New martial arts styles. Has anyone made their own?

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I know the martial arts style feats in UC cover most but I'm sure that Pathfinders diverse and creative fans have come up with their own.

So lets see them, fully statted out, a general idea or just a seed of an idea, let's have them all.

I'll put some up once I've cleaned them up a bit.

Any progress on your homebrew styles yet?

I had an idea for an anti-magic tree of style feats based on the backstory of the monk class in my homebrew setting. Monks got their start from the teachings of a group who hated arcane magic and helped in the destruction of a continent-wide magocracy. While using the style, monks would gain increases resistance to arcane magic (whether through SR or a bonus to saves, I hadn't decided), the ability to sunder magical effects, and reflect spells back at their caster.

T-Rex and Triceratops style!!!!!!

I have mused over this idea. The only thing I can think of that I really want to make might be more suited to being an archetype: a temple of monks that are devoted to the prophet Hyperion, gaining powers from the Knowledge cleric domain in exchange for other powers.

I've made a series of feats for my homebrew campaign called fighting stances. Stances are activated and maintained as a swift or move action (depending). They alter the way someone fights, but the real meat comes from how they improve based on what feats you take. For instance, Side Swing Technique (based on iajutsu) gives you a bonus attack of opportunity that triggers when you are attacked. If you also have the cleave feat then you may attack two adjacent foes when the AoO triggers.

I'm not on my home computer, so I can't post them just yet.

Shane LeRose wrote:

I've made a series of feats for my homebrew campaign called fighting stances. Stances are activated and maintained as a swift or move action (depending). They alter the way someone fights, but the real meat comes from how they improve based on what feats you take. For instance, Side Swing Technique (based on iajutsu) gives you a bonus attack of opportunity that triggers when you are attacked. If you also have the cleave feat then you may attack two adjacent foes when the AoO triggers.

I'm not on my home computer, so I can't post them just yet.

Sounds more like it's based on juijutsu or aikijutsu than iajutsu.

Turin the Mad wrote:
Shane LeRose wrote:

I've made a series of feats for my homebrew campaign called fighting stances. Stances are activated and maintained as a swift or move action (depending). They alter the way someone fights, but the real meat comes from how they improve based on what feats you take. For instance, Side Swing Technique (based on iajutsu) gives you a bonus attack of opportunity that triggers when you are attacked. If you also have the cleave feat then you may attack two adjacent foes when the AoO triggers.

I'm not on my home computer, so I can't post them just yet.

Sounds more like it's based on juijutsu or aikijutsu than iajutsu.

Let me rephrase that, based loosely on iajutsu. I was looking for a fighting style that used sword draw, but could also be used after the first round o combat. That way the triggering attack didn't need to be an over powering, end the fight kind of attack.

I will now have to look up the two styles you listed. I'm more mechanically than historically minded. So I look for how things fit into the game as opposed to how things are and just wedging them in (3.5 iajutsu, I'm looking at you!)

Shane LeRose wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:
Shane LeRose wrote:

I've made a series of feats for my homebrew campaign called fighting stances. Stances are activated and maintained as a swift or move action (depending). They alter the way someone fights, but the real meat comes from how they improve based on what feats you take. For instance, Side Swing Technique (based on iajutsu) gives you a bonus attack of opportunity that triggers when you are attacked. If you also have the cleave feat then you may attack two adjacent foes when the AoO triggers.

I'm not on my home computer, so I can't post them just yet.

Sounds more like it's based on juijutsu or aikijutsu than iajutsu.

Let me rephrase that, based loosely on iajutsu. I was looking for a fighting style that used sword draw, but could also be used after the first round o combat. That way the triggering attack didn't need to be an over powering, end the fight kind of attack.

I will now have to look up the two styles you listed. I'm more mechanically than historically minded. So I look for how things fit into the game as opposed to how things are and just wedging them in (3.5 iajutsu, I'm looking at you!)

Bunches of martial arts goodness here in the graveyard.

I had an idea for three schools that worked well together. Orca, raven, and sabe. These are from west coast american aboriginal archetypes. Sabe is all about truth, raven tricks, and orca is cooperation and strategy.

Real orcas adapt to their prey very well, for example they vomit up some fish and lay in wait to catch birds that feed on the floating mess. They also stun great whites by flipping them from the side so they pass out from being upside down. They also have been known to drown other whales by lying on their blowholes at the right moment.

Sabe is better known as saskwatch, powerful and stealthy, but honest, holding others to stand and be true.

Raven can impersonate other animal cals and often tells other hunter species that take down prey where the prey is hiding, so it gets a share of the kill.

Each of the schools could be adequately used on their own but in combination could be really cool. Sabe with a stealthy entering step , a way of staying right behind an opponant delivering a paralysis strike,
Raven could focus on armour opening, armour removal, tricking the opponant into exposing their soft underbelly.
Orca could deliver a knockout spin, suffocating diaphragm hit, a heavy drive into any exposed weakness, and cover a huge distance for a momentary but mighty shoulder.

Image three coordinated monks going after a giant or a traditional knight.

I played around with a Wolf Style centered around boosting critical range and effect, but I think it ended up a little OP so I scrapped it.

I made a few for my homebrew. Will link later.

A while back, when I was running a Greyhawk campaign in 3.5 Ed., I had a PC monk who was establishing a monastery in the Free City. He wanted to make his different from the base class and offer specialty "kits." So we worked on four orders of monks in the school:

1) Order of the Cat; based on the movement, grace and attack routines of felines. Strengths were stealth, acrobatics and quick, powerful attacks. Weakness was hardiness.

2) Order of the Tree; based on the protection and vitality of the great oak. Strengths were ki manipulation and ability in natural surroundings. Weakness was social interaction.

3) Order of the Open Palm; this is a hard style with focus on striking and brutal attack routines. Strengths were offensive and damage dealing. Weakness was defense.

