would be much appreciated.