4) Order of the Pool; based on the serenity and healing aspect of a spring-fed pond. Strengths were healing and defensive routines. Weakness was offense.

I designed them as 10 level prestige classes, but if a monk of the school wished to be well rounded, I created a 5th class called Master of the Yun Tao(doesn't mean anything, but sounds cool)Temple. The prerequisites called for the monk to gain one master ability from each of the 4 orders.

I have the styles written up (for 3.5 Ed.), but will post them if people are interested.

-Strange Doc

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We did a number of real life martial arts styles as style feats in Heroes of the East.

Here was the thread we had for it: LINK.

@ Little Red Goblin,
I have that book and it's frikkin' incredible.

@ Strange Doc,
I would love to see those styles, this would be the place to put them, too.

OK, here are the 4 orders of the Yon Tao Temple (just looked at the old file, remembered how it was spelled).


Remember, this is in 3.5 Ed., so a little conversion is needed. Also, some feats and abilities were taken from other sources, but those are noted. If you have questions, please reply to my post.


-Strange Doc

PS. If you have problems with the balance and/or power level of these classes, just change them. Not a lot of playtesting went into them.

Edit: Oh, and one of the orders was the Order of the Stone Hand, not Order of the Open Palm (bad memory:).

@ Strange Doc: I'll check them out when I get home, I'll post some generic feats I did for unarmed combat, too.

I didn't make a new style i made an archetype that replaces almost everything from the core monk. here is the link. This monk style is based upon the dimensional agility line of feats and become more aware of their surrounding.

I could use some input.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Here's a simple iajitsu Style:
The Cutting Wind

Pre-Req: Weapon Focus in a slashing blade that can be used both one and two handed (scimitar, longsword, bastard sword, or variant thereof), Quick Draw. You may hold nothing in your hands but a weapon while using this style.

East Wind Rising: Draw and Strike: When you draw your blade while adjacent to an enemy and hit him with the same motion as part of a standard action, you automatically do maximum base weapon damage. YOu may use a Feint as part of this attack. This attack cannot be parried and does not trigger AoO's.
You may sheathe your weapon as part of a move action. Critical hits are rolled normally.

South Wind Burns: Strike with Power: When performing a Vital Strike, you add your Weapon Specialization, Power Attack and Weapon Training bonuses to the additional die rolls.
You may sheathe your blade as a free action at the end of your turn.

West Wind Running: Move and Strike: You may use a Vital Strike as part of a charge, spring attack or Whirlwind Attack. If you take your Vital Strike as a full attack action, you gain +2 to your AC, +1/Vital Strike feat you have.

North Wind Fury: You may divide your Vital Strike damage die among as many attacks as you have dice, and you may roll and crit with each of these attacks if they are at different targets. Once a turn, you may Draw and Strike as an AoO.
You may sheathe your weapon as a free action at the end of any attack you make with it.

I actually have a full 20 level archetype drawn up around the use of Vital Strike and Iajitsu intertwined.


RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

I'd also like to point out that just about any feat chain qualifies as a Martial Art.

Mobility, Spring Attack, WHirlwind Attack is pretty much a classic martial art 'feet of fury' style combo.

Power Attack, Improved Sunder, Improved Power Attack is a crushing attack feat chain.

etc etc. If you really want to make 'school styles', you can simply call feat chains 'school techniques' and play up the martial aspect of them.


This is the monk Archetye i was talking about its called the Dimensional Monk.

At 3rd level the Dimensional Monk adds Dimensional Touch, this ability allows him/her to make melee attacks using their Wisdom to hit and damage instead of Strength. This extra damage is not multiplied when using 2 handed weapons. This bonus is also added to CMB and CMD instead of strength. This ability replaces both maneuver training, still mind.

At 4th they lose slow fall.

At 4th level the monks unarmed damage increases by +1 enhancement as if his fists were enchanted as a magic weapon, this damage increases by an additional +1 at 8, 12, 16 and 20 for a maximum for +5 at 20th level. This damage increases does not stack with magic weapon enhancements, unless they are not enhancement bonus's to damage. A Dimensional Monk can get monk wraps enchanted with non enhancement to damage with out the need of the wraps being at least +1. The monk can to achieve this can impart a +1 enhancement to the wraps to make this possible, but he loses this +1 for the length of time needed to enchant the wraps. This ability replaces Ki pool( Magic), Ki Pool (Lawful), and Ki Pool (adamantine), but the Dimensional Monk sill keeps his ki pool points and other powers.

At 5th level the monk replaces Purity of body with Dimensional body this gives the monk a +4 bonus to saves verses poisons and diseases. This includes supernatural and magical.

At 6th they get abundant step. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + Wisdom and 1 additional time at 10, 15 and 20 levels.

At 7th level the Dimensional Monk adds maneuver training . He also replaces Wholeness of body with Dimensional healing, this ability makes healing on the monk only heal 3/4 of the healing he normally would from spells, but any healing in access of his maximum gets added at temporary hit points and will last till he rests or takes damage in access of this total. he can have a number of temporary hp equal to 2 times his levels.

At level 8th you replace slow fall 40ft with Dimensional Movement 1(as Dimensional Agility) - After using abundant step or casting dimension door, you can take any actions you still have remaining on your turn. You also gain a +4 bonus on Concentration checks when casting teleportation spells. They also get Dimensional Displacement which if they move more then 20ft in a single round they gain concealment for 1 round. The types of movement that activate this are walking, flying, swimming, and teleporting.

At 10th level you replace slow fall 50ft with Dimensional Movement 2(as Dimensional Assault) - As a full-round action, you use abundant step or cast dimension door as a special charge. Doing so allows you to teleport up to double your current speed (up to the maximum distance allowed by the spell or ability) and to make the attack normally allowed on a charge.

At 10th level the Dimensional monk in addition to Dimensional Movement 2 he gains uncanny dodge.

At 11th level the dimensional monk replaces Diamond body with Improved Dimensional body, this gives the monk a +4 bonus to saves on sleep and paralysis

At 12th level you replace slow fall 60ft with Dimensional Movement 3(as Dimensional Dervish) - You can take a full-attack action, activating abundant step or casting dimension door as a swift action. If your do, you can teleport up to twice your speed (up to the maximum distance allowed by the spell or ability), dividing this teleportation into increments you use before your first attack, between each attack, and after your last attack. You must teleport at least 5 feet each time you teleport. A monk can use additional points from his ki pool to increase his speed before determining the total speed for this teleportation.

At 14th level you replace Bonus feet and slow fall 70ft with Dimensional Movement 4(as Dimensional Maneuvers) - While using the Dimensional Movement 3, you gain a +4 bonus on combat maneuver checks to bull rush, disarm, reposition, or trip an opponent.

At 15th level the Dimensional monk replaces Quivering palm with Dimensional vibrations, this ability allows the monk to vibrate his hand so fast that he is able to pass through armor, natural armor and shields, the critical range for his unarmed attacks becomes 17-20, and he automatically confirms any critical roles. This allows the monk to make a touch attack 1 time per day and 1 additional time per day at 20th level.

At 16th level you replace slow fall 80ft with Dimensional Movement 5(as Dimensional Savant) - While using the Dimensional Movement 4, you provide flanking from all squares you attack from. Flanking starts from the moment you make an attack until the start of your next turn. You can effectively flank with yourself and with multiple allies when using this feat.

At 17th level Dimensional monk replaces Timeless body, tongue of the sun and moon with Dimensional Time, this acts as timeless body expect that the monk triples the age for each age category.

At 18th level remove Slow fall 90ft

At 19th level the Dimensional Monk replaces Empty boy with dimensional shift this acts as Etherealness but when you gain this ability you pick which plane you want to go to, ones picked it can't be changed. This ability lasts for 1 minute and uses 3 points from his hi pool.

At 20th level you replace Perfect self with Perpetual awareness - Because of your ability to move around the battle field you gain +2 dexterity, +2 wisdom, not able to be flanked except by a rogue of 4 levels higher Improved Dimensional Concealment, same as dimensional concealment, but it is now 50%.

At 20th level you replace Slow fall any distance with I'm not sure of the name yet, but you gain the ability to as an intimidate action when you start to fall you can send a 2 points from your Ki pool to teleport to the ground from any distance as long as you can see where you want to teleport.

Bonus Feat: At 1st, 2nd, 6th, 10th, and 18th level you gain a bonus feat. These feats must be taken from the following list Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Dragon Style, Elemental Fist, and Improved Trip. At 6th level the following Dragon Ferocity, Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Grapple, and Mobility. At 10th level, the following feats are added to the list: Crushing Blow, Dragon Roar, and Snatch Arrows.


What am I saying - the link to my homebrew is in my profile! Click and then look for monk.

Silver Crusade

A style I made for my Archetypes Document, here in an updated version:

Kunmudo Style : Practitioners of the kunmudo style are renowned for their graceful blending of dance footsteps and flowing blades. This style is often used by renowned swordsmen or geishas in times of peace as both martial and artistic training.

Kunmudo Dance

With graceful balance between your body and your weapon, you can dodge attacks at the last second.

Prerequisites: Perform (Dance) 3 ranks, Dex 15.
Benefits: You gain a +2 bonus on Perform (Dance) checks. While using the Kunmudo style feat, if you have a free hand and wield a piercing or slashing weapon, you can spend an immediate action to make a Perform (Dance) check when an opponent hits you with a melee or ranged attack. You can use the result of this check as your AC or touch AC against that attack. You must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed. If the AC that results from this check is higher than the opposite attack roll, the attack misses instead.

Kunmudo Strike

Your flowing moves always find the weaknesses to strike true.

Prerequisites: Kunmudo Dance, Perform (Dance) 5 ranks, Dex 17.
Benefits: You gain a +2 bonus to your CMD against disarm attacks, attempts to sunder your wielded weapons, and to saving throws against effects that damage or cause you to lose your grip on your weapons (such as grease). While using the Kunmudo Dance feat, whenever you score a critical threat, you can use your ranks in the Perform (Dance) skill instead of your BAB to confirm the critical hit. You still suffer penalties and receive bonuses as normal for an attack roll (-5 per iterative attack, +4 with the Critical Focus feat, etc). If the critical hit is confirmed in this fashion, you gain a precision bonus to the damage roll equal to your Charisma modifier - this bonus is not multiplied by the critical hit.

Kunmudo Equilibrium

You are swift and agile as a scarf in the wind, parrying attacks like if you were playing a well-known choreography.

Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, Kunmudo Dance, Kunmudo Strike, Perform (Dance) 9 ranks, Dex 19.
Benefits: You gain a +2 bonus to Acrobatics rolls. While using the Kunmudo Dance feat, deflecting an attack with a Perform (Dance) check is made as an attack of opportunity whenever you are hit instead of an immediate action, allowing you as much attempts to deflect attacks as you have attacks of opportunity for the round; though you take a cumulative -2 penalty during your round to each Perform (Dance) check after the first made to parry an attack.

@ Maxximilius: Didn't you have a capoera style with kunmundo style? I think I used it for one of the villains in my campaign.

Silver Crusade

I indeed had one, but I found out that:
- the whole capoeira fighting style was already done by Paizo with one of the original Style feats from Ultimate Combat,
- capoeira was too similar to Crane Style (which was also more efficient),
- and capoeira was far too much abusable when used in conjunction with crane style.

I have the bad habitude to experiment a lot and dump/modify previous work when I get to review it with a fresh and more experimented eye.
Did it work for your game's villain ? I love reading feedback from gamers using my contributions. :)

I found a copy from before erasing. For people interested in it, here it is an updated version that should correct the past imbalances:

Capoeira Style : Artists of the capoeira style fight and dance with their legs, which they use to evade attacks and deliver devastating kicks. Rudiments of capoeira are often unknowingly learnt by carrier slaves, as it is one of the few martial arts that can be practiced at full efficiency even with cuffed hands.

Capoeira Leg (Combat, Style)

You are adept at fighting only with your feet, standing on a single leg as the other flies against your foes.

Prerequisite: Acrobatics 3 ranks, Improved Unarmed Strike, Perform (Dance) 3 ranks, Weapon Finesse.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to CMD against trip attempts, combat maneuvers that forcibly move you, and on Acrobatics checks and saving throws to avoid being knocked prone. By using your bare foot, you are treated as always having a free hand for the purposes of feats or class abilities. This foot cannot provide additional attacks, wield items or cast spells, but may catch items on the ground, hold an item or be used to grapple a foe your size or smaller. If using your foot in this fashion, you may only move at half you normal base speed.

Capoeira Ginga (Combat, Style)

Always in movement to avoid obstacles and attacks, your agile kicks can swiftly bring down your opponents.

Prerequisite: Acrobatics 5 ranks, Capoeira Leg, Improved Unarmed Strike, Perform (Dance) 5 ranks, Weapon Finesse.
Benefit: When using the Capoeira Leg style feat and fighting defensively, you may choose one of the following benefits before performing an attack roll. This benefit lasts until the beginning of your next round: you receive a +3 dodge bonus to AC; or you may use your Dexterity instead of your Strength modifier to damage for your unarmed strikes. This dexterity modifier to damage is reduced as normal for off-hand attacks.
In addition, you may ignore up to 5 feet of difficult terrain per round for every 5 ranks you possess in the Acrobatics skill. Whenever you score a critical hit with an unarmed strike, you can make a trip attempt against your opponent as an immediate action. If your confirmation roll exceeds your opponent’s CMD, you may knock your opponent prone as per the trip combat maneuver. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Special: If you possess the Crane Style feat, the reduction to the penalty to attack rolls and the Dodge bonus it grants do not stack with the benefits of Capoeira Ginga, even if you possess a class feature to cumulate style feats; though you may now select Crane Style as one of the benefits Capoeira Ginga grants you for one round.

Capoeira Cartwheel (Combat, Style)

Your mastery of momentums allows you to dodge attacks and strike back with large leg crescents.

Prerequisite: Acrobatics 7 ranks, Capoeira Ginga, Capoeira Leg, Improved Unarmed Strike, Perform (Dance) 7 ranks, Weapon Finesse.
Benefit: When using the Capoeira Leg style feat, you may perform a retaliative unarmed attack of opportunity against an enemy who misses you with a melee attack. You must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed; and the enemy must be within your reach unless the failed attack was performed with an unarmed strike or natural attacks. Any such attack of opportunity after the first suffers a cumulative -5 penalty to the attack roll. In addition, when using the Capoeira Ginga feat, you may switch the benefits granted by the feat until the beginning of your next round as an immediate action.
Special: This feat allows you to select the Whirlwind Attack feat without meeting its normal prerequisites.

Interesting thread. Dotting.

I had made a boxer archetype a while back, now I'm wondering if I could work the basis of it (hitting really hard) into a style feat chain. I shall have to mull this over.

Heh, I was going to try and make a trio for Capoeira. Definitely wouldn't want to follow paizo's naming conventions, having the 1st be "Capoeira Style" and the latter two be "Capoeira [word]" just feels strange.

I'll at least go a different route than Maxx....

Capoeira Ginga [Combat, Style]

You utilize a swaying combat dance called the ginga to react quickly to attacks and reposition yourself to better strike the foe.

Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Bluff 3 ranks, Perform (Dance) 3 ranks
Benefit: You gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC on any round you successfully feint in combat, lasting until the start of your next turn. This dodge bonus does not stack with itself. Also, whenever an opponent misses you with a melee attack, you may move as an immediate action to any other space that foe threatens. This movement does not provokes attacks of opportunity and cannot be a greater distance than the Capoeirista's speed. The Capoeirista cannot move through impassable terrain when using this ability, and a successful Acrobatics check is required to move through a space occupied by a foe.

Momentum Kick [Combat]

By feinting an opponent, you provide sufficient distraction to deliver an especially powerful circular kick carrying with it great momentum that a fully aware foe would have easily avoided.

Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Feint, Capoeira Ginga, Bluff 5 ranks, Perform (Dance) 5 ranks
Benefit: Against a foe you have feinted, your next unarmed strike deals double damage. Note that bonus dice damage does not multiply. Also, any penalty to feinting due to the creature's type or intelligence is halved, and you may feint against creatures lacking an intelligence score, but at a -8 penalty (this is not halved).

Unending Dance [Combat]

Your whirling, inscrutable motion allows you to feint even more effectively as well as change directions and keep moving when outside forces attempt to stop you.

Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Feint, Capoeira Ginga, Momentum Kick, Bluff 7 ranks, Perform (Dance) 7 ranks
Benefit: You may feint as a free action once per round (you may still feint as a move or standard action as well). Any attack, spell, or effect that would halt or prevent your movement (such as the grapple combat maneuver, the Stand Still feat or hold person spell) fails to do so unless that creature's BAB or CL (as appropriate) is greater than your ranks in Perform (Dance).

Here is the changed version of the Archetype.

At 1st level the Dimensional Monks gets Dodge. This replaces the Bonus feat.

At 2nd level the Dimensional Monk loses his Bonus Feat.

At 3rd level the Dimensional Monk adds Dimensional Touch, this ability allows him/her to make melee attacks using their Wisdom to hit and damage instead of Strength. This extra damage is not multiplied when using 2 handed weapons. This bonus is also added to CMB and CMD instead of strength. This ability replaces both maneuver training, still mind.

At 4th the Dimensional Monks gets abundant step. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + Wisdom and 1 additional time at 10, 15 and 20 levels. This ability replaces slow fall and ki pool.

At 4th level the Dimensional monk gets the ability the enchant their hands as if they where masterwork weapons, but only needs to have then enchanted once but pays 25% more for the enchantment, and uses up their weapon slot. The Monk needs to have a masterwork item made resembling his fists to have the enchantments placed into, he then needs to smash this item with his fists to gain the enchantments. The monk can get these enchantments enhanced by placing them back into a new masterwork item resembling his fists, but loses all of the effects of the enchantments while waiting for the enchantments to be finished.

At 5th level the monk replaces Purity of body with Dimensional body this gives the monk a +4 bonus to saves verses poisons and diseases. This includes supernatural and magical.

At 6th level the Dimensional Monk gets Weapon Focus. This replaces the Bonus Feat.

At 7th level the Dimensional Monk adds maneuver training . He also replaces Wholeness of body with Dimensional healing, this ability makes healing on the monk only heal 3/4 of the healing he normally would from spells, but any healing in access of his maximum gets added at temporary hit points and will last till he rests or takes damage in access of this total. he can have a number of temporary hp equal to 2 times his levels.

At level 8th the Dimensional monk gets Dimensional Movement 1(as Dimensional Agility) - After using abundant step or casting dimension door, you can take any actions you still have remaining on your turn. You also gain a +4 bonus on Concentration checks when casting teleportation spells. They also get Dimensional Displacement which if they move more then 20ft in a single round they gain concealment for 1 round. The types of movement that activate this are walking, flying, swimming, and teleporting.

At 10th level the Dimensional Monk gets Dimensional Movement 2(as Dimensional Assault) - As a full-round action, you use abundant step or cast dimension door as a special charge. Doing so allows you to teleport up to double your current speed (up to the maximum distance allowed by the spell or ability) and to make the attack normally allowed on a charge.

At 10th level the Dimensional monk in addition to Dimensional Movement 2 he gains uncanny dodge.

At 10th level the Dimensional Monk gets Greater Weapon Focus. This replaces Bonus feat

At 11th level the dimensional monk replaces Diamond body with Improved Dimensional body, this gives the monk a +4 bonus to saves on sleep and paralysis

At 12th level the Dimensional monk gets Dimensional Movement 3(as Dimensional Dervish) - You can take a full-attack action, activating abundant step or casting dimension door as a swift action. If your do, you can teleport up to twice your speed (up to the maximum distance allowed by the spell or ability), dividing this teleportation into increments you use before your first attack, between each attack, and after your last attack. You must teleport at least 5 feet each time you teleport. A monk can use additional use of this abundant step to double his speed as as part of this ability.

At 14th level the Dimensional monk gets Dimensional Movement 4(as Dimensional Maneuvers) - While using the Dimensional Movement 3, you gain a +4 bonus on combat maneuver checks to bull rush, disarm, reposition, or trip an opponent.

At 14th level the Dimensional Monk gets Light Step, this ability replaces Bonus Feat.

At 15th level the Dimensional monk replaces Quivering palm with Dimensional vibrations, this ability allows the monk to vibrate his hand so fast that he is able to pass through armor, natural armor and shields, the critical range for his unarmed attacks becomes 17-20, and he automatically confirms any critical roles. This allows the monk to make a touch attack 1 time per day and 1 additional time per day at 20th level.

At 16th level the Dimensional monk gets Dimensional Movement 5(as Dimensional Savant) - While using the Dimensional Movement 4, you provide flanking from all squares you attack from. Flanking starts from the moment you make an attack until the start of your next turn. You can effectively flank with yourself and with multiple allies when using this feat.

At 17th level Dimensional monk replaces Timeless body, tongue of the sun and moon with Dimensional Time, this acts as timeless body expect that the monk triples the age for each age category, all age penalties already accrued stay in effect.

At 18th level the Dimensional Monk loses his Bonus feat.

At 19th level the Dimensional Monk replaces Empty boy with dimensional shift this acts as Etherealness but when you gain this ability you pick which plane you want to go to, ones picked it can't be changed. This ability lasts for 1 minute.

At 20th level you replace Perfect self with Perpetual awareness - Because of your ability to move around the battle field you gain +2 dexterity, +2 wisdom, Improved Uncanny Dodge and Improved Dimensional Concealment, same as dimensional concealment, but it is now 50%.

At 20th level you replace Slow fall any distance with I'm not sure of the name yet, but you gain the ability to as an intimidate action when you start to fall you can use a single use of his Abundant stet to teleport to the ground, but you must be able to see where you are going or you land in a random spot up to the max distance of Abundant step.

i need to make a change to 1 of the abilities

At 4th level the Dimensional monk gets the ability the enchant their hands as if they where masterwork weapons, but only needs to have then enchanted once as if both hands where 1 weapon, but pays 25% more for the enchantment, and uses up their weapon slot. The Monk needs to have a masterwork item made resembling his fists to have the enchantments placed into, he then needs to smash this item with his fists to gain the enchantments. The monk can get these enchantments enhanced by placing them back into a new masterwork item resembling his fists, but loses all of the effects of the enchantments while waiting for the enchantments to be finished.

This is to be added to the level 4 ability

The Monks ability to place his enchantments back into the the item removes all of his enhancements on his fists. This takes 1 hour to do so and the monk needs to make a fort save at the end of the hour, the dc for this save is 10 + 1 for each point of enchantment on his fists up to +5, each point above +5 add 2 to the dc. If he fails the save he take 1d4 con damage and can not regain this damage back in any way till he gains his enchantments back.(Eg a monk with +5 speed fists needs to make a dc 21 fort save or take 1d4 con damage)

Here is the monk Archetype updated to make it easier to read

Dimensional Monk

Level 1 Dodge:
Gain Dodge as a feat but loses his bonus feat

Level 2 Lose Bonus Feat

Level 3 Dimensional Touch:
This ability allows him/her to make melee attacks using their Wisdom to hit and damage instead of Strength. This extra damage is not multiplied when using 2 handed weapons. This bonus is also added to CMB and CMD instead of strength. This replaces both maneuver training, still mind.

Level 4 Abundant Step:
You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + Wisdom and 1 additional time at 10, 15 and 20 levels. This ability replaces slow fall and ki pool.

Level 4 Dimensional Enchantment:
You get the ability to enchant your hands as if they where masterwork weapons, but only needs to have then enchanted once as if both hands where 1 weapon, but pays 25% more for the enchantment, and uses up their weapon slot. The Monk needs to have a masterwork item made resembling his fists to have the enchantments placed into, he then needs to smash this item with his fists to gain the enchantments. The monk can get these enchantments enhanced by placing them back into a new masterwork item resembling his fists, but loses all of the effects of the enchantments while waiting for the enchantments to be finished.

The Monks ability to place his enchantments back into the the item removes all of his enhancements on his fists. This takes 1 hour to do so and the monk needs to make a fort save at the end of the hour, the dc for this save is 10 + 1 for each point of enchantment on his fists up to +5, each point above +5 add 2 to the dc. If he fails the save he take 1d4 con damage and can not regain this damage back in any way till he gains his enchantments back.(Eg a monk with +5 speed fists needs to make a dc 21 fort save or take 1d4 con damage)

Level 5 Dimensional Body:
This gives the monk a +4 bonus to saves verses poisons and diseases. This includes supernatural and magical. This replaces Purity of Body

Level 5 High Jump:
Changes the use of the ability to use his Abundant Step uses.

Level 6 Weapon Focus:
You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using unarmed strike, but loses the bonus feat gained at this level

Level 7 Maneuver Training:
A monk uses his monk level in place of his base attack bonus when calculating his Combat Maneuver Bonus. Base attack bonuses granted from other classes are unaffected and are added normally.

Level 7 Dimensional healing:
Any healing the monk receives only heals 3/4 of the health he normally would normally receive from spells, but any healing in access of his maximum gets added as temporary hit points and will last till he rests or takes damage in access of this total temporary hit points. He can have a number of temporary hit points equal to 2 times his levels.

Level 8 Dimensional Movement 1:
As Dimensional Agility - After using abundant step you can take any actions you still have remaining on your turn. You also gain a +4 bonus on Concentration checks when casting teleportation spells.

Level 8 Dimensional Displacement:
If they move more then 20ft in a single round they gain 20% concealment for 1 round. The types of movement that activate this are walking, flying, swimming, and teleporting.

Level 10 Dimensional Movement 2:
As Dimensional Assault - As a full-round action, you use abundant step or cast dimension door as a special charge. Doing so allows you to teleport up to double your current speed (up to the maximum distance allowed by the spell or ability) and to make the attack normally allowed on a charge.

Level 10 Uncanny Dodge:
A Dimensional Monk can react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does she lose her Dex bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible. She still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. A Dimensional Monk with this ability can still lose her Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent successfully uses the feint action (see Combat) against her.

Level 10 Light Step:
You can ignore the effects of difficult terrain, as if it were normal terrain.

Level 11 Improved Dimensional body:
The Dimensional Monk gains a +4 bonus to saves on sleep and paralysis checks

Level 12 Dimensional Movement 3:
as Dimensional Dervish - You can take a full-attack action, activating abundant step or casting dimension door as a swift action. If your do, you can teleport up to twice your speed (up to the maximum distance allowed by the spell or ability), dividing this teleportation into increments you use before your first attack, between each attack, and after your last attack. You must teleport at least 5 feet each time you teleport. A monk can use and additional use of this abundant step to double his speed as as part of this ability.

Level 14 Dimensional Movement 4:
As Dimensional Maneuvers - While using the Dimensional Movement 3, you gain a +4 bonus on combat maneuver checks to bull rush, disarm, reposition, or trip an opponent.

Level 14 Greater Weapon Focus:
You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls you make using unarmed strike. This bonus stacks with other bonuses on attack rolls, including those from Weapon Focus. This replaces the bonus feat gained at this level

Level 15 Dimensional Vibrations:
This allows the Monk to vibrate his hand so fast that he is able to pass through armor, natural armor and shields, the critical range for his unarmed attacks becomes 17-20, and he automatically confirms any critical roles. This allows the monk to make a touch attack 1 time per day and 1 additional time per day at 20th level. This replaces Quivering Palm

Level 16 Dimensional Movement 5:
As Dimensional Savant - While using the Dimensional Movement 4, you provide flanking from all squares you attack from. Flanking starts from the moment you make an attack until the start of your next turn. You can effectively flank with yourself and with multiple allies when using this feat.

Level 17 Dimensional Time:
This ability acts as Timeless body expect that the monk triples the age for each age category, all age penalties already accrued stay in effect.

Level 18 Lose Bonus Feat

level 19 Dimensional Shift:
This ability acts as Etherealness but when you gain this ability you pick which plane you want to go to, ones picked it can't be changed. This ability lasts for 1 minute.

Level 20 Perpetual Awareness:
Because of your ability to move around the battle field you gain +2 dexterity, and +2 wisdom.

Level 20 Improved Uncanny Dodge:
The Dimensional Monk can no longer be flanked. This defense denies rogues the ability to use flank attacks to sneak attack the Dimensional Monk. The exception to this defense is that a rogue at least four levels higher than the Dimensional Monk can flank him (and thus sneak attack him).

Level 20 Improved Dimensional Concealment:
If they move more then 20ft in a single round they gain 50% concealment for 1 round. The types of movement that activate this are walking, flying, swimming, and teleporting.

Level 20 Dimensional Fall:
You ain the ability to as an intimidate action when you start to fall you can use a single use of his Abundant step to teleport to the ground, but you must be able to see where you are going or you land in a random spot up to the max distance of Abundant step.

@ Strange Doc
Here are the generic unarmed feats I did, some are modified from other sources

Unarmed Combat (Monk, Combat)
 You strike more effectively when fighting unarmed.
Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all unarmed attack rolls and a +1 bonus to your CMB when unarmed.

Improved Unarmed Combat (Monk, Combat)
 You inflict more damage when fighting unarmed.
Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, Unarmed Combat, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all unarmed damage rolls and a +1 bonus to your CMD when unarmed.

Greater Unarmed Combat (Monk, Combat)
 You know how to hit where it hurts when fighting unarmed.
Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Unarmed Combat, Unarmed Combat, base attack bonus +3.
Benefit: Your threat range for your unarmed attacks is increased by 1. You now threaten a critical hit on a 19-20.
Special: This effect is an extension of your natural threat range.

Superior Unarmed Combat (Monk, Combat)
 You hit harder than normal when fighting unarmed.
Prerequisite: Greater Unarmed Combat, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Unarmed Combat, Unarmed Combat, base attack bonus +5.
Benefit: Your critical multiplier for your unarmed attacks is increased by 1. You now inflict x3 damage on a critical hit.
Special: This effect is an extension of your natural multiplier.

Advanced Unarmed Combat (Monk, Combat)
 You are more effective in combat when fighting unarmed.
Prerequisite: Greater Unarmed Combat, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Unarmed Combat, Superior Unarmed Combat,  Unarmed Combat, base attack bonus +7.
Benefit: You gain a floating +2 bonus that you may apply to your unarmed strikes; either as an attack bonus or a damage bonus. This bonus can be changed from round to round by using a swift action.

Mighty Unarmed Combat (Monk, Combat)
 You really know how to hit where it hurts when fighting unarmed.
Prerequisite: Advanced Unarmed Combat, Greater Unarmed Combat, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Unarmed Combat, Superior Unarmed Combat, Unarmed Combat, base attack bonus +9.
Benefit: Your threat range for your unarmed attacks is increased by 1. You now threaten a critical hit on a 18-20.
Special: This effect is an extension of your natural threat range.

Master Unarmed Combat (Monk)
 You have learned to harness the power inside to deliver powerful unarmed strikes.
Prerequisites: Advanced Unarmed Combat, Greater Unarmed Combat, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Unarmed Combat, Mighty Unarmed Combat, Superior Unarmed Combat, Unarmed Combat, base attack bonus +11.
Benefit: If you successfully strike your opponent with an unarmed strike, you roll you damage dice twice, taking the better result.

Let me know what you think, they didn't unbalance my game more than any new spell would.

I'm going to format it properly, but it'll take a while, I'm in class right now.

Holy smokes! I completely forgot about this thread!


Not at my home 'puter so I'll put my styles up when I get home.

Silat Rimau Style

This style is characterised by an extremely low stance, striking from below the opponents defence.

Prereq: Improved Unarmed Strike, Acrobatics 3, or Monk 3.

Benefit: While is Silat Rimau stance, the practitioner negates the benefit an opponent gains from having higher ground and reduces the penalty to melee attacks and AC while prone or sitting by 2.

Rimau Step

Prereq: Silat Rimau Style, Acrobatics 6 or Monk 5.

Benefit: While in Silat Rimau Style, the practitioner may make a 5 foot step while prone or sitting and stand up without provoking an attack of opportunity. He also negates the penalty to making melee attacks and AC while prone or sitting.

Rimau Leap

Prereq: Silat Rimau Style, Rimau Step, Acrobatics 9 or Monk 8.

Benefit: While in Silat Rimau Style, the practitioner may make a standing leap from a prone or sitting position as though he were standing. If he makes an Unarmed Strike at the end of this leap he gains the benefits as though attacking from higher ground.

Nice, what else you got? These are going to fit nicely in my home game.

Eight Trigram Style

Characterized by smooth coiling, circular movements and open palm strikes in rapid succession.

Prereq: Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Combat Expertise

Benefit: Increase your AC bonus when using Combat Expertise by +1. In addition gain an additional use of Stunning Fist per day.

Walk the Circle

Continuously moving in a circular or spiral pattern, you can quickly reposition yourself to strike at vulnerable points.

Prereq: Eight Trigram Style, Improved Feint.

Benefit: After a successful Feint, you may immediately take a 5 foot step as part of an unarmed attack or Stunning Fist attempt. If you do, ignore the attack penalty from Combat Expertise for that attack.
You must end the movement adjacent to the target of your attack.

64 Palm Strikes

By taking a more offensive pattern, you strike an opponent in an ever increasing chain of rapid open palm strikes.

Prereq: Eight Trigram Style, Walk the Circle, Stunning Fist Adept.

Benefit: While using a full attack action, you gain one additional unarmed strike at your highest attack bonus.
This attack must be against a target that you have successfully used Stunning Fist against in the previous round.
Each subsequent round, gain a further additional unarmed attack against that target, up to a maximum equal to your base number of attacks.
Each round you must make at least one successful Stunning Fist attack against the target of your extra attacks. Failure to do so breaks the chain and you lose any subsequent extra attacks.
You may restart the chain from the beginning by making a successful Stunning Fist attack.

Drunken Monk Style

No one knows whether this style was developed first or whether the Drunken Master monk order grew from its use. Regardless, the monks are the most common practitioners of this style. It's exaggerated erratic weaving movements and ability to strike from unusual angles make this style hard to predict.

Prereq: Improved Unarmed Strike, Dodge, Bluff 3 or Monk 1

Benefit: When using this style you may switch your AC bonus from the Dodge feat to a + 1 Competence bonus to melee attacks or back again as a free action. A switch may only occur once per round but the change lasts until dismissed.
In addition, you gain a +2 to CMD against grapple and trip attacks.

Toast the Road
With hands held as though gripping a glass, you rapidly strike from unexpected poses.

Prereq: Drunken Monk Style, Bluff 5 or Monk 3

Benefit: Choose one opponent who threatens you this round. When switching the bonus from AC to attack, your first melee attack that round is against that opponents flat footed AC. When switching from attack to AC, gain an additional +4 to AC against the first attack that opponent makes against you this round.

Catch the Jar
Arms held out as though carrying a large heavy jar, you stagger forward and back, avoiding your opponent and striking him seemingly by accident.

Prereq: Toast the Road, Bluff 7 or Monk 5

Benefit: You can now switch your Dodge bonus as an immediate action. Additionally, you may instead switch your Drunken Monk Style bonus from CMD to CMB for grapple and trip attacks.

Musabetsu Kakutō Ryū aka Anything Goes Style

Though some consider this style to be 'low', it is very effective and it's practitioners tend to care only about winning rather than their opponents opinions.

Prereq: Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Sense Motive 3

Benefit: Add your Wisdom bonus to the CMD and CMB for the Dirty Trick maneuver.

Exploit Weak Stance

You are quick to take advantage of an opponents distraction.

Prereq: Musabetsu Kakutō Ryū, Sense Motive 6

Benefit: When someone provokes an attack of opportunity from you, you may attempt a Sense Motive check against their CMD. If successful, you perform a Dirty Trick maneuver against them as part of your attack of opportunity.

Turnabout Strike

Knowing the tricks of combat as you do lets you turn them back on your opponents.

Prereq: Exploit Weak Stance, Sense Motive 9

Benefit: When a Dirty Trick maneuver is used against you, immediately make an opposed Sense Motive check against their CMB roll. If successful, you may make a Dirty Trick maneuver against them in retaliation. This occurs immediately after their Dirty Trick maneuver and does not count as an attack of opportunity.

These are really cool, I can make a whole slew of npc's that my players would not know what to do with.
I like the drunken monk style. Combined with the drunken master archetype it would take the concept to the next level.

I'm glad you like them. Unfortunately my players aren't that interested in using martial arts so they don't get much use in my games.

I know I wrote some enemy wielding style feats in little red's tome of tomes.

Silver Crusade

Natan Linggod 327 wrote:

Drunken Monk Style

Pretty cool and nicely balanced, I like the idea of switching between two stances and having wild pikes of efficiency when doing so.

Just a bit on the weak side IMHO. (I would have granted the dodge bonus as a morale bonus to all attack rolls with the base offensive style (competence bonus means it doesn't stack with bardic performance, which badly hurts a class relying on a lot of attacks), along with a defensive option to double it for one round instead. No bonus to CMD as dodge bonuses already apply to your full CMD.
Second style feat would remain the same ; last style feat too, except for the CMD bonus simply being the +2 dodge bonus to AC added to trip and dirty trick maneuvers.
This way it's a fair alternative to Weapon Focus at low levels considering Dodge is already a pretty weak feat tax, and it keeps relevancy at higher levels.)



I was wavering about competence bonuses but decided to err on the side of caution.

As far as I can tell Dodge bonuses don't apply to CMD naturally.

Adding the bonus to trip and dirty trick makes sense to me, so I'll probably add that when/if I use it.

I didn't want to make it too powerful given that the prereqs are so light.

here's mine reposted

Silver Crusade

Natan Linggod 327 wrote:

I was wavering about competence bonuses but decided to err on the side of caution.

As far as I can tell Dodge bonuses don't apply to CMD naturally.

Adding the bonus to trip and dirty trick makes sense to me, so I'll probably add that when/if I use it.

I didn't want to make it too powerful given that the prereqs are so light.

Rulebook :

"Miscellaneous Modifiers

A creature can also add any circumstance, deflection, dodge, insight, luck, morale, profane, and sacred bonuses to AC to its CMD. Any penalties to a creature's AC also apply to its CMD. A flat-footed creature does not add its Dexterity bonus to its CMD."

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I like those Trigram Styles. I was actually thinking of inventing my own line based on the art, of course I was probably going to go for something a bit more.. er... malicious, focusing on damage and debilitating effects.

I know it's not chain, but has anyone made any feats based on the conditioning and training methods martial artists are known to use.

Example: Iron Palm Training is known to condition ones hands so that they feel less pain, are tougher and thus can strike harder without as much fear for self damage.


Iron Palm Training:

Prerequisites: Monk 4

You may treat your unarmed damage as if you were one size category larger. Example: The unarmed damage of a small creature which is normally 1d4, is now treated as 1d6.

Based on what I had said above. Basically conditioning your hands by hitting canvas bags filled with gravel or steel shot every day, making your hands tougher and those training to hit harder.

Iron Shirt Training:

Prerequisites: Monk 5

You gain DR/- equal to one half your monk level rounded down. Minimum 1.

Though, now that I think about it, I believe the hobgoblin monk archetype gets something like this. Opening it up to monks that take the feat may not be bad though. Basically conditioning the body to take blows without it effecting them... to a point.

Practiced Sparring:

Prerequisites: Monk 3

You are considered to have full base attack bonus progression (like the fighter class) instead of the monk base attack bonus progression.

This is just meant to help the monk hit more, basing the feat on training through sparring, thus increasing their accuracy in punching targets that move.

I think I will make my own palm based chain. Something like this. If anyone has any ideas on how best to make them, by all means give it a shot.

Iron Palm: Focused on damage and/or bypassing DR or hardness.

Vibrating Palm: Giving a debilitating effect after a successful strike. Perhaps a round of nausea or if lesser, sickness.

Cosmos Palm: Increase the range in which the last two can be used or give limited healing ability.

Side question: Has anyone thought of a way to do Wing Chun as a style chain? Perhaps stylized after that of Ip Man in the movie Ip Man?

